MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 810 Unbelievable ranking (on)

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Genius remembers the address of this station for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! It is even harder to upgrade to a hundred places for every one place, and the span is more than one billion.

As the first phase of the competition entered a fever, the battle between the participants increased significantly.

The martial arts acquired by the ghosts of the nine mysterious gods have been unable to meet the needs of the participants.

Killing a demon level monster, it will be more than 100,000 battles.

The price that can be paid is enormous, and most of the contestants do not have that strength, and the number of monsters at this level is small. It is not realistic to rely on hunting alone to get enough combat power at one time.

More than 100,000 wars, almost 300,000 of the current stage have accumulated so much.

Ninety percent of these people are far less powerful than the ones.

Obviously, it is much easier to **** other people's battles than to hunt monsters. It is also faster and less dangerous.

At this stage, every entrant has become extremely dangerous, ranking on the list.

The entrants' enthusiasm has soared and the entrants have fallen sharply.

Those with strong strengths are getting more and more competitive.

The top 100 people are not those who have accumulated more than 1.5 million wars. It is difficult to surpass them.

So when everyone in the immortal shrine looked at Li Daochong's ranking and rose to a hundred.

I feel that he can't go too far and will eventually stop at more than 90.

Even if this is amazing enough, Li Daochong’s potential will once again rise to a new level.

Tianyin made everyone feel like a knife, Li Daochong only raised one of them is playing their face.

Not long ago, they also collectively laughed at the fact that Kunlun Heavy Industry had no eyes and found such a waste.

The sunset is not a station, nor is it an old face.

Although Taiyi Tianjun did not clearly ridicule Kunlun Heavy Industry, as the most direct competitor, he did not want to see Kunlun Heavy Industry's people get a good ranking.

It’s just that it’s counterproductive. This Li Daochong is playing with chicken blood, and the ranking is leaping once.

"Sunset brother, this Li Daochong, have you seen it?" Taiyi Tianjun looked at Li Daochong and asked for it within one hundred.

"I haven't seen it." When the sunset is over, there is still something to talk about at the moment, a look of absent-mindedness.

"My God, how are you still moving?" There was an exclamation from the side.

Li Daochong’s name did not stop at more than 90 as expected.

The value of the combat power behind the name is getting faster and faster, quickly crossing the 1.5 million mark and rolling towards two million.



Seventy, sixty...

More than sixty people still have no signs of stopping.

"Is there a problem with the rankings?" Some people do not believe it is true.


"How can this Li Daochong be so powerful, is it necessary to advance to the top ten? How is this possible?"

Before the rise of Li Daochong's ranking is still within the acceptable range of everyone, after all, he ranked 47th in the Nankang Tianjiao list.

If you carry the magic weapon and some powerful spirit weapons, it is still possible to rush into two hundred.

However, after entering a hundred, it can be greatly improved.

Everyone can't accept it, because the subconscious still thinks that Li Daochong cannot be compared with the real enchanting of the three Tianjiao charts.

The three words of Li Daochong seem so dazzling at the moment, brightening everyone's eyes.



The value of the battle came to 1.9 million.

It should be the limit!

Everyone thinks so in their hearts, even Kunlun’s heavy people feel that it is impossible.

Nalan Xiu Xiu’s eyes passed through the strange colors. At this time, she thought that Li Daochong could not rise to the top.

But the horror of Li Daochong's strength will be so strong.

Although Nalan Xiu said that it was a ferry for the monks, she was only a little talented to rob the monks.

It is not the talent of the sky.

The enchanting positions of the top 20 of the Tianjiao list are enough to match the Nalan show.

The top ten guys, the strength may not be worse than her.

If there is no problem in the rankings, Li Daochong is promoted to 50, which is not to show that the strength of this kid is close to himself.

When this thought was produced, Nalan Xiu’s back was a bit cool.

At this time, Wang Xuemei, who had just sent Shen Dan to Xia Lingxi, just turned and saw Li Daochong’s name into one hundred.

Soon came to fifty.


Wang Xuemei’s legs were soft and he was kneeling in front of Xia Lingxi. The latter’s face was so aggressive that he did not know why the assistant Wang had to be so gifted to himself.

Xiao Shantou’s face was red, and she was old. Wang Xuemei said that she was a teenager and she was also above her.

Although Xia Lingxi said that Li Daochong is such a big backing, but after a young age, the spirit has just awakened, and the talent resources can not be too high, just touched the Golden Dan threshold.

Wang Xuemei is not too high, but in the end is a high-level assistant of a super-repair enterprise like Kunlun Heavy Industry. There is still a Yuan Ying period.

A 30-year-old Yuan Ying female repair, a small girl who has not yet arrived at the 17-year-old Jindan period.

This scene is really hot, and the probability of occurrence is only one in 100 million. Even if the younger generation has a prominent background, it is impossible for a Yuanying monk to bow to her unless she has reached the strength of Yuan Ying.

"Wang assistant, you are..." Xia Lingxi wondered.

Wang Xuemei is going to hoe, she is scared and **** off her legs and can't stand it.

But this is the end of the matter, Wang Xuemei will be wrong, he smiled, said, "Miss Xia, you have been standing for a long time in the past few days, your legs must stand hurt, I will help you."

Said Wang Xuemei was knocking on the legs of Xialingxi.

Xia Lingxi had no choice but to look at the falling cherry yarn next to it, but the latter was taken for granted.

In the meditation domain, the lower person is the slave of the superior, such as Wang Xuemei, but it is normal.

Li Daochong’s name is more than 50 and he still has no stop.

Everyone who looked at the rankings swallowed a mouthful of mouths, and the horror was not enough to describe their mood at the moment.

Everyone's promotion makes it incredible.

False, must be fake

In the sunset, Tianjun kept screaming, but the name in his eyes did not stop.

Steady to the forty.

"This, this..." Taiyi Tianjun could not speak.

In this ranking, every promotion of a ranking means a leap in the potential of strength.

"Oh my God, Li Daochong almost destroyed the South District of the Sixth Emperor."

A comprehension company CEO quits from the exit of Jiu Xuan Shenjie, as if he saw something terrible.

The boss just happened to see the picture of Li Daochong's final confrontation with An Ge in the Jiu Xuan gods through his observer status.

"Is Li Daochong so powerful?" A monk couldn't help but ask.

The monk asked everyone's voice, everyone was curious to see the boss, waiting for his answer.

The nine mysterious gods are the world created by the spirits, and the hardness is far beyond the outside world. The contestants who enter the Jiu Xuan gods are not the body, but the soul is only the soul, the strength is weaker than the deity.

One to two, the strength in Jiu Xuan God is to be discounted.

In this case, Li Daochong can also destroy an area? It seems too incredible.

"Li Daochong has twenty-five levels of charm." The boss’s heart was full of sorrowful eyes, and his eyes were full of horror. The scene of the explosion just reverberated in his knowledge of the sea.

"Twenty-five level charms?" Some people wondered.

"Yes, Li Daochong used the twenty-five-level spirit to kill the sixth song in the sky." The boss is sure.

"It turned out to be a twenty-five-level charm. I said that Li Daochong is so powerful. Whoever brings this thing can improve so fast." Someone stunned.

When the sunset was over, Tian Jun immediately came to the fore, but the gloomy color on his face did not decrease.

"I said how this Li Daochong would be so powerful. It used to be a battle of foreign objects."

"But how does Li Daochong get the twenty-five level charms? That is a strategic weapon of mass destruction. There are no more than thirty spiritual masters who can produce twenty-five levels of magical characters. Liancheng, there is no tens of billions of high-level Lingshi can not get it, Li Daochong has such financial resources, even if he is backed by Kunlun heavy industry, can not afford it." Some people questioned.

"Don't forget that Jiu Xuan Ling Zun has seen this kid." Someone reminded.

"Right, Jiu Xuan Ling Zun has seen him. Is it the life-saving card of Jiu Xuan Ling Zun to Li Daochong?" Some people boldly guessed.

"It's very possible." Others followed.

For a time, more than half of the monks in the immortal shrine stunned.

Getting such an answer makes them feel a lot more comfortable.

At the same time, most people think this is reasonable.

"If this is the case, then Li Daochong can't wait for a long time in the high position. It is okay to rely on equipment to deal with ordinary Tianjiao. It doesn't work for those enchanting people. Ange's little old man knows that it is a close disciple of Wan Miao Lingzun. OK, but he is mainly talented in terms of spiritual order, not a war repair. In all the enchanting top ten of Tianjiao, Ange can be said to be the weakest The number and quality of the charms, without the charm, Ange is less than half of the combat power, Li Daochong really is a leaking king." Taiyi Tianjun analysis.

On the sunset, Tianjun hated his teeth and bite. Tianyin Sanjie three rice barrels, how can I not learn Li Daochong?

This kid can do it, why can't you do three of your team?

Li Daochong’s ranking is still rising.




Twenty, nineteen, eighteen... fifteen... twelve...

Finally settled in eleven.


The sound of sucking in the cool air is on the stand.

Even if the old guy smashed his head, he would never think that Li Daochong would rise to the eleventh place.

The value of combat work is 2.7 million.

It has doubled from the previous one hundred and one hundred thousand.

The increase exceeded the three major arrogances of the ink mites, the Yueqing River and the Han.

Even knowing that Li Daochong borrowed the super-character aid, it is absolutely unbelievable.

How many such charms are there in this kid, and if there is, it is not impossible to upgrade the rankings.

At this moment, the giant screen that played the game screen suddenly turned, no longer dozens of small screens were stitched together, but the same screen appeared on the entire giant screen.

It was the same period that Li Daochong played against Ange.

The battle process was not long. The two men had come and went. Finally, Li Daochong shot and crushed.

"Hey?" The sorcerer of the sorcerer is a strange face.

‘Is Li Daochong not a **** teacher? How can I use such a powerful cold magic? ’

The sorcerer is a little bit aggressive.

The old man always thought that Li Daochong would not be too strong in melee. He did not expect it to be so powerful and greatly exceeded expectations.

Nalan Xiu's brows were slightly wrinkled, and Li Daochong used the tricks she seemed to have seen before, and even handed over her hand that year.

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