MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3306 Race success

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There is nothing more exciting than this kind of picture.

No matter how shocking the special effects are, they can't match the reality of this scene.

This is also the first public showdown in the supernatural realm in history.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, fierce fighting broke out.

"A beautiful sword spirit, can the North American team escape it?"

"Did off...Wait...This sword aura is directed at the players behind!"

"It's a risk. Fortunately, the North American Storm team has opened the shield, otherwise the North American Storm team will be downsizing."

The battle on the court is in full swing, and the commentary outside the court is full of excitement.

The first battle lasted more than ten minutes, almost full of energy.

However, neither side seemed to want to reduce staff in the first round, and the magic of both sides had bottomed out.

Still decided to temporarily suspend the battle, and all of them withdrew from the battle circle and disappeared into the jungle.

"Let's switch the screen to other teams and see what other people are doing now." The off-court commentator continued his work.

At this time, the screen switched to an ugly egg-shaped monster.

This monster has three faces, divided into three egg-shaped faces, and two feet.

"Dot, do you know what this thing is?"

"Please, you two are professionals, okay, although I have done professional knowledge tuition before the game, this is obviously out of my scope."

"Guess it."

"Warcraft?" Dort replied hesitantly.

"No, it's actually an evil spirit named Spirit Eater. Doesn't it seem funny? In fact, it's just their disguise. They will attack the psychic, absorb their magic power, and finally explode. It is very dangerous. Kind of evil spirit."

"If an ordinary person meets it, how do you deal with it?"

"In fact, ordinary people are the easiest to defeat it. If a psychic fights with it, 80% of the magical power of the magic attack will be absorbed by it, and less than 20% of those that can actually cause damage to it can produce an effect. But ordinary people don’t have magical powers, so ordinary people can feel confident and boldly fight against them. As you can see, its melee combat is very weak, and an adult can basically blow it up."

"Then the psychic also dismembers and fights with it, can't it be enough? The body of the psychic is strengthened?"

"When you are close, it will also absorb the opponent's magical power, so the psychic should not contact it, unless you are an enhanced type and can blow it up with one punch."

"Why is it arranged here?"

"It is a kind of environmental trap. The two teams should not only guard against each other, but also guard against traps hidden in the dark."


Chen Zhao is with Steven at the moment, in a box.

"How about the data?"

"The number of North American viewers in the first ten minutes was 50 million, and it has now grown to 80 million," Steven said.

"It's less than half of the Super Bowl record."

"This is only the first game of the regular season. Do you know what this concept is? The NFL league's regular season opener does not exceed the peak value of 30 million. You know just now, there are already more than 20 brands of various types. Asked me about the naming fees. All of them are first-line or super-first-line brands, ranging from sports brands to fashion."

Steven said excitedly, and at the same time turned his eyes back to the court: "But the first game...can we win?"

According to the calculation of the host, the North American Storm team's winning rate is only 40%.

Steven is still a little worried about the outcome of the game.

No matter who it is, I hope the first game will have a good sign.

"Seven percent." Chen Zhao said.

In fact, he cheated.

Because Chen Zhao also hopes to win the first game.

However, what Chen Zhao did was very concealed, that is, he moved his hands and feet on Bai Yingchanshiro's body.

Under certain specific circumstances, Shiro Hakuei will suddenly explode with extraordinary strength.

It can be said that the opening match of the Super League has been successful.

However, the North American Storm team is their two teams, so they naturally need to be responsible for the performance of the Storm team.

The team cannot win forever, otherwise the fun of the game will be lost.

But it is also necessary to ensure a certain winning rate, only in this way can it attract the audience as much as possible.

You come and go in the live game, and the audience is excited.

"The data from Dongying and Huaxia have also been sent back. Dongying Dongdu TV has a ratings of 9% and a market share of 45%." Steven said: "China has 4.45% and a market share of 26%."

The audience rating is a count of the number of all TV sets, and the market share is a count of the number of TV sets that are turned on.

In other words, 45% of every 100 people watching TV in Dongying are watching the game.

On the Huaxia side, 26% of TV viewers are watching the game.

"How about the viewership in Europe?"

"Still counting."

Judging from the news returned by several major markets.

The event has been quite successful.

This is a global league.

The first game finally ended after two and a half disappearing time.

In the end, the North American Storm team ended in a terrible victory. In the end, the North American Storm team had one remaining member, and the East Fuji team was defeated.

The peak viewership in North America exceeded 110 million.

Now everyone is eagerly waiting for the second game.

In terms of business and influence, the event has achieved great success.

The broadcasting rights alone have been auctioned at sky-high prices in various countries.

Steven, as the nominal majority shareholder of the Storm team, of course gave all the staff a huge bonus.

After all, the money he made today may be more than the money he made in the past few decades.

All kinds of authorizations and all kinds of signings made him a lot of money.

Chen Zhao went home and rested for a few days.

Recently, Chen Zhao has been busy training for the Storm team.

After all, as the head coach, Chen Zhao must do many things by himself.

The competition is also fermenting. With the spread of various media and self-media, more people are beginning to pay attention to the competition.

The doll authorization of the main members of the Storm team alone was sold for 200 million US dollars.

As for the players who played in the first game, everyone suddenly turned from a poor household into a multimillionaire because of various advertising endorsements and image authorization.

Especially Bai Ying Hanshiro, he used to be an ascetic monk.

But now, he has a great reputation in Dongying and North America.

The media on Dongying's side did not speak harshly to him because he led the North American Storm team to win the Dongying Fuji team.

Instead, he felt that he was winning glory for the country. Regardless of the outcome of the first game, for Dongying, it was a victory in the civil war.

His net worth also became a billionaire overnight.

Coupled with his outstanding performance in the opening game, he has become a household name in both places.