MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 49 [Little Pudding's Plane] This is really the swimming pool first

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Zuo Ning, who was in a private jet for the first time, looked around curiously. He was so big. In fact, he had only flown once. Then he went to the neighboring provinces with his parents, and that was the only time he traveled with his parents. Originally, I thought that in this life, I probably did not have the opportunity to go farther with Lu Chenghe, but I did not expect that Lu Chenghe chose a private jet in order to take him out.

Seeing his restless chaos everywhere, Lu Chenghe hugged him directly to his chair and locked him with a dog-specific safety belt: "Give me the truth, and throw you away from here without obedience."

Zuo Ning swayed his head and hummed, and frightened the child. It had all flew into the air, and he threw it down. Who would believe it?

The position on the private plane is very empty. Several bodyguards are sitting on the chair in front. Lu Chenghe is sitting on the sofa on the back. It is said that there is a special bedroom upstairs. If the journey is long, you can go to sleep comfortably. feel.

Zuo Ning had never seen the bedroom on the plane, but he wanted to go up to see it, but unfortunately, Lu Chenghe looked at him very tightly and did not give him free space for movement at all.

And another person who was not within the control of Lu Chenghe's strong control. After visiting the entire plane, he unbuttoned his clothes and sat down: "Boss, can I be rich?"

Lu Chenghe flipped through the magazine without looking up: "You are free."

Qi Wei poured himself a glass of champagne. This trip was the wedding of one of their business partners, so it can be said to be a business trip or a holiday. Because there are still some business needs, he naturally has to keep up as a special assistant, but it is not the rigorous working hours on weekdays. Naturally, he will inevitably relax a bit and speak freely.

However, Qi Wei did not expect that the owner would choose to buy a private jet directly in order to bring his own dog.

To say that this plane is indeed not expensive, let alone one, a group of bosses can afford it. But these various passes are very troublesome, and their boss is the one who hates trouble most, so even though this type of aircraft is very common in the circle, the boss never thought about buying one. I didn't expect to just have a dog and be willing to be a dog slave.

Looking at the dog next to him, Qi Wei suddenly felt a little bit sad for his son, so he couldn't help teasing the little pudding: "Pudding, pudding, do you know how expensive you are?"

Zuo Ning knows that this is Lu Chenghe's assistant and a super elite character. He is not very old, but it is a typical example of life's counterattack. Even he has only heard of Lu Chenghe before. After all, Lu's is he wants to graduate In the company that comes in later, who the boss is always has to figure out. But Qi Wei knows better than the boss, because there is a gossip in it.

This Qi Wei comes from a wealthy family. Although not as good as Lu's, he has already been better than many people. There is also a beautiful fiancee who has been in love for a few years. Generally, this kind of life winner always encounters some rough blood, such as poor management and bankruptcy.

There is no framed by opponents, no internal fighting within the family, it is just that Qi Wei ’s father made a mistake in investment, and the wrong management step by step made the company toss to death. At that time Qi Wei was still studying a very powerful degree abroad, but it was a foregone conclusion when he returned home.

Then from night to night, he turned from a luxuriant door to a desolate household, so the beautiful fiancee who was in the door was gone.

Then, Qi Wei became Lu Chenghe's special assistant, and completed several beautiful cases for Lu's in a short time, and the profit directly hit a new high. So the prince fell into a single aristocracy, but he was not interested in the princess who showed him again, and fell on his dog son with all his heart.

Qi Wei's father also experienced the ups and downs in the shopping mall, and he was too lazy to toss. He returned to the pastoral life without debt and lived a life without knowing how to nourish. In addition to the high scary annual salary, Qi Wei also runs several personal industries, and even has a small part of Lu's shares in his hands. It is simply a typical case of a counterattack. The organization text can completely write a hundred The 4D King returns.

After hearing Qi Wei's words, Zuo Ning first thought that he is now a small Internet celebrity, and his worth is definitely a little bit. His Weibo account can make a lot of money. Of course, this is only for the former. For him, Lu Chenghe is probably a number that is not in his eyes.

So Qi Wei shouldn't tease him for those hundreds of thousands, right?

Sure enough, I soon heard Qi Wei said, "Do you know that this plane we are flying on is yours?"

Zuo Ning's ears were instantly raised, what do you mean?

Qi Wei sat next to the little pudding and saw that the big boss had no objection. He touched the dog's paw as expected: "When I get off the plane, I will show you. The tail of this plane looks like you, so the name of this plane My name is little pudding. How about surprise? "

The surprise burst out, Zuo Ningshengsheng resisted the instinctual reaction of surprise and surprise, then twisted his head and arched into Lu Chenghe's arms. He almost showed the stuffing and scared him. I don't know if what Qi Wei said is true or false, so he won't bully him if he doesn't understand people. But buy an airplane and paint your own picture, oh ... why is this plot so suspicious?

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but lump in Lu Chenghe's arms, but unfortunately he was **** by a seat belt, and it was a pity that he could not carry his entire body into his arms. This is how much I like myself before buying a plane named after myself and painted myself.

Really, I usually behave so indifferently. I need a kiss and a coercion, and the result is a big deal!

Seeing that the little thing on the chair was about to twist to the point where his head was separated, Lu Chenghe had to unfasten his seat belt, and then carried it in his arms.

Qi Wei suddenly looked sobbing: "Don't you like me so much, little pudding, come here, can I eat meat for you?" While talking, he gave the dog snacks prepared in advance on the plane to I opened it, hoping to lure the little thing into my arms. The fluffy fur was super comfortable at first glance.

As a result, the little thing still clung to the boss's arms, and even the snacks couldn't seduce. This little guy is really a thief, so he knows to find a thick thigh to hold it!

Hearing the crunching voice, Lu Chenghe hugged the dog and looked up at the assistant, seeing that he ate mouth after mouth and ate the contents of his hand, expressionless.

Qi Wei smiled and shook the dog jerky in his hand: "Do the boss want to try it? It is very chewy. Although there is no taste in the mouth just after chewing, then the taste comes out after chewing. It is indeed a custom. It ’s better than my son ’s taste. Where the boss customized it, he introduced it to me, and my son definitely likes it. ”

Zuo Ning silently lay in Lu Chenghe's arms and looked at the gold medal special assistant, but felt that people had a bit of collapse.

At noon, Lu Chenghe ate naturally the refined meals made by the chef on the plane, while Zuo Ning ate the refined dog foods made on the plane. Seeing that dog food, Qi Wei, who ate with Lu Chenghe, began to yell: "It's a very good little guy, do you know what treatment dogs generally want to go abroad?"

Zuo Ning looked up at him and continued to bow down to eat his own food. What kind of treatment can be, except for a few special airlines that have a limited number of small pets or working dogs allowed to board the plane, the rest can only be checked. Consignment would be miserable. I have seen the delivery point to deliver goods, it's almost like that. If you do not pay for the accident, you are tough.

Qi Wei said, thinking of what happened in his dog-loving group two days ago, he said to Lu Chenghe: "The other day in my group, I brought a dog back to my hometown. The dog is three years old. It is a husky. The result was about two hours of flight. After getting off the plane, the little husky died. "

When Lu Chenghe heard this, he looked up at him. Qi Wei regretted: "I've watched the video of Xiaoha before. It's very naughty and moving. Who knows it will be gone, the airline said. Yes, the dogs have problems themselves, and there is nothing hidden about their medical history, etc., which has nothing to do with their consignment. "It was rather dismissive to say:" It's just a bullshit! "

Zuo Ning also stopped eating and looked at Qi Wei. After Qi Wei said, he looked resentfully at his boss: "So I left my son in a pet hotel before going out. If I knew that the boss would bring a dog, I would also bring it, and I would have to be separated from my son for many days. Is the guy obedient, hey ... "

Zuo Ning continued to lower his head to eat. He could see that this Qi Wei was a dog with advanced cancer and had no cure. Then the elite, as soon as he encountered a dog, he collapsed.

It was almost at three o'clock in the afternoon before finally arriving at the destination. As soon as I got off the plane, the breath of the whole summer rushed towards us. Zuo Ning felt a little hot for a moment. When he became a dog and was taken home to Lu's house, it was still early autumn, and the weather was gradually getting colder, so as a dog, he hadn't had summer.

Looked at his own body, tropical region, what would he do, did Lu Chenghe bring him here for him to suffer?

This time I went out with four bodyguards. This was the first time Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe brought so many people. Usually, Lu Chenghe only had one driver when he went in and out. Although that driver seemed to be able to support three bodyguards, he was so decent. People set up such a Su, he really met for the first time.

And after Qi Wei got off the plane, the whole momentum changed greatly, and he couldn't see anything at all when he was on the plane. A super-lean look followed Lu Chenghe, and his face changed speed.

When Zuo Ning was led away by Lu Chenghe, he took a special look back, and then saw that a Samoyed that really looked like him was drawn on the tail of the plane. The paw stumbled to the right paw, let's slap it and turn it around on the ground.

Lu Chenghe looked down at the dog who would fall when walking on flat ground.

Zuo Ning got a little groggy, and heard the sound of Qi Wei smirking in the back of his ear. He looked up at Lu Chenghe who had stopped, quickly flung his hair, raised his head and held a small breast, just like what just happened. Nothing happened, and very aggressive to move forward.

Holding the traction rope and Lu Chenghe behind him slightly hooked his lips, how could he be so stupid?

The person who came to pick them up was of course the host of the wedding, a mixed-race man like a prince, who saw Lu Chenghe and his assistant enthusiastically came forward to give a hug, and then began to murmur and talk about the birds.

As an English student, I have only passed Level 4 and I have n’t touched Zuo Ning in English for more than half a year. That's too fast. I can understand you simply by saying hello, but then I'm confused. What to do, as a third-level disabled person who can't handle English, will he finally have a real dog who doesn't understand people?

Just as he swam outside, the enthusiastic biracial suddenly squatted down to touch him. Zuo Ning jumped in shock, subconsciously hiding behind Lu Chenghe.

Lukes looked at Lu Chenghe with regret: "It looks like your little cute doesn't like me very much, it's a pity not to hug the little cute!"

Lu Chenghe glanced at the little pudding hiding behind him: "He's still young, and he's a little timid when he goes out for the first time."

Zuo Ning looked up at Lu Chenghe, Timid he understood, timid. I can't help but gnawed his teeth, saying that he was timid, and believe it or not, the bear will show you in minutes!

Several people didn't chill at the airport for too long, and the biracial enthusiastically invited them into the car. As soon as he got into the car, Zuo Ning caused the bad to go straight to Lu Chenghe's body, and he had to sit on his lap before he stopped. No matter how cold the male **** he is, and then BoSS, who has the power of a king, there is a dog sitting on him.

With a smile on his face, Lukes looked at the little Satsuma's move on his owner's body. Seeing that Lu Chenghe didn't mind it at all, he was very spoiled and let it move, only to feel a little surprised. It has not been a year or two since he cooperated with Lu Chenghe, and even he can directly take over the sole power of the family, also because of the close cooperation with Lu Shi in these years.

In his eyes, Lu Chenghe has always been cold and strong, with a strong wrist, a strong and indifferent man. I just didn't expect that this was the case for Lu Chenghe outside of work. But this is also, even a strong man will always have a soft side, but unexpectedly, Lu Chenghe's softness turned out to be his pet.

Along the way, Luks informed Lu Chenghe of the schedule of these days and several heavyweight guests invited at his wedding reception. Like them, the cooperation of many projects often starts from the human relationship. They were always delivered to the arranged accommodation, and then Luks left.

The bodyguard first went into the room to check it, and it was confirmed that there were no problems, and there were no special electronic equipment in the room, so he carried luggage in for Lu Chenghe.

The place where Lux held the wedding was a private island. The guests' accommodation was also arranged in a small independent courtyard. As soon as Lu Chenghe entered the house, he saw a huge swimming pool on the outside terrace. As soon as he entered the room, he started to inspect the little pudding on the site and instructed the bodyguard: "Send someone a pet dryer."

Some things have been experienced once, and it is natural to avoid repeating them the second time.

In such a short period of time, Qi Wei has dispatched the information of several world giants that Luke mentioned to the meeting just now, and arranged it into a document and handed it to Lu Chenghe.

Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe just sat on the sofa and looked at the documents. He shook his head helplessly. It seems that the big boss is not good enough. He obviously came to attend a friend's wedding, but he still had to do this kind of premarital preparation. This person-to-person interaction is really a profound knowledge.

Sighing unconsciously, he started to wander around with his tail.

This is an independent villa. The whole house presents a modern and simple style. Large floor-to-ceiling windows and white curtains float from time to time along with the sea breeze. There is also a huge open-air area outside the first floor with a direct surface. The swimming pool facing the sea, there is a water gazebo in the middle of the pool. The gazebo is covered with white curtains on all sides, and it is occasionally opened by the sea breeze, which is extremely romantic.

Zuo Ning glanced at the large swimming pool with a narrow eye, thinking if he jumped down to play with water, would he burn his dog meat after getting up. Seeing that Lu Chenghe was still sitting on the sofa, there was no opportunity, so he had to go up to the second floor and take a look. There are only three rooms on the second floor, each of which is super large, each with a large balcony, some facing the beach, some facing the sea, and a balcony with a huge rocking chair, just like the home Similarly, lying on that rocking chair can see the distant seascape, which is very beautiful.

Zuo Ning fancy this room at a glance, seeing the bodyguards carry Lu Chenghe's psychology into the innermost room, quickly called and chased up, called for a long time to the bodyguards. After a few screams, he ran to the room he saw. When the bodyguard didn't keep up, he ran back and called a few more times.

But the bodyguards only knew that he was looking at him stupidly, and when he was playing with them, he didn't understand his meaning at all. In the end let him call, it is time to move things.

Zuo Ning saw the elm heads, he had already shown so clearly that he didn't understand, so he ran to the railing on the second floor, and yelled towards Lu Chenghe sitting below.

Lu Chenghe looked up at the little pudding upstairs: "What's wrong?"

Zuo Ning called and ran away, then ran over again and called twice.

Lu Chenghe simply put down the files and went upstairs to see what the little thing was tossing.

The little pudding patted his leg as soon as he went upstairs, and ran to a room and sat. Lu Chenghe glanced at the room the bodyguard had chosen for him. That was the innermost room, and it could also be regarded as the master bedroom of the entire villa. The room where the little pudding stayed was just in the middle. Lu Chenghe glanced inside and knew why the little pudding preferred this room.

"Just this room in the middle, the one in it is for Qi Wei." After seeing it, the little pudding rushed up with a narrow smile and poked at his forehead: "You are so used to it!"

Zuo Ning hehe he laughed, it really was his family Lu Chenghe, he knew what he meant with a little movement, and then looked at the bodyguards, there was no comparison and no harm. No wonder one can be a boss and one can only be a bodyguard ┑ (┑Д ̄) ┍.

Only then did the bodyguard understand the meaning of the dog. It couldn't help but be a little funny. The dog raised by the boss was different and would choose the room he likes? I don't understand what it means, but also know to call the boss? I've heard every day that I told my boss's colleagues how smart and cute the puppy is, and today I saw it, it was extraordinary.

I chose a room that I liked, Zuo Ning directly lost to Lu Chenghe after running out, ran to the balcony, easily jumped onto the hanging basket rocking chair, pushed it with the claws on the side pillar, and the rocking chair rocked smoothly stand up. Lie on the inside comfortably watching the sea and beach outside, the sea breeze blowing slowly, this summer's taste, really comfortable.

Looking at the enjoyment, Lu Chenghe smiled. He was still a little white. When he took him back to the beach in the evening, he would be a little black dog. But before the evening, this guy had a big death.

After visiting the whole villa, seeing the bodyguard put his luggage, he began to put his daily necessities and a small number of toys, Zuo Ning went downstairs again, and rushed to the small pool with a huge pool. open air. Looking back at Lu Chenghe, who was sitting on the sofa and discussing something with Qi Wei, seeing that he had no objection, he slowly grinded to the pool.

He didn't see it until the pool. There was a transparent path inside the pool, which was propped up by a few pillars. When he stepped on it, he could just get his feet wet and go to the middle pavilion.

Zuo Ning stretched out his paw and explored the path. When he stepped on, he just wet his paw just shallowly, so Le Bidian walked up and screamed at Lu Chenghe halfway.

Lu Chenghe just glanced at him: "Don't play with water. If you wet your hair, you will have no food today."

Zuo Ning responded, so that he would not wet the hair, and ran all the way to the gazebo in the middle of the pool. There is a large soft bed in the gazebo, with sofas full of pillows on all sides, leaning on the bed and seeing the ocean in the distance. Zuo Ning looked at his paw, and stepped on one of the pillows, which was almost not so wet, and he jumped onto the soft big bed.

Until Lu Chenghe discussed with Qi Wei and found that there was no movement in the yard for a while, he turned around and saw that little thing fell asleep in the gazebo.

The blue sea and blue sky, white veil, and a little white dog, this color combination is simply beautiful. Qi Wei quickly took out his mobile phone and patted it. It really deserves to be the owner of the dog. The face value is explosive at any angle!

Lu Chenghe glanced at the time and awakened him: "Little pudding, eat."

Zuo Ning, who was sleeping comfortably, heard the sound. When he looked up, he saw that Lu Chenghe was about to go out, and he quickly got up and ran towards him. Then it resembled the scene playback. The scene that once seemed to happen again, let's take a moment and slide directly into the water.

The pool has deep and shallow water areas. The middle gazebo is the deepest water at two meters deep. Zuo Ning himself can swim, otherwise he would not like to play in water so much. But as soon as he rolled into the water, unlike the last time he slid into the hot spring pool, some memory fragments instantly appeared in his mind.

Read The Duke's Passion