MTL - Death Notice-Chapter 10 Big elder's advice

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After the elders of Goblins finished, they were slightly asthmatic, and they moved the obese body with difficulty, took a sip of tea and regained their eyes on the recliner.

Its son Ge De, the current patriarch of the Yi nationality, quickly pulled a blanket to cover the old man and glanced back at the prisoners with anger.

Goblin's life span is only about one-third of that of human beings. Its father is already over forty years old. It can be said to be a very long-lived Goblin. However, it has already dried up, and it is possible to let go of it at any time. Today, the prisoners forced so many words and consumed a lot of energy.

However, Gerd knew in his heart why the older brother Brin was so lenient with the prisoners because of the red Gobi continent, and there is now a floating city with an elf family here.

The floating city will be very courteous for preparing the apostles, but there will be some differences in the details. After all, the floating city of broken starry sky belongs to a variety of intelligent races, including the gentle nature of the elves, the erratic elemental life, the cruelty of the trolls and so on. Not every preparatory apostle will immediately agree with the first floating city to receive oneself.

The more similar the floating city is to the apostolic aristocracy, the closer the world view and values ​​are, the higher the identity of the apostles in the future. Even if this apostle is stronger later, he will be the first hometown to receive his first floating city. This apostle is the most popular of all floating cities, giving the best of the basic welfare.

Although humans and elves are not considered to be the same family, the concepts and forms of the two are very close, and they are considered to be very ideal recipients. After all, the floating city sometimes has a hard time finding an apostle for several years. It is almost unrelenting and uncritical.

Once the twelve heterogeneous human beings are sent to the floating city of the elves, the Yi people will receive extremely rich returns. If you count the other gains in the alien base and add all the savings of the Yi people over the past few decades, they are very likely to reach the ultimate dream of all the “scavengers” tribe.

That is to let some of the best children in the tribe get the formal right to settle in the floating city. The floating city is a small kingdom built by the wise people of the ruling class. There are also many weak vassal races.

However, the vassal races do not have formal settlement rights. They can only temporarily enter the floating city when they encounter major disasters and get short-term shelter.

The vassal race, which has official quotas, will certainly make an outstanding contribution to the floating city. This is an equal citizenship. The floating city has the responsibility to provide these members with a series of survival rights such as raising, educating, living, and working. Their children will also get formal residency directly after birth.

It can be said that a certain amount of formal settlement rights have been obtained in the floating city, and the star fire that continues the inheritance of the race has been obtained. For the tribes like the Yi people, it is indeed an ultimate dream.

Of course, the Yi people can completely ignore the idea of ​​preparing the apostles, forcibly imprison them, and sell them to the floating city of the elves as they buy and sell slaves. After all, the twelve preparatory apostles in front of Ge De may be the ones who have been completely annihilated in the previous missions of the outside world, and one cannot survive.

However, there will be one thing in all things. In the event that some of the twelve human apostles have grown up and hated the Yi people, the result is not what the Yi people would like to see. It’s hard to get the official residency, and all the members will be assassinated by the apostles.

This is also why the Goblins elders will ignore the danger of suffocation and personally answer the prisoners and eliminate the main reasons for their doubts. Like the floating city, the Yi people are betting on the future and are the infinite potential that these apostles have not yet developed.

I got the answer I wanted, but the prisoners were silent, and the atmosphere in the big tent was a bit strange.

In the heart, the prisoners have no longevity. If they want to survive, they must get help from the indigenous people. Otherwise, they will not be able to go out even in the red Gobi, let alone the unknown missions in the future. However, being sold as goods and selling them, these ferocious death row prisoners are a bit unhappy.

"I know that your guests are dissatisfied, but please believe that this is a bad old man. The Elf family is the best choice for you. As long as you are willing to travel to the floating city, the Yi people are willing to pay for each guest after the event. And give a lot of compensation."

When the prisoners digested the previous information, the elders of Goblins opened their eyes again and slowly opened their mouths. "These compensations will allow you to integrate into the world more quickly and be prepared to perform the mission of the opposite world..."

The prisoners looked at each other and the last proposal of the elders of Goblins finally touched them. Although these Goblin arbitrarily decided their fate, but after all, it is conducive to survival. If you can take care of your self-esteem and face, then it is fine to follow their arrangements.

“Can compensation make us choose? For example: your weapons and locomotives!” Hansen’s low words were heard among the prisoners.

"Of course, but in order to ensure everyone's safety, weapons and locomotives can only be delivered in front of the floating city." The old face of the elders of Goblin finally piled up a smile. "Other compensation can be cashed immediately, the world." Currency, food, fresh water, and even special minerals including the Red Gobi..."

"Elders, those minerals..." Ge De was shocked, and Huo Ran stood up.

"Gerde, shut me up! No matter the value of the minerals, the key is to let the guests see our sincerity!" Brother Brin opened his mouth and said with a deep smile, "weapons, locomotives, minerals, 噜Everything in the camp of the Yi people can be chosen at will. If the guests need to serve the servants, the Yi people can even provide a few young and beautiful females..."

After coming out of the tent of the elders of Goblin, the prisoners were separated from each other and silently dispersed to their tents. The amount of information they got tonight was too big and needed to be digested. The elders of Goblins also seemed to know that they needed some time to think, and told them to ask him to compensate him separately tomorrow.

After returning to their tents, Qinlun three quickly found a tent corner to rest. However, from the slight movements of the other two who occasionally turned over, Qin Lun knew that they could not sleep as much as they did.

Floating city, apostles, missions in different circles, the war in the mainland... All sorts of confusing thoughts are in the air, spinning in the mind, until the night is quiet, Qin Lun slowly entered the dream.


"Brother..." A whispering soft call seemed to come from the outside world. Qin Lun shook his body and slammed his eyes open. He sat up straight from his sleep and suddenly found that Lin Feng and Xiao Lian had already woke up and were whispering. .

"Have you ever called me?" Qin Lun asked with a ugly face.

"No! What happened?" Lin Feng and Xiaolian looked at him at a loss.

"Nothing!" Qin Lun's face was a little slow, and he shook his head hard, seemingly trying to get something out of his head.

"This... Qin Lun boss, you said that we have to pay attention to what compensation!" Lin Feng asked cautiously.

"What do you want?" Qin Lun looked back at the Playboy.

"I want a kind of horn gun of their kind, maybe it will be good for us to perform that outside mission. Can you watch it?" Lin Feng asked with a sullen face.

Qin Lun slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Feng with a smile. The psychology of Playboy is easy to see through. After entering the floating city, everyone's survival has a certain guarantee, and the youth no longer have to rely on the situation to attach to the murderer. Being able to have a weapon to defend yourself, I feel a lot more in my heart.

"Your things, you decide, I will not interfere with interference!" Qin Lun flashed his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled softly.

"Thank you boss, I am going to find the elders of Goblin!" Lin Feng was overjoyed, quickly drilling out the tent and disappearing in front of the other two.

idiot! Looking at Lin Feng's back, Qin Lun's mouth floated a sneer, but after turning his head, his face regained its gentleness, and asked Xiaolian: "What about you? What do you want to find Goblin?"

"I... I don't know!" Xiaolian pouted, and the baby's fat face was unhappy, and it looked very languid. "If you can't really go back to our world, I want to stay with you!" ”

"You are not afraid that Joey will hurt you?" Qin Lun eyebrows picked, and some accidentally looked at the little nurse.

"Afraid! However, I don't want to be alone!" Xiaolian nodded bitterly and nodded. Suddenly her eyes lit up and seemed to think of something. "At most, when you change, remind me, let me have time to run away!"

"This can be no me!" Qin Lun's eyes softened and whispered, "If you don't think about what compensation you want, I can give you a suggestion. Don't choose weapons and locomotives, don't want the currency of this world, go Find Goblin to have something unique to them!"

"Do you mean their ore?" Xiaolian asked curiously not necessarily the ore, as long as it is a special item unique to Goblin..." Qin Lun grin, face The smile is like a spring breeze.

"Okay, then... I am going now!" Xiaolian hesitated, and went out.

Qin Lun smiled slightly. There were food and fresh water from Goblin in the tent. The food is still the kind of mashed potatoes. It seems that these Goblin's usual menus are not rich. After cleaning his face, Qin Lun did not hurry to go out, sitting on the ground, slowly filling his stomach.

During the period, Lin Feng and Xiao Lian came back from the outside. Lin Feng slammed his hands, his face was full of uncontrollable excitement, and he seemed to get what he wanted. Xiaolian couldn’t see any expression, but the two pockets of Bai Dajun were smothered and they didn’t know what to put.

Qin Lun opened the tent and looked up at the sky. When he felt that time was almost up, he went out and walked toward the big tent where the elders of Goblin lived.

Last night, the elders of Goblins asked them to go to it alone to compensate, not only to give them time to think, but also another layer of deep intention.

Qin Lun returned to the tent and thought carefully. He finally found out that this old guy had always held the right to speak last night.

Although this is because prisoners are eager to learn about the world, they know that there are four murderers whose mental state is not stable. The old guy was able to use only the words, so that the murderers did not raise any doubts, the skill can be seen.

It’s so interesting! In the eyes of Qin Lun, there was a smile in the eyes. Under the watchful eye of the Goblin guards, the curtain of the big tent was opened...

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