MTL - Dear Mr. Lu-Chapter 53

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Wei Xingheng still didn't understand the situation, so he got up instinctively and wanted to pinch Luo Wencheng.

Lu Chong walked over with strides, grabbed him and punched him directly.

This punch on the stomach was more lethal than Luo Wencheng's previous punches and kicks combined. Wei Xingheng, who was already bleeding, almost felt that his stomach was about to be pierced, and passed out immediately. Lu Chong Throwing him away, half kneeling down and looking at Luo Wencheng cautiously.

"Sir?" Luo Wencheng looked at the person in front of him in astonishment, trying to get up.

Lu Chong carefully supported him: "Where is the injury?"

"It's all skin trauma... hiss!" Luo Wencheng slowly returned his right arm twisted behind his back to its normal position.

Lu Chong's face was very ugly, but he didn't say anything about him here: "Let's go back first."

He helped Luo Wencheng go out, and Luo Wencheng smiled to the group of onlookers outside: "I'm sorry for spoiling everyone's interest, and I will invite guests to make up for it another day."

No one dared to say anything, I was almost scared to pee by Lu Chong's face, okay, so I hurriedly told Luo Wencheng to go to the hospital first.

After the two left, everyone made trouble for Wei Xingheng who was half dead in the bathroom. How should we deal with this?

But immediately they knew that there was no need to worry, because soon two men in black came in, dragged Wei Xingheng up, and carried him out like a dead dog.

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking at me and you, feeling like they were spying on some kind of dark society, and they also had a deeper understanding of the background of Luo Wencheng, a classmate.

Luo Wencheng was taken to that private hospital by lightning speed. The old expert who operated on him had already been called from home to stand by. After seeing Luo Wencheng's situation, he put on shoulder pads again and confessed with a serious face. Heap matters.

Lu Chong asked, "Is that all right?"

The expert almost sprayed me, asking me to do another surgery and cure it right away? For doctors, the most annoying patients are patients who don't take their bodies seriously. But he still remembered Lu Chong's identity anyway, and said: "For the time being, that's all we can do. Using the knife again may affect the function after healing, but if this nonsense continues, this arm will really be useless."

Lu Chong wrote it down, and thanked the experts.

The other injuries were skin trauma and bruises. After simple treatment, Luo Wencheng obediently got into the car with Lu Chong.

The car was as quiet as if no one was there. Luo Wencheng was still groggy from the alcohol, and it took a long time before he thought of a question: "Why did you come here, sir?"

Lu Chong didn't speak for a while, and Luo Wencheng thought he would not answer, so he said, "The monitor has called the police."

Luo Wencheng stayed for a while before he understood.

After he drank alcohol, his heart beat faster and his blood pressure also shot up. Through the small instrument on his body, Lu Chong knew it.

Came here after knowing?

He thought about it, from the time he drank the first glass of wine to when Lu Chong kicked the door, there was at most twenty minutes in between.

He turned his head to look at Lu Chong's cold and hard side face. Alcohol must have caused it. He leaned over a little, tilted his head and stared at him boldly from bottom to top: "Sir, did you come over immediately?"

Lu Chong ignored him.

Luo Wencheng waited for a while, and said to himself with certainty and a little disappointment: "Mr. is angry and ignores me."

Lu Chong finally turned his head to look at him, and met a pair of moist eyes, black and white pupils, thick and trembling eyelashes, beautiful lines like eyeliner thickened and lengthened by a makeup artist.

He just looked at himself carelessly, his eyes were much bolder than usual, and there was a bit of a silly childishness that he didn't usually have.

So clearly and directly reflected his own shadow.

There was no cover up for the emotions inside, it was soft and full of attachment, and there was something more viscous and fiery.

Lu Chong raised his hand almost uncontrollably.

He had struggled, and his hand had stopped halfway, but in the end, he reached the young man's cheek like a ghost.

The cold fingertips landed on the flushed cheeks with a high temperature, and walked on the delicate and smooth skin to the chin, and then rubbed the corner of the bruised mouth with his thumb, Lu Chong asked: "How much wine have you drank?"

Luo Wencheng thought for a moment: "Two cups?"

Like a kitten, he lowered his head and rubbed against Lu Chong's palm, as if he wanted to rub the heat that made him feel uncomfortable onto his big hand, then he jumped forward, his free left hand wrapped around Lu Chong's waist, Burying her face in his arms, she rubbed against him vigorously, and called coquettishly, "Sir."

Lu Chong was thrown back by him. The weather was getting hotter. He didn't wear much, and the temperature of Luo Wencheng's body was transmitted through the thin cloth. His hair seemed to be tied directly into his own. skin. The hair, which was obviously soft to the touch, made his heart itch, and he felt a little pain in a trance.

Lu Chong's expression didn't change much, he seemed to be unresponsive to the sudden weight and heat in his arms, his hand stayed in the air for a moment, and landed lightly on the back of Luo Wencheng's head and back.

Hold him whole in your arms.

The driver driving in front was simply stupid.

Did he read it right? Sir and Master Luo...

He had already driven into the garage, and he didn't even know whether he should make a sound to remind him to get out of the car.

It wasn't until Uncle Ding came and knocked on the car window that the two people who were hugging each other separated. Lu Chong took Luo Wencheng out of the car with a calm expression, then went upstairs and walked to Luo Wencheng's room. He didn't go in, but took the medicine in his hand. Give him: "Take a bath, apply medicine, and go to bed early."

He turned to leave, but his wrist was grabbed. Luo Wencheng looked up at him with aggrieved expression: "Sir, I can't wipe it off. I have it on my back and on my shoulder. I have to wipe it off, but I only have one hand."

Lu Chong looked at his immobilized right shoulder: "I'll find someone to help you."

"I don't want them, I just want you." Luo Wencheng interrupted him, the two looked at each other, the drunkenness on Luo Wencheng's face dissipated little by little, he looked at Lu Chong steadily, almost stubbornly, and suddenly threw him He pulled into the room, slammed the door shut with his foot, and pressed Lu Chong against the wall with his left hand.

"Sir, you have feelings for me, don't you?"

He looked at Lu Chong's left chest, and lightly tapped his finger here: "Just now the jump here was fast and heavy, I heard it clearly, if you are not tempted by me, why did you have such a reaction?"

He slightly raised his head to look at Lu Chong, and said in a very sure tone: "Lu Chong, you like me."

Luo Wencheng may be a little drunk, but he will definitely not be so drunk that his mind is out of his mind and his emotions are leaked to the point of acting coquettishly.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to be presumptuous for a while, and to try it out with that tiny hope.

He is also very clear that Lu Chong can see through his little tricks, but Lu Chong not only did not stop, but indulged, and even his heart beat faster.

If this is not tempting, what is tempting?

Lu Chong lowered his eyes and looked at him calmly. He didn't refute, nor pushed him away. With Lu Chong's strength, as long as he didn't want to, Luo Wencheng, who could only use one hand, couldn't even pull him into the room. It was done, but he showed no resistance throughout.

For Lu Chong, such a reaction was actually an acquiescence.

Surprise uncontrollably surged in Luo Wencheng's heart, and his eyes lit up.

"Am I right? Am I right!" He grabbed Lu Chong's clothes, eager to get affirmation.

Lu Chong closed his eyes and almost used the greatest concentration to maintain the superficial calm. After opening his eyes, he did not directly respond to Luo Wencheng's question, but whispered: "Wen Cheng, I don't want to deceive you, and I don't want to deceive you. I don't want to hurt you, but I promised one person that I will never fall in love with another person in this life."

Luo Wencheng's expression froze for a moment, and he felt pain in his heart: "But, hasn't it been many years?" He didn't want to poke Lu Chong's heart by saying that maybe that person would never come back, and he didn't want to say that not everyone Promises are worth guarding for a lifetime, and that is not a past he can talk about.

Not to mention am I not worth your giving up that promise?

He looked at Lu Chong, "It's been more than ten years, isn't it long enough? Why don't you give yourself a chance?"

"I never thought..."

"Then think about it now!" Luo Wencheng said anxiously, "Give you a chance, and give me a chance, okay? Human life is really short... Lu Chong, sir..."

He almost begged at the end, he knew he only had one chance, and he could hardly imagine hearing a negative answer from this man.

The affirmative "not good" in Lu Chong's heart could not be said at all.

Looking at Luo Wencheng like this, he felt only distressed.

There is an emotion that can hardly be restrained any longer. The only thing he wants to do at this moment is to hug the person in front of him, soothe his panic, and let him stop showing such anxious and helpless expressions.

This kind of emotion was never felt in that person back then.

Lu Chong raised his hand, and under Luo Wencheng's expectant gaze, he gently placed it on his head, and rubbed it as he did to comfort him many times before: "Let me think about it, okay?"

Luo Wencheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was about to say something when his face suddenly changed and he bent down holding his belly.

Lu Chong panicked: "Wen Cheng!"

Luo Wencheng hung on his arm, grabbed his wrist and looked at the time, it was midnight.

He took a low breath, and this time it hurt more than ever, probably because he had been drinking.

On the other hand, there were many bruises on his body, although it was not enough to hurt his muscles and bones, but the pain made his whole body tense, and affected all the big and small wounds, and there was almost no pain from head to toe.

He couldn't stand up, and said intermittently: "Help the bed."

Lu Chong directly picked him up, put him on the bed, and then supported the side of the bed and asked him, "Do you want to call the doctor?"

He knew about Luo Wencheng's special situation, and it would happen once a day, on time, without exception, and there would be no good solution when the doctor came.

Moreover, Luo Wencheng himself is very taboo to let others know that he has such a problem.

Luo Wencheng gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Lu Chong looked at him for a while, then suddenly turned and left.

Luo Wencheng's eyes were already wet with sweat. Watching his blurry figure leave, he raised his hand and took off the beeping monitor on his body, threw it away, turned his head and buried his face in the pillow, biting a corner of the pillow.

There seemed to be countless knives cutting in the stomach, and the knives were still hot, painful and hot.

Luo Wencheng silently counted the time, and thought of something else to divert his attention.

He didn't hear the approaching footsteps again, until his face was forcefully and gently turned sideways, and a warm towel was gently wiped off.

"Sir?" He didn't leave?

Lu Chong wiped his sweaty face, and found that he couldn't finish it. The sweat seemed to be flowing for free, and his hair and clothes were almost soaked.

Lu Chong was shocked.

The last time it was not so serious in the operating room, and looking at Luo Wencheng again, his condition was also worse than last time. If this continues, even if he doesn't die from pain, he will still be dehydrated, right?

He couldn't think of any psychological suggestion that would cause such pain.

Could it be that both he and Dr. Wang guessed wrong, and it wasn't a psychological hint at all?

However, there is absolutely no physical disease in Luo Wencheng's body, unless the disease he has is completely undetectable with the current medical level.

Lu Chong couldn't calm down anymore, he became flustered, squatted beside the bed, touched Luo Wencheng's face: "Call the doctor to help you?"

Maybe a painkiller injection, or just put him to sleep, it's just too painful.

"No..." Luo Wencheng shook his head, "Sir... accompany me... let's talk...."

Lu Chong was silent for a moment, put the towel aside, got up and took off his coat, then lay down on the bed, and hugged Luo Wencheng into his arms.

Luo Wencheng leaned over.

Every time the pain in the early morning can help Luo Wencheng expel the impurities in his body, that's why his body and skin are so good. After more than half a year, the impurities have been exhausted, but he just drank alcohol today. Alcohol was a poison to him, that's why the reaction was so violent this time, and as the sweat continued to flow out, the smell of alcohol on his body became heavier and heavier.

Lu Chong noticed it, but he didn't think too much about it. He lowered his head and kissed Luo Wencheng's forehead, maybe because it was something he wanted to do for a long time, or maybe he just wanted to appease Luo Wencheng in his heart, anyway, he did this action It was so natural that he didn't even realize it. Then he kissed Luo Wencheng's face again, and said softly, "Want to hear what I have to say?"

Luo Wencheng froze.

He was about to pass out from the pain, not really, he looked up at Lu Chong in a daze, seeing the worry and tenderness in his eyes, as if he had received great encouragement for a moment, he was so courageous, he jumped up , raised his neck, and kissed Lu Chong on the lips.

Lu Chong froze.

Before he could react, Luo Wencheng was already in the posture of earning money by kissing, half of his body was pressed over, Lu Chong was originally lying on his side, but he was pushed flat by Luo Wencheng with one hand, and his lips never left. On the contrary, the bandits generally intensified their offensive.

What pain, all flew to the horizon.

Lu Chong put away the astonishment on his face, his eyes gradually sank seeing Luo Wencheng like this, he hesitated for two seconds between pushing him away and hugging him tightly, he chose the latter, and responded forcefully with his lips.