MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 73 [About sleep] If you become a person, you will cry and raise it

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When he heard that Lu Chenghe wanted to call the police, he didn't know if he was afraid or wronged. Lu Chenghe didn't believe him, and Zuo Ning's eyes were all red. At that moment, Zuo Ning's heart was lying and his expression was aggressive.

Although I have long thought that treating people and treating dogs is definitely different, but when facing such a situation, the actual feelings are completely different. No matter how much he imagines himself, when it happens, it will never be the same as what he imagined, so all the expectations of the earlier psychological construction are all done in vain. Now Zuo Ning has only fear and confusion.

Lu Chenghe was crying when he saw that little thing, and it was a bit funny. But in the end, he didn't dare to scare him too hard. He was scared of illness just by asking a few words last time. This became a person directly in front of him. I'm afraid he can scare himself to death without saying anything. So he turned to take a bathrobe and put it beside the bath: "Get dressed and come out with me."

Zuo Ning was not sure of Lu Chenghe's attitude, and could only quickly put on his clothes in accordance with his wishes. After being no longer stripped, I finally felt a little safe, and followed Lu Chenghe softly and tearfully.

Looking back at the little poor crying bag, Lu Chenghe almost didn't hold his face, and pointed to the sofa: "Sit over."

Zuo Ning sat quickly and obediently, with her legs close together and her hands on her knees. The sitting position was comparable to the elementary school student who was corrected by the teacher on the first day of school. Seeing Lu Chenghe come over and whispered pitifully: "I really, really is a little pudding, you believe me."

Lu Chenghe raised an eyebrow: "You want me to believe in you, what can I believe in you? You can go back and see me."

Zuo Ning is almost crying. He hasn't mastered the transformation skills and he is uncontrollable. If he can control it, he won't be caught by the scene. Now let him change back, how can he change!

While Zuo Ning was racking his brains on how to explain to Lu Chenghe, he heard Lu Chenghe say, "However, this crying appearance resembles little pudding."

At that moment, Zuo Ning flashed suddenly and his mind was full. This is what Lu Chenghe is all about! tease! he!

Lu Chenghe definitely knew that he was a little pudding. In that case, how could a live person change a dog? How can a big Samoyed steal and hide? Such a large manor, so many security guards, how can an outsider come in, when those security devices, and the black backs at the door are all decorated.

Zuo Ning simply swooped directly on the sofa cushion, humming falsely.

However, when he was a dog, the humming sound was a bit similar. This turned into a person, and he felt fake by himself. So he sat up silently again, when the person who was crying just now was not him.

Lu Chenghe didn't resist seeing this series of moves, he laughed, but unfortunately Zuo Ning, who was hanging his head down, didn't see it.

Seeing that little thing bowed his head and kept silent, it seemed to be tangling how to explain all this, Lu Chenghe said directly: "Say, when did you become a human, how much have you concealed me?"

Zuo Ning sucked his nose, blew back the tears that had been scared, raised his head and glanced at Lu Chenghe, and saw that he was obviously not as serious and fierce as he was just now, or the Lu Chenghe he knew, which was a little relieved. I will tell you about the previous changes.

Lu Chenghe looked at him with both hands around his chest: "That is to say, the boy I saw in the hotel last time was you, and you ran away as soon as you saw me. If you did n’t suddenly change back to a dog, you Are you going to run away like that? "

Zuo Ning quickly shook his head: "No, no! I didn't plan to run away! That is, I was afraid that you wouldn't accept it, so I wanted to hide first, and then come back when I changed back."

"Then when I asked you, you still lied to me, even if you are a fairy, I can accept it. Why do n’t you tell me this kind of thing, do you want to hide it forever, or just wait for you completely Can you leave after the two forms are freely converted? "

Zuo Ning's head suddenly shook into a rattle, but this kind of thing made him say, when he was a dog, he coveted your beauty, wanted to win you, and has been fighting for it, becoming the biggest person in the world. The plan is to be like an idol drama and fall down with you and then make sauce? Such a shame makes him say something!

Seeing the little pudding just shook his head blindly, Lu Chenghe raised an eyebrow: "Then how do you lie to me?"

Zuo Ning stretched out and landed on Cheng He's clothes, looked up at him, and tried to make himself more pitiful: "I'm sorry." As for what Lu Cheng He had scared him, he had no extra thoughts to care about, now how to coax Lu Cheng He Occupied his brain.

Lu Chenghe narrowed his eyes: "What more can you hide from me, let's say it together."

Zuo Ning quickly shook his head. He couldn't say what he couldn't say. He can really say what he can say now, oh yes, there are things that want to bring down Lu Chenghe. Don't say such things. Zuo Ning frowned for a while, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Chenghe several times, but finally decided not to say anything. Anyway, in the future, anyway, if he seizes the land, he won't give him any chance. With Lu Chenghe so clever, he will definitely understand what he means.

Seeing that little appearance, he knew that he still had something to hide, but Lu Chenghe was not a person who had to ask everything in the end. After all, everyone has a small secret, and this fairy naturally needs to have demon power. He has been made aware of the big things that can become people, and other small things are not important.

Zuo Ning thought that this matter had passed, and did not expect Lu Chenghe to ask him to stand up and go round.

Zuo Ning stood up and circled in the mist in the clouds, and Lu Chenghe's bathrobe naturally came from Lu Chenghe's body, and it must have been bigger on him. It should have reached the length of the knee and was worn just below the calf. However, it was empty, and Zuo Ning tightened his shirt subconsciously.

Lu Chenghe looked up and down for a moment: "Is the transformation complete? Are there any problems left behind, are the ears and tails hidden?"

Zuo Ning touched his **** subconsciously, but did not touch the extra part, and then nodded to Lu Chenghe: "No problem!"

Seeing that stupid look, she almost burst into tears. Now that she knows the crisis is over, she smiles like a little fool, and looks at Lu Chenghe for a while. My heart is so big, can I find it later when I release it? The sleigh three silly is not famous for letting go, even if it becomes a person, he can not guarantee that he can go back and return.

But now he ca n’t always let the little pudding wore a nightgown at home, so he took him into the cloakroom and found a set of casual clothes that he could probably wear.

The little pudding in white sportswear looked exceptionally youthful, with dark hair and black eyes. When he smiled, his eyes seemed to be starry. Especially when he glanced at him as soon as he saw himself, it was the same as when he was a dog, which made Lu Chenghe no stranger even to seeing him become a human.

Zuo Ning dressed brightly and walked back and forth across the room. The feeling of stepping on the furry carpet was completely different from the feeling of stepping on the dog's paw. The touch was more delicate and more comfortable. When I saw the soft big bed, I couldn't help but rushed up.

Zuo Ning felt that the whole world was bright, happy to wait for three laughs, now that everything is clear, and if you become a person in the future, you do n’t have to hide. Thinking of it that way, he couldn't help but rejoice in the bed rolling around.

After two rounds, I suddenly saw the mobile phone on the bedside table. Zuo Ning quickly rushed to pick up the mobile phone and watch the time. From being a person to Lu Chenghe's questioning to changing clothes, there were almost 20 minutes before and after. I know it will be a little longer than the last time, and I finally passed the clear road. He didn't want to change back to a dog so soon, and he wanted to play for a while.

Lu Chenghe saw that he was counting time, and thinking about the time when he became a person, he asked: "What are the main reasons that can make you a person, and how can you extend the time, can you learn to control yourself. If you want to Outside you suddenly become uncontrollable, even if I don't want to, you will be taken away. "

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe in distress and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then what do you know?"

Zuo Ning held his quilt in an aggrieved state and didn't speak. He also wanted to know what he knew, but he really didn't know anything. Everything happened so uncontrollably. What can he do, he is also very Despair.

Lu Chenghe was completely hopeless about his IQ and shook his head helplessly.

Zuo Ning glanced at Cheng He's hand quickly: "Do n’t shake your head, I know a lot, I also know English, I can understand dog language, I can communicate with dogs, and I can help you train dogs!"

Lu Chenghe ruthlessly pushed his hand away: "I can call a dog trainer."

Zuo Ning was stunned for a moment, lying awkwardly on the bed watching Lu Chenghe.

Lu Chenghe didn't know what to think of, suddenly turned to look at him, and couldn't help looking at Zuo Ning: "Why, what?"

Lu Chenghe said: "You become a human now, you can't sleep with me." After looking at the kennel: "Fortunately, the kennel is very large, it is just a small bed, you still sleep in your own bed. "

Upon hearing, Zuo Ning quickly opened the quilt and lay in: "I don't!"

Lu Chenghe squinted: "You say it again?"

Zuo Ning was a little persuasive, but still clung to his position by holding the pillow: "I don't want to."

Lu Chenghe took a deep breath: "You are now a human, and a human has a human lifestyle."

After waiting for Lu Chenghe to finish his speech, Zuo Ning shook his head constantly: "Don't not, I'm going to sleep with you!"

Lu Chenghe slumped his face directly: "Are you bold? Have you started willful?"

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe in grievance, lying on the quilt, and said nothing. The two were dead for a while. Zuo Ning also said, "Maybe I will go back soon, and lasted for half an hour last time. , Really. "

Seeing that Lu Chenghe was unmoved, he buried himself in the quilt and said pitifully, "You say you don't mind. Now that I have become a person, you will not let me sleep. You lie to me and I become a person. It ’s still your little pudding, why ca n’t I sleep with you, oh ... ”

Lu Chenghe only felt that the number of green muscles on his forehead had been beating more and more recently. After seeing the bulge in the quilt, he finally had no choice but to compromise. Really fulfilled that sentence, even if he became a human, he would cry and keep it.