MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 735 Assemble (below)

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  Chapter 736 Assembly (Part 2)

  Secret room.

   A Tier 4 fierce beast, the Nightfire Striped Wolf, hiding in the corner, whimpered quietly. Its voice was obviously scared, and the whimper sound was like a cry of despair.

   And taking a closer look at the dim light in the secret room, this strong, and almost identifiable nightfire striped wolf with the potential of a wolf is not only screaming, but also trembling badly.

It seems to be evading something, covering its head with its paws, desperately trying to squeeze into the corner. If it weren't for this secret room made of S-grade alloy, I am afraid that this corner has already been exploded by its fear and desire to survive. Go through it.

Except for the movement of the nightfire striped wolf, the whole secret room is silent, but on the darker side, there seems to be a faint shadow hidden, but it makes the determination uncertain, even if there are people in the secret room. , I don’t want to be sure.

  Because the darker depths exude a **** and terrifying aura that is depressing and frightening, and people don’t even dare to approach it.

  Outside the secret, the wailing and whimpering of the night-fire streaked wolf is faint, but it keeps coming.

  Outside the door, two young men who were obviously Chinese, looked at each other, their faces looked very ugly.

  After swallowing almost coincidentally, the first man turned his head, looked at the ridgeline like the back of a giant beast in the night, and whispered: "You go in, I cleaned it last time."

"No, you go in. The last time you said it was you cleaning, actually? You didn't want me to stand behind." The second man raised his head and looked at the purple moon in the sky, even if the mist on the top of the mountain did not cover her. Slightly dim light.

What about   ? Ziyue hasn't changed much since it appeared. Could it be possible to see a flower coming?

"You go, it's a big deal, I will pay you back and follow you behind. Besides, if you meet the sober man, things will be much simpler. I think it should be sober now?" The secret room is always cleaned up, if Failure to replace the fierce beast in time delayed the cultivation of the insider. No, maybe it should be said to be venting? The consequences are serious.

  Man A obviously couldn't let Man B slip over again, he said something that Man B could not refuse.

  Man B was silent for a few seconds. Although this was the hardest errand of the whole family, it would be impossible to get confused. Since Man A has also agreed to go in with him, let's go.

   Frowning, Man B took out a crystal card and stuck it on the iron door of the secret room with a bitter expression. Man A was relieved and took out another crystal card and stuck it on the door.

  The door opened.

   "You go in first, I'm just following you." Seeing Man B was reluctant to move, Man A urged.

  Man B hesitated to enter the secret room, and still turned his head uneasy to see if Man A had followed.

The entire secret room is still quiet. Although the light is extremely dim, there is no horrible scene, and there is no uncomfortable smell, such as **** smell, and even a faint fragrance of vegetation. The secret room was originally a mountain. Of a cave.

   But even so, the depressive atmosphere in this secret room seems to have condensed into substance, and people dare not come out.

  You must know that these two men are also Tier 3 Purple Moon fighters, and they shouldn’t be so timid.

  The two walked a few steps towards the secret room, and suddenly a huge shadow rushed towards the two of them as if fleeing for their lives.

Man B walking in the front stopped in shock, and subconsciously pinched the pendant hanging around his neck. Undoubtedly, it was the armor of the purple moon warrior, and it was not an ordinary commodity. It was specially made by the family. Clan talents are qualified to wear armor.

  This has always been the man's biggest support, but after all, he is a purple moon warrior, and he reacted very quickly. Thinking of the actual situation in this secret room, he did not crush the pendant and evoke the armor.

  The man's armor walking behind performed slightly better, and he was not ready to make a move to wake up the armor, but the clenched fist also betrayed his mood-very nervous.

   But he could see clearly that the huge figure that rushed forward was not the Nightfire-streaked wolf? The Tier 4 fierce beast, which was originally very dangerous, rushed over, hiding behind the two of them like a puppy, shivering constantly.

  Compared with the fierce beasts before, the situation of the night-fired wolves is already very good, at least there are no scars, no madness, and no idiot.

  But the more this happens, the more daunting things become. What does this show? It shows that the person has begun to move freely, just torturing the other person into the way he wants according to his mood, this feeling of being controlled

Man B silently injected a family secret recipe into the trembling Nightfire Striped Wolf, which was a precious potion that had a short-term anaesthetic effect on the fierce beast, and the poor dignified Tier 4 fierce beast allowed him to inject it without any resistance. Medicine, and then passed out smoothly.

  Even though it passed out of a coma, it was still trembling.

   "This fierce beast looks very good, I am afraid it is still abandoned." Man A muttered in a low voice, and then helped Man B to carry the nightfire striped wolf together.

   "The potion will be precious if it is discarded, so hurry up and work." Man Yi muttered, tidying up the beast, the work is not over yet, because a suitable beast must be selected and put into the secret room.

  The two carried the Nightfire Striped Wolf. Although they tried their best to restrain themselves, the appearance of quickly walking out of the secret room still looked like an escape.

  It was just at this moment that a joking voice came out from the dark of the secret room: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

  Hearing this voice, the bodies of the two men stiffened at the same time. Even though they were reluctant, they still reluctantly stopped, but did not dare to look back.

"Are you scared? What are you afraid of?" From behind them, the voice sounded again, but this time the sound seemed a bit erratic, far and near, but when the last one just fell, The voice suddenly stopped behind them.

  The foreheads of the two dignified third-order purple moon warriors were almost covered with cold sweat at the same time, barely controlling the body that they wanted to tremble, and the two put down the Nightfire Striped Wolf in their hands and turned around at the same time.

  Don’t dare not turn around, Master Ji in this secret room is moody, an unintentional, careless behavior may irritate him, but before

  In the dim light, a slender figure with short black and red hair stood in front of the two of them with their scarred upper body exposed.

  This figure is a young man, even though he already has the breath of a young man. His appearance is also considered handsome, and the key is his unique cruel and compassionate temperament, which makes him seem to be full of a certain unique charm.

In the center of his eyebrows, there is a red line like a scar. This line is looming, like flashing. With the flickering of the line of the eyebrows, the blood all over his body, like a tattoo-like totem pattern, also follows. A looming flashback.

  "You" looked at the two trembling men, and the boy spoke again.

  As he spoke, the two men had to look up at him.

With just one glance, the two men couldn't help but want to close their eyes. Even though they knew it was an illusion, they still saw a river of blood as if they were real. The river of blood was full of resentments, and they probably only crawled out of the sea of ​​blood. The breath is like pulling people into the abyss.

"What are you afraid of?" The young man hooked his body slightly and looked at the two with interest. There seemed to be some evil taste. His eyes with a faint red light, but he wanted to look at the two of them. .

The two did not have the courage to look away. At that moment, they smelled the incomparable smell of blood. The smell of blood was fresh, just like the smell of the endless river of blood, and accompanied by the smell of blood, this The resentful soul in the river of blood suddenly stretched out his arms and approached the two infinitely, roaring as he was about to grab them.

   "Master Ji." The two couldn't help their legs being weak. If it weren't for the dignity of the Ziyue Warrior, they would almost kneel down.

  It was at this time that the young man called Master Ji seemed to feel disappointed. He stood up straight again, his expression turned cold.

  His expression changed, all hallucinations disappeared, and only his indifferent voice without any emotional color remained in the entire secret room: "It's not interesting, next time I find a more powerful beast."

  While speaking, he walked into the darkness again, and suddenly stopped, and said in an unpredictable tone: "It must be so powerful that it can bring scars."

  Speaking of this, Master Ji started to get excited inexplicably.

  The two men had ugly faces and a heavy pressure in their hearts, but they dared not say anything, they could only nod their heads again and again, regardless of whether the young master Ji could see it or not.

   "Little fat man, it seems that your control is still much worse." At this time, outside the door of the secret room that opened, an old voice came from the night.

  Hearing this voice, the two men immediately breathed a sigh of relief, ignoring the cold sweat on their faces, and at the same time turned around and shouted respectfully: "Ancestor."

However, the face of the young Master Ji with his back to the door changed. The corners of his ostentatious mouth were disdainful, but his expression was taboo. The red light in his eyes turned into a red glow, which was sometimes suppressed. Go down, let the eyes become normal black eyes.

   "Go down, this night-fire striped wolf hurry up, so as not to waste the potion. Leave the next thing to me." While speaking, the owner of the old voice had already walked into the secret room.

   There is no doubt that there is only one person who can be called the ancestor in the Ji family. Is he the most important Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ji family? The strength and mind of the Ji family ancestor is also unpredictable.

   After hearing the ancestor's instructions, the two men hurriedly slipped out of the secret room carrying the nightfire striped wolf in relief. According to the ancestor's intention, they won't need to be busy next, but it's a happy event.

  Looking at the hurried figure of the two Ji family children, the ancestor's face showed a hint of amusement, and then he waved his hand and closed the door of the secret room.

   "Old man, who do you call Fatty?" As soon as the door of the secret room was closed, the young master of the Ji family turned around and rushed to the ancestor's face, his face was fierce and his eyes were full of red light.

Facing the young master Ji who was extremely afraid of the two children of the Ji family, the ancestor did not care at all. He smiled disdainfully, stretched out his thin arm, and squeezed Master Ji's neck: "You call me again Who is the old man?"

"Call you, what do you call you? I'm dignified" Young Master Ji became even more crazy, his eyes suddenly became red, and the looming tattoo on his body immediately became clear, and a faint phantom appeared behind him. The ghost is still a little unclear, but he can see clearly that the four strong arms of the ghost are holding Master Ji's body tightly from behind.

   Seeing this, the old man's expression did not change, he still smiled disdainfully, then took a deep breath and yelled: "Hah!"

With this loud cry, waves of water waved in the secret room, which seemed to be true and illusory. If there are high-ranking purple moon fighters or powerful elites here, they will surely see at a glance that this is a rare essence of spiritual power. Omens

  And this is just a casual shot!

It’s a pity that there are no masters here. The illusory water waves dissipated very quickly, but as the water dissipated, the phantom behind Master Ji also disappeared, and his eyes returned to normal black. His tattoo also disappeared.

  On the contrary, that slender body began to get fatter and fatter. His original face full of strange charm gradually changed, becoming a slightly simple and honest face.

"Old, ancestor, why are you here?" The fat man quickly woke up and saw that the ancestor of the Ji family stood in front of him, his expression was very sober, he could not wonder why the ancestor's hand would hold his neck He didn’t care about asking any other questions, and immediately said in a loud voice: "Ancestor, is my round of cultivation over? Can I go out? Ancestor, I’m so miserable, I am almost starving to death. ,I want to eat"

The face of the ancestor of the Ji family has become very exciting. He was disdainful of the feared Young Master Ji before, but the fat man who was famous in the Ji family really gave him a headache. If he is not stopped now, he will definitely look like It is unbearable to report a series of dish names like the menu, and then ask a bunch of questions verbally.

   "Shut up." The ancestors of the Ji family threw the fat man several meters away, and the fat man didn't care, and ran over with his face, ready to say something.

The ancestor of the Ji family didn’t care about his face, so he directly covered the fat man’s mouth and said, “Eat, eat, look at how you’re fat because you can’t absorb energy smoothly? Eat?! The energy is completely absorbed. , Tell me about food!"

  "Hmm" Fatty desperately wanted to say something, but the ancestor covered his mouth, what can he resist?

The ancestor simply ignored him, or said to himself: "Just like this, how dare I let you out? The control is still so poor, and you almost have been counter-controlled by the guy in your body several times. You can stand up for it. ?"

  While speaking, the ancestor seemed to think of something on his mind, he sighed heavily, and then let go of the fat man.

  Obviously, in more than two years, Fatty has changed the least and the most, but no matter how he changes, it will not satisfy the Ji family ancestors.

  But the fat man didn’t care. He directly ignored all the words the ancestor said, and only grasped one important point: "Old ancestor, you want to let me out? Don’t practice for the time being, or leave the family for a while?"

  The fat man tried hard to put on a heavy puzzled look, but his acting skills were really bad, and the ecstasy almost overflowed his fat face.

  Go out, it's good to go out! You can eat whatever you want, you can go to inquire and find a partner you have been concerned about, especially Xifeng

  You can also do something that you always wanted to do, not for anything else, just for the sake of big brother Tang Ling!

  It’s just Tang Ling, is he really, really dead? Maybe the ancestor's magical powers can have any different news?

Thinking of Tang Ling, Fatty's heart was filled with extremely complicated emotions, but the sad tingling was obvious. His joy disappeared, and he lowered his head and asked: "Old ancestor, Tang Ling, he has no news yet. ?"

  Looking at such a fat man, there was a rare trace of love in the eyes of the ancestors. This child is very affectionate. Perhaps it is this point of persistence. No matter how he is on the edge of danger, he is not at the root of being controlled.

"There is no news, you'd better not hope too much." The ancestor wanted to say that Tang Ling should be sure that he was dead, but thinking of what he would give to the fat man next, the ancestor decided not to say that. , Maybe there is still a little bit of hope?

  A boy with a perfect gene chain died like this, and it was not only the hope of his companions and friends that was destroyed.

  The state of mind has been calm as he is, and it took a long time to accept this fact, but it is always difficult to let go of that trace of fluke hope in his heart.

  Since I am like this, I don’t have to break the little fat man’s hope. What's more, if the assembly order appears, even if Tang Ling has no hope, other hopes will appear again?

   Thinking of this, the ancestor looked at the fat man who was obviously decadent and sad, and took out the assembly order from his sleeve.

  The fat man took it in doubt and opened it.

  I saw this very good looking animal skin scroll with only one line written: "After March, send Ji Chengxi to XX Valley."

  XX valley? Where? The fat man was at a loss, but looking at the two **** words behind this line of words, there was an inexplicable flow of blood and hope in his heart.

   "Let's go, have a good meal, pack up and set off, let your father take you there." The ancestor turned around, opened the secret room door with a wave of his hand, and walked outside.

  The fat man put away the animal skin roll in his hand with a ‘pop’, and hurriedly followed, with surprise on his face: "Have you a good meal?"

   "Why do you want my father to give me a gift? Can it be my mother?"

  The two of them had walked out of the secret room during the conversation. Under the heavy night, they walked down the mountain. Behind them, the fearsome secret room suddenly closed the door again.


   "War, let's join!" With the voice of a youth who was still slightly immature, the towering trees in the forest suddenly trembled violently.

  No one knows what happened? As if only a light passed by, a giant human figure that seemed to make people unbelievable flashed

   Then, I saw a huge Tier 5 fierce beast that was so large that it was just as tall as the giant tree parallel to the towering forest, crashing to the ground.

  Everything has returned to calm.

  A figure wearing a white shirt with a blue dragon pattern behind the shirt led four old men into the towering forest.


   "Nan Yu."


   "West Wind."


  Long winter.

  The Star Runner Building, which belongs to the technologists. In a room on the middle floor, a white and weak young man is immersed in a manuscript.

  At his hand, there was a scroll of animal skins. On the scroll of animal skins, there was only a simple line of words. It was not clear what the words were, but the blood-red "assembly" was extraordinarily clear.



  Yu, Alston, Christina


  A mysterious assembly order, silent and silent, quietly appeared all over the world, and appeared in the hands of people who seemed to be unconnected, but were actually closely connected by Tang Ling.

This is an assembly order, and another more mysterious solicitation order appeared in the hands of other teenagers. This solicitation order did not have any compulsion, but the above words were a little bit more, and the teenagers who received this solicitation order included Lancaster. Especially, there are color dance beads, Samuel and many young people who have participated in the storm sailing.

  The appearance of this solicitation order is so mysterious, because it appeared in the dreams of these teenagers meaning behind it is profound and hard to guess.

  Do you respond to the solicitation? Does it really exist, or is it a mere dream? Until someone talked about it quietly, it began to circulate secretly among the teenagers who dreamed of the solicitation order, and it became an open, but never out of circle secret.

  All this is happening, and it started happening after the Starfire Brigade announced the earth-shattering operation.

  What is that action? And when will Tang Ling return?

    I am not in a full-time state of writing books, and I have a lot to do. I have never dared to promise anything, but I can tell you that I have already won a period of free time for a long period of time, so that I can write Dark Moon wholeheartedly during this period. Maybe it may not be finished, but according to The current plot of Dark Moon is at least nearly finished. This is how I arrange all the work. Everyone, wait for me. The holiday is not far away. I am very happy to be able to just write books again, because I will be busier when I'm over. At the same time, I apologize to those who have been waiting for me and thank you for yours. wait. In addition, on October 3rd, no accident, old fans of Taoist books can see the comics. Thank you for your understanding.



  (End of this chapter)

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Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
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