MTL - Demon King/The Parting of the Orchid and Cang-Chapter 28 Start reading

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For the news of Qianyin Mountain, Xiao Lanhua hadn't heard much at Si Ming, let alone inquiring about the world. So she knew nothing about the Lord of Qianyin Mountain who had taken her into the Soul Pot.

However, Xiao Lanhua thinks that he doesn't look like a bad person.

At least better than Dong Qing Qing Cang!

After arriving at Qianyin Mountain, Xiao Lanlan's recognition of herself was even more confirmed.

The master of Qianyin Mountain is gentle and elegant, courteous and polite, raising his hands and throwing himself into his own manner, and he has found a new body for her magically and without any difficulty!

Little Orchid looked in the mirror and touched her fresh and soft face, and couldn't believe the person behind him: "Is this really a clay pinched body?"

Sitting at the table behind Xiao Lanlan, Qian Yinlang Jun slowly drank tea, and said, "Yeah, when I took you to the island yesterday, I was ordered to do it. How? What did you tell me? How similar is your original appearance? "

"Like!" Little orchid squeezed her face, "It's too much! The meat is soft, the bones are hard, and the joints won't be dislocated. If you touch it for a long time, there will be temperature in the skin. The human body is exactly the same. "

Little orchid was so moved that she cried. God knows how she lives these days from Luming Mountain to Linhai City.

After she left Luming Mountain, she had planned to sell a poor **** the road. She took a ride with her team ’s coach. She sold her poorly, and the coach was on, but after sitting in the coach for a while, she felt her tailbone. It crooked off, and after a while sitting, the spine was scattered. She had to get out of the car and walk on her own. The first two days were okay. The more she got into the later days, the more she was struggling and suffering. She even had to take two steps and her knees would break.

She stopped to pick up arms and legs anytime, anywhere along the way, and she was dazed by many mortals.

Now think about it, she is really innocent these days.

"But ..." Xiao Lanhua looked at herself in the mirror for a while, and she was a little confused. She turned and stared at Qian Yinlang Jundao. "My master told me that no one in this world can give others the right to life except the Heaven and Earth Avenue. .The body made of clay is dead, and is not angry. Even if there is a soul in, it should not be able to move. How can your craftsman do this? "

Qianyinlangjun nodded: "Your master is right, but I have another thing in Qianyinshan." Qianyinlangjun took out a small purse from his waist, he opened the purse and shook it out. The brown soil inside the pile slowly began to flatten on the table, and then slowly piled up into the shape of a hill. It was like a living thing, constantly changing.

Little Orchid blinked and looked at the soil. She knew that when the boar demon and Dongfang Qingcang fought, the boar demon sprinkled the soil first, and the pig demon's little sister called it the demon earth.

"This is the soil." Qianyin Langjun said, "It is a strange thing between heaven and earth. Unlike ordinary soil, it has endless power." Qianyin Langjun grabbed the soil and handed it to the small orchid. "The clay clay that pinches your body is ordinary clay clay, but after it is added to the clay, it can carry the soul and make it move like a living person."

Looking at Xiao Lanhua's look of surprise after touching the soil, Qian Yinlang Jun couldn't help laughing, "But magic?"

Little orchid nodded.

"But it ’s still true of your lord. In this world, no one except heaven and earth can create a living body." Qian Yinlang said, "Adding this land to clay can only make you a body. After three days of use, after three days, the anger soil disappeared, the clay body was inactive, and you had to change another body. And because you are made of soil now, do n’t forget that at any time, you ca n’t Touching the water, otherwise, where it touches is bad, but it will rot faster than your previous body. "

Xiao Lanhua heard the words, and stretched out her hand to pour tea to her, she shrank back silently, "Don't you drink water?"

Qian Yinlangjun smiled very gently: "You don't need to drink water now. You don't even need food, but you can eat food and taste the food, but they will only stay in your belly. . "

"Did you eat meat?"

Qian Yinjun laughed: "Of course not long."

"Can I eat something? Although I don't need ..."

"Of course you can." Qianyin Langjun got up and led the little orchid out of the door. "On my island, there may be only one or two of everything else, but the chef is more than one, which one do you want to eat ? "

Xiao Lanhua didn't answer, but just watched Qianyin Langjun for a while, then suddenly said, "My master seems to have said before, that he can be diligent without incident, or be stolen if he doesn't commit trespassing. This land should look very precious. If you want to change your body in three days, you have to use a lot of soil. We have never met each other. You help me wholeheartedly. What do you think of me? "

Little Orchid didn't understand. They met for five days from the day Linhai City met. Now they have sailed for three days on the sea. They arrived at Qianyin Mountain on the island yesterday. During these five days, little orchid was nothing Yes, but this Qianyinlangjun has been helping her unconditionally.

He was so kind to her that it made Little Orchid feel a bit outrageous.

But now, her body is given by this person, what does this person think of her?

Don't ... want her soul to take alchemy?

"Oh ..." Qian Yinlangjun smiled down: "Girl Alan, you and I have reached the Qianyin Mountain, and I'm asking this now, isn't it too late?"

"It's not too late to ask."

Qian Yinlangjun only had a mild smile on his face. He was not annoyed by the little orchid, but just continued to lead the little orchid out. He pointed to the flowerbed with strange flowers on both sides of the road and said, "I have A hobby of collection, I want to have it in my own place, the unique and precious treasure in this world. "

Little Orchid blinked her eyes and asked him, "Am I a unique treasure?"

"Yeah, it's quite precious."

Xiao Lanhua said, "What is my secret treasure?" I haven't asked yet, but I saw a woman hurriedly approaching another woman from the flower bush. She walked to the side of Qian Yinlang Jun, gave a gift to him, and then quietly in Qian Yinlang Jun ear I said a few words.

Qian Yinlang Jun heard the words, looked a little deeper, nodded, and then waved his hand to let the woman leave.

Little orchid wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Several monsters want to break into my Qianyin Mountain."

Little orchid froze: "Monster?"

"Well, don't worry, they've been trapped in Qianyinshan outside."

"Outside Qianyin Mountain ... Are there a mystery?"

"Alan, if you go into the mountain with me, you naturally don't know about this mysterious array." Qianyin Lang said, "I Qianyin Mountain is in a treacherous position between heaven and earth. The mountain appears and disappears on the sea. I ca n’t find it. The person who can enter the Qianyin Mountain is a very destined person. Every time someone enters the mountain, I will treat everyone with such a good destiny. But ten years ago, I entered the Qianyin Mountain. Traitor ... ''

Qian Yinlangjun said as he led Xiao Lanhua to the flower pavilion deep in the courtyard, he asked Xiao Lan Lan to make it, and pushed the cake on the table to her: "First, let me do other things. dish."

Xiaolan took the piece of flower cake honestly and ate it, and the taste of the instant melted opened her eyes. This thing is even more delicious than the cake that Tiandi sent when she asked her husband to ask for a kiss! She took two more bites before asking indistinctly: "Qian Yinshan entered a traitor, and then?"

Qian Yinlang looked at Xiao Lanhua ’s bulging face for pastry, and wanted to pinch her, but felt rude, so he had to tap on the table with his fingers and said, "That is a powerful monster. He After getting the chance to enter my Qianyinshan, I will remember the way of Qianyinshan in the future. After leaving, he assembled a lot of monsters to steal my treasure of Qianyinshan. "

"Really excessive."

"Yeah, some of the secret treasures I collected were taken away by him and those people. I heard that they sold those things in exchange for money." Qian Yinlangjun said, as if he shook his head, "It's a pity Just tell me, I'll just give them. "

"Don't be sad, they won't end well if they **** something." Little Orchid wrapped the flower cake Road, "So you're going to get lost?"

"After being robbed, I didn't plan to distribute it. After all, the mystery will also prevent people in Qianyinshan from getting in and out, but the most terrible thing in the world is the greed of people." Qianyinlang said, "Theft and robbery once, but they are not Satisfied, I still want to come one after another. Therefore, I took advantage of the treasures, and settled here, into a bewildered array and the bottom of the sea. After that, those who were not invited were trapped and killed here. "

In the last four words, Qian Yinlangjun's voice was cold and slightly murderous, and Xiao Lanlan heard a cold heart. She looked up at him, but Qianyinlangjun still smiled mildly, his expression remained unchanged.

Is it ... an illusion?

"It's a pity that my stolen treasures, no matter how I have searched the world for years, are always incomplete."

Little orchid swallowed the flower cake and looked around: "But you already have a lot of treasures here." She pointed to the incense burner on the table. "This hourly 12 o'clock stove is measurable in the yard over there. The yin and yang stones are the same. On the way I just came, I also saw water in the pond ... but it's best to make less of that thing, and when you put it on your eyes, you will see a lot of unclean things ... "

Qian Yinlangjun heard the words of Little Orchid, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his expression seemed a little stunned: "Do you all know?"

Little orchid nodded: "Well, I know a little, but you have too many weird things here, I can't see it all, but ..."

Qianyin Langjun'er grabbed Xiao Lanhua's hand, his eyes burned: "You follow me." The excitement between words was like picking up treasure. He pulled the little orchid out of the flower pavilion, but before taking two steps, a dark shadow stopped in front of Qianyin Langjun.

"Lang Jun, no."

Xiao Lanhua heard this voice. When Qianyin Langjun was about to take her back to Qianyin Mountain when she was in Linhai City, the voice was stopped beside her. She only saw one shadow at the time, and now ... it was also a shadow.

The man wrapped his whole body with black cloth so that even the facial features could not be seen.

Qian Yinlangjun avoided him and took the small orchid to continue walking: "Anyway, this little fairy is pure in nature."

"Lang ..."

What else would the man say next? Little Orchid could not hear.

In the end, the little orchid didn't eat anything, and was taken to a room by Qianyinlangjun little orchid. Qianyinlangjun took a look at a place on the bookshelf, the bookshelf turned away, and a hidden door appeared in front of him.

Xiao Lanhua quickly covered her eyes: "I don't look, I don't look, my master said, seeing the secret person dies quickly."

Qian Yinlang Jun laughed: "I protect you, I promise not to let you die." He said this naturally, hearing the little orchid for a moment, it was at this time of God, Qian Yinlang Jun held the little orchid again Hand, "Come, I will take you."

He led the little orchid down the ground for a while, there was darkness inside, only the lantern that Qianyin Langjun ordered was the only light, there were many branches in the passage below, and the little orchid began to remember to turn left and right, At the end, his head was completely dizzy, and only Qian Yinlangjun was allowed to lead the way.

Qian Yinlang thought carefully. After walking for a while, he turned his head and asked Xiao Lanhua: "Are you afraid? Afraid of darkness, you can hold my arm."

Xiao Lanhua didn't hug herself, but she was very touched by the care and thought of Qian Yinlangjun.

At the end of the road, Qianyin Langjun opened a door where the pearls and jewels were scattered and bright.

Little Lan Lan's eyes were illuminated, and she opened her mouth for a long time, only spit out one: "wow ...".

Like the treasures of the mountain, it is even more elegant than the bright light of the Tiangong Temple. Little orchids knew something, but even her master told her that there is no such thing in this world. Xiao Lanlan looked at Qian Yinlangjun in shock: "You ... how did you get these things?"

Qian Yinlang Jun smiled: "So I like to collect." He walked in. "I don't know most of the things inside, but Xu was born with instincts. Treasures have their own treasures." Breath, when I was traveling in the human world, I saw these things and took them back. "He looked back at Xiao Lanhua." If you know someone, can you help me identify it? I'll let you cook for you every day. "

Little orchid's eyes were shiny.

So on this day, Qianyin Langjun gave Xiao Lanhua a pen and a book, so that she would record everything she saw and knew, the role of the name, and the origin. At the beginning Qianyin Langjun was still in an excited state, his gaze kept following the treasure, and he was happy for a long time when he recognized one.

And the more Lan Xiao wrote to the back, Qian Yin Langjun's gaze stopped looking at the treasure, so he just stared at Xiao Lan, then pouting and laughing.

Just in time, Xiao Lanlan took a bead and looked in her hand for a long time, thinking hard in her head: "This bead looks so familiar, what's its name ..."

Qian Yinlangjun chuckled: "You think here first, I'll get you something delicious." Xiao Lanhua bit her pen and nodded, not knowing if he heard him. Qianyin Langjun only smiled and drowned, and brought out the lantern, leaving the little orchid alone to ponder and meditate in this pile of treasures.

On the stone gate, Heiyingren appeared in front of Qianyin Langjun again: "Lang Jun, how can you leave her there?"

Qian Yinlangjun's face was warmly smiled by the light of the lantern: "Treasures should naturally be placed with treasures, there is nothing wrong with it." He said, "This girl is in the hands of others, but a pity." He took a step Leave.

Heiying looked at Shimen for a while, then the figure disappeared into the darkness.

Xiao Lanhua was still shaking her head in the treasures to think of the name. She held the pen and stood up while muttering, "What is it ..." She walked to the wall, leaned her head against the wall, "Hey, I saw so much Everything looks confused ... "

Suddenly, Xiao Lanlan felt the masonry behind her head move back a bit.

She hadn't felt anything strange for a while, and when she heard the sound of a "card" at her feet, Xiao Lanlan loosened her pen tip: "Done ..." The word "grave" had passed before a burst of weightlessness. Come.

Little Lan Lan just felt a twirling turn until her buttocks hurt, and she knew that she had fallen to the ground, and at this time, she finally knew what the bead in her hand was called-luminous beads. It ’s just that ordinary luminous beads are the size of a thumb. This one is as big as a fist. No wonder she held it for a long time and felt familiar but could not think of the name ...

Little Orchid stood up touching her butt, holding a photo on the head of Luminous Bead, and found that it was a dark cave | the top of her head was a sealed rock wall, and there was no trace of the path she fell down. "What is this ..."

The luminous beads shook to the side, and a faint blue-green light suddenly reflected a human face. The small orchid blinked for a moment, and then drew three breaths in horror, throwing the luminous beads back and holding back and forth: Ghost! "

Little orchid shook her face for a long time, but there was no movement. She separated her fingers and looked over there.

Under the dim light of the luminous beads, there was a person standing silently, and her eyes were looking up and down. It was still the black robe, or the long hair, and the face was unchanged.

"Big ... big devil!" Exclaimed Xiao Lanhua.

Dongfang Qing hummed coldly, grinned grinfully, and insidious and disgusting: "It's you, little flower demon."

Little Orchid pointed at him: "You you you ... why are you here?"

"I should ask you this." Dongfang Qingcang said, "Why are you still alive?"

He did know that there was a physical problem! Little orchid bit her teeth and creaked, "It's you who keeps talking about you!"

Preview of next episode:

Author Nine: "Let's go hand in hand to break the magic circle!"

Little orchid: "..."

Dongfang Qingcang: "..."

Author Nine: "In the face of great calamities, we must jointly defend our enemies. You two will fight first. What is it like to die?"

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