MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1778 Voting certificate

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The cold spirit master’s habit is still the same as before it came to power, either not speaking or speaking less, or just saying a lot, and it all sounds like sincere words, speaking from the bottom of the heart, but not saying Chu Yunsheng, Even the drow 3961 would not believe these words.

If you go to the mission galaxy of the cold spirit master, from there through the arrival point, sneak into the abnormal galaxies occupied by other left-handed spirit masters, and attack from the inside. It sounds wonderful, but the first thing you have to face is to face the cold spirit master. The question of trust.

It's a pity that the cold spirit master has never had much trust, and compared to the miraculous spirit master, it is really a loser in this respect.

The so-called no plan to regenerate: the transplant fails, and then tricks Chu Yunsheng into a trap - even though the traces of such a shameful plan are too obvious, it is not impossible.

Of course, the biggest problem is not whether the cold spirit master has a conspiracy, but that once entering its mission galaxy, everyone else will lose the initiative and fall into the control of the cold spirit master.

What happened to the cold spirit master's thoughts, no one could control the situation.

Naturally, Chu Yunsheng would not believe what the Lord Han Ling had said, and Lord Han Ling knew this, otherwise he would not have listened to so many plans arranged by 3961. He saw that Chu Yunsheng would make the consultation record after reviewing it. When deciding, a new amendment was given:

"I can tell you directly how to control the alien galaxy with left-handed rotation. Go in by yourself and I will not go in. Although in this case, you can only complete the sneak attack on left-handed galaxies on your own. We can’t help, but it is. The only way to make you believe."

After speaking, it seemed to have guessed the details that Chu Yunsheng and 3961 wanted to correct, and immediately filled in the loopholes:

"I know what you want to say, but the Master of Mind will never go in, and you also need to put it outside to prevent me from following in.

The method of controlling alien galaxies is left-handed secret. The purpose and function of controlling alien galaxies are also left-handed secrets. I would like to change my name to follow you and tell you these secrets, but in the final analysis, this is just left-handed internal affairs. .

If you let the lord of the spirit know it, it would be tantamount to betraying left-handedness. Even if you can really regain the position of God in the future, I will die without a place to bury.

Therefore, during this discussion, I insisted that it be excluded. If you still insist that it enter, I would rather threaten you. If it enters, I will follow up and kill it in it, and I won’t agree to it. . "

The words of Lord Han Ling were not completely wrong. This was probably the only way to build trust between the two parties. Only when Lord Han Ling stayed outside could all hidden dangers be eliminated.

Then there were only three options left: Chu Yunsheng went in, Minling Lord went in, or Chu Yunsheng went in with Minling Lord.

The cold spirit master blocked the gap where the cold spirit master entered, and it was only Chu Yunsheng who went in by himself.

The reason is also very sufficient and correct. It is not just a matter of betraying left-handedness. The Lingling Lord himself also needs to stay outside to contain the Cold Spirit Lord and ensure that the Cold Spirit Lord is followed by Chu Yunsheng before entering.

In this way, there is only one question left with this method, and that is whether Chu Yunsheng himself can successfully attack a spirit from the left-handed interior?

The Lord Han Ling thinks that Chu Yunsheng has no problem, and the Lord Min Ling is not here. If he is there, I am afraid that there is no big problem.

After all, it was a sneak attack initiated by the left-handed interior.

But Chu Yunsheng didn't think so. Without the support of the battleship, the support of the fire worm, and the array on the body, he could not effectively fight against a true spirit as a whole.

Many secrets about himself are not known to outside life such as Han Lingzhu.

However, this did not become an obstacle for Chu Yunsheng to take a risk. If the situation reached a certain level, he had to go if he didn't.

He had just read the entire negotiation record. 3961 was obviously misled by the cold spirit master, and his thinking was also distorted. In other words, even after the transformation, 3961 was not an opponent of the true spirit.

Who said, who stipulated that this attack must be completed by Chu Yunsheng? Or want him to participate in the completion?

I'm afraid this detail may not be noticed by the stunned spirit master who is also the true spirit, because every time Chu Yunsheng takes action, there is basically a figure of Chu Yunsheng as the main force.

Of course, 3961 would think so, so it was of course misguided.

Chu Yunsheng closed the consultation record, and after listening to Han Lingzhu's many explanations and the final correction plan, he said in a hurry:

"I can understand everything you say, but it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Since you know the secrets and are worried about leaking, instead of making the problem more and more complicated, it is better for you to do it alone. Don't go.

You have now succeeded in the upper position, although some injuries, by the time your mission galaxy should be almost fine.

With your superiority as a superior spirit, with your understanding of left-handedness, and your understanding of alien galaxies, I believe you will definitely win. "

The cold spirit master was stunned immediately, and then said for a while: "Can you let me go?"

Chu Yunsheng immediately said affirmatively: "Why don't you let it go? Didn't you change your name?"

The Lord Han Ling couldn't refute Chu Yunsheng's words, so he said: "Don't you worry about letting me go, and you will change your mind when I return to the mission galaxy?"

Chu Yunsheng said frankly: "Disappointment is there, worry is not, if you change your mind, it will not affect our original plan. You know better than me that the plan is not to deceive left-handed, but for other non-left-handed forces to gather with me. It's just an excuse. You have changed your mind, and the Master Minling and I will find a place to make a fake, and the effect will not be much worse."

The cold spirit master was speechless, and Chu Yunsheng said it for this purpose. If it finds any reason, no one will doubt whether it has really changed its name?

In the battleship communication dictionary, there is an old term that is very low-used nowadays, which is called cast name status.

The cold spirit master was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, then I will go alone, but how to solve the problem of navigation errors? Without your ship, I would still be lost."

This is not an excuse to shirk, it is a detail of the actual operation.

If Chu Yunsheng sends it to its mission galaxy, then there will still be a trust problem. Once it enters the mission galaxy, Chu Yunsheng is close to the outside of the galaxy. If anything happens to it, at such a close distance, Chu Yunsheng It is still equivalent to self-investing in the net.

But Chu Yunsheng had already figured out a solution: "This is not a problem. I will let 3961 build you a suitable private spaceship for you, and then we will release you and the spaceship at a suitable coordinate point."

Chu Yunsheng did not explain specifically what is a suitable spacecraft for it, and what is a suitable coordinate point, but the Lord Han Ling understands that the so-called private spacecraft that is suitable for it must be a spacecraft that cannot move at high speeds, and can only sail at low speeds. , And the so-called proper coordinates must be calculated. Starting from that coordinates, when it crawled to the mission galaxy under low-speed navigation, Chu Yunsheng and his ship would have disappeared long ago.

If it tries to accelerate the spacecraft with the spirit, let alone the problem of getting lost when accelerating into a high-speed state, the private spacecraft customized for it by the drow will collapse 100% overwhelmed and expected, and then it will collapse. It is necessary to rely on the spirit body of the Master Mind to continue to wriggle on the star road.

These unfavorable factors turned into favorable conditions in a blink of an eye. The Lord Han Ling glanced deeply at the left-handed pre-reservoir composed of virtual information in front of him, and quickly entered the follow-up part of the plan and said:

"After I return to the alien galaxy, I need a little time to figure out their current situation and arrangement. You need to wait for me for a while, don’t worry, I will choose a left-handed spirit master who always advocates brightly and definitely kills you at the last moment. Sneak attack to ensure the best deterrent effect, but I will not choose the strongest of the left-handed spirit masters who advocate killing you. I need a success rate of hitting a hit.

In addition, after success, I will show up in the name of Jian, no matter how cold and second you are, Jian is me. Don't make a mistake. "

Its last sentence is for 3961. The framework of the plan has been determined, and the details only need to be supplemented in repeated deductions.

However, because now it became the cold spirit master to go alone, the details of 3961 to be added were much less, mainly about the time of contact and post-war arrangements.

After completing the preliminary details, the Lord Han Ling told 3961 the coordinates of the mission galaxy given to it by left-handed rotation, and then went to recover his injuries.

3961 returned to the information center and said to Chu Yunsheng who had also returned: "I was misled by it."

Chu Yunsheng comforted it and said, "It doesn't matter, this is not your area of ​​expertise. You should take the time to make an assessment. After sending the Spirit Lord to its mission galaxy, we are waiting for it to act during this period of time. Look for the remaining star maps, or return home to join the new ship."

Then, he added: "I am not as optimistic as the cold spirit master, I feel that left-handed will act first!"

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