MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 108 [Lunch Seunghyuk's lunch] Before being kicked up, first raise the gold plate

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Zuo Ning joined the crew. On the third day of moving to the new home, it only took half an hour to go to the crew from the new home. The advantage of the new home is that he no longer has to go out with the landing Chenghe every day to transform in the car. . Because the drama part of this TV series is a bit heavy, it is not as close as possible to the role of the film's male three, as far as possible, nine to five, and there are many night shows, so it is impossible to let Lu Chenghe wait for time to pick up.

After changing the residence, both the agent Bei Xiao and assistant Yang Shun came to recognize the door. Lu Chenghe originally wanted to give the little pudding a driver to facilitate his use of the car. However, as an assistant, Yang Shun's daily work was to follow Xiao Xiao. The pudding took care of him, so he simply assigned a car to Yang Shun and was responsible for the pick-up and drop-off.

Television dramas are much easier to shoot than movies. At least there is no such high demand for too delicate emotional expressions. As long as they are seen, the director usually gives them. In addition, because they are shooting fantasy dramas, most of them are young actors. As long as the character is acceptable, everyone can get along well. Of course, if it is too strange, then it is another matter.

Ni Hao, the other hero of this TV series, although he is a singer debut, this is also the first work of cross-border, but the popularity is absolutely the highest in the entire crew, even the director speaks to him in harmony. This kind of differential treatment is actually very common in the circle, and sometimes it is not necessarily the work that determines the status. Popularity is also an important part.

And the powerful person of Ni Hao now has fans' support activities on the first day of startup. In fact, the support culture is quite particular in the circle. If done well, it will be able to gain the favor of some passers-by, and even help their love beans to increase their popularity and other stars' favor in the circle. However, two things are quite important, one is intention, and the other is money.

Zuo Ning has never chased the stars. He did n’t even know what Yingyuan was, so when the first day of startup, a group of fans who were said to be Ni Hao came to visit the class, only to feel that they were the king of popularity. But when a few little girls gave him a beautifully packed gift and bowed to him, hoping to take more care of her love beans, Zuo Ning suddenly felt a little complicated.

As one of the male lead, he also has great resources behind him, even if he is a newcomer, but there are independent dressing rooms. After the little girls who gave gifts went out, Zuo Ning opened the gifts. There is a small and cute fan in hand, a parasol, an insulated box containing cut iced fruits, a box of inexpensive high-end facial masks, and a men's bracelet from home. There are tens of thousands in the whole.

Zuo Ning looked at the things in the box and couldn't help asking Yang Shun: "These are all bought by the fans spontaneously? These things are sent to the entire crew. How much money do you get? No wonder they say that the cost of chasing stars is high. It's high above it. "

Although Yang Shun had not been a star assistant before, but now that he has done this, many things naturally need to be understood. Hearing Lu Ning ’s words, he explained with a smile: “Of course, not everyone is the same, because you too One of the starring roles, so the gifts are extra expensive. You see what they give me. In addition to the standard accessories such as a small fan and sun umbrella, there is only one set of men's skin care products. Those staff members may be even worse than this, but the director or the like should be about the same level as you. Before this kind of support, the situation in the crew will be investigated clearly. If the gift is wrong, it is not offensive. people."

Zuo Ning couldn't help but sigh: "The fans are really hard. What are they trying to figure out?"

Yang Shun smiled: "Picture yourself happy, this kind of thing is like a person drinking water, warm and cold knowing himself."

Zuo Ning nodded: "However, I feel very happy to have such a fan. I can be valued so much, and I should feel warm if I pay attention to it."

Yang Shun said to him and encouraged him: "You have just debuted, and someone will help you in this way."

Zuo Ning shook his head: "Looking at the few little girls who gave the gifts just now, they should still be in school. If the family conditions are better, that's fine. If the family conditions are normal, doing such things is just an increase in their own The burden, so forget it, I still play my own drama, fans or whatever, just add a little ratings, and gifts are not necessary. "

However, Zuo Ning turned his head and sent a selfie with a gift to Lu Chenghe: The fan should be a gift for a visitor from your family, and your little one didn't even have a visitor.

After waiting for a while, I didn't see Lu Chenghe reply. When I saw the makeup artist coming in, I had to put down my phone and start preparing for makeup.

For the sake of auspiciousness, the first act is usually best done in one go, so it is not too difficult for the director to choose to start shooting on the first day. It is also necessary for the actors to gradually adapt. Because the two starring actors are newcomers, the director of the first act let several supporting casts with senior qualifications come first.

Zuo Ning saw Ni Hao sitting under the umbrella on the other side and walked towards him with a smile: "Hello, my name is Lu Ning, thank you for the gift from fans, I like it very much."

Ni Hao also stood up quickly and reached out to him: "Hello, hello, I am Ni Hao, and I would like to take care of you in the future."

Zuo Ning thinks that this Ni Hao is not bad. It doesn't seem to be difficult to get along with, and he can't help but relax. If it's a weirdness, I will have it in the next few months.

Several scenes shot in the morning were very smooth. Those old actors who deserve to be qualified are basically one pass. Even Zuo Ning, who had a rival play with them, was taken one by one, and it was very easy to shoot in the morning. The lunch was served at noon, but it was a very beautiful and beautiful food box, not a kind of take-away box lunch.

Zuo Ning thought that this was also something that Ni Hao fans should support, and still lamented that chasing stars really cost money. I didn't expect the director to say, "This is a lunch provided by Xiaolu fans. I wish we had a good start. Everyone is delicious. After a full meal, keep up the schedule and quality, and try to get off the field, and go home early!"

Zuo Ning was thankful by everyone, with a polite smile, took his lunch, walked to the corner, sat down and asked Yang Shun: "What's going on? My fans?"

Yang Shun smiled: "Isn't it your fan, super big fan, just this food box, about one or two hundred, which provides the entire crew, which fan do you think has the financial resources at this stage?"

"Lu Chenghe?"

Yang Shun smiled and said nothing, Zuo Ning pursed his lips, but couldn't help humming with a grin: "What a hell, I didn't plan to compare with Ni Hao, and ordered me a box lunch if I didn't reply. "

Looking at the corners of his mouth that couldn't be controlled, he was obviously happy, and he wanted to say something indifferent. People in love are all wrong.

The first day of the play, Zuo Ning passed by the furniture mall when he returned home, and suddenly he wanted to go shopping. Although the new home's embellishment with his pile of toys seemed less deserted, it still looked a bit empty.

When Lu Chenghe came home, he opened the door. If it was not the little pudding who was walking around the house, he doubted whether he had gone the wrong way. There are several rainbow-colored pillows on the sofa, and a large sunflower-shaped chair next to it. There are many fake flowers in the expensive vase, and there are some messy stickers everywhere, even Some unknown items hung on the stairs, and the whole house became uncharacteristic.

When he saw him back, the little thing turned around and turned into a brilliant smiley: "You're back, you see, I arranged it, look good!"

Lu Chenghu paused, looked around again, and said, "Just like it."

Zuo Ning ran over with a smile and pulled him to the small garden: "I also bought a super shaker, you can put it there as you see, just under the eaves, when the weather becomes cooler, we can be together at that time Lie on the sun! I also bought a lot of air mattresses and other things. When some day is free, we will swim together. I originally wanted to buy paintings to hang at home, but Yang Shun said that you can buy them well Well, if I buy it too cheaply, it will be a joke if you have friends or business partners coming home. "

Lu Chenghe smiled: "You can buy whatever you like. These things are valuable only if you like them."

Zuo Ning suddenly squinted with a smile: "Really?"

Lu Chenghe nodded: "Yes."

Zuo Ning quickly said, "Can I put a picture? Put my picture, your picture, and our group photo. When should we take a group photo, my dog ​​looks like a photo with you, But people don't look like that. I want to take hard photos that look particularly good. I also want selfies for life. I want to hang our photos all over the house! "

Lu Chenghe touched his head: "Okay."

Hearing Lu Chenghe's promises to his arrangements, Zuo Ning was almost happy to fly, but suddenly thought of noon when he was halfway through the flight: "You prepared lunch today? I'll send you a message. Why don't you return?" Did you decide to order the lunch after I sent the message, or did you actually order it already? "

Instead of answering his question, Lu Chenghe asked, "How is the crew, has anyone bullied you?"

Zuo Ning snorted: "Worried that I haven't returned my information yet, you can rest assured, I'm okay, everyone is getting along well, anyway, Yang Shun brother has been following me anyway, some people dare to bully me, I will bully him back ! "

"Yeah, you haven't lost a fight anyway. If you quarrel and move your hands, let Yang Shun go?"

Zuo Ning puffed at him, "Lu Chenghe!"

Zuo Ning originally thought that the lunch on the first day was just meant to be a good start. It turned out that the next day was still the delivery of the meal. The box lunch for everyone in the crew seemed to be eight or ten. If any celebrity didn't want to eat it, he could take it out of his own pocket. But no one would be extravagant to eat such a meal a few hundred dollars every day, not to mention the whole crew.

Looking at the surprise expressions of everyone, one after another came to thank him with enthusiasm. Zuo Ning maintained a smile on his face, but he was really distressed. How much money do I get each day! Lu Chenghe is almost defeated! !! !! !! He didn't know if he was paid enough for this meal!

The director also cheerfully came over and patted his shoulder and said, "This people take food as a matter of day, and it ’s okay to eat everything in a day, but Xiaolu, do n’t let your fans spend too much money. We accept this aspiration Here, if this is done every day, the appetite of the entire crew will be raised.

Zuo Ning has not spoken yet, and Yang Shundao said: "The director is assured, this is what Mr. Lu ordered, and Mr. Lu said, this is the first time that Mr. Lu Ning talked to the TV crew. He was completely blank in this regard. Without formal study, a lot of things that do n’t understand bother the director.

After hearing this, the director smiled and agreed. Lu Ning is a good child. He has n’t had any moths yet. Although the acting is ordinary, it ’s more spiritual. As long as you explain to him, it ’s still easy to get into. Drama. In addition, it is no problem to be able to get in touch with President Lu and let him learn from each other. Compared to the resources in the future, teaching something is nothing.

So about lunch, it spread all over the crew. This was sent by Mr. Lu's boss himself. Although there are rumors that the person behind Lu Ning who holds him is Mr. Lu's boss, but it is a rumor. Can it be implemented now? All of a sudden, everyone came close, intentionally or unintentionally. No matter what you think in private, it is more harmonious to get along.

Zuo Ning has adapted to this phenomenon long ago, but just stared at Yang Shun privately: "This is too high-profile, what if someone is jealous of me?"

Yang Shun laughed: "What are you afraid of? Rather than hide someone to kick you, it's better to erect an iron plate in the morning. Someone really wants to come to hack you. Is Lu's public relations all vegetarian?"

Zuo Ning pouted his lips. This iron plate that was erected with gold was expensive.

The author has something to say: the end of a sentence:


"My lord, do you still remember Xia Yuhe on the beach of Lake Daming?"

"do not remember."

Returning pearls.

[Journey to the West]

"Brother Yu, go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures and protect the safety of the Great Tang and Guotai peoples.

"Don't go."

Westward journey.

【Zhen Huan】

"Look up and let me see."

"So ugly."

Zhen Yan finished.


"You're going to that fairy island to ask the fairy for your medicine"

"Don't go."

End of the fairy sword.

[Wang Daily]

"Son, help me keep a dog for a while."


Wang routinely finished.