MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 146 fishing

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On the night of staying in the resort, Shijin was forced to enjoy the mountain spring pool. The next day he took it for granted. Lian Jun was not in the room. He sat up and found that his waist was not so sour. He remembered that half of the night last night, it seemed that someone was pressing his waist and raised his hand and grabbed his hair.

"Not a dream, Lianjun only slept for a few hours..." He groaned, a little dissatisfied.

Although Lian Jun has basically recovered, there is no need to stay and nurse as much as before, but it should not be too much, and the basic sleep time must be guaranteed. Don't think that he didn't know that the ring he gave to Lianjun looked like he had already removed the red line, but in fact he just removed the big half line outside the finger, the line on the inside is still, even thickened. layer.

In other words, Lian Jun is actually not fat at all.

You must raise the body of Lianjun! Bed sports are also individual strengths. If you do more, how can you do it?

I think a lot, I want to worry more and more, I can't help but take out my mobile phone and search for various kidney foods.

Little death is a little desperate, reminding: "Go in, don't let the baby see your mobile search record..." will be a big deal.

Time is inexplicable: "How can you see my mobile search history, he respects me and never tampers with my personal belongings."

Xiaoyan thought about it, and Lianjun did not rush to move things in, so he put his heart back in his stomach.


That night, there was a soup in front of Lianjun that was obviously used to tonify the kidneys.

Little death: "..." It is still too early.

Lian Jun took a look at the soup, and looked at it with a straight look. The eyes were bright and surprising. He asked, "You...I don't think I can?" For any man, seeing the lover on the side A soup is placed in front of you, and the mood is not expected to be wonderful.

Time Jin was asked a glimpse, then quickly shook his head and explained: "No, I didn't think you can't do it, you... cough, you are very good, I am afraid that you are physically weak, then what is too much affects the body! You Seeing that you are not sleeping well, I want to raise you fat."

Lian Jun looked at him deeply and asked: "Do you think that with the frequency of our once a week, I will be physically weak?"

When I entered, I saw that his expression was not good. He continued to explain: "I don't mean this, you misunderstood, I just worried..."

"Eat." Lianjun suddenly picked up the spoon and stirred the soup in front of him. He said, "I heard that this type of soup, in addition to supplementing the body, will have a side effect."

When I entered, I suddenly felt that my neck was a little cold.

"You can drink more." Lian Jun also helped him to put a bowl of soup in front of him, and gently touched his face. "I will not waste your good intentions."

Time advance: "..."


On the third day of the arrival of the villa, the time went up again. After he was awake, he leaned on the bed and deeply reflected. He said, "How can I forget that the soup is not only tonifying the kidney, but also aphrodisiac... I still prefer gentle and serious Lianjun." Wild version too Terrible, he can't stand it.

The small death committee reminded: "Going in, baby has basically recovered, you ... you may not have to be so nervous, baby is trying to get rid of the inherent shackles of the patient, you ... you help him. ”

When I heard the words, I touched the waist that I had been carefully pressed by Lian Jun last night. I looked at the Lianjun to help him sort out the clothes that he could wear directly on the bedside table. The care for him was finally reflected.

Lianjun has already started a new stage of life, and he is still treating Lianjun with his former eyes. He is worried about the problem of Lianjun’s body when he is a little bit tempted. His mentality is, to a certain extent, a Discrimination of patients... Will Lennon feel very hurt and helpless?

He suddenly remembered that after he finished last night, he held up the sleepy hand and held the hand of Lianjun to help him massage, urging Lianjun to go to bed quickly, Lianjun whispered the phrase "I want to take care of you", lift The hand rubbed his face and simply lay back on the bed.

No, he has to keep up with the pace of Lianjun.

He rolled around the bed, touched the phone, and sent a text message to Lian Jun.

After only one minute, Lianjun pushed the door and came in. He asked in anxiously: "How come I texted suddenly, is it uncomfortable?"

The time of sight fell on the legs that he had no problem even if he walked quickly. After two seconds, he moved up and fell on his face, which was thin but ruddy, reaching out to him and saying: "Yes. I feel uncomfortable, three times. Every time I finish the morning of the next day, you leave me alone in the room. I can understand that you have a job to deal with, but I still feel uncomfortable."

Lian Jun glanced, then frowned, went forward to the bed, took the hand he reached, and said: "Sorry, I am not thinking about it."

"Would you like to sleep with me next time?"

Lian Jun touched his hair, and his mouth was slightly hooked. He said: "Okay."


On the seventh day of living in the villa, when I was sitting in the pond and fishing, I saw the cockroaches carrying luggage to find the good guys to leave.

"What are you going to do?" Ask when you pick up the shaded hat.

Yu Jiu came over and looked at his empty bucket with no results. He reached out to him and said, "Let me borrow the phone."

When I was in doubt, I took out my mobile phone and handed it over.

卦 按 按 他 他 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按I, I went, you are fishing slowly."

When he watched him leave, he glanced at the fishing forum on his mobile phone and frowned. "I have just sat down for a long time, but I can't catch it." Then he frowned and never froze again. open.

An hour later, Jiuji took out the luggage and went to the side again when he stood up. This time, he added two big fat fish into the bucket.

"I am going to meet with the Eight Diagrams Ten, Meng Qingxue is smart, and I want to dig our big clients. I have to help the eight and ten to collect information." Yu Jiu said, suddenly reached out and touched the time. Head, "When I am back, let's fish together."

"Okay." When he looked back at him, he smiled brightly at him and waved his hand. "Go early and go back early, all the way."

Nine-nine also smiled and said: "Come on, goodbye."

When Nine is gone, the head is not back.

When he picked up the pick, he caught a fish that was about to be hooked.

"You can't do this." I don't know when it appeared behind him, biting an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and disgusted. "On your bad technique, you can only catch you just enough." The weight of eating less, we are a few subordinates, when can you eat the fish you fished."

When he entered the water, he rolled his eyes: "You have to eat yourself."

Both of them were quiet, and the cicadas and the birds were swept over the water by the wind, and the leaves and blades of grass swayed, and they were bustling and lonely.

"Yujiu is the most innocent of the backgrounds in ours, and it is best to return to the right path." Yu Er suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone was a bit lonely. "He replaced the previous generation of Jiujiu with everyone, only a few years ago. I haven’t touched people’s lives in my hands, and I haven’t really been involved in any harmful business. I’ve been hiding behind the scenes. Many organizations don’t even know how to destroy the genius of the code-named 卦 ,, actually have a baby face.”

When he entered, he picked up the fish and did not speak.

"I guess that Jun is the first to let him go." He took out the lighter, rubbed it and opened it. He tried to ignite the smoke. When the flame approached, his hand slowly relaxed. "When you are busy with the work, you will not have the existence of the Nine. The code will become history, and the people it is bound to are finally free."

"Thinking about him?"

He smiled and didn't speak.

"Do you know his real name?"

卦 又 又 又 又 又 又 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 按 “ “ “ “ “ 按 “ “ “ Don't contact people you know before, go far, go far and break the connection with the past, it is the real security."

When I entered this time, I didn’t pick up the fish. I said, “It’s okay. When he finishes coming back and fishing with me, I will ask him his real name again.”

Qi Erming did not ignite the smoke, but it seemed to be the same as the smoke. After the squatting, the lower half of the face coughed and shook the earth. After a while, he turned his head and looked at the back of the time. He asked: " Fishing? He said he wants to come back and fish with you?"

"How, can't you?"

The second expression changed and changed. Finally, it became a gnashing tooth. The evil voice said: "Yes, why not? The computer is smashed!"

When he let go of his words, he left. When he did not look back, he picked up the fish and stunned another fish that came back.

Let's go.

He pressed the hat on his head and looked blank.

In this bucket, only leaving these two fish is enough.


Half a month later, Wumen successfully robbed two big customers from the hands of the annihilation. Later, when negotiating with the customer, he found the reason for the arsenal built under the smuggling, and went to Zhang Zhuoyuan to sue it. , ask the official to destroy the card.

Privately building an arsenal, even if it is a legitimate violent organization, it is absolutely not allowed to do so. On the surface, Zhang Zhuoyuan immediately paid attention to it, posing a taboo and thoroughly examining it. In private, he called Lian Jun.

"He wants to provoke our relationship, to separate the annihilation from the official binding relationship, and to deal with me alone." Lian Jun analyzed Meng Qing's intentions and sneered. "I didn't expect him to really shake my customers." ...... Rest assured, the establishment of the arsenal of this kind of thing is absolutely not done, the resources of the destruction are secretly purchased from special channels. In this part, I will communicate with Liu Shaozhi separately. You can continue to avoid jealousy and alienation on the bright side. We can't always be tied up."

In the face of his simplicity and frankness, Zhang Zhuoyuan was happy and worried. He organized the language for a long time, but still did not know what to say. In the end, he only said: "Lian Jun, I hope that the cooperation between us is not deceptive. ""

Lian Jun replied: "I also hope that Director Zhang, I can guarantee that I have not deceived, can you?" Then I hung up the phone directly.

When I saw it, I immediately dropped the tablet and leaned over. I smiled and asked: "Today, I sent two wild ducks over the kitchen. I made a roast duck. Do you want to eat it?"

Lian Jun warmed his eyebrows and got up and leaned toward him.


A few days later, the official really sent people to go to the high-profile business, and Meng Qing took advantage of the customers who had gone from the smashing of the smashing, smashing the whole business chain and several resource transportation lines. It gave a big blow to destroying most of the business in the MZ division.

Meng Qing’s heart sighed and finally dispersed a little. He took the initiative to call Lushan and said: “Thanks to the information you provided, we can tear the true face of Lianjun to the official and give it a Slamming, everyone is an ally, and there will be such a 'harvest' in the future, but there is much more to do with it."

Lushan also sighed in a rare tone and said: "This time, most of them are supported by resources on your side. I only provide a little bit of information to know about it. Nothing. Meng Qing, I was some time ago. It’s not good to talk, don’t be surprised, I was anxious at the time, and you know that my temper is stinking. Now everyone can put up with happiness and cooperate well, and my heart is finally practical.”

"Don't blame, I was blindly some time ago." Meng Qing liked to be so held by her, so she gave her a face, a little self-examination, and then the words turned, said, "That Bentleys are returning from the business of destroying that..."

"I don't want to be here, the tarantula needs to focus on the country now, and there is no energy to manage foreign affairs. You are the main force this time. I think you can take it all." Lushan gave up and said, "Yes, this time. If you are bitten, you will definitely fight back. You have to remember to be careful recently."

Meng Qing was very satisfied with her interest. After talking with her, she hang up the phone after thinking a few words. After thinking about it, she turned to Qi Yun and made a phone call. She opened the door and said, "She gave up the interest."

"It really is her style of work, not strong, but not big profits, the Lord seeks stability." Qi Yun thought, asked, "What is Lao Meng, Yuan Peng?"

Meng Qing heard a bit of a sinking look and replied: "I don't know what he is doing. Zhang Zhuoyuan moved his loan shark business some time ago. After that, he has nothing to say."

Qi Yun heard the wrong words in his tone and asked, "What happened?"

"Last time... When Lushan called me, I asked if I wanted to move in. I was Yuan Pengyi. The relationship between them didn't seem very good." Meng Qing said, a little suspicious, "Yuan Peng I did ask about the progress of my investigation and said that I can help... Do you say that Yuan Peng is calculating?"

Qi Yun heard his words and frowned, but his mouth was calmly confessed: "Yuan Peng should just want to please you. After the incident in G Province, Lu Shan did not move the snake teeth, but she always had grievances against the snake teeth. Yuan Peng should know no. Law has a good relationship with her, and I want to draw the most powerful you."

Meng Qing loved to listen to this. His voice stabilized and he said with satisfaction: "If this is the case, then I am not good at losing him. After all, we are already in the league... So, the business on the MZ side is given to the snake tooth. ,what do you think?"

"You decide, those who are your loot." Qi Yun is also very simple, not to divide the cake.

Meng Qing became more satisfied, hung up the phone, and gave Yuan Peng a phone call with a superior status of alms.


At the resort, Lianjun listened to the information report about the snake tooth suddenly inserted into the MZ business, satisfied with the lips, and told: "Prepare to fight back."

A week later, the business of destroying MZ, with the strong presence of Snake teeth, completely collapsed. The business network was recycled, and then a strong counterattack began.

First, the goods at the ports of MZ and the warehouses in several nearby areas were damaged and directly attacked. After that, an old resource line of Wumen was robbed, followed by snake teeth, which was just established in MZ. Before I started to pick up the first wave of business, I lost all the customers overnight—the customers who were taken away by the midday gate, the missing disappearances, the accidental deaths of accidental deaths, and one could not be contacted.

In less than a month, the business of major organizations in the MZ region has completely turned into a pot of porridge, and no one has taken advantage of it. At the end of the day, except for the tarantula and Chiba, which did not take the lead, several other organizations were all hit hard.

"Leng Jun is a madman!" Meng Qingcai did not take long to change his mood, and said with anger, "He actually killed the customer, what he wants to do, does not want everyone to be better!"

In the four-party video call, Lushan, who occupies the upper left corner of the screen, also looked dissatisfied and said: "What use is it for you now? Isn't this normal? If the extinction is targeted, Lianjun must have discovered the four alliances. Well, we have the advantage, it means to destroy the disadvantages, of course, he is not good for himself, and will not make us feel bad. Look, this is not finished. I have not reminded you before, be careful to fight back ""

"You are less eloquent here! Lushan, I don't think you are really allied. This time the information is provided by you, but you don't contribute yourself." Meng Qing said that this suddenly stopped, then the eye band Seeing Lushan with suicide and suspicion, he said, "Lushan, you won't be a double-faced person."

Lushan squinted and looked at him with a smile. "What do you say? Double-faced people? Meng Qing, is the information that you took the initiative to find me, forced me to pay, and you are guarding me, no. Let me shoot, I want to take advantage of it alone. I see that everyone is a member of the alliance, and nothing has been broken. As a result, you are now saying this to me?"

Qi Yun frowned and opened the round field: "Be calm, don't guilty."

"This is not something that can be solved calmly!" Lushan patted the table and stood up, smashed the camera, looked at Meng Qing coldly, and taunted, "Meng Qing, I have long wanted to tell you straightforwardly, you are at this age." The bigger the suspicion, the more he can't afford to lose, the more you win the prince? You said that I am a double-faced person, I doubt you are! I have long reminded you that Lianjun will fight back? You don’t Even if you are careful, you can still pull the snake teeth that have not been stable recently. Even the basics of reminding and protecting customers can't be done. Let MZ become a mess directly. You really deserve to lose. Lianjun! I am fed up with your distrust and self-sufficiency. I am the only one. I am withdrawing. You can play it yourself! After you have finished playing, don’t forget to continue to clean up the tarantula!” Exited the video conference directly.

The atmosphere is dead silence, Yuan Peng glances at Meng Qing, whose expression is angry and distorted, and Qi Yun, who does not know what he is thinking, and thinks about what Lushan had said before and the loss suffered by Snake. Looking at Meng Qing with a temper, he said: "The snake tooth has affected the foundation because of the loss of MZ. I may not be able to participate in the activities of the alliance recently, and then contact." He also withdrew from the meeting.

Meng Qing is about to lose his mind, and he dare not set a channel: "Yuan Peng, the waste that took advantage of it, actually dared to tell me, I-"

"How are you?" Qi Yun interrupted his words and raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. "Old Meng, they are allies, not your subordinates. If you look down on them, you should not show them. Continue to do so. Everyone has to finish. The situation is there, and now is not the time to fight."

Meng Qing calmed his face and did not speak.

"I am very glad that you are not willing to listen to me, you should think about it." Qi Yun also withdrew from the meeting.

Meng Qing looked at the three dialogue windows in the dark, slammed the desk hard and reached out to cover the computer.


After exiting the video conference, Lu Shan immediately called Lian Jun.

"The first wave of the alliance began," she said, her tone with fear. "Meng Qing's guy is really a bit sharp, Qi Yun's eyes are always very infiltrating, I almost performed."

Lian Jun said: "It's hard for you, take a break, don't ignore them three times, Meng Qing will take the initiative to look down on you."

Lushan responded and asked, "How are you over there?"

"It has only just begun." Lian Jun looked at the list and information on his hand, and took out the representative of the Nine-Nine from the inside. "You have to step by step, no hurry."

"There is a need to call me." Lu Shan stunned.

Lian Jun calmed down and said, then hung up.


After the MZ was in a mess, the counterattack of the extinction did not stop. It began to extend from the MZ and slowly expanded to several other large areas, blocking and robbing the business of the Noon and Snake.

Meng Qing did not think that Lianjun’s revenge would be so heavy. After a long time of coping with it, he finally couldn’t help but contact Qi Yun.

"Go and persuade everyone to come back." Qi Yun's attitude is not as bad as he imagined, but it is very gentle. "Leng Jun wants to play big, just your family, definitely play."

Meng Qing also knows this truth, and the unwillingness of biting his teeth is down.


The summer vacation ended unconsciously, the weather turned cold, and everyone no longer had to stay in the mountains to escape the heat, but everyone did not want to move from the mountains - here is the site of the wolf spider, who would not think of the leader of the dead will live Here, it is more suitable for temporary bases than clubs and nursing homes.

When September came, the university started school, and before going to school, I couldn’t help but ask the news of the next nine.

Lian Jun helped him to rationalize his clothes and replied: "He is in the X zone of the main power zone of Snake."

Hesitated for a moment, or said: "When he left... remember to inform me."

Lian Jun opened his unconscious wrinkled eyebrows and nodded.

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