MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-~ Do whatever you want

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If the gray fog source needs a lot of negative energy, Qiao Xiu is not very good.

It's even more troublesome for Aibo's role to "kill the ultimate big BoSS".

But he chose Joshua... it’s too much to use.

"How much deposit do I have in the Nolan deposit?" Qiao Xiu took a picture of his back neck. The assets of Qiao Xiu are really too much to be too lazy to remember.

When I thought about a hero, I suddenly came up. Qiao Xiu almost called on Sonarun to pay attention to your tone. You are talking to Nolan's first local tyrant. ’

"The important thing is how to send the money." Thousands of faces interrupted Qiao Xiu, who was in an inflated state.

"Can you wait until the army arrives and trade in person?"

Hiri remembers that a large tortoise has been on the edge of the continent for a long time. As long as the fog around the sea level is weak, the big turtle will rush in directly.

"High Elf." Tylin hugged the white cat from the keyboard and told Joe that another possible answer, "Aurelian's space magic, should be able to complete the remote transmission."

"I will send them a message, and the work of a thousand facets will be handed over to you for the time being."

Qiao Xiu directly opened the newsletter and contacted the elder elder Quay Toan, and left a message on the newsletter to let you control the best elves of space magic. ’

Elder Quaytoan quickly sent a message to the news, not far from the Hearthstone Tavern to Arthur Crowe, which is the two portals.

Thousands of faces controlled the role of V, and she began to further test the origin of the fog called Sonarun.

In less than three minutes, there was a sinister demon portal outside the study room.

They first arrived at Nolan underground through the portal of Arthurcro, and then made a transit through the portal of Zenas.

Qiao Xiu also saw the best space mages of the whole family.

"good evening!"

Al came out of the portal. When he saw the high elf, Joshua really wanted to put the girl back into the portal and come back again.

This feels the same as smoking a limited card pool.

But let Joe Xiu breathe a sigh of relief... Elder Quaytoan also came out from behind Al.

So Al may just come over the door, and Quaytoan is an excellent space mage.

"The son of the forest, is there any commission?"

Asked Elder Quaytoan.

"Can you build a portal remotely?"

This is an offensive strategy that Qiao Xiu has thought about.

Then use the orange cat as a medium to let the high elves build a portal on another continent, and then send the soldiers to pass.

But this idea was quickly annihilated by Qiao Xiu, because the origin of the fog that ruled Black Bay City was too strong, and the portal could not last long. The soldiers who sent the past were just killed.

So Joe corrected the way to minimize the fog.

"There is a need to transfer magic through humans... It may take some time to prepare," said Quaytoan.

"Just send this coin?" Qiao Xiu took out a Nolan gold from his pocket.

"It's very simple."

Quaytoan is a reliable old high elf. In contrast, Al has already taken Tallin’s hand and does not know what to say.

Speaking of the relationship between Tylin and Al, when did it start so well?

"follow me."

Qiao Xiu didn't have time to tangled up, and now it's more important to deal with things.

Elder Quaytoan followed Joe Xiu into the room of the cloud cat, and the V played by Thousand Faces chatted with Sonarun about some interesting topics.

"What did he say?"

Qiao Xiu once again went to the side of the thousand face to ask.

"There is a large part of the information he provides that we know." Thousands of regrets said.

"A big part?"

When Joe Xiu came to the side of the thousand faces, he just heard the sound of Sonaren’s horror.

"Who are you? Why do you know even the existence of the conscious world? It won't... you know what kind of existence we are?"

When Sonaren asked this sentence, it was no longer as easy as it used to be, and there was a little cold feeling in the voice.

"Change me to communicate with him."

Qiao Xiu replaced the thousand faces and picked up the microphone directly.

At this time, Shirley also had the control of V to take off the top hat.

"Mr. Sonarun... Like you and your sister, we have already eliminated two, and the two are far more powerful than you and your sister."

The action of V seems to be saluting the source of the fog, but in the eyes of Aibo and Sonaren, it is equivalent to pulling the dagger out of the scabbard.

"Killing our family? Impossible..."

Aibo is still stubborn and does not want to believe that the origin of the fog will be killed by humans, because she is immortal to human beings.

The only thing that really fogs the fog is the fog itself.

"Trust and unbelief will judge by yourself, Miss Aibo." V said.

"Aibo, you found me a troublesome guy."

Sonaren has already believed what V said.

"At least for now, you and Miss Aibo are safe, in my opinion." V continued.

"Now I know a lot of intelligence as a commodity, whether it is our own existence or the world of consciousness...but are you interested in the information about the 'mother'?" Sonalon said.

When Aibo heard his brother's words, his expression became abnormally dignified. The mother was a taboo for them. Aibo would not betray her mother and betray her mother.

Soonaren has been out of this moment.

"Of course, Mr. Sonner."

Qiao Xiu is very concerned about who the behind-the-scenes black hands behind the four gray fog sources... and what kind of existence.

"This may cost a little bit." Sonaren got a small sigh of relief after receiving V's answer.

"Elder Quaytoan, with this soul link as a coordinate, send this coin."

Qiao Xiu gave instructions to Quay Toan, who had just arrived at the cloud cat room. The reliable senior elf held the Nolan King handed over by Joe.

The silver-white space inscription lights up in front of the fingertips of Quaytoan, and the golden coin disappears instantly.

This ultra-long-distance space transmission would have consumed the magic of Quaytoan, but after the world tree of the higher elves became stronger, Quaytoan’s strength was also significantly improved.

The coin fell directly on the orange cat that was lying outside the door.

Hili used the obstruction of the order inscription and the illusion magic to make this coin appear in the palm of V.

"I think what you need is this." V's hand flipped, a Nolan Kim appeared at his fingertips, and then directly to the Sonarun sitting on the sofa.

Sonalon glanced at the gold coin that V threw, and he handed the gold coin directly to the human female sitting next to him.

The human female whispered something to Sonar after carefully watching the gold coin.

The woman seems to recognize this gold coin from another mainland country, not only knowing the gold coin, she also knows the value.

"This is probably the most expensive gold coin on the mainland, Mr. Sonaren." V still reminded Sonaren.

Nolan's currency is the most expensive of the world's monetary system, followed by the currency of the country of steel.

"I know that this is not enough," Sonalon said.

“How much do you need?” When V asked this question, Sonaren was also thinking about it. He was looking for a suitable offer, neither too low nor too high to let V refuse.

Unfortunately, Sonarun does not know the details of this mask geek... It is probably the whole Nolan and the richest people in the entire continent.

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