MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1810 Break with me

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Before the Nine Spirits Formation, the remains of the battlefield left after the end of the war had long been cleaned up, leaving only an extremely thin hydrogen belt surrounding the galaxy.

The starry sky race camp with a dense number of warships and the scarce spirit camp are divided into two directions that are not too far apart orbiting the galaxy.

The two camps are close to each other, with little or no contact.

Chu Yunsheng rested on the battleship comma for a while, touching a large number of bubbles at once, pretending to attack each spirit bubble, and his impact on him was not small. Next, he will have a larger-scale bubble world operation, which needs to be adjusted and restored before then. To the best and best state.

The New Divine Kingdom Nine Spirits Array covers up to two light-years away, but the lives blocked outside are basically concentrated in the two camps not far apart, and the number of lives in other locations is sporadic.

Even the nine spirits of the new kingdom of God, in the operation of the spirit formation, always keep at least two or three spirit masters covering the area of ​​the two camps.

But even if the distance between the two camps is relatively close to two light-years, it will take a long time for the signal running at the speed of light to cover the entire camp, and the immediate effect is basically non-existent.

When the two camps quietly communicated with each other and found that the time when they felt the abnormality was almost at the same point in time, it was like seeing a ghost.

Either they collectively have hallucinations at the same time, or the physical foundation of the universe is at fault here.

The latter is obviously impossible, and the former is too incredible.

The comma battleship is hiding in the starry sky race camp, and has also been questioned by other lives.

Although Chu Yunsheng ignored the life bubbles in his own battleship he was familiar with in the Bubble World in order to reduce the burden, he didn't feel anything inside the ship, but he still pretended to have discovered an abnormality.

During the communication, Chu Yunsheng discovered that the effect of his bubble feint attack was slightly different from that of the forbidden ground. In the same way, after they were shocked, their attention gradually shifted to the point of time.

This is also the result of the distance between everyone in the starry sky, and the immediacy of information exchange basically does not exist, thus highlighting the two points in time when "you find an anomaly" and "others tell you to find an anomaly". Series conflict.

When Chu Yunsheng couldn't wait for them to confirm each other, it might take nearly ten Earth days.

Relying on the technical ability of the comma battleship to lead the surrounding starry sky races, coupled with the fire worm's own ability, a ripple quietly evaded the fleet monitoring and reached the position about the middle of the two camps.

Across the distance is the formation of the Nine Spirits of the New God Kingdom, Chu Yunsheng emerged from the ripples, and then the ripples withdrew at the speed of light, causing the illusion that Chu Yunsheng suddenly appeared here without warning.

His gloomy figure floats there quietly, as if staring coldly at the Nine Spirits Formation.

In fact, it was actually just a shell for other people to watch. He had "disappeared" from there again, and after he left, the shell began to charge towards the Nine Spirits Array according to the automatic setting!

However, this time disappearing is not entering the bubble world. The moment he just appeared, he played the old gods sword style one after another to reappear the divine nature, passing by the lives of the divine nature rapidly expanding range.

Having had two experiences, especially the experience of experimenting with the Master of Mind, Chu Yunsheng does not go deep into areas that have not been explored before, and only acts within the scope of his own two experiences, and he was prepared long ago with the thunder. Every time a life passed by the manuscript of, follow the script once again:

"...I wish to break the formation with me, from my commander, from my war banner!"

Although the body has been broadcast by the drow in the body, the same words are being broadcast to the surrounding stars, but this mysterious method under the divine nature is more effective.

The Lunling Lord was shocked at that time.

There is no need for Lingyun, no broadcasting, as if it sounded directly from somewhere, but without knowing where it is, who is the voice?

It's okay for life in the starry sky, this effect is not much different from the effect that Ling Yun produces on them, but it is shocking for the spirit.

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng's main passing direction was also the direction of the spirit camp, and the starry sky race only randomly passed different types of bubbles.

When he returned to the body, the body was charging at an accelerated rate. After another rest adjustment, the broadcast spread.

Chu Yunsheng didn't see how many warships and lives followed him to break the formation. It didn't matter if there were none. As long as the formation of the Nine Spirits was "broken", they would still follow.

Chu Yunsheng changed the battle form of his body, crossed the middle zone, and accelerated the charge.

Behind him, the actions of every life on every battleship need time to be observed.

As time went by, the first battleship appeared.

It was not the battleship of the comma, the battleship of the comma pretended not to know anything, and continued to hide in the fleet pretending to be waiting for its own broadcast.

The first follower will always be remembered by history, but its first name did not last long, and it was surpassed from the other side by the spirit accelerating from the aura.

Then the second battleship, the third battleship... appeared one after another, following the figure of Chu Yunsheng charging like a torrent of stars, rushing towards the Nine Spirits Formation.

There are two lines between the starry sky race camp and the spirit camp, one is like a torrential flood, and the other is like a rare meteor.

They didn't know how Chu Yunsheng was going to break the formation, so rushing over was like a child's play, there was no such battle in the starry sky.

There is no arrangement, no allocation, no coordination, and everyone just follows behind.

As if not going to break the formation, not going to bleed and fight, but to sail directly into the galaxy.

But the two phenomena before Chu Yunsheng's charge were too shocking and scary. No one would think that he could reach that level of life, and he rushed straight past without doing anything like a child's play.

They recognized Chu Yunsheng's identity, and this was the only hope for survival.

Without Chu Yunsheng, they would not be able to rush through the Nine Spirits array even if they died. Now Chu Yunsheng has appeared. As for how to rush over, they would still be dead at least.

Finally, the battleship Comma waited for the broadcast that he made, and wanted to pretend to be hesitant, but when he saw that the surrounding battleships set sail for the formation, they had to give up pretending to hesitate and follow the ships to join the torrent of the spirit formation.

Between the stars, the atmosphere of war pervades.

At this time, in the formation of the Nine Spirits opposite, the spirit master of the new kingdom of God who was closest to Chu Yunsheng had just listened to Chu Yunsheng's broadcast, and they had no doubt about the identity of Chu Yunsheng's arrival.

Although it is true that there is the situation that it is seeing at this time in many of their plans, but it was unexpected that Chu Yunsheng would not talk about anything, and he really wanted to solve it directly by force?

It was indeed made a little "nervous" by Chu Yunsheng’s pre-appearance phenomenon, but according to the information that his side had cooperated with Chu Yunsheng, Chu Yunsheng would never be able to break through his own spiritual formation-in order to be foolproof, This formation used nine spirits, which was almost the limit of their organization at this time.

It didn't know how Chu Yunsheng would break the formation. The calculation of the battle power of this formation was more than a hundred times higher than that of Chu Yunsheng in the intelligence. Even if the mobs outside were added, it was not enough to strangle the formation.

However, Chu Yunsheng came straight, murderous and confident, making it very confused.

Chu Yunsheng rushed towards Juechen, so fast that the torrent of warships chasing behind him was thrown away.

Recently, the spirit of Chu Yunsheng first watched and listened to the broadcast, then saw Chu Yunsheng rushing by alone, and finally saw the spirits of the battleships who followed Chu Yunsheng to kill.

It was really confused, and didn't know how Chu Yunsheng wanted to break the formation?

Just rushing over so stupidly? Isn't it sent to death?

Even if he knew that his party didn't really want to kill it, but the original formation was fully capable of capturing it alive, wouldn't it be even more humiliating?

How shame it would be to be captured alive in front of the starry sky races and spirits who followed Chu Yunsheng?

According to the intelligence, the new spirit master of the Kingdom of God knows that Chu Yunsheng is very powerful in close combat, but in front of this formation, Chu Yunsheng has almost no chance to approach their bodies. Even if something happens, they still have preventive measures. In case of the first one, every spirit that moves to this position has long been prepared to sacrifice, in exchange for life in exchange for victory, in exchange for a negotiation advantage!

No matter what mystery Chu Yunsheng wants, this spirit still makes all preparations according to the plan, it does not need to take the initiative to attack, as long as Chu Yunsheng touches the coverage of the original formation, it will be caught alive.

As for the followers behind Chu Yunsheng, looking magnificent and majestic, they never put them in the eyes of Jiuling. They were nothing more than historical dust.

Chu Yunsheng got closer and closer, and the distance between him and his followers grew wider and wider.

Not only were the spirit masters of the New Kingdom of God stunned, the star races and spirit masters who followed him were also stunned, although Chu Yunsheng took the initiative to distance himself from them, as if to use his own power. Withstand all the attacks of the New God Kingdom Spiritual Array, opening a passage for the lives behind.

But this battle was not fought like this, and I didn't understand what was going on at all.

But when it came to this, he had to harden his heart and rush along as if he was going to die.

At least, the left-handed gods rushed to the front, not treating them as cannon fodder.

Finally, Chu Yunsheng rushed to the front!

The nearest new spirit master of the kingdom of God also adjusted to this position, and it could almost see Chu Yunsheng's complete form and every detail at this time.

At the last moment, it repeatedly confirmed that with the visible form and power of Chu Yunsheng, it was sent to death, and when it rushed, it was captured alive.

It really wants to ask Chu Yunsheng at this moment:

"Really not talking about it?"

Inwardly, it didn't want to capture Chu Yunsheng alive. For the New Kingdom of God, this was not the best result, but rather bad.

The New Kingdom of God does not need to capture the left-handed **** reserve alive to show its strength. Under this situation, they want to maintain Chu Yunsheng’s image of the **** reserve in the hearts of other lives. For this reason, if the negotiation is successful, they will not hesitate to show Greatest respect for it.

But Chu Yunsheng's style of play would not work if he didn't catch it alive.

This spirit had to prepare a case based on the situation in the original plan that would only occur with a very small probability, and figure out a way to deal with it: even if Chu Yunsheng was captured alive, let him be captured alive more decent, so as not to embarrass Chu Yunsheng too much. .

It really couldn't figure it out, where did Chu Yunsheng's self-confidence come from, dare to head straight for the battle alone?

The next moment, Chu Yunsheng hit the Nine Spirits Array straight, without slowing down, and without hesitation.

The most recent new **** and country spirit was immediately ready to deal with the aftermath, but it was just about to take action when it suddenly discovered that Chu Yunsheng, who rushed up, was actually "battered to pieces" and was strangled so that there was no shadow!


No way?

So fast?

This new God Kingdom was shocked and a little scared!

If Chu Yunsheng died like this, what would they do with their own problems?

It shouldn't, never should!

It regained a little confidence in a panic. According to intelligence, Chu Yunsheng could not be so fragile and could not die like this.

However, there was nothing in front of the formation, only the light and shadow radiated by Chu Yunsheng's followers who didn't know the situation at this time.

It searched around and found nothing. It was really a little panicked. Among all the plans, there was never one that Chu Yunsheng was really killed by them.

Chu Yunsheng must not die now, this is simply... it feels like it is going crazy, how could it be the result? It hurriedly contacted another spiritual master of its own that was close to inform of the tragic situation here.

The spirit master was already adjusting his position and was on his way to come as soon as possible. Hearing the news of it, he immediately adjusted and checked in shock. The result was also frightened. If it was Chu Yunsheng that rushed up, then It must be dead!

Unless this is not Chu Yunsheng, it is an illusion.

This was the last expectation of the two spirits, and it seemed to make sense, Chu Yunsheng would not die so easily.

However, later, when Chu Yunsheng’s followers were about to reach the front of the formation, the third nearby spiritual master, the spiritual master of the main formation, heard the spiritual voice, which not only shattered their two expectations, but also Smash their self-confidence from one extreme to the other extreme!

"It's already in, let's abandon the formation!"

As if to verify the spirit of the main formation, in the galaxy blocked by the formation, outside of a battleship flying towards here, there appeared a "Chu Yunsheng" exactly like the one outside, just looking at them with contempt. This direction.

To die? Captured alive?

It became the biggest joke in an instant!

The spiritual master who had been closest to Chu Yunsheng looked at Chu Yunsheng in the galaxy incredulously, as if he had an illusion.

Then, Chu Yunsheng in the galaxy disappeared again. In the next moment, it appeared as if they were trampled under the foot of the Nine Spirit Formation, and appeared outside the formation-where Chu Yunsheng had "dead" before.

Then, Chu Yunsheng disappeared again, destroying them and reappearing inside the galaxy sealed by the spirit array with confidence, looking at them coldly.

Just look at them as if there is nothing in the Nine Spirits Array!

Come in if you want to come in, go out if you want to go out!

When Chu Yunsheng returned provocatively again, the two new spirit masters of the kingdom of God who were closest to him, apart from being ravaged into dregs by their strong self-confidence, there was only a deep shame, and perhaps a trace of panic—Chu Yunsheng How is it done?

Although the rare retrospective method seems to be possible, they have searched all known life in the galaxy, and there is no special situation, and even with the retrospective method, they have never seen such an arrogant and repeated rampage.

Although they knew that Chu Yunsheng walked in and out of the Nine Spirits array with contempt, not really to provoke and humiliate them, but to show them to the lives that followed him.

Show his magic, show his strength, show his incomparableness.

This is the desired effect of the left-handed gods, not to humiliate them.

They can imagine how excited and cheered the lives that followed the left-handed **** reserve with the heart to die at this time will erupt when they see this scene!

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