MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 732 I regret that

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  Chapter 733 I'm sorry

  Should be a little unsure? But not afraid!

  The stubborn and unwilling look, blended with the expression between the eyebrows and eyes, seems like a mirror, reflecting the self back then

  Tang Feng looked at Tang Ling, son, some words that made people feel magical and moving.

  Emotional thoughts or feelings will never affect rational actions, and are also the mark of Down’s behavior.

Therefore, the purple-black hammer with silver light did not hesitate, and it hit Tang Ling. On the other hand, Tang Ling's response was just as uncertain as he showed, it was still the rotating shield, and it seemed that there was no change. A good way to deal with Tang Feng's attack.

  It didn’t matter, Tang Feng had already prepared when he should end his hand. He even felt a sense of refreshment in his mind. It was a good thing for this kid to feel the crush of his father’s will in the duel.

Tang Ling didn’t know that Tang Feng had so many thoughts. He was fully absorbed at this moment. When Tang Feng’s self-will was so tough that he had a trace of stone rhyme, the pressure he faced increased exponentially. The sledgehammer is like an incarnation for Tang Feng himself, crushed over the earth, like the world is Tang Feng's will.

  What can be done then? When this volition turned into a hammer, it was unstoppable.

  Only an instant, the purple-black hammer glowing with silver had already collided with Tang Ling's rotating shield.

   "You can't stop it like this." Tang Feng was smoking his cigarette, his eyes narrowed because of the rising smoke.

His tone was relaxed and his expression was pleasant. Seeing Tang Ling's shield against him was about to shatter, Tang Feng was also a little bit disappointed in the sense of comfort that he was finally able to eat his son’s collapse. After all, he expected too much of this kid. , Expecting him to be able to do things that he once was difficult to do is really embarrassing him, right?

  At the same time, Tang Feng is also fully focused, ready to disperse his will at the most suitable node

   Just when Tang Feng surged in these thoughts, Tang Ling's previously unsure expression suddenly changed, becoming firm and determined. Facing Tang Feng, he suddenly shouted: "That's not necessarily."

While talking, Tang Ling's shield suddenly shattered.

  Tang Feng was stunned, a little stunned, he knew very well that this shield was definitely not crushed by his own will.

  What is this kid going to do?

  The change was faster than Tang Feng’s thinking. The shield that had just shattered, and the fragments before it could be scattered, once again gathered together and became a sharp awl!

  Although this awl is small, most of it already shows the whiteish silver that is unique to Shi Yun!

Tang Feng was surprised, with crazy joy in his heart, but before his expression had time to follow his heart to make a change, the sharp awl moved towards Tang Ling's hammer of will, and the connection between the hammer body and the hammer handle was fierce. 'Smash' to go


   "Hmm, I lost."

  It was still the dusk of the sky, the hammer with silver stripes had broken, and it was broken and broken in the warm halo that belongs to the dusk, and then fell heavily and dissolved in the grass.

  But the awl belonging to Tang Ling is still hovering in the air

  Tang Feng surrendered simply, Tang Ling pursed his mouth, put his hands on his chest, and silently looked at Tang Feng, his so-called father. In the dark eyes, Tang Ling's emotions could not be read.

   "Yes, I have already touched the threshold of Shi Yun." Tang Feng didn't care about Tang Ling's elusive attitude towards him at this time, and sincerely praised him.

   "It's amazing, I even learned one of the changes in the use of self-will-Ning." If the last sentence of Tang Feng's praise is relatively plain, this sentence is unabashedly proud.

  At this time, his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Tang Ling.

  Yes, how can we not be proud?

  Through tempering of self-will, even ordinary people can enter Shi Yun, of course, regardless of the length of time it takes.

However, the change and use of self-will is a manifestation of personal talent. Simply put, even people who have tempered their self-will to a very high level may not necessarily learn to change and use self-will, but people with talent may only start. Learn to master this change

  And how many talented people are there? Anyway, Tang Feng feels that he is not counted, but he is better than himself? Maybe you can find a few among the top elites.

  After all, self-will and mental power are closely related.

  In short, even if this son is better than himself, I don’t expect him to be good.

  But as long as he is a father and a good son, the feeling of comfort cannot be suppressed. On the other hand, Tang Ling has been silent and indifferent.

  Tang Feng complimented him with two words. He seemed to have not heard him. After Tang Feng finished speaking, he looked at Tang Feng and said: "The previous promise still counts?"

  Tang Feng was taken aback, then smiled, and lightly popped the cigarette **** in his hand.

  The cigarette **** turned into nothingness in the air, and Tang Feng jumped down from the boulder and walked in front of Tang Ling: "Are you talking about hitting me? Come on."

   "Turn around." Tang Ling said bitterly, he wanted to kick Tang Feng's **** fiercely. He couldn't forget the feeling of being'insulted' by Tang Feng before.

   "Okay." Tang Feng simply turned around and turned his back to Tang Ling, and withdrew his self-will defense.

  He is not shameless.

  Tang Ling learned the tempering of his own will, and he could feel that Tang Feng had removed his defenses. Under such circumstances, even if Tang Feng was just a ray of spiritual body, he could still feel being'beaten' by Tang Ling.

  After all, in essence, all feelings will be fed back to the spirit.

  In this case, Tang Ling didn't intend to be polite either. He raised his leg, ready to kick Tang Feng's **** fiercely.

  Don’t know why?

   Tang Ling's toes stopped suddenly when he was about to kick Tang Feng.

  Perhaps the halo of dusk is too warm and makes people feel soft inexplicably, or the evening breeze of the setting sun is too gentle and makes people easy to be sad

   In short, Tang Ling's feet were so stiff in the air, there was no way to really kick Tang Feng.

  He is clearly a guy who makes people dislike, why does his back look so heavy and vicissitudes of life? Are you burdened with multiple burdens?

  Why did he establish the Dragon Army? What is the real purpose of Longjun? Power? ideal? Or is it a belief that Tang Feng cannot let go of himself?

  In this short moment, Tang Ling had a lot of curiosity about Tang Feng in his mind, and he was absolutely indifferent to these things before.

  Tang Ling just didn't want to admit that the reason why he couldn't kick it down all the time was because Tang Feng's back made him inexplicably sad.

   "What? Afraid of my revenge?" After a long time there was no movement behind him, Tang Feng suddenly turned around, looking at Tang Ling somewhat amused.

   "Forget it." Tang Ling is not a hypocritical person. Since there is no way to really beat him, then there is no need to hide anything and just give up the idea.

  "Forget it?" Tang Feng raised his eyebrows, still smiling, and said to Tang Ling in a childish tone: "I really want to? I missed this time, you have no chance."

   Tang Ling didn't want to pay attention to Tang Feng's set, so he sat cross-legged on the boulder and bowed his head.

   "I don't know your purpose, but I don't want to think about you badly."

  Tang Feng’s expression changed, the somewhat stubborn smile converged, and the whole person suddenly appeared deep and vicissitudes. He did not interrupt Tang Ling, but once again sat on the big rock facing Tang Ling.

"So, I think you are attached to Xiaozhong. When the time comes, it should be to teach me this set of "King Kong Like a Mountain"." Tang Ling looked up and looked at Tang Feng. At this moment, he didn't want to. Conceal the complexity of the heart.

  The opposite is not far away. After all, it is his father.

   Tang Feng did not speak, and another cigarette appeared between his fingers. He looked at Tang Ling with a smile. Although the deep meaning in his eyes was hard to guess, it seemed that he did not want to conceal his love for his son at this moment.

   Tang Ling is unwilling to face this kind of emotion, because it comes from Tang Feng.

  So Tang Ling turned his head and continued: "You go, if it's just to teach me this, I've already learned it."

   "I will continue to break the order."

  "Did you delay?" At this moment, Tang Feng said lightly.

  "It's not counted. It's just." Tang Ling said here, and didn't go on. Instead, he also visualized a cigarette, sandwiched between his fingers.

  "Smelly boy, who made you smoke?" Tang Feng was really annoyed.

   Tang Ling turned around at this moment and looked at Tang Feng very seriously: "I am very touched, and I will teach me this. But I can’t forgive you."

   "In that case, don't face it anymore, you can go."

  Tang Feng was stunned again. At this moment, his eyes were as deep as the night sky without stars, and the deep darkness seemed to suppress all emotions. It was hard to tell whether he was a little sad or didn't care.

  The words have already been said, Tang Ling no longer explained, but lowered his head and smoked in silence. His eyes slightly narrowed by the smoke looked like Tang Feng.

   "Okay." A smile appeared on Tang Feng's face, it didn't matter, a rogue smile: "Needless to say, I won't exist for long."

"After all, I am just a ray of mental power. You can think that I am Tang Feng, but it is not the real him. From the moment I appear, it means that I will soon dissipate, the body does not exist, and the spiritual power is also passive. Water without roots and trees"

  Tang Ling never looked up, can't see what he is thinking?

   "But there are a few words, I have to tell you." Tang Feng didn't mind Tang Ling's attitude either, his appearance was indeed purposeful.

   "What?" Tang Ling responded. To Tang Feng, he didn't seem to resist as much as before.

"You have a foreboding about the crisis because I am attached to Xiaozhong. But unless your spiritual eyes go further, you won't have such a foreboding." Tang Fengyan is concise, and one sentence has revealed a lot. information.

  Since Tang Feng appeared, Tang Ling has faintly guessed that perhaps his premonition of danger is related to Tang Feng’s mental power, and it has now proved that it is true.

  Even if he repeatedly suppressed himself, hearing Tang Feng say this, Tang Ling couldn’t help but a trace of warmth rose in his heart.

At the same time, Tang Ling was not too concerned about the disappearance of the crisis premonition. Relying on the strength of others is ultimately unstable. From Tang Feng’s words, Tang Ling at least knew his spiritual eye, that is, the precision instinct to continue practicing. This premonition will still appear.

  "You have to be more careful in doing things in the future." Tang Feng exclaimed.

   "Hmm." Tang Ling agreed.

"And this time, I will tell you "King Kong Like a Mountain" to prevent you from continuing to advance. It doesn't matter if you consume this mental power to appear, it is all for one purpose. You must listen carefully." Tang Feng began to specialize. Be serious.

  Tang Ling finally looked up, he knew that the next words were the key.

"Don't continue to advance, the next most correct thing for you is to visualize, and then use the remaining energy to support your mental power as you visualize." Tang Feng did not sell the key, but said in one breath. Out of his purpose.

   "I don't understand." Tang Ling did not understand. Tang Feng's words were too abrupt and inexplicable.

   "The first time you'see' your genetic chain, the picture you visualize corresponds to your natural ability. The next thing you need to visualize is that picture."

  "Only with this kind of visualization, your mental power can enter the'your world', which is the world corresponding to your natural ability, and develop your natural ability." Tang Feng explained Tang Ling in great detail.

  At this moment, Tang Ling remembered the point that appeared when he first visualized it. As that point exploded, patches of cloud and fog appeared, and then rotated, and the dust in the cloud and fog accumulated.

  As long as you think of this picture, you will feel extremely shocked. Tang Ling can't describe how he feels. In short, he is afraid of the visualization, because just thinking about it will feel that he is extremely small.

  At the same time, Tang Ling also thought of the wisps of spiritual power when Bi An was promoted, and his spiritual power couldn’t keep up with it, and he felt "rejected".

  Bi An told himself that he had entered a world.

  Yes, that world is the world that corresponds to the abilities of the other side. Based on this, Tang Ling knows what Tang Feng wants to express, and he needs to develop his own talents.

  So, Tang Ling's countless questions also came out: "Why is this? And my natural ability is not precision, no, isn't it a spiritual eye?"

"It's the spiritual eye. To be precise, there is only one talent ability of the perfect gene chain from beginning to end, and that is the spiritual eye." Tang Feng smiled slightly, and then said with a sigh: "But only those who have the perfect gene chain know that, the spiritual eye It's not a natural ability in essence."

"how to say?"

"Because it contains thousands of things and changes innumerable. A book of "Forging Eyes" is just the basis. It cannot help you complete the innumerable minutiae of the spiritual eye. Without these minutiae, the spiritual eye will become more and more useless. Defeated under other abilities." Tang Feng didn't mean to partly joking.

  Accuracy instinct will become a tasteless one? This statement shocked Tang Ling. From the beginning to the present, Tang Ling knew very well to what extent he relied on the precision instinct, and had always been proud of this ability. How could it be tasteless?

"Time is limited. You may not understand what I said, but I am the first person to come here. Please accept my experience. In this world, the gains and losses of everything are two sides. With a perfect genetic chain, you will Because there is no bottleneck, the opportunity to enter the core of many laws is lost."

   "Simply put, every third level will usher in a substantial improvement, we do not have. You understand that the improvement is not the improvement of your own abilities, but the more and more accurate mastery of talent abilities."

   "In view of this, we can only actively enter, actively stop, and spend most of our reserves to get close to the essential core and perfect the spiritual eye."

"The key word is that the larger a piece of land you own, the more difficult it will be to develop it completely. If you don't do it well, it's not as good as a small piece of land. Maybe fine development has already produced good results. The spiritual eye is just too big a piece of land." Tang Feng had already tried his best to explain it.

  While speaking, Tang Ling couldn’t help but pay attention to one detail, that is, Tang Feng’s figure began to gradually blur, appearing indistinguishable from a real person from the beginning, becoming dazzling, blurred, like a shadow.

   Tang Ling couldn't help but feel sad. He didn't know what he was saddening. What's in front of you is clearly Tang Feng's spiritual power.

  Of course he also began to think about Tang Feng's words, although it was still a bit difficult to understand.

"In short, if you have experienced it, you have visualized it, you will understand a lot. I will teach you "King Kong Like a Mountain", so that your spiritual power will not be lost. You must know that our perfect genetic chain carries spiritual eyes. It’s a large piece of land. If it’s too big, it’s going to go far, and it’s easy to get lost when it goes too far. This is my purpose." Tang Feng seemed to realize that he was about to dissipate, and began to speak to Tang Ling faster.

  Tang Ling squeezed his fist lightly, and muttered: "I will do it."

"Of course you should do the same. It is very important to complete before the third-order breakthrough. It is equivalent to one more opportunity to enter the core. Otherwise, what am I doing to stop you now?" Tang Feng deliberately looked at Tang Ling like a fool. .

   "Don't act, awkward." For some reason, Tang Ling blurted out such a sentence.

  Tang Feng didn’t know how many times he was so stunned. This kid always gave people ‘surprises’, but unfortunately, he didn’t accompany him to grow up.

"Well then." Tang Feng returned to his senses, jumped down from the boulder, walked in front of Tang Ling, and said straightforwardly: "Come on, my son, I hope you continue to make me proud. "

  "Who is?" Tang Ling subconsciously wanted to refute, but he didn't know why, but he choked in his throat.

  ""King Kong Like a Mountain", remember to teach Tang Long, one less word, I will beat you." Tang Feng's shadow faded.

  Tang Long? ! Hearing these words, Tang Ling couldn't say what it was like. Tang Feng in front of him still remembers Tang Long? Remember that he has an innocent son who was "abandoned" by him?

  "Don't talk nonsense, I won't explain to you now." Tang Feng saw the change in Tang Ling's expression, and said directly.

   "You have nothing to explain." Tang Ling's expression became cold again.

   "Well, there is nothing to explain. Don't lose An Han." Tang Feng spoke faster.

  But this did not prevent Tang Ling from hearing the words An Han clearly. His face suddenly changed. Is there anyone who knows better than him? The real name of Bi An is called-Hua Anhan.

This is a typical Eastern name, and it's still a rare surname. Tang Ling didn't know why his uncle and aunt gave Bi An such a name, but his uncle and aunt died before Bi An could not speak. Explain something.

  It’s the mother-in-law who has always been reluctant to call Bian’s real name. She often says, ‘It’s cold, how can the little girl feel at ease in the cold? ’

   Therefore, Tang Ling also followed her mother-in-law, rarely called Bi An's name, she was called Shanshan since she was a child.

  Well, these are small things that have been cherished in memory, but are not worth mentioning. The key is how did Tang Feng know? Why would he know?

"How do you know Shanshan's name?" Tang Ling couldn't help asking and at this moment he also remembered a question that he had been neglecting all the time. He pointed to his head and said every word. Asked: "My memory, what's the matter with my memory? Why can't I remember everything before the age of four?"

  Tang Feng's figure was already very blurred at this time. He looked at Tang Ling, his eyes no longer concealed the kindness: "Tang Ling, do you remember the first sentence I appeared?"

  Tang Ling did not understand the meaning of Tang Feng.

   "I said, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry." The evening breeze continued to blow, like it was about to blow away Tang Feng's shadow.

   "I'm sorry, you should understand. I didn't accompany you to grow up, let alone have the opportunity to accompany him."

"Unfortunately, I am standing in front of you. Actually, I can't see the way you are now, because there is no way you grew up in the memory of this mental energy. I'm dead, nowhere can I see it? What about you?"

   "I am sorry"

After    , the pace of the update will be accelerated slightly.



  (End of this chapter)

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