MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 45 [Little pudding confession] Little pudding is going to the reality show

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Lu Chenghe stood coldly behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the tall figure cast a shadow in the small yard on the balcony.

Zuo Ning poked his claws by the hot spring pool, blinked, and looked at the expressionless Lu Chenghe inside the room. He wanted to say that he slipped in by accident. He didn't know whether Lu Chenghe believed it or not.

Lu Chenghe walked over from the balcony door that had been opened, squatted down and watched as his hair was soaked, his hair was clinging to his head, his eyes were bigger and rounder, and he poke his nose with his hand. "You don't want to come out with me again, right?"

Zuo Ning: "Ahh ..." I really accidentally slipped down, you believe me.

Lu Chenghe reached out and felt the water temperature in the pool. It was a little bit colder than the hot spring water just released in the afternoon. He turned to look at Xiao Pu and looked at his little pudding pitifully: "Go play, wait for you to play enough."

Upon hearing this, Zuo Ning persuaded, and quickly reached out his paw and put it on Lu Chenghe's hand: "Woo ..." Don't be angry.

Lu Chenghe held the wet claws, his palms were warm, but after a while Kung Fu left the water, it became cold, so he put his little claws back into the water: "Go, wait for you to play again, anyway It's wet. "

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe suspiciously, so good at talking? Not losing your temper? How do you feel a bit quiet before the storm? However, since Lu Chenghe already said so, it is natural to have enough fun. Otherwise, the hot spring has not been enjoyable, and maybe we will be educated later.

So Lu Chenghe just watched that the little pudding really ran to Sahuan. He was so angry that he didn't bother to care about him. He returned to the room, turned on the TV, and went to the news station. He leaned on the bed and checked the mail.

Zuo Ning sighed comfortably, and enjoyed the refreshment brought by the hot springs by stretching his limbs. I have n’t enjoyed it as a human before, but now I ’ve become a dog. Instead, I have enjoyed everything I have n’t enjoyed as a human. Seeing a layer of snow accumulating by the pool, Zuo Ning pressed a plum paw print on it. Looking at the little paw print, Zuo Ning felt a bit lonely, so he extended his pointed nails and wrote the three words Lu Chenghe beside him.

Seeing a small paw print next to Lu Chenghe's three words, Zuo Ning smiled with satisfaction, then tilted his head back, swiping away with his dog's paw.

As soon as he came up from the pool, a cold air blew towards his face. Zuo Ning shook his hair fiercely, throwing away the excess water on the hair, and then ran back to the room wet.

Lu Chenghe had long laid a large towel on the ground. When he saw that the little pudding was enough, he patted the towel on the ground: "Come here."

The whole dog was wrapped in a towel, and looking at the smirk, Lu Chenghe rubbed his dog's hair: "Enough to play?"

Zuo Ning: "Wang!" Enough is enough ~

Lu Chenghe smiled, turned on the hair dryer prepared aside, and gave him a little hair to dry.

Drying a person's hair takes just a few minutes. Blowing a dog, or a dog of medium size, is a big project. Lu Chenghe thinks that in the future, his resorts can add a facility, at least a pet dryer.

When the whole hair for the hair dryer is hot, the dog's hair will be dry. Seeing that the little pudding had blown his hair, he was ready to lift his claws to bed, and Lu Chenghe stopped him directly out of the bed: "Honestly stand and don't move."

Zuo Ning crooked his head and looked at Lu Chenghe, and then looked down at himself. He sat obediently for half an hour to dry his hair, so why didn't he let him go to bed.

I saw that Lu Chenghe didn't know where to turn out a paper bowl, and there were three pieces of super-flavored lamb with rich aroma, and then the lamb came to his head.

Zuo Ning stared at Lu Chenghe with a dead eye, and he knew! Every time I come to this trick, there is no idea!

Lu Chenghe leaned on the bed and continued to look at his e-mail. A white dog sat side by side and couldn't move, and a bowl filled with food was on his head. This is the scene of dog abuse!

Zuo Ning couldn't help but whispered two times, reminding Lu Chenghe not to indulge in the email and look at himself, the lamb with the aroma of hot pot constantly challenged his sense of smell, if at this time he ran off the bowl and ate the meat, Will I become hot pot material tomorrow?

Lu Chenghe glanced back at him: "No noise, be quiet."

"Woohoo ..." He really slipped accidentally, not jumping intentionally, and he didn't accept the punishment!

"be quiet."

"Woo ..." I'm so tired, begging to eat meat and sleep.

"Don't make a noise."

"Hum." You abuse the dog, so corporal punishment is wrong.


"Woohoo ..." No more meat, let's sleep well.


"Woo ..." Hehe, would you love me again?

It wasn't until Lu Chenghe sent out several important document annotations, and found that the dog was quiet for a while. When he turned his head, he saw that the little pudding squatting next to him was drowsy with his eyes closed. Even if I can't open my eyes, but I dare not let myself go to sleep. As soon as I feel that the things above my head are unstable, I immediately open my eyes, and then I close my eyes and try to sleep again. of.

Lu Chenghe smiled indifferently when he saw this. As soon as he took the bowl off the little pudding's head, he saw that he immediately opened his eyes and looked at himself. So he rubbed his neck: "Okay, sleep."

The already sleepy Zuo Ning saw that the punishment finally passed, and then regardless of the direct eyes closed and fell to Lu Chenghe, it was really exhausting.

Lu Chenghe glanced at the time and punished for half an hour. It was not easy to sit obediently for half an hour. He took the little pudding into the bed and rubbed his head. He originally thought it would be enough for ten minutes, but after a while the little pudding was noisy, he forgot it for a while. It's really a embarrassment for the little pudding, I have been sitting for so long.

Gently rubbed his neck and saw that he hummed comfortably, couldn't help smiling. Seeing that the little pudding was almost asleep, Lu Chenghe got up and closed the balcony door, closed the curtains, and turned off the lights. When he turned around, he saw that the little pudding who was just about to fall asleep and closed his eyes, his claws crawled forward, and the direction was the bowl of meat. Impatiently, he slap him into the quilt.

Take the bowl out and throw it. After going to bed, hold the little pudding in his arms and rub the hair on his body.

Although the meat was not secretly eaten, and his tired eyes could not be opened, Zuo Ning responded to him: "Ah-woo."

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Okay, let's sleep."

The snow outside the window was intermittently falling, and the name and a paw mark beside the hot spring pool were increasingly covered with snow until it was completely covered.

In the winter, the sky is brighter and darker. Because he came out to play, Lu Chenghe didn't plan to take a little pudding for morning exercises. If it is summer, the quiet bamboo forest trail is quite suitable for morning jogging, but now that the snow is so heavy outside, it is estimated that the snow is also deep.

Very rare, Lu Chenghe took a small pudding and slept. Looking at the dog hair that exploded all night, Lu Chenghe laughed indifferently. I scratched a handful of dog hair and wiped a little pudding who was still yawning and waking up with a wet towel and combed it from head to toe, and then opened the door of the room: "Go play, don't run go outside."

Zuo Ning responded cheerfully and ran out of the bedroom.

This independent small villa has only one floor, and the room for four people is relatively far apart. On both sides, there is probably a bath in each room, so it takes up a lot of space. On the way to the restaurant, I also passed a courtyard like a Japanese-style courtyard. There was a larger bath in the courtyard. He looked out yesterday when he passed by. At that time, the bath was empty and there was no water. The bath was already filled with a light milky hot spring water. There is a warm glow in the white snow, and the bamboo forest is the background, which is like a painting.

Lou Jiu, a pudding who has been up a long time, stared at the yard and laughed, "No, if you go out and play, your host will not be able to find you later, you will be worried."

Zuo Ning turned to look at Lou Jiu, saw him come over with a smile and squatted down, grinning: "Wang!" Good morning.

Lou Jiu smiled: "Do you want to eat something delicious? While Lu Chenghe is still out of your house, he secretly gives you food, he doesn't know."

Zuo Ning tilted his head to look at him, and then ran away directly around him. Of course, he wants to eat delicious food, but he can eat whatever he has given away without Lu Chenghe's permission, which will make Lu Chenghe embarrassed. And he would rather find ways to steal food at Lu Chenghe, and he would never eat what other people gave him. Even if he became a dog, he would have to be a self-respecting dog!

Lou Jiu saw that the little pudding ran away and did not chase. There was a fence outside the entire yard and the door of the house was closed, so he could not run out. Seeing the little puddings coming out to play, and wanting to land, Cheng Hye should also be up, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them.

Lou Jiu enjoyed the process of making food especially since he was a child. He combined the ingredients together to make them look good and delicious. He always felt that this was a magical thing. When everyone's dreams were in the wild when he was young, he had already determined to be a cook. But being a child in a family like theirs is obviously an inadequate and shameful thing for them to be a cook. Because there are several cooks in everyone's home, for such a small person, the cook is almost like a servant.

Only Shang Fan did not laugh at his dream at the time, and also said that he would open a shop for him when he grows up.

Lou Jiu chopped the fresh ingredients sent in the morning and poured them into the boiled beef bone soup. The rich aroma quickly filled the entire restaurant. Zuo Ning, who was pulling the cobblestones on the ground outside the yard, shrugged his nose. I thought, hey ... I couldn't smell it.

Suddenly Zuo Ning pointed his eyes and saw a light milky stone. The stones were a little translucent, not pure white, and mixed with a touch of red, which looked very beautiful. The point is that the stone looks like a pretty heart-shaped cut, with even rounded edges.

Zuo Ning quickly pulled the stone out of the layered pebbles with his claws, then carefully cut the stone to the poolside and washed it with hot spring water.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that Lu Chenghe was heading for the restaurant, watching the stones tangled for two seconds, and drew water for two flushes. Then he lowered his head and opened his mouth to bite the stones, and his four paws rushed towards Lu Chenghe.

As soon as Lu Chenghe sat down at the table, the little pudding ran over, and Lou Jiu said, "Do you have pudding? If you eat it, I'll cook a bowl of beef bone soup, and don't add seasoning."

Lu Chenghe nodded: "Okay, cook a bowl for him."

Zuo Ning stood up, put his claws on Lu Chenghe's thigh, and pulled his hand with his paw: "Woo."

Lu Chenghe touched his head twice, and found something in his mouth, so he reached for it. A small heart-shaped stone was put into his palm by the little pudding.

Lu Chenghe froze slightly, then smiled: "Is this for me?"

Zuo Ning shook his tail: "Wang!" Yes, for you, I'm not touched! ?

Lou Jiu walked over and gave a curious look: "This stone is very beautiful. Is this the first time you received a gift, is it a stone, or is it a heart shape, your dog will recognize the shape?"

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Coincidentally."

Zuo Ning screamed twice, it was no coincidence that it was his confession!

Lu Chenghe rubbed his ears, and took a few tissues from the table to dry his paws: "Going to play water again?"

Zuo Ning: "Hum." No, I washed the stones for you, otherwise I could not bite in my mouth.

Seeing that he had wet Lu Chenghe's trousers, he wiped his paw with a guilty conscience.

Lu Chenghe slapped his claws off with a slap: "Look, you just made your claws so dirty in such a short time."

Zuo Ning snorted, came down from Lu Chenghe, and saw Lu Chenghe put the stone directly into his jacket pocket, and smiled with satisfaction.

Lou Jiu came over with a bowl of noodles and handed them to Lu Chenghe: "Do you feed or let it eat itself? Dogs don't know how to eat noodles."

Lu Chenghe clipped his face, blew it for a while, then put it on the table next to him, and patted the chair: "Come up."

Zuo Ning jumped up easily, then bowed his head and started to eat noodles.

However, the dog's mouth is relatively large. This kind of noodles is a bit difficult to eat, but this will not stump him. If you can't roll it with your tongue, use a sucker. Although it has no flavor, the beef bone soup is still very fragrant. It is also good to eat more noodles specially formulated for dog food and occasionally to change the taste.

The two seemed to have a drink in the yard after leaving yesterday, so they stayed up until noon. After soaking in the hot spring for a while, I woke up and woke up my mind. At noon, Lou Jiu prepared a few dishes randomly. After eating, some people went down while the snow stopped.

However, it snowed all night last night, and the snow was a little thick. As soon as Zuo Ning stepped in, almost half of his claws were buried. Although he was struggling to walk, he didn't plan to play tricks at the moment, and he had a pit on his foot. It was quite fun to walk.

However, Lu Chenghe always sang against him. When he wanted to leave by himself, Lu Chenghe wanted to come and hug him.

Zuo Ning, who was almost embraced by Lu Chenghe, wanted to change his posture a few times, but was ruthlessly suppressed. He was also fierce by Lu Chenghe: "If you disturb me again, I will throw you away from here."

Zuo Ning put out his tongue and licked his mouth, his head twisted, forget it, you can do whatever you want, you are the boss, you have the final say.

Walking to the lobby of the villa, the respective drivers were already waiting there. Nie Yong waved to them: "Just leave it there. I will go to Europe with my mother in two days. It is estimated that I will be back after the New Year. When we return, Get together again. "

Shen Tao came with Nie Yong, and now naturally goes with him. When both of them left, Lou Jiucai reached out and touched the dog that was still being embraced by Lu Chenghe: "Little pudding, bye, come and wave bye with me."

Zuo Ning turned his head to look at Lu Chenghe and saw that Lu Chenghe didn't say anything. After thinking about it, he raised one claw: "Woo." Goodbye.

Lou Jiu laughed: "The little pudding is really getting smarter, Cheng He. In the future, the little pudding's cub will leave me one, and the puppy with its gene must be very smart."

Zuo Ning, who was still waving his paw, retracted his paw instantly. Don't even think about any dogs in this life!

After everyone was gone, Lu Chenghe took the little pudding into the car. The thought of going home, Zuo Ning just felt a lot relaxed all over his hair.

Lu Chenghe touched Pudding's head and asked, "Want to have a dog?"

Zuo Ning looked out the window and didn't look back, giving birth to a cub or something, don't even think about it in his life, he didn't want to go to Rigou.

Seeing him as if he was resisting silently, Lu Chenghe smiled and said, "Okay, don't give birth to dogs, come here."

Zuo Ning turned to look at him, but did not move.

Lu Chenghe took out a beef jerky from his pocket: "Eat or not."

However, he hasn't finished the question yet. The little pudding that I did n’t want to play with you just rushed over and knocked his head with beef jerky: "I do n’t know how fast I can eat. It's true that the little dog walks. "

Zuo Ning climbed up on Lu Chenghe's legs and sat on his body with his buttocks. He watched Lu Chenghe peel the bag of beef jerky for him and bit it up.

When one person and one dog returned home, they saw Lu's eldest brother Lu Chenghan sitting on the sofa. Lu Nianqi stood aside and seemed to be under investigation.

Lu Chenghan looked at the people who came back and turned to Lu Nianqi and said, "Your course is almost complete. Some things of the Lu family should be told to you as well, but some things cannot be done overnight. It ’s all about accumulation on weekdays. You move to your own house next week. Every month, the children of the Lu family have a living allowance. If you want to start your own business after graduation, you can get a venture fund. If you do n’t want to start a business, you can do what you like. You are definitely happy when you return to Lujia Sanye under Jiuquan, but Sanye hopes that you can have a good time. How to go in the future depends on yourself. Now, go back to your room to rest and eat together later. "

Lu Nianqi nodded, shouted and the second brother turned and returned to the room. I originally thought that I would stay at this home until the Chinese New Year, but that's okay. I already had psychological preparations, but it was just in advance. It's just that I can no longer see the second brother's morning run from the window in the morning, maybe I'm still a bit reluctant and sorry.

Lu Chenghe asked the housekeeper to feed the little pudding with water, handed the luggage to the maid, and looked at Lu Chenghan: "What's going on?" Although Lu Nianqi was going to move out sooner or later, his mother had already discussed it with him. In the first year of Lu's family, let the child pass the year at home and then officially move out. But now that the elder brother has said so, he will definitely not say more.

Lu Chenghan beckoned to the little pudding: "Come here, little pudding."

Zuo Ning glanced at Lu Chenghe and saw that he nodded before jumping onto the sofa and sitting next to Lu Chenghan.

The dog who had grown up a lot and dangled his hair in his arms, Lu Chenghan said, "The child has a sensitive mind and can live out sooner. I know you want to stay a little longer and teach more. Things, but we have already fulfilled our due responsibilities. "

Zuo Ning glanced in the direction of Lu Nianqi's room. He just moved away. Anyway, he also took a class together for a while. After listening to Lu Nianqi's so many thoughts, he had some feelings. After moving out, I feel that it is not common in the future, except that I may meet each other during the New Year.

When Zuo Ning was still feeling sorry for the lack of a friend who could play, he heard Lu Chenghan said, "Lend me your dog."

Mao suddenly exploded in Zuo Ning. Why is this remark so familiar? However, he moved faster than his thinking, and suddenly struggling away from Lu Chenghan's hands, ran to Lu Chenghe's arms and sat down, his back pressed tightly against Cheng Chenghe's chest, which relieved him.

Lu Chenghe simply refused: "No."

Lu Chenghan smiled: "This time it is not a movie, it is not long, just take it out in the morning and bring it back to you at night to ensure that a hair will not lose you."

Lu Chenghe asked: "What?"

Lu Chenghan said with a smile: "Chu Hang picked up a reality show. The recording of the episode was based on dogs. I do n’t know how to record it, but I should play with my dogs. Recently, Pudding New The film made was also released, and the word-of-mouth box office was swept by the dark horse, and even the topic with it skyrocketed, so if you can bring a little pudding to the reality show, Chu Hang will have more appearances and topics. "

Zuo Ning was relieved when he heard the words. The reality show, this is already the most popular variety show, that is, there are too many reality shows and the quality is somewhat uneven. However, with the popularity of Chu Hang today, it must be the hottest one. I heard that there are many routines for reality shows, and they all have scripts. If he can, he would really like to see for himself how the reality shows were filmed.

However, Lu Chenghe, who was never in the same position with him, continued to reject it.

Although Lu Chenghan did n’t find a dog, it ’s easy for Chu Hang ’s popularity in the circle to find a clever dog, but who makes the little pudding really smart and has his own attention, so it ’s still a bit indifferent. Be willing: "Give me a reason for your refusal."

Lu Chenghe hugged the little pudding and went upstairs without replying, "I'm afraid of being stolen by a group."

Lu Chenghan was full of question marks, and what he just said was really his brother?