MTL - Demon King/The Parting of the Orchid and Cang-Chapter 4 Start reading

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It's almost noon.

Dongfang Qingcang bit his forefinger, used the finger as a pen, and blood as ink, and drew a spell on the square in the tower. Each spell is settled, and the Haotian Tower will be a little darker. By the time the square spells have been drawn, the entire tower has only the orb left above it.

Dongfang Qingcang stands in the center and writes the last big charm.

Little orchid looked at her finger in jail and sighed in pain.

The man in red clothes sat leaning against the cage, and his eyes fell quietly on Dongfang Qingcang: "Have she always acted so silently and decisively?"

Xiao Lanlan still looked at him, and answered angrily, "How do I know! What matters to you!"

The man in red clothes tilted his head and smiled: "She is very much like a woman I know, without any pretense of other women. She is calm, calm, courageous and fearless, as if she knows everything and is more handsome than men ..."

"How long have you known him!"

Obviously, Xiao Lanhua's words were not heard in her ears: "... such a woman is really admirable and enchanting."

But the important thing is, that body is not a woman! Little Orchid is about to support her. The original woman in her body is a fool, cowardly, afraid of death, crying and fragile woman! So ... don't look at her like this again, okay ...

"Hey, the silver-haired man." The man in red turned his head to stare at Xiao Lanhua, and grinned provocatively. "No matter what kind of demon you are, this woman you hold tight to, I'm in control."

Little Orchid turned over the dead fish's eyes, and she asked the sky silently, "Are you sure?"

"Okay," Dongfang Qingcang called. "Come here, stand here."

The man in red patted his **** and walked over: "Everything the beauty says is so concise and straightforward."

Little orchid felt tired for a while.

After waiting, the man in red clothes stood on the amulet. Dongfang Qingcang didn't say anything about grabbing his arm and making a slap on his wrist. The man in red clothing froze, waiting for the blood on his wrist to fall on the spell, and there was a slight breeze in the Haotian Tower that had been windless.

The three men's hair all moved, and the man in red clothes looked at Dongfang Qingcang most suddenly: "This magic array ..."

Dongfang Qingchang smiled and frowned: "Zhou Haotian Tower can do nothing for me. With this force alone, the seal of the Three Realms, I can tear it apart."

The man in red was silent for a while. Little Orchid heard the words of Dongfang Qingcang and was trembling. The ancient artifact was in front of him, but it was a small thing that can be said to be bombed by setting up a magic circle ... She suddenly felt that there is nothing in the world that can restrain the Eastern Qingcang, even if there is no such body. He was still frighteningly arbitrary.

The man in red clothes seemed to have some scruples about Dongfang Qingcang. He stared at him silently and said nothing.

In time, the sky outside the Haotian Tower flowed, and the shadows of the Quartet were suddenly tilted slightly towards the wall opposite the little orchid. As the Oriental Qing Cang said, the flaws of the Haotian Tower appeared.

The man in red was still staring at Dongfang Qingcang, and Dongfang Qingcang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Want not to go out?"

As if awakened by this sentence, the man in red clothing blinked, his hands condensed. A red flame hit the opposite wall, but when he heard a "bang", Haotian Tower trembled fiercely, and Xiao Lanhua's feet slipped. She quickly grabbed the cage in front of her, waited to stabilize her body, and looked up. It was surprising to find that on the square, the spell drawn by Dongfang Qingcang showed the blood. As the tremor of the Haotian Tower became more intense, the blood color became brighter, almost staining the tower. .

The man in red clothes turned his head and looked very horrified. He closed his hands and looked at Dongfang Qingcang: "This is the magic array!"

Dongfang Qingcang grinned slightly, showing his teeth slightly, looking treacherous and vicious: "Why did you find it? Red scales."

Redscale was shocked: "Why do you know me ... who are you!"

In words, the orb at the top of Haotian Tower seemed to be difficult to support, making a crunching sound of breaking and shaking. Then, the entire tower sank, and Xiao Lanlan saw the railings in front of her bend as much as possible.

Dongfang Qingcang didn't answer Redscale's question, but only urged, "Give this tower another shot." It seemed to be very impatient here.

At this time, Chi Lin was still willing to listen to the words of Dongfang Qingcang, and immediately stepped back, stood outside the spell, and intended not to go out and not be at the mercy of Dongfang Qingcang. Dongfang Qingcang's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he heard a cry from the other side: "Big devil big devil! Help!"

When Chi Lin heard the words, she continued to be shocked: "You are a demon in the realm!"

Dongfang Qingcang didn't answer his words, only turned his head to look at the small orchid, only to find that the steel fence of the square cage was bent as much as possible, and the fallen wood squeezed the small orchid into a corner, almost squeezing her Already.

"Rescue, save me!" She should have been scared enough to stop talking.

Dongfang Qingcang gritted his teeth, and seemed to hate iron but not steel: "Haotian Tower's righteousness has leaked. It should have a little strength without mana. You can't push these waste materials!"

When he shouted, Little Lanhua remembered that she was using the body of the demon, even if she had no strength, but she was still immortal, and Haotian Tower would not be able to crush her now. Little orchid stabilized her mind and reached out against the sinking huge solid wood. When she tried hard, she suddenly found that her nails could easily dig out a deep hole in the piece of wood in front of her. Little Orchid boldly pointed forward five times, dug hard, and the wood that had been squeezed in front of her was cut into several moments.

This is a pillar in the artifact.

Little Orchid was still sighing, the Haotian Tower sank again, and the black iron fence outside was squeezed to jail. Little Orchid saw a dark shadow flying over her and stuck it in her chest. on.

Then, the thick black arm made a bend in her chest.

He even knocked the black iron ...

Mozun's body is even more impressive than the ancient artifact! Before waiting for the little orchid to feel more, suddenly there was a loud noise, the orb at the top of the tower collapsed, and the tremor in the Haotian tower kept trembling. Little Orchid was not afraid of anything now. She stood with her chest in the dust, and watched Haotian Tower fall apart.

Outside is the celestial atmosphere that Xiao Lanlan is familiar with. She can't help but raise a smile. The celestial sunshine feels so good on her face.

However, when the dust settled, Little Orchid suddenly thought about a very important question.

Now out of Haotian Tower, the big devil has to get his body back. Thinking about what they were doing in the tower, what she said to the big devil, Little Orchid suddenly realized that she might be dead soon.

There was a noise in the rubble. The big devil crawled out of it. The gray body was embarrassed.

I want to come too, how useless her body is, she knows herself, and it is a great skill to climb out of this collapsed tower well. Dongfang Qingcang turned his head and met the little orchid with four eyes: "Cut a hair and cry and stop crying, why haven't you seen me protect you?"

Little orchid swallowed.

At the right time, a red shadow burst out from the ruins, fled into the sky instantly, and disappeared. Dongfang Qingchang smiled coldly in the direction he was going away. "Run fast." He was not in a hurry to chase, patted the gray on his body, and then walked towards Little Orchid. Come on. "

Little orchid swallowed again: "There is something ..."


"The body changed back ... don't kill me."

Dongfang Qing was silent for a while, then laughed again, as evil as ever: "Okay, I won't kill you."

But the word "lying" on his face was so obvious that little orchid could see it at a glance. Little Orchid wanted to cry, "That's not going to change! Let's just do it! Don't change it forever!"

Dongfang Qingcang snorted: "This can't help you."

He reached out and grabbed the small orchid. Little Lan Lan was scared in her heart, so he would let him catch it, and then stepped back. Dongfang Qingcang frowned: "Stop me."

Xiao Lanhua looked at him sternly: "The master said that the people of the Demons swear that it is useful. Failure to fulfill the vows will be punished. You swear, you swear that you will not kill me, and I will obediently change your body.

Dongfang Qing sneered coldly: "Did your master tell you that the people of the Demon Clan swore to the demon?"

Little Orchid's face turned white, this ... this master really didn't say. Then it ’s over, nothing can restrain Dongfang Qingcang ’s behavior, let him swear to himself, use it!

Seeing that Xiao Lanlan was already scared, her eyes stared at the boss, and she was sullen and weeping. Dongfang Qingcang looked at his face with such an expression, and after a while, he finally defeated, as if rubbing his forehead with a terrible headache: "Well, come here, then I will leave you to die."

Little orchid shook her head like a rattle: "No no no no ... you have to give me a guarantee."

Dongfang Qingcang narrowed his eyes and forced forward: "I said I would not kill you if I didn't kill you."

"Just say who won't! Don't come near me!" Little Orchid stepped back and forth, but suddenly, she had a thought in her head-she is now the Oriental Qing Cang! Mozun's body is in her hands, she is a strong party, as long as Dongfang Qingcang does not touch her body ...

Before waiting for Little Orchid to finish, Dongfang Qingcang grabbed her hand and pulled him, and Little Orchid saw her face zoom in front of her, and her white teeth ...

Don't let him bite her!

Little orchid made a great effort to make a backward effort, but she was too strong, but when she heard the "card", the oriental green mumbled, and the hand holding the little orchid fell down weakly, but she was directly caught by the little orchid. He dislocated his arm.

Little Orchid was so horrified that she couldn't bear tossing at all, she just waved a slap out of the Dongfang Qing Cang Nian door and said, "Don't come near me asshole!

With a snap, Dongfang Qingcang was blown out, and his body fell on the ruins of Haotian Tower like a kite with a broken line.

Then there was no breath.

Little Orchid slapped the palm, then hugged her chest, crouched on the ground, and trembled in fear: "I still want to see the master, I don't want to die yet."

Shake for a long while, and there was death-like silence all around.

Little orchid opened her eyes and looked into the oblique, her body lying on a dust like an abandoned rag doll. The shawl was exuding, blood was on his face, and his body's limbs twisted in an incredible motion.

Xiao Lanhua swallowed, turned her head to look at her big hand, and suddenly, Wu Wu came over and did what she did.

She ... She seems to have shot herself ...

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