MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 78 Hunting

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The thieves found blood in the front and on and off, which was unexpected by Qin Lun and others. The blood trails continued to follow the stream and extended to the dark hole upstream of the river.

The dark hole is flat and wide, and the height is less than two meters. The rock layer is almost covered with black pressure on the top of Qin Lun and others, making everyone feel extremely depressed. The width is very wide, except for the width of more than six meters taken up by the stream, leaving a few meters of pebble beach on both sides.

Qin Lun stepped on the cobblestones of the big and small while observing the stream at the foot. This small underground river has clear water, no visible fish, no soil at the bottom of the river, but a layer of fine gravel, dotted with pebbles on the edge of the river.

The low damp environment of the dark hole makes people extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, this dark hole is not too long. After about a few hundred meters, the front is convenient and spacious. The rock formation above their head has a big jump here. From less than two meters high, directly jump to hundreds of meters.

The orange-yellow light of the two nightlights of Tyre spreads in front, illuminating a large space. High and low rock groups appear in front of everyone, they are now in a higher position, and the front looks like a huge rocky beach.

"The blood here has begun to increase, but the direction has entered the rocky beach." The thief in front of the news came. He paused and hesitated. "The feeling given to me is not very good. It may be inside the rocky beach." It will be dangerous."

"The monkey's "perception is very high. Since he said that the rocky beach would be dangerous, then it must be correct." Weiss thought for a while and suggested, "Our, we are still waiting here for the dwarf exploration team behind." Well, the location is already deep, and Gilliam should not drive us out."

"No, we enter the dark area ahead of time. It is an excuse to rescue the trapped dwarf. If you don't hit any battle, you will stop, and it will inevitably be looked down on by the dwarves. Even if you are not driven out, the dwarves will not rely on it any more." We are not good for the completion of the task in the later stage." This time, before the Qin Lun opening, Hill immediately vetoed.

Weiss thought about it, but he did not insist on his own opinion, waiting for Qin Lun to decide. Hill said it makes sense. This is not to say that Weiss is wrong. The two are nothing more than different choices.

"There is danger in the rocky beach. However, I already know what it is!" Qin Lun took out a can of Queen's honey ~ juice, and drank it on his head. The yin and yang fish pattern of the left eye flashed slightly, and the gaze aura was used continuously. Make his body burden a lot.

Qin Lun will feedback the image of the gaze aura on the team channel, almost all of the rocky beaches composed of black and white lines, there are three groups of very obvious ice blue images.

Weiss stared at the blue object for a long while, and finally frowned. "From the shape point of view, this seems to be two feared beasts. This is a high-order creature. There are not many biological nests nearby. How can this large-scale appear? Predator!"

Dangerous areas are difficult to measure, but they also follow the most basic ecological laws. There is no small biological nest, for high-level predators, it means that there is not enough food, and the environmental conditions here are obviously not suitable for the survival of the clawed beast.

"We are not familiar enough with the dark areas, so we don't have to think about why the beasts are here." Qin Lun said with a sinking voice. "The question now is, should we bypass this rocky beach area or kill these?" Beware of the beast, continue to follow the blood."

"It's impossible to go around. This area of ​​rocky beach is very big. Even if I can go around, I won't be able to find any more blood." The monkey shook his head and solemnly said, "There are two fear paws here. Perhaps the former expedition team has been completely destroyed, and the body is in the rocky beach!"

"Impossible, I asked Lorraine about the general situation of the Dwarf Expedition Team." Qin Lun said with a frown. "Every batch of exploration teams probably consists of ten to fifteen dwarves. The captain is a middle and high-ranking strongman. Can be seen as an elite template for first-order apostles.

Most shield dwarves have the natural ability to protect the stone skin, plus they are powerful, using heavy weapons, just the nemesis of the creatures of the claws. Even if the strength of this team of dwarves is weak, they can't deal with two beasts, but they don't just escape one person. What's more, I have seen the injury of the dwarf, not like the handwritten penis. ”

The most powerful attacking weapon of the Talon beast is the two forefoot in front of them like a giant sickle. The dwarf injury, in addition to the broken arm, the real fatal wound is the depression in the chest, which is obviously not the injury caused by the feared beast.

"If you can't get around, just start playing!" I figured out what was inside the rocky beach, and Weiss was no longer worried, smiled and said.

The feared beast is a high-level wild creature, and the concept of territory is very strong. There are two fearful beasts squatting in the rocky beach, so there should be no other underground Warcraft in addition to them.

For Weiss, the fearless beast without human intelligence is not difficult to deal with. Even without Qin Lun and others, he can slowly kill these two beasts.

"We have three to deal with one, you deal with one, no problem?" Qin Lun gave a smile to the order of the match, Weiss shrugged, indicating no problem.

In fact, this is the most reasonable staffing. As a high-ranking apostle, Weiss is more than enough to deal with a tick.

Although Qin Lun has three people here, Hill is a pastor and will not directly resist strangeness. How can the thief's strength not be mentioned for the time being, the fear claws are wearing heavy carapace, just restraining the agile occupation. Although Qin Lun has a demonic transformation, he will not expose the cards so quickly, only using long-range attacks.

Therefore, if the three of them do not make a big move, and together they deal with the fearless beasts, there is no need for Weiss to force them.

After making up their minds, the four quickly crossed the underground stream and headed for the rocky beach. However, when they walked to the front of the rocky beach, they did not see the clawed beast rushing out to meet the enemy, making several people feel a little strange.

The fear of the beast is very poor, basically a blind person, but the hearing is very developed, and you can hear the movements of dozens of kilometers on the ground.

Although there were some doubts in my heart, the four did not change the original plan. The best way for both teams to show their strength is to completely eliminate concerns and prevent them from being sold. The two beasts in front of them are the best prey, which is one of the reasons why Weiss and Qin Lun agreed to fight.

They soon approached the core of the rocky beach, but one situation was special. The blood left by the dwarf began to turn a corner from here, actually bypassing the area of ​​the feared beast. This shows that Qin Lun’s previous guess was correct, and the dwarf did not hand over the two feared beasts.

"The two beasts should come here temporarily. Otherwise, they just blocked the route of the expedition team. I am afraid that it was already cleared by Gilliam." Qin Lun whispered on the team channel, and others agreed. But they still don't understand why the dwarf can circumvent the fear paws at such a close distance without being discovered.

As several people approached, the two beasts began to respond, giving a warning hum and rushing toward them. Until this time, Qin Lun and others finally found out why the two feared beasts did not pay attention to them before, and would let the dwarf pass through the territory.

It turned out that after their huge body was removed, there were more than ten basketball-sized gray eggs in the same place, which looked like the stone piers in the rocky beach. These two beasts are male and female, and they come here temporarily, apparently to hatch offspring.

If Qin Lun and others were too close, they had the opportunity to circumvent the fear beast. However, this is the end of the matter, of course, Qin Lun will certainly not escape the battle, they have the intention to show their strength to each other through this battle.

"Cyberles!" Qin Lun took out the light and dark funeral, while the right hand was empty.

A six-pointed star summoning array instantly appears in the middle of two fearing beasts, separating them. A huge World of Warcraft phantom in the squad excitedly raised two terrible dogs, and the red magma fell on the ground along the fangs.

"Hey!" Comprehend the meaning of Qin Lun, the Hellfire Demon dog that appeared out of thin air slammed into the slightly smaller cicada beast on the left side, directly hit it, and pulled it to the right. distance.

The fear beast is also called the devil's claw, which is a very strange underground creature. Its head is like a bird's head, with a sharp, hooked bird's beak, a thick carapace with a tortoiseshell on its back, a gray-brown scale on the abdomen, two hind limbs with a hawk's claw, and a forelimb with a turtle's fin. The same, just sharper than the sickle.

The overall image is like a turtle with a long bird's head and a talons, or a bird monster with a tortoiseshell that degenerates its wings. However, this type of organism is huge. The male is more than three meters long and the body is more than five meters long. It moves like a tank.

The feared beast that was hit by Cypress was furious and snorted, and he was entangled with the Hellfire Dog.

Cypress has now grown to the seventh order is a rare high-order summoned beast, the body is bigger than the fear of the beast, and looks like a building in the past.

The movements of the two World of Warcraft were so shocking that even the ground shook slightly, but the Qin Lun three could not be inserted.

Although these two behemoths are high-order creatures, the Hellfire Devil is stronger in comparison. Their defensive ability is very high, the beastly beast's action game Burroughs is agile, the sickle-like forelimb attack is very high, and each attack can tear a wound on the Hellfire Devil's body.

However, for demon creatures with strong resilience, this kind of attack is only painful, and there is no other impact except to let Cypress painfully pout. Instead, the wounds of the Hellfire Devil's torn are often burned.

To know that the Hellfire Demon dog is a veritable mixture of magma, even if the crustacean's carapace is hard and thick, it is inevitable that the splashed high-temperature magma will burn the internal tissues.

Seeing that Cypress had suppressed the other side, Qin Lun casually began to play soy sauce, and at the same time turned his attention to another battle circle. I1292

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