MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 9 Purgatory

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"It's ... a stinky garbage that doesn't understand survival." At the request of Tang Ling, Quark almost jumped out of his teeth.

Tang Ling ignored it and turned away.

He knows quarks so well that he will never waste energy doing useless things. Today, he wanted to show him all these things, and he certainly needed his help.

什么 What else can I help myself in this urgent moment? Nothing more than escape this place.

Quark has a hole card.

Tang Ling affirmed this idea, but at the same time he was more certain that he could not lack his own help.

Therefore, Tang Ling has to bet that quark can tolerate his foolish behavior, and he also needs the card of this mysterious boss.

"Well, you won. Originally I was going to find you, and it took time. You appeared to save this time." Just as Tang Ling was about to step out of the door, Quark spoke.

Tang Ling was slightly relaxed, looking back at the quark.

不过 "However, I will give you up to fifteen minutes. No matter how many, you can still escape. Not to mention two burdens. I'm right, you will bring your old lady and your sister."

"Time is up. I'll go by myself." Quark didn't mean to joke.

"Why did you choose me?" Tang Ling just wanted to ask this sentence, not to mention the entire settlement, even if the fifth battalion, there are not many people who are stronger and smarter than him.

"Business has been done too many times. I know your secret, oh, maybe some secret." Quark was vague and his eyes flashed.

Tang Ling's eyes flashed a hint of cold, secret? About it? He subconsciously wanted to pinch his chest, but after all said nothing, turned and flew towards the place where his home was.

Fifteen minutes, one round trip, basically no room to waste.

Fortunately for a long time in the wild adventure, Tang Ling is not slow.

Back in the tent, there is no need for Tang Lingduo to say that her mother-in-law has stood up with her sister in her arms, holding a small bag in her hand: "Let ’s go, I just brought some jerky and water. If it was escape, the extra things would become burden."

Tang Ling's throat rolled a little, I really don't know why her mother-in-law is so sure they have to leave here.

My mother-in-law also seems to be very experienced in fleeing.

But time can't be nonsense, Tang Ling took the baggage, tied it tightly on his back, took out a sharp iron rod from the bottom of the bed, hugged his sister, and ran towards the quark store with her mother-in-law go with.

"Oh, is this about to escape? There are always cowards in this world who are easily frightened."

"I promise, escape, you will die without residue. Maybe, can you have a little finger left?"

The Fifth Battalion is still so lively. In the repressive life that has not changed, suddenly there are more changes and it seems to be fun.

Tang Ling's eyes flashed a sorrow, and he tightened the corners of his mouth, but couldn't say more.

The most sad thing is that even if you know the danger, there is nowhere to run. Because everything in this world requires qualification, and the essence of qualification comes from its own value.

The law of the jungle, there is no time when it is not cruel.

"Tang Ling, the corpse is very dangerous. We should believe in the Ziyue Warrior." As he was about to get out of the gathering space, Tang Ling was pulled by an acquaintance.

Uncle Zhang, the good guy who taught him valuable hunting experience.

"Uncle Zhang, believe me, go now. Ziyue Warrior ..." Tang Ling took a deep breath: "No shot."

"You ..." Uncle Zhang wanted to refute subconsciously, but Tang Ling was unquestionable with a hint of anxiety.

He knew in his heart that he had to believe that this child, from childhood to age, Tang Ling was a man who could be responsible for every word of himself.

"How ... escape?" Zhang Shu's words were bitter.

"You once told me that in the face of powerful beasts, a vast and changeable place always has a better chance of survival than a small space. Going out of the ground, the rest ... take the fate of it." Tang Ling just said so In a word, he couldn't take Uncle Zhang's family to the quark, and the quark would definitely turn his face.

In addition, he is not sure, when his value is no longer useful in front of quarks, what can quarks guarantee?

No one can take responsibility for more lives in this era.

唯一 The only thing he can carry is his mother-in-law and sister.

Tang Ling's words gave Zhang Shu some glory in his eyes. As an experienced hunter, he would not be unprepared for the future.

"Take care." Zhang Shu focused on Tang Ling.

Tang Ling nodded and turned away with her mother-in-law and sister.

This is farewell, maybe the last farewell. Tang Ling felt a bit of sourness in his heart, and wiped out this useless mood.

The dimly-lit passageway was burning with a burning fire.

Quietly sister on her shoulders, and gasping mother-in-law.

Hurried footsteps, passing with people who are usually excited by carnival from time to time.

The fifth battalion has begun to smell of ‘Blue Saw Kata’ leaves. This addictive, sinking, intoxicating, peaceful, and joyful taboo plant is the only spiritual support for many people in the settlements.

Amidst the excitement of tonight, I finally had the opportunity to appear bright and upright.

There are many confused men, chewing cheeks, smiling at the corners of their mouths, but not knowing that **** **** is coming.

"That's all right." The sorrow in Tang Ling's eyes grew deeper, and it seemed to understand why Quark always called the people in the settlements dirty rats.

However, not everyone has the courage to struggle in the quagmire. It may be more difficult to live than die.

拥抱 Embracing **** in the intoxication-that's fine!

"Ah!" The thought just rose ~ ~ A harsh scream sounded like a fuse in his ear.

嘣 嘣 嘣 嘣 嘣 嘣 ,, a huge impact sound, accompanied by the sound of the iron hinge of the acid being shaken, made Tang Ling feel tight.

With a crawling figure, he wailed and ran towards the place where the fifth battalion was the most. When he passed by Tang Ling, Tang Ling saw only a tearful stream, his face terrified.

人 This person, Tang Ling, of course recognizes that he has long dominated the fat-working guy who keeps the gate.

The quark shop was close to the gate of the fifth battalion in order to get good things the first time.

"Here it is." Tang Ling understood that everything that should come finally came.

His fingers were cold, but his mother-in-law's hand was tightened tighter, almost running like a life, just because Tang Ling couldn't help but start to fear.

Quark's shop was near and the open door was empty.

But inevitably, through the dim light, you can see the gate of the fifth battalion-it is shaking violently.

The squeaked window, which has been loose, squeaked open. In the sound of squeaking, Tang Ling's breathing stopped.

The dense corpse had gathered at the gate of the fifth battalion.

For them, it's like a box full of rich food, all that's left is to open it.

I may have eaten some, and many corpses have blood-stained blood on their faces, yellow fangs, and a rotting body accompanied by a stench.

Tang Ling's stomach began to stir, and the corpse near the small window found food from afar. His gray eyes looked greedily towards Tang Ling.

‘Roar’, an excited roar, and a more violent collision, the iron gate of the Fifth Battalion crumbling.

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