MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 709 Turbulence

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  Chapter 710 Time and Space Turbulence

  What is film? Tang Ling stopped thinking about this issue now.

  Here, if you don’t have the right tools, don’t think about the problem that can go up. Then what tool is right? Tang Ling was never a person who would give up easily. Holding the invisible fixed dimension blade, he quickly searched for his reserves.

  The easiest way is to tie the blood cat sword with a rope to make a simple grappling hook

  Is this feasible? Tang Ling was also not sure, but everything had to be tried before he knew it.

  Fortunately, there are things like ropes in Tang Ling’s storage space. After all, he has done so many in the previous sailing. By the way, collecting one is very much in line with Tang Ling's personality that likes collecting and preparing for nothing.

  Take out the rope, Tang Ling started to make the tools he wanted without even thinking about it, but at this moment, Tang Ling frowned sensitively, and subconsciously raised his head and looked upward.

How could this be?

  The speed of closing the big crack is accelerating! At the moment he saw it, the length was almost closed at a speed of a dozen meters per second, and the width reached a speed of several meters per second.

  The bad news is that the time here seems to be messy. Tang Ling saw this speed in this second, and after two seconds, the speed of its closing was still accelerating!

  In this way, if Tang Ling could not guarantee to climb within 30 seconds, there would be almost no possibility of climbing.

  At a height of nearly two kilometers, even without considering the impact of water flow, lack of tools, and slippery conditions, Tang Ling can't guarantee that he can climb up within 30 seconds even in his heyday, let alone now?

How to do? Are you going to be trapped inside? Tang Ling was not very worried about this issue at this moment. Since this crack would appear in the resource season, it would be a big deal to wait for the next resource season to figure out a solution, provided that he could survive.

Can    survive? Because of the more or less hints in the mysterious shop, Tang Ling prepared a lot of resources, saving some not only to survive, but also to ensure cultivation.

  As long as it was not trapped for ten or eight years, even if it was trapped for ten or eight years, Tang Ling looked at the dead beast corpses hanging on the countless protruding rocks above him, and he could not think of a way.

  Thinking of this, Tang Ling's mind was slightly relaxed.

But at this time, there was a huge movement from the top again. With this huge movement, Tang Ling stared in amazement at this almost closed opening, which was torn apart by an inexplicable force. .

  Who is so capable? To save yourself?

  As soon as this thought came up, Tang Ling silently saw a huge shadow covering the crack above.

  What is this special? ! In just a moment, Tang Ling's heart was speechless to the extreme, because he saw clearly that the huge shadow was an island! Not big, maybe it's a relatively small island. Tang Ling is also very familiar with this island. Isn't he the owner of the deserted island?

"Why are you still stupefied? The turbulence of time and space is coming up soon, use your ability. I can't talk anymore, my energy is almost exhausted!" At this time, the familiar voice of the desert island owner echoed in this. space.

  What ability? This was the first thought that came to Tang Ling's mind when he heard these words.

  And the second thought is to trust him so much? Follow along like this? Or is an island so ruthless?

  As for the last thought, what is spatiotemporal turbulence?

  However, at this time, there was no time for Tang Ling to figure out these questions, and the owner of the desert island was exhausted, and it was even more impossible to answer Tang Ling.

  All Tang Ling could see was that the torn crack remained for less than a second. After the deserted island sank into it, it returned to its original state, and then closed at a faster speed.

  What about desert islands? I don't know why, it quietly suspended in the sky, and then began to shrink sharply, and countless dirt, trees, rocks and other debris shook down from the sky.

  Tang Ling’s stingy nature began to work again. He felt distressed. The dirt and stones on these deserted islands are all precious! How can it be wasted in such a difficult environment?

  Subconsciously, he opened his own space with the invisible fixed-dimensional blade hole, came to the edge of the stone ridge, and desperately used it to fish for these debris.

   "What are you doing? Hurry up!" At this moment, the owner of the deserted island shouted hoarsely!

  Tang Ling was shocked, and quickly closed the space. Within a few seconds, with the cooperation of mental power, his space sucked in a lot of debris, and it almost filled his space.

  No loss anyway, Tang Ling closed the space! But what is it to be faster?

Then, Tang Ling fell to the stone edge, because an unprecedented sense of crisis erupted from his heart. No, it can’t be said to be a sense of crisis anymore, but he feels like he is already here. The general feeling of dying in an instant is much more serious than the sense of crisis before falling into the crack.

  Perhaps the situation has reached this point, it is irreversible, and even the sense of anxiety has been omitted from Tang Ling.

  It was such a sudden shock that made Tang Ling sit on the ground, and Tang Ling had experienced so many dangers, he was already a calm and numb person in his bones.

  It can be seen that this is a desperate crisis.

   Before Tang Ling had time to take a closer look, he felt that the dark crack that was about to close suddenly lit up, and the light source came from below.

  Tang Ling glanced slightly sluggishly, glanced down, and then he was dead.


  What did Tang Ling see?

  He saw a ‘river’, yes, it was a river. The river with countless fragments was actually a huge energy, surging and dangerous, and seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

  What kind of energy is this kind of energy? What kind of power brings them together, and in what form do they exist? What is the specific structure? Why does it shine?

  Since Tang Ling came into contact with pre-civilizational scientific knowledge, even though the cultivation was so hard, he still seized any gap time to read at any time to enrich his knowledge, so he subconsciously thought this way.

   but discovered that the existence of this energy river in front of him has far surpassed the basic scientific explanation of the pre-civilization.

  This kind of energy river cannot be explained, so what is the unexplainable big or small fragment in the river?

  Because these fragments are so illusory, this feeling is like looking at a strange picture. These fragments seem to be caught in the river, but when you look closely, they seem to float outside the river.

  It may be difficult to understand it, but if you want to force a metaphor, it is like a landscape photo hanging on the wall, and then one hand is placed outside the landscape photo.

  At first glance, the hand seems to be in a landscape photo. In fact, the landscape photo is only a two-dimensional picture, but the hand is in another three-dimensional space.

  Some confusing statements can barely explain what Tang Ling saw.

But this is not all of the strangeness of these fragments. These fragments are just a glance, and there is a kind of disorder. The whole person is like the illusion of being sucked into it. What is more terrifying is that in this illusion, countless flashes will flash in front of your eyes. Unclear pictures, even if these pictures occasionally stagnate, this stagnation is like the case of video dropping frames in the pre-civilization.

   But so what? Tang Ling still couldn't see any pictures.

  And just staring at it for an instant, Tang Ling felt a strong sense of shock in his brain, and he was afraid that the whole person's spirit would be completely torn apart when he watched it again.

  "Time and space turbulence?" At this moment, Tang Ling suddenly understood what the owner of the deserted island said.

  Among all the talent abilities, time and space abilities are the most mysterious and rarest, and even with such talent abilities, these two laws are the most difficult to understand and learn.

   Therefore, even if there are people with such abilities, it is often difficult to play their abilities, but as long as they can play a little bit, they are all top people.

  But is it time to think about this now? Obviously not! Tang Ling had already come to the conclusion when he saw this turbulent flow of time. In his current situation, he could never touch the river. As long as the violent energy touched him a little bit, he might be able to. It will be crushed, no, it should be said that there is no scum left.

  Tang Ling still can’t understand what those fragments are? But is that vitality? Tang Ling was absolutely not sure, because everything in front of him was beyond his understanding.

  It’s just that it’s not the time to despair, because the owner of the desert island followed desperately, and at the end he reminded himself to use his own abilities! This shows that there is vitality!

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Tang Ling’s forehead. As soon as the turbulent flow of time and space appeared, it was surging from below the void to the top at an extremely fast speed. Not surprisingly, there will be at most two minutes left. It's'submerged' here.

How to do? Tang Ling glanced at the owner of the deserted island subconsciously, even if it gave himself another hint? But in Tang Ling's gaze, the desert island was about to disappear. A huge skeleton that was not visible was rapidly forming, and the cracks above the skeleton were completely closed.

  Don’t have any illusions, you can’t get out! The only way is your own ability.

  Tang Ling took two deep breaths, trying his best to calm himself down, even though the turbulence of time and space is so frightening, he must also observe carefully.

  In desperate situations, the easiest way is to do multiple-choice questions, eliminate the most desperate, and choose the one that is relatively less desperate

  Of course, this requires excellent judgment. Judgment is based on understanding. Tang Ling can’t understand everything in front of him. He only has a slight feeling. Isn’t it right? Therefore, Tang Ling must rely on some luck for the current situation.

   "I hope Oushen hugs me today." Tang Ling muttered, what is Oushen? He also didn't know very well, anyway, in some books of the pre-civilization, it was a **** of luck, shit, and other things. The people of the pre-civilization, especially the Chinese people, loved it very much.

  Tang Ling is of Chinese descent, so naturally he has to choose the **** that Chinese people love.

  After muttering like this, Tang Ling made a choice without hesitation. First, he ruled out contact with the so-called energy ‘river water’ and put his only vitality on the temporarily puzzled fragments.

  Since vitality is related to one's own ability.

  In the limited time, Tang Ling thought quickly, what is his ability? To put it simply, it is precise instinct and flame!

  The flame is definitely not good. In front of the energy flow like time and space turbulence, you are a ‘brother’.

  The precision instinct? There are actually many applications of precision instinct, measurement? Observation of energy flow? Analysis of the structure?

  It seemed to be useful and useless. Tang Ling was a little anxious. Time passed unconsciously in his thinking. At that time, the empty turbulence was forced to come up again. It seemed that Tang Ling only had about a minute of time left.

  At this moment, Tang Ling felt a little anxious, and glanced around subconsciously, and found that on the stone edge that was obviously not wide enough, whether it was the comatose other shore or the corpse of the snakehead, it was about to slide down.

Tang Ling grabbed the other shore and hugged her firmly. Wu Chanzhu's body was not important, but because of a trace of sympathy he wanted to bury him, Tang Ling didn't want to violate his original intention. He just tried it. Mindset, see if you can put the body of the snakehead pearl into your own space, and it succeeded.

  This undoubtedly delayed Tang Ling's precious five seconds, but it was just such five seconds, but Tang Ling suddenly had inspiration.

   Speaking of it, I really have an ability that I didn't think of. Whether this ability is derived from precision instinct or a separate unknown ability, it does exist after all, that is, it is an ability to perceive foresight.

  Able to perceive and predict danger or something

if so!

  Tang Ling knew that his only choice might be this, it was purely based on feelings

  Well, then give it a try!

  Before the turbulence of time and space overwhelms you, jump to these fragments. Although you don't know what these fragments are, then feel it yourself. If there is no bad feeling, then jump and bet!

  Thinking about everything, Tang Ling immediately did so.

  He stared at the fragments, chose one, concentrated his mind, and began to imagine whether he would be dangerous if he jumped on it?

  This approach is a bit absurd. Tang Ling didn't know if it would be successful, but what Tang Ling didn't expect was that his inner feelings actually responded.

   responded to him with restlessness, upset, restlessness, with a gray color of death


  Tang Ling was not disappointed because of this feeling in his heart, but his eyes were bright! It doesn't matter if time is tight at this time, as long as you know what to do, everything is full of hope.

  So, Tang Ling began to quickly feel the fragments in the turbulent flow of time and space, and these fragments could not be chosen randomly, he had to choose what he could reach.

  After all, the turbulent flow of time and space is flowing, and there are so many fragments in the depths and shallows. If you want to avoid contact with the river water of the violent energy flow, the fragments you can choose are also limited.

  Ten seconds passed, and the river of violent energy flow had spread to a position less than fifty meters away from Tang Ling.

   Tang Ling had already felt the seven fragments at this time.




  No one is good! Tang Ling's original calm mind was slightly anxious, but he couldn't let anything affect his mood. He found that in such an urgent and necessary feeling, as long as his mood fluctuates slightly, the feeling will become very vague.

  Taking a deep breath, Tang Ling continued to perceive.

   Twenty seconds, thirty seconds.

  The river was 30 meters away from Tang Ling, and 20 meters away, Tang Ling did not find a relatively safe fragment.

  Is it the wrong direction? Should I be in the right direction to feel the flow of river water energy with precision instinct? Then find a pattern and find a way out?

  But the time was obviously too late. At this time, energy was turbulently flowing in the river water, and another fragment was rushed out from nowhere.

  Compared to some large fragments, this fragment is a bit ridiculous, like a contrast between a slap and a finger.

  But the feeling of this fragment of Tang Ling actually felt a bit of peace.

  That's it! According to precise instinctive calculations, as long as six seconds later, you are in X position, X angle, how much power you use, do not calculate some small factors, and do not consider accidents, then there is a 98% chance that you will be able to Jump to that piece of debris.

  Where did Tang Ling dare to hesitate, in such a tight time, he picked up the other shore and prepared to rush to the relatively small fragment.

  But at this moment, Tang Ling felt a little unwillingness again in his heart, and he glanced in a certain direction again.

  A larger fragment floated in that direction, could it be

  A sense of hesitation rose in Tang Ling's heart for an instant. Does his unwillingness remind him of something? Is that piece of debris safer?

  If you want to feel it, it takes at least two seconds, if you miss the relatively safe piece

Tang Ling’s crazy gambling nature reappeared at this time. Ordinary people may want safety in such a desperate situation, and they don’t want or dare to toss, but Tang Ling believes that any despair may bring some opportunities. What?

  So, he didn't think about it any more, and immediately closed his eyes to feel it.

  Perhaps because he had a strong hunch from the beginning, as soon as he felt the fragment, within a second, Tang Ling had a certain strong feeling in his heart.

  How does it feel? Danger! Excited! There is still a glimmer of hope!

  This feeling is like a turnaround gamble. Before the cards are opened, they are nervous and excited, but still hopeful.

  The result is either a losing bankruptcy, or a complete winner. There is no security, only madness.

After this time was delayed, the small fragment was already close. Counting the time it took Tang Ling to come to this location and the time it took to feel the big fragment, Tang Ling still had three seconds to decide, otherwise he would just Will completely miss that small piece.

  In fact, what is there to decide? If it was Tang Ling himself, he would choose the big piece without hesitation. He has always been a crazy gambler. The more desperate he is, the more he will gamble.

  However, he is responsible for the life of the other side.

  How to choose? !

Tang Ling's heart was caught in an incomparable entanglement. At this moment, the turbulent temporal and spatial turbulence actually set off a burst of energy storms, and the river began to approach Tang Ling at a faster speed, but at the same time the large fragment was affected. The energy storm swept through, hitting a few laps, past the small fragment, and leaned towards Tang Ling!

  In other words, if Tang Ling wants to choose that big fragment, his hesitation time is even more limited, only one second!

   "Bi An, this is destiny." Tang Ling grabbed Bi An's hand in the entanglement, but he still couldn't make a decision. In his heart, Bi An's life was even heavier than his own.

  Maybe it really is destiny? Bi An, who has been in a coma, at this moment, when he was held by Tang Ling, at the moment when Tang Ling was talking about his fate, he actually shook Tang Ling back slightly.

  That felt like encouraging himself. Tang Ling didn't know why, but at this moment, he could clearly feel Bi An's heart.

   He turned his head in disbelief and found that Bi An was still unconscious, but the hand he was holding moved again, as if urging Tang Ling.

  Well, in that case! Then choose the big piece.

  Tang Ling no longer hesitated, the big fragments were thrown here by the turbulence, and the small fragments were in the same direction, he didn't need to adjust anything! The turbulent river of time and space is also about to be pushed to the feet, whether life or death is this fragment.

  Thinking, Tang Ling adjusted the angle slightly, holding the other shore and leaping directly, the whole person quickly rushed towards the large fragments below.

  Following Tang Ling's leap, the bone armor that had been floating above the cave suddenly sank, and with an incredible speed, it followed Tang Ling and crashed into the big fragment.


   "Wow Lala" "Wow Lala"

  The sound of waves resounded in Tang Ling's ears, and some cool waves washed Tang Ling's body slightly.

Tang Ling was lying on the water's edge, apparently in a coma. Not far from him, there was a huge skeleton, which seemed to have been broken in many places. A few broken bones were scattered everywhere, just in the key heart part. , A large piece of bone is firmly sealed.

  These pieces of bone are like pieces of armor. They are not the ribs of the chest as humans understand. They seem to be protecting something?

  At this time, the tightly closed bone fragment also cracked a small seam, as if it was finally unable to hold it and shattered, and it seemed that someone had knocked out a small seam inside.

  The red liquid began to flow out along that small slit, and it looked so dazzling in a lake and mountains.

  The liquid flowed slowly, falling from the gap of the skeleton to the ground, and slowly formed a small red flow on the ground, flowing towards Tang Ling

This process was slow. After about half an hour, the tortuous red current slowly approached Tang Ling, flowed between Tang Ling’s fingers, and then was washed by the water on the shore, and slowly Covering Tang Ling’s body, nose and mouth again and again

  Tang Ling was completely cold and weak, and finally felt a warm current slowly moisturizing himself, those broken tendons, those cracked bones, and even those broken nerves.

  The most important thing is that his brain, which has been blank and unable to function at all, has slowly begun to feel something.

  Two hours have passed, the red flow has slowly broken off, dried up, and no longer flows out of the small cracks in the skeleton.

  But at this time, Tang Ling seemed to have been supplemented enough. His breathing slowly became steady and strong, and his face was no longer so pale. His fingers and knees, as if being stimulated by an electric current, reacted slightly.

  Twenty minutes later, Tang Ling let out an unconscious low groan, and the eyes under his eyelids were turning violently, as if trying to open them.

  Three minutes later.

   Tang Ling, who had been lying on the water's edge, suddenly yelled ‘the other shore’ nervously. The hand lying on the shore waved indiscriminately. After catching the time, he opened his eyes all of a sudden.

  At the beginning, Tang Ling’s eyes were hollow and absent. After a few seconds, Tang Ling’s eyes slowly recovered.

The memories from before rushed to him like a tide. He chose the big fragment at the time, and then jumped over it. What people did not expect was the energy storm that hadn’t calmed down, and once again set off a wave of energy. Tang Ling fought over.

  At such a close distance, Tang Ling felt the horror of the energy wave. He had originally expected that there would be no scum, but the huge energy was much more than that. Doesn't it feel like how to describe it? If you insist on describing it, it should be like a person at the center of an atomic bomb, just getting angry in an instant, and there won’t even be a shadow printed on the wall, right?

  At this moment, Tang Ling’s only choice was to get close to the fragments as quickly as possible, but he had no power to use. At a critical moment, a huge shadow enveloped him, and the skeleton of the owner of the deserted island also fell.

   At this moment, a force pushed Tang Ling, causing him to fall directly into the fragments before being hit by that energy wave.

  Unfortunately, is the energy wave so easy to break through? Even if Tang Ling was pushed, the splash of waves hit Tang Ling directly!

Tang Ling couldn't say what kind of power it was, like the vicissitudes of reversing time back and forth, and layered together with layers of space, directly acting on the squeeze feeling of the soul. More importantly, these two The combination of the powers gives people the feeling that they will be broken down as soon as they come across.

  At this moment, Tang Ling couldn't do anything, and the only choice was to forcibly release Souchong.

   Originally, Tang Ling didn’t know. Will there be any reaction from Xiaozhong who also fought to the extreme with him?

   but didn't want to, Xiaozhong actually rang Tang Ling's call at this moment. At that moment, Tang Ling didn't know what happened? I just feel that my whole heart has become so small.

  A small bud, tenaciously supporting the leaves, there are only three or two leaves that are very pitiful, but mysterious lines appear on the leaves.

   Tang Ling was about to faint when he saw that line. He couldn't take another look.

  At the same time Tang Ling, who had fallen into the debris, began to draw a part of the flowing energy beside her, and became more turbulent.

  Next, Tang Ling only felt that his bones and armor appeared on his body, and then the pictures were more messy and quickly passed in front of him.

  In the next moment, that drop of energy wave finally hit Tang Ling's body.

  Then Tang Ling didn’t know anything anymore. He didn’t even have the strength to hug the other shore. He only felt that he was falling infinitely, sometimes old, sometimes young, and sometimes naive.

  He was watching a period of time, but it was a strange and still time, just like looking at the photos taken day by day, very strange.

  And he can't remember anything!

   Then, Tang Ling fell into a complete coma. He was originally stubborn and firmly grasped the other side's hand, but also unconsciously let go.

    Yesterday’s chapter and part of today’s content are two-in-one, 7000-word chapters, wait to see and add another two to three thousand words. It could have been written as a ten thousand-character chapter.



  (End of this chapter)

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