MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 4 [New goal for dogs] The rising pet status of the family

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Lu Chenghe has the habit of running in the morning. The biological clock wakes up very punctually. When he sits up, he sees the kennel on the opposite side of the bed, and the little Satsuma who sleeps in the kennel. The little puppies were a little unexpected, and they were quiet and silent all night, which made Lu Chenghe somewhat satisfied. If this little thing was turbulent at night, Lu Chenghe would absolutely throw it out.

However, this sleeping picture is too ugly. I don't know if the dog trainer can correct the sleeping posture. Lu Chenghe thought and got up to wash.

After hearing Sosuo's voice, Zuo Ning immediately opened his eyes, and twisted his short legs to sit up. He slept too early yesterday, so today he woke up a long time ago, and his stomach growled. Already. It is a pity that the food in the food bowl is quantitative. I am afraid that the dog who is not full will always eat to kill himself. After waking up at midnight yesterday, the food in the food bowl was eaten by him.

Seeing that Lu Chenghe had got up, he quickly kept up.

Lu Chenghe resolved his physical problems. He squatted at the door. Lu Chenghe started brushing his teeth and washing his face. He squatted beside Lu Chenghe's feet. When Lu Chenghe turned to the cloakroom to change his clothes, Zuo Ning quickly ran to the cubicle where his special toilet was placed. Quickly solve your own physical problems, then ran to the cloakroom door and squatted.

After a while, Zuo Ning looked up and saw Lu Chenghe in a sports suit coming out of the cloakroom.

The Lu Chenghe he saw yesterday was a home service. Even if it was a home service, it was difficult to hide the strong breath of the whole person, maybe he was devoted to a dog. The instinct of the small animal made him feel unconsciously when facing Lu Cheng He. Danger.

But today, maybe the hair has not been taken care of, and it is a tidal sportswear, which weakens that strong temperament a lot. Zuo Ning only found that Lu Chenghe should be young, but his body is really good. Zuo Ning's thin eyes and long straight legs made Zuo Ning's eyes very dazzling.

When Lu Chenghe changed his clothes and came out, he saw the dreadful little sample. He probably waited at the door so obediently, showing a rare smile. Without waiting for Zuo Ning's response, he went straight out. Zuo Ning quickly kept up. Although the dog food was unpalatable, it was good food. When he was hungry, he didn't have to pick it at all, and now he is not qualified to pick it.

I don't know what this man's breakfast is, whether he can eat it today, but even if he can't eat it now, when his status in the family is stable, one day he can eat human food!

I don't know that Zuo Ning's ambitious Lu Chenghe walked directly to the backyard. The housekeeper and maid had already stood under the eaves of the corridor with towels and other things. Only then Zuo Ning found out that he didn't know enough about this house. deep.

He thought that the place he lived in now was a big mansion, but now it seems that where is this mansion, it is just the manor he once only watched on TV. Whose backyard is as big as a grove, or a huge artificial lake! Isn't he going into a Marisue idol show?

Did not find Zuo Ning's sudden dull eyes, Lu Chenghe stretched his muscles and lowered his head to Zuo Ning: "Stay here, don't run around."

After Lu Chenghe said, he started to run in the morning and saw Zuo Ning really obediently squatting in place without moving, so he accelerated his pace.

Looking at Lu Chenghe who had already run away, Zuo Ning lay sadly on the ground, he felt that this was the only benefit of becoming a dog, he could lie down and sleep anytime, anywhere. However, he was hungry, hungry, and hungry. He said that a good breakfast was just a dog abuse.

Zuo Ning felt that he had waited for a century, and finally saw the figure of Lu Chenghe running back. After waiting for the housekeeper and the maid to move, he stunned out and pulled his calf: "Woohoo ~" You can eat now , Starving to death!

This puppy is afraid of himself. This is what Lu Chenghe felt when he saw it for the first time yesterday. He was born without pets. Most friendly cats and puppies will show some fear when they see him. Seeing those fragile little creatures is also afraid of accidentally dying, so Lu Chenghe treats pets without paying attention.

Because he was like this from an early age, everyone around him thought he hated these pets, and later he hardly brought pets to him. So at this moment seeing the sudden enthusiasm of this little milk dog, Lu Chenghe was somewhat surprised.

After receiving the towel handed over by the housekeeper, Lu Chenghe wiped the sweat from his body, looked down at the small object still pulling his leg, bent over and picked it up, and walked to the bathroom aside. On the first floor, there is a bathroom specially designed for Lu Chenghe to take a bath after morning exercises. After all, walking back to the bedroom will waste a lot of time.

One person and one dog didn't notice the slightly surprised stare behind the housekeeper. Seeing that the master from the family didn't dislike pets, but didn't meet a close eye? The lady's vision was really good, and she picked one that the young master liked.

Lu Chenghe took Zuo Ning into the bathroom, put it on the sofa, his index finger lowered Zuo Ning's small head: "No movement."

Then he saw that Zuo Ning was really motionless, and Lu Chenghe couldn't help but grin, "It's a clever little thing." After speaking, he turned into the compartment and flushed.

Zuo Ning, already hungry enough to doubt his life, could only wait sadly and wait, waiting to wait and then unconsciously bite his little paw, the fluffy cushion was quite tasteful, and just now Lu Chenghe put him on the sofa He wiped him with a wet towel before, smelled it, and brought a clear fragrance.

Lu Chenghe came out to see the little thing lying on the sofa and biting his paw, and suddenly went over with a slight frown. He slapped the claw on the bite with a light slap: "No bite, just bite I wo n’t give you food. ”If you eat a belly and develop a pica, you wo n’t be able to control it later.

I was afraid that it would not have a long memory, and I patted the paw twice, pointing at its black nose and saying, "In the future, you will not be allowed to eat casually, and you will be beaten if you dare to eat illegally."

Seeing Lu Chenghe's fierce appearance, Zuo Ning was not afraid at all. He shook his tail and whistled, and then stretched out his paw to pluck him. He was afraid of Lu Chenghe's indifference, but he was not afraid of his fierceness. The fierceness was a little bit emotional, and the indifference was too terrible, which made it difficult to understand what the other party was thinking.

Seeing that the little thing was not scared, he was still flapping on himself. Lu Chenghe did n’t know if he understood it. He wanted to talk to the other person after asking the dog trainer. How many little pets died? Pica, some bad behavior must be changed from an early age.

When he came to the restaurant with the little dog, Lu Chenghe sat down and asked the housekeeper directly, "Do something that it can eat. Don't limit dog food."

Since the steward can be the steward of the Lu family, he must have a certain ability. If everyone needs to say and do it, he cannot stay at the Lu family for so many years. After seeing the young master intentionally feeding the puppy with shrimp last night, he asked the pet nutritionist how to feed it.

Today ’s breakfast just happened to give the puppy a different food to try. After hearing the words of the young master, the housekeeper said, “I ’ve already contacted a professional pet nutritionist. Today, the pudding ’s staple food has been changed to use a beef cattle and bread. The **** is mixed with some nutritious powder for it to eat, and it will not be limited to dog food in the future. "

Lu Chenghe nodded, Zuo Ning heard the steward's words and immediately looked forward to breakfast, without saying anything else, the breadcrumbs are probably better than dog food!

Lu Chenghe did not let the food bowl fall to the ground, but put it on the chair next to him. When one end of the food bowl came up, Zuo Ning's eyes lit up. He was promoted from dog food to bread. This is a breakthrough. And he let him eat on the ground yesterday, and he got on the chair today, and his status is rising day by day!

When that bite of breadcrumbs mixed with tender beef was eaten into his mouth, Zuo Ning had the urge to cry for the first time because of food. Although it still doesn't taste much, it is always a hundred times stronger than that dog food! When Lu Chenghe saw that this little thing ate specially made food more happily than dog food, he said to the housekeeper: "Under the premise of not affecting health, try to keep it as close as possible."

The housekeeper nodded and promised that eating dog food for dogs was just a convenience for the average person. The dog food contained a variety of nutrients needed by the dog, and eating dog food was healthier. But for their family, what nutrients the dog needs can be completely extracted from the food, and someone will be responsible for the dog's food in the future.

If it was n’t for the wife ’s sudden whim, they had to keep the dogs a little bit busy, and they had n’t had time to hire someone to make food specially. They were worried that the dogs would not be able to adapt to the sudden change of food. Dog food.

After hearing this, Zuo Ning confirmed once again that he must hold Lu Chenghe's thigh tightly, and he really had meat with the talents.

So Lu Chenghe, who had spent breakfast preparing to go to the company, found that this little thing seemed to stick to him even more. He wouldn't listen to it when he was sitting still, and threw himself on it, as if he knew he was going out without taking it. .

However, no matter how casual Lu Chenghe was, he couldn't take a dog to work. He said to the little thing that stuck to him and asked him to obediently soften it. Finally, the housekeeper took Lu Chenghe away with him. door.

With Lu Chenghe's attitude, Zuo Ning's position in the Lu family has been temporarily stabilized. As long as he is not to be rejected in the future, he is better than some people.

Looking at the little things in the eyes, the housekeeper nodded his nose: "You have a good life, you have followed the wife and master, and you rarely get the eyes of the master. Do you obediently know it in the future?"

Zuo Ning shook his tail in a restrained manner. Regarding this point, he had already recognized and was working hard!

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