MTL - Demon King/The Parting of the Orchid and Cang-Chapter 82 Start reading

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A faint aroma drifted into the nose of Oriental Green Cang, his eyelashes moved slightly and his eyes opened.

In the courtyard of the Quartet, pots of vibrant flowers and plants were planted in the courtyard, the most of which was bluegrass. The elder man was holding a kettle at this time and quietly watered one of the pots of bluegrass.

Dongfang Qingcang frowned. He wanted to move, but found that his body could not move at all. He thought that the ice crystals had covered his footsteps, but looking down, the ice crystals around him were completely gone. It was a layer of golden light that bound his actions.

The act of trapping him did not make Dongfang Qingcang unhappy, what made him unhappy was his current behavior.

So leisurely, Dongfang Qingcang said unpleasantly, "Do you still have water in your heart?" The tone involuntarily carried a strange breath that had been hidden in my heart.

Dongfang Qingcang took so much effort to bring this little orchid to this person, not for the other, but to gamble on the possibility that he might be able to save her, but now this guy is not only half anxious, but still able to disperse Watering flowers here?

Watering ... another orchid?

It is good to think that Little Orchid usually mutters her own master. However, when she was about to die, instead of being in a hurry, this person relaxed and raised other orchids. For a time, when the heart was sour, the oriental green was born. With a little anger he couldn't read.

"Fate ..." Dongfang Qingcang just called his name, and the white man who had ignored him for a moment, turned around slightly.

But seeing this face, Dongfang Qingcang was also a little stunned. On the day he came, it was dark and did not see people clearly. Now that the sky is bright and daylight, Dongfang Qingcang is clear. No wonder the little demon is so loyal dedicated……

It turned out that this face was pretty good.

Dongfang Qingcang snorted coldly, disdainful, straight small orchid is shallow. But the deliberately restrained mood contained more weird emotions that he himself could not understand.

He held back, forcing himself to say coldly: "If you don't treat the little demon with all your heart, this seat will call you today ..."

Nagabuchi narrowed his eyes, "How do you treat me?"

"Oh?" Dongfang Qingcang raised his lips, but his blood pupil looked cold: "Dare to fight against this seat? Sing Xingjun is bold." Dongfang Qingcang searched for the breath in his body and knew immediately that he passed out. Today, my body has recovered a lot on my own. Although I can't expel the cold for a while, it's better than before. At this time he still should not forcefully drive his breath, but apparently, he has no intention of cherishing his body.

The flames burned around him, intent on burning the golden enchantment from the inside. The golden enchantment made a cracking sound of "Kaka".

Nagabuchi frowned slightly, and his fingertips moved ...

However, at this moment, the door of the house was opened, and the woman could not bear the anger. "Don't make a noise! ​​It's not messy enough!"

When Nagasaki was in a state of mind, Oriental Qing Cang completely shattered the enchantment.

Nagasaki immediately turned around to protect Si Ming, and whispered, "Si Ming returns to the room, he will harm you."

The fierce Dongfang Qingcang heard the words there, and immediately he stopped looking at the woman, squinting his eyes: "Shi Ming?" The tone was full of disbelief.


... is it a woman?

This little flower demon is so obsessed with relying on the unforgettable master, who is actually ... a woman?

Dongfang Qingcang was a little stunned.

Shi Ming earned it from Changyuan's arms, stared at Dongfang Qingcang for a long time, and looked him up and down for a long time: "Awake?" She didn't tone well, "Wake up and talk to me, my family is fine How did a small orchid become like this, did you do something to her? "She looked like a torture, as if the mother-in-law saw a bully who bullied her daughter," You have to say clearly, I interrupt Your leg!"

Dongfang Qing Cangwu stunned himself for a while, then awakened, and heard Si Ming said, he immediately responded: "But you saved the little flower demon?" He said eagerly and took the first two steps.

Nagabuchi stopped in front of Si Ming, and had a seal of seal in his hand, drawing a barrier to stop him.

Dongfang Qingcang's heart was anxious and angry, and he waved his hand to call out the Flame Long Sword, and a sword went straight to the enchantment of Changyuan. However, the weak Dongfang Qingcang could cut off the enchantment of Changyuan with one sword.

At the time of the stalemate, Shi Ming said, "I didn't save it." Her voice was a bit hidden.

Oriental Qing Cang stunned. The flame-changing long-sword that has been famous since ancient times suddenly broke into the air like Mars, and then disappeared in a mess.

"Just hanging her breath." Si Ming looked at Dongfang Qingcang, and said positively, "So I want you to tell me how she became like this. Knowing the cause of the injury, maybe you can find a remedy. "

The scene was silent for a long time.

"It's me ..." Dongfang Qingcang said, "With the power of her soul, she created a body for another person, so that she was in that body, her soul was flying away. Only the remaining breath was left."

Si Ming heard the words, and for a long time, he pointed at Dongfang Qingcang's nose and said, "Changyuan, give me a shot."

Nagaki turned his head and looked at Si Ming, seeing that her look did not look like a joke, the golden mana at her fingertips popped up and penetrated the golden barrier in front of her, and banged directly on the east blue chest.

Dongfang Qingcang did not resist at all, and allowed Changyuan's mana to hit him, mixed with the coldness in his body, tearing his meridians all over the body, causing severe pain, and his throat rolled with a spit of sweet blood, which was suppressed by him .

Seeing that Dongfang Qingcang really did not hide, he was hit by this life, and Si Ming and Changyuan were a little bit confused, and they looked at each other. The commander glanced into the room.

On the table, the bone orchid was set aside, and Si Ming replaced the bone orchid with the bluegrass planted in the pot, which became the habitat of the residual soul of the small orchid, allowing the small orchid to settle in the soil. At this time, the blue grass leaves automatically swayed without wind, as if shaking.

Shi Ming closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed her mind. She looked at the pale red eyes in front of the door and filled with the blood-red Oriental Qing Cang and asked, "Well, no matter what kind of thought you are holding now, it is imperative Little Orchid's soul is steady. Come, let's discuss together and see if there is any way to save her. "

Nagabuchi lifted the barrier, but stayed beside Si Ming.

Dongfang Qingcang entered the house, but when he saw the bluegrass in the basin, he stunned slightly: "The bone orchid is a magic weapon and has aura ..."

"There is reiki." Si Ming followed, explaining, "This magic weapon is still rare enough, but it is also a killer thing, of which a lot of sharp killer is not good for Little Orchid." I lifted the pen on the table and drew a picture in the air, and a kettle appeared in her hand. "In this market of ten thousand days, there is nothing dark. Fortunately, it was given by a friend. With this pen in hand, I can Draw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river in this side of the world, and it can create everything. Although the things I have written are less aura, but expensive and pure, this is what she needs most now. "

Dongfang Qingcang is silent.

Shi Ming's desk was covered with a pile of messy paper, which was covered with what she wrote. She rummaged around and grabbed one of them. "I have thought of many ways in the past few days to repair her. Soul, but Little Orchid is hurt too much, I can only protect her breath with her fairy power a little more firmly, so go on, hanging her breath for 128 years is not a problem, but it will always be Can't make up for her soul. "

"The things that can replenish the soul in the world have disappeared almost as far back as ancient times." Si Ming bit his pen and said, "This is the thing that may have survived the resurgence of souls that I have seen in ancient books before, but these things It's been a long time ago, and I don't know if there is any outside world today. "

Dongfang Qingcang took the picture drawn by Si Ming and took a closer look. There are eight things in total. Five of them are known to be false when he is alive, and the other three are disappearing in the world as he watched them. of. Dongfang Qingcang frowned. After thinking for a while, Er'er's eyes brightened: "Why didn't you paint in the ancient grass?"

With this question, he asked the commander, "Is the ancient turfgrass a tonic?"

It turned out that Si Ming didn't know.

Dongfang Qingcang nodded: "Yes, this little flower demon was originally Gorangrass."

The order was even more frightened: "What! Little orchid is originally Gorangrass!"

The room was silent.

Si Ming blinked and looked at the blue grass on the table, muttering in his heart, obediently, this orchid that was really used to feed pigs when he was short of breath had such identity ... but wait ...

"If Little Orchid herself is the Old Quran, she will have the power to repair her soul. You ..."

Dongfang Qingcang's **** eyes only looked at the blue grass and kept silent.

Shi Ming gritted his teeth: "If you find a chance to make Xiao Lanhua wake up, I will tell her never to meet a guy like you again."

Dongfang Qingcang only said, "Upper ancient bluegrass is afraid of anger, now the lower world ..."

Shi Ming turned his head angrily, and hugged the blue grass on the table: "There is no nether, I know there is a place, you and let me, I have a way to save her, Mozun you will leave on your own."

Dongfang Qingcang reached out to stop Si Ming's life, but was slammed away by a golden light before encountering Si Ming's life.

Nagasaki reached out and grabbed Si Ming's waist, and stared back at Dongfang Qing Cang, but Si Ming didn't even look at him. He only said, "Chang Yuan, let's go." As soon as the words fell, the two figures turned into streamers. , Disappeared in the house in a hurry.

Dongfang Qingcang gritted his teeth, and his blood fluttered in his body. His blood color was a victory among his red pupils. He captured the breath left by the two in the air, and then disappeared.

In the chaos circulating, Si Ming and Changyuan seemed to be walking, but the light and shadow around them flowed very fast. Changyuan looked back: "The demon is a little capable in the end, and he can catch up with you even if you are seriously injured. He should be struggling to come to his body, but his face is not obvious. "

Shi Ming hugged Orchid and hummed, "Let him chase him and not pack him. He really thought that our little orchid's family was gone."

Changyuan heard a chuckle and said, "So, who are you from this little orchid, mother-in-law?"

"One day, she will be her mother-in-law for life." Si Mingyi said rightly, "Nagabuchi, do you recognize this daughter!"

Nagabuchi smiled softly and said softly, "You do, I do."

After passing through the seemingly endless chaos, there was finally a little light in front. After a short time, after a dazzling light, an empty land appeared in front of the eyes of the two. Following them, they were a pale eastern Qing Cang.

But seeing the scenery here, the Oriental Qing Cang is a bit stunned. There are basically no other creatures on the vast and boundless land. Occasionally, you can see a few scattered grasses. The shape of those grasses is found in the distant memory. first name……


It is the bluegrass that should have disappeared in this world, but it was so easy to find ...

However, between the gods, Si Ming and Changyuan have gone far, looking at each other, Si Ming is casting spells to separate the breath of the small orchid from the bluegrass.

Her breath is soft, white flowers, just like the little orchids that make people feel. Dongfang Qingcang looked at the white fluffy ball. The chill raging in the body these days, and the pain of struggling, seemed to be calmed down instantly. Just looking at her was like a weird one. The warmth lingered in his heart and melted into his blood.

Why didn't you feel it before ...

Perhaps before, I felt it, but before, there were so many other things he wanted.

The breath of the small orchid was pushed by the order to a dense bush of blue grass that is denser than other sporadic blue grasses. Her breath instantly seemed to find her belonging, and she quickly attached to it, hiding in the fluffy blue grass. It wasn't that it was faintly radiant. Dongfang Qingcang could hardly find his shadow.

Shi Ming and Chang Yuan stood there for a while before they came to the east side of Qing Cang.

Shi Ming glanced at Dongfang Qingcang, "You still stay here?"

"Where is this?" Dongfang Qingcang did not answer the command, but asked, "Why are there ancient geraniums here?"

"The ruins of heaven and the infinite city." Si Ming looked back at the vast land, "These two places are the formations of heaven and earth. As long as they are formations, there must be formations. These are the two places. Zhenyan. There were more bluegrass here before, just ... "Shi Ming glanced at Changyuan," Because of some things, I destroyed the infinite desert city, but also destroyed the bluegrass here a lot, but fortunately, Wan The sky market has not disappeared, it has also been preserved here. "

"The ancient Qulao grass is fragile, and whenever there is a bit of anger around it, it will turn to ashes, so from ancient times to the present, it can only be preserved in this circle, because it is the purest and cleanest here. I always thought so A fragile thing seems to have no other reason than to look cute. It is only known today that it has the power to repair souls. "

Shi Ming looked at Dongfang Qingcang. "It's not the same as what you think. The weakest thing can repair the most difficult wound in the world. This is probably the most powerful and gentle arrangement of the power of heaven and earth. . "

Dongfang Qingcang was silent.

"You leave with us. Your presence here may affect the treatment of small orchids by the ancient quran grass."

Dongfang Qingcang does not move.

Shi Ming stared at him: "Do you still want to hurt Little Orchid?"

Scarlet eyes were a little dim: "I will be far away from her." Dongfang Qing Cang said, "but I will keep her all the time."

Si Ming silent for a moment: "Let's do it." Before stepping out with Changyuan, Si Ming turned his head and asked Dongfang Qingcang, "Master Dezun, tossing a small orchid like this, do you regret it?"

Oriental Qing Cang stunned.

The words of the Akita woman who had previously asked him in the thousand dreams coincided with the words of the commander.

"Are you sorry?"

How did he answer back then? He said he acted and never regretted it. For thousands of years, he has never regretted it, because for Dongfang Qingcang, he has never done anything wrong, and in a world without right and wrong, he has never done anything wrong.

but now……

Dongfang Qingcang lowered his eyes.

Regret it?

Waiting to hear the answer from Dongfang Qingcang, Si Ming left Changyuan with him.

Stepping into the chaos again, Nagasaki asked Si Ming: "Now, how does the mother-in-law plan? I left the lover who hurt her daughter where she could hurt her again."

Shi Ming silent for a moment: "Oriental Green Cang should not hurt the little orchid again."

"Why so determined?"

"Hmm ..." Si Ming thought with his head crooked, "feeling? He seems to be an overbearing child who will not be cherished. He should not have been awake. When he is beaten by reality, he will probably understand something . "

"Then you are now ..."

Shi Ming chuckled: "I didn't see that I was hitting the water dog with pain."

Nagabuchi laughed for a moment, and his voice was slightly serious: "My destiny thought ... Did the demon really move sincerely?"

"Nagabuchi, I am familiar with the eyes of the demon looking at Little Orchid." Si Ming held Changyuan's hand. "Just look at my eyes, you said, are you sincere?"

Nagabuchi bowed his head and kissed Si Mingmei's heart gently: "So, it must be true."

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