MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 106 s

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One second to remember [Chinese] www., to provide you with high-speed text starter. "What do you think is a complete person?" Hill looked at Qin Lun in front of him and suddenly asked. "Complete person? What is this problem?" Silver-haired elf shrugged and replied casually, "have independent will."

The intelligent individual should be even right! "Since this is the case, Qin Lun is not part of you!" "Hill shook his head faintly. "Before the guy entered the broken starry sky, it might just be a walking dead with a strong sense of cognition. There is neither the principle of being a man nor the bottom line of acting. At that time, he is indeed a part of you. But in the year of the broken starry sky, he slowly learned to sympathize, learned to rely on, learned to save, and even understood the love of men and women. Since you have his memory, you should know what he asked for us before he disappeared. He wants to get rid of you, not as a part of you, but to live as a new independent will. "You mean that he has become a complete person." "The silver hair elf has a smile on his face, but it is cold in his eyes. "Don't forget, the independent will also needs to be a carrier. And this is mine, there is only one soul mark, and the ‘Qin Lun’ in your mouth is just a substitute for my illness. "Maybe when I am tired, he will come back." It’s just that you and I are very clear. The richer his feelings, the more complete the cognition, the faster the mental problems will get better. His disappearance and my return will be inevitable, not now, or at some point in the future. The silver-haired elf suddenly spread his hand and said with a smile. "This is an irreversible process. What's more, you, Rand, and Grant and Hansen, why do you care about his disappearance?" I have all the memories of him and Joey. I know what we have done together and have no opinion about our future team. Why not try to accept me? "Trying to accept you?" Hill sighed and pinched his nose. "You just made a plan to let the dwarfs explore the team, but not only did not inform us, but they were still testing us." How do you let us trust you? "Oh, Hill, have you forgotten?" He told you not to trust me, not me! "The silver-haired elf squinted and blinked his eyes, and his fingers were on his chest." Moreover, my plan is not a temptation. He is a part of me. With your understanding of me, this plan has almost no secrets. . Besides, I just woke up at that time. Although there are many novel memories to review, I still hope that I can personally satisfy the fun of big adventures. This plan is not so much a temptation for you, but rather a process of re-establishing trust and tacit understanding with you. "Well, what you said has some truth." Hill looked blinking for a while and asked cautiously, "So you still want to stay with our team?" "Of course, my memory tells me that there must be a team in the future, otherwise this novel and exciting adventure life will not last much." The silver-haired elf affirmed, "Since you have been able to accept Qin Lun without a bottom line, then why can't you give me a chance? I am at least not worse than he was." "Oh, then try to introduce yourself. How are you different from him?" Hill asked with a smile. "I said that Qin Lun and Joey are all part of me. Qin Lun's reason and ruthlessness, Joey's tyranny and cruelty, I do not deny that this is also my character." "The silver-haired elf narrowed his eyes and looked very honest. "Only, my curiosity and curiosity are stronger than Qin Lun. Compared with Joey, the desire to destroy is stronger, and nothing more. "More curiosity, more destructive desire!" "Hil's heart is a bit cold, even though Qin Lun said in an annoyance, some vague, but smart as he has already grasped the deeper meaning. Their five-person team, each member is very exciting and adventurous." Strong, curiosity and curiosity are all different from ordinary people. There are both innate inheritance and acquired environmental influences. For example: the disciple Hansen has congenital inheritance, his parents are medical workers, and he is running to Africa to participate in red. At the time of the cross, the mercenaries were shot and killed by the rebel mercenaries. If the couple did not have a big heart to seek excitement, it would be hard to imagine that they would be willing to go to the troubled country for public welfare. It can be said that it is different from the curiosity of ordinary people. The heart and the desire for knowledge are the root causes of some of the spiritual problems of the Qin and Qin dynasties. But this person actually said that he is more vigorous than Qin Lun’s curiosity and curiosity... In other respects, this is no longer curiosity. Seeking curiosity, this is extremely paranoid. Five murderers form a team, Hill once worried that there are two unstable factors. One is Qin Lun’s principlelessness, another One is the paranoia of Ugly Grant. The ugly Grant with the human face is completely different from the unmasked Grant. The ugliness at that time is completely distorted, if there are other murderers in front of him, he Will even kill the target with his companions. This has been proven in the world of World War II. However, Hill’s original fears did not become a reality, as the number of cooperation between the five people increased, including Qin Lun and Grant, they In the face of common interests, they have made certain compromises. Compared with the original, Qin Lun has rarely considered pure interests, and the flaws without principles have been alleviated. At least he is no longer against me when designing strategy. The most important thing is that he has learned to be safe for his companions and teams, and sometimes he gives up his curiosity. And Ugly Grant is no longer willing to bring the horrible human skin mask. This is the progress of two people. However, in front of this new Qin Lun, he has a stronger desire for knowledge than Qin Lun, that is, extreme paranoia. This is simply a long Years and months with human skin j

The new Grant of the mask, and there is no room for compromise. Sometimes, not because he compromised his team for the benefit of his team, but the team had to compromise for his paranoia. As for the desire to destroy, the fireworks of the killer team is the most destructive. Rand is different from the other four. His original occupation was a firefighter. Even after blackening, he still adheres to the moral bottom line of an ordinary person. But even if he was a fire brigade who was upright, he could not restrain his arson from time to time, and often fell into pain because of the accidental killing of innocent people. Fireworks Rand often said that after his revenge, even if he was immediately shot, it was all due to sin. He would have peace of mind and no dissatisfaction. Compared with the other four, I am afraid that there is only the other side of Qin Lun. The destruction of the dissident Joey Foster can be compared. But this person said that his destructive desire is even stronger than Joey! More destructive desire than Rand, who often puts fireworks, and Joey, the dissident, is no longer a desire to destroy. This is the tendency to destroy both the self and the foreign objects. Strong paranoia, plus the tendency to destroy, this is still a murderer, this is simply a complete madman and terrorist. It is no wonder that Qin Lun has speculated from the clues of the previous vicious j incident that this person cannot trust. I believe that his people will be dragged into **** together. How can we cooperate without completely compromising the interests of our peers, even those who have signs of destruction? Although Hill did not study psychology, he was not treated in the dark years of the Earth Federation. Qin Lun also needs to analyze people, he can distinguish the essence of a person from a few words in other people's words. He is a pastor and is responsible for listening to people who are remorseful in the confession pavilion. "It seems that you have a strong sign of destruction. If you go on, you will be self-destructing sooner or later. Why do you still have to do the task, why should you **** it with Qin Lun?" Hill’s voice sounded tired and hoarse, he felt for the first time. The problem encountered by Qin Lun is so tricky, no longer sure to help. "Ha ha ha, my premonition has not gone wrong, you really are the ones among the four people who know the most people!" Silver hair elves hold the waist ~ ~ smile forward and back, "Why do you still have to do the task? Of course In order to have the ability to carry out better plans in the future, it is like this time, if my combat power is enough, how can the two Zall priests give Rand!" "The destruction of the enemy and me, even if it is grand, there are What does it mean?" Hill said coldly. "Hil, don't pretend to me! As for the enemy and me, you can't just talk about me. In the magical world, did you also betray and kill the militant Michelle who helped yourself? Remember that you Show me the smug mood of the soul-sucking bracelet?" The silver-haired elf smiled and shook his finger. "At that time, I did not adapt to the apostle's identity. I did not regard the plot characters of different worlds as a smart race. I just regarded this as a game, which is different from the present." Hill said of course. "Of course, crime is a crime. If you need it, I might do it, but it is different from meaningless destruction and slaughter. Your combat profession is a wizard hunter. You should understand the hunting for survival, and Taking killing is a completely different concept." "Hypobic rhetoric! Life is a game!" The silver-haired elf's face was cold and cold, and he opened his mouth and smiled. "One day, you will find that I am right. Killing is killing, destroying is destroying, and it won't be higher because it has superficial reasons." He slammed his feet and leaped backwards, coldly saying, "The broken starry sky is the best." The stage, there will be one day sooner or later, you will lose all the things that are cherished like me, and lose the goal of survival. By that time, you will find that I am right, from the day of birth, just to the destruction! Hill raised his hand and finally did not say anything, watching Qin Lun put into the darkness.