MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 362 not a natural disaster

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  Chapter 362 is not a natural disaster

   "Wait a minute, I'll change your equipment for you." Yate found that Isodi's equipment had obvious signs of wear and tear, especially the weapons, which had many cracks the size of rice grains.

  Everything is placed in the Soul Church, and he has to go there again.

   "Thank you, boss." Isodi kept all his instructions to him in mind, and never called him "master" again.

   "Run when the situation is wrong, mainly to protect yourself." Art told her.

In the desert area, it’s probably the second act. The monsters there are not only stronger, but also more disgusting. There are many monsters attacking poisonous and electric elements, and there are many throwing attacks, aerial attacks, and even underground attacks. In such a natural environment, if you are not careful, you may be recruited.

   "Yes." In fact, there is no need for him to urge, Isodi himself knows what to do, but he still complies seriously.

   Attitude is consistent.

   "You go back." Because the flow of time on the two sides is different, Art didn't let her stay for too long this time.


  After Isodi left, only himself and Raum were left at home, and Art suddenly realized that he had nothing to do for a while!

   Now he is in the period of fusion of spiritual organs and organs, so he is not suitable for high-intensity cultivation.

   Meditation is fine, but he just came back from the spirit world, so he doesn't want to meditate for now.

  The efficiency is too poor.

   After thinking for a while, I decided to make something delicious.

   It was almost noon, and he could take it easy.

   It is precisely because of the short trial time this time that the mental pressure is even greater. Neither Shachem nor the alienated body can handle it!

  Even with all kinds of restrictions, facing Shahem in the "tree man" state, they are completely powerless to fight back.

  At the last moment, each of them was under tremendous mental pressure.

  Speaking of which, Shahem and the alienated body died really unjustly.

  Even if Xenia Eugene didn't tell him this, he could guess based on what he saw that both Shachem and the alienated body were the test subjects of an existence, and life and death depended on the other party's thoughts.

  Anyone who has seen or done an experiment knows that no matter how powerful the subject is, the experimenter can kill it with just one button press.

   It is said that these two guys died unjustly because they didn't know that they were just a test product until the last moment before they died!


   What's more, Xenia Eugen's thoughts are so deep!

   The creatures in the ruins are almost extinct, and she is the only one who survived and successfully escaped from the ruins. The key is that she didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, all relying on planning!

  The layout is intertwined. She is afraid that she has already discovered the identities of Shachem and the alienated body, and the appearance of the supervisor is also in her speculation.

  The on-the-spot response ability is also top-notch. After discovering his own form of existence, he immediately adjusted his plan and reached a deal with Art.

  The reason why Yate agreed to deal with her was that her identity as a spiritual warlock only accounted for half of it, and the other half was because of her keen vision, strategic layout, and ability to adapt to changes.

   With such a helper, you can save a lot of worry.

  Although he has no intention of seeking hegemony, as long as Yate wants to be promoted to a high-level professional, he will inevitably have contact with other professionals and various calculations.

  Just because you don’t count others, doesn’t mean others won’t count you.

   Just like Marquis Coffey and others, aren’t they being tricked by Professor Hughes?

   Even led to the death of Marquis Coffey!

   I don’t know how the old man is doing now…

   Unknowingly, Art made a table full of meals.

   There are meat and vegetables, and the color, fragrance and taste are complete.

  Contact Samantha Lilly.

  I have already thought about it during the cooking, and it is inevitable that there will be places to rely on her. I can't rush or waste the previous friendship. It is also necessary to keep in touch and send some small favors.

  This is the way of the world, and everyone can't avoid it.

   The melted liquid of Mossier will be sold to her.

   "Busy!" Unexpectedly, Samantha Lily seemed to be doing research and didn't have time to come over.

   "I encountered an alienated body in the ruins..." Yate described the information of the alienated body.

  As long as the "plot" is not involved, it is just the information of the alienation body, it doesn't matter.

   "I'll be right there!" Sure enough, Samantha Lily was not busy right away.

   A few minutes after the call ended, he came to Art.

   "Eat first." Art said.

  He has already taken the chopsticks and waited for her.

  Samantha Lily still had that lazy posture, with scraggly hair, glasses, and black marks on her wrists from nowhere, like a social house girl who worked overtime.

  Not being polite to him, he picked up the chopsticks and ate directly.

  Influenced by him, he has learned to use chopsticks.

   Much more convenient than a knife and fork.

   "You guys came back so soon, did something happen?" Sure enough, Samantha Lily couldn't avoid this question.

   "I can't say." Art replied familiarly.

  No need to explain anything, Samantha Lily can naturally guess the reason.

   "What's the receipt?"

  Yate pointed to the top of his head.

   "The solidification was successful?!" Samantha Lily paused as she was picking up vegetables.

  She is very interested in Yate's spiritual organ, and has been paying attention to the progress.

  Although the strength is stronger, but because of absent-mindedness, he failed to discover that Yate had successfully solidified the spiritual organ in the first place.

   Logically speaking, it should never be so fast!

   "Did you deduce the following structure?" Samantha Lily asked immediately.

   This is the main reason for restricting Art.

  Because it was created by myself, and there were no ready-made examples to learn from, Yate could only deduce and verify it over and over again, looking for content that might help him from various materials and data.

  In her opinion, even if Art can finally succeed, it will take at least a few years.

   Unexpectedly, after returning from a trip to the ruins, it has been solidified successfully!

   "Accident." Art shrugged, not without the meaning of Versailles.

  He hasn't deduced the structure behind it yet, but the skill of Luck Edict forced his spiritual organs to automatically choose the optimal route during the growth process.

   As we all know, luck is often more important than hard work for some experiments that break through the unknown.

  And this is no longer just luck, but a series of lucks directly used to build a bridge to success!

  That's why all the luck from the plunder is consumed here, not just to solidify the spiritual organs.

   The effect of the skill Edict of Luck is really powerful!

  That's why he suspected that the natural disaster was a blowback against his luck.

  If you have income, you must give something.

  By the way, you can ask Samantha Lily.

   "We encountered a natural disaster when we came back. Fortunately, a few Erlongs warned us, otherwise the whole ship might have been destroyed!" Arter asked after describing the natural disaster.

Samantha Lily was about to ask him what kind of accident happened, so she tried it herself. After hearing his description, she looked at him with great interest and said, "It's really lucky that you can come back alive after meeting Olge good!"


  Yat was taken aback.

   What they encountered was not a natural disaster?

  (end of this chapter)

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