MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 283 This is your original order

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"Their reply was, tell the Foundation not to meddle in their own business?"

Still in that small bar, when the spider narrated the Ye chaebol's reply, it aroused many people's suspicions.

The consortium and the foundation have always maintained a friendly cooperative relationship, and even the foundation has set a clear classification for each consortium according to the amount of sponsorship between these different consortiums. Through these different classifications, the foundation often gives Multi-faceted care, for example, in the handling of some special events, the priority of the needs of the consortium is higher than that of ordinary people, and even some events in the administrative department.

And in the training camp under the foundation, a considerable part of the extraordinary people trained every year have entered the major consortiums and worked for them.

To some extent, many people think that consortiums and foundations are like a family.

It is even said that, after all, the foundation has extraordinary power, and the consortium is only rich, so when facing the foundation, the consortium often maintains tolerance and restraint.

But now, the consortium actually accuses the foundation of not meddling in its own business?


The spider who put down the phone said lightly, not even bothering to show a surprised expression: "Perhaps, this is the original face of the consortium. In their eyes, the foundation is just a tool."

"The Foundation is just a tool?"

Beside, the old crow suddenly said with some anger: "Who dares to say that the foundation is just a tool? Even the church has been driven to the wilderness by the foundation..."

"So you think the Foundation has taken the place of the Church because of that?"

White Bat suddenly sneered and said, "When the Church of the Twelve Gods existed, all major consortiums were vassals of the church. As long as the church said a word, the consortium would give everything they had, otherwise they would not be loyal believers, not loyal believers. Christians cannot enjoy everything they have... including their wealth, status, even their health, and their lives..."

"It is true that many people, including many of us, now think that the foundation is the most powerful force."

"After all, if the church is expelled, the foundation should take the place of the church, right?"


White Bat slowly shook his head: "But that's not the case. The self-positioning of the consortium has always been higher than that of the foundation."

The old crow retorted subconsciously: "How is this possible..."

"Nothing is impossible."

The white bat said indifferently: "My family is a consortium, of course I know what my father and grandpa think."


The old crow didn't know how to answer the question, originally he wanted to say that there were no such fools in the consortium.

"From the consortium's point of view, the expulsion of the church was originally a joint effort between them and the foundation, and the reason why they expelled the church was because the church could not give them a sense of security."

Bai Bat's answer was very calm, as if he had abandoned his identity as a child of the consortium, and was evaluating from a detached perspective.

"The church, the Church of the Twelve Gods, is a church that claims to be a patron, but because it couldn't give the financial group enough sense of security, it led to their betrayal and joint expulsion..."

Everyone present, except for the spider, felt somewhat absurd because of this question: "Then, what kind of security do they want?"

"White Bat is right. The consortium has never regarded itself as a subordinate of the Foundation."

The spider sighed faintly, and said: "Even the foundation thinks so, and I am not surprised to get this answer from the consortium, because I have already understood and firmly believed in the suggestion from the very beginning. Give it to them, I said it was the only way to solve the problem, and take off the hat of the number one fool, but they obviously didn't believe me..."

"They promised to take action, but this action is actually just to express their attitude through the phone..."

"Ha ha......"

She suddenly sneered: "And according to my suggestion, the foundation should stop at nothing at this time and try its best to prevent and avoid the implementation of this plan."

The crowd was somewhat depressed, and no one spoke for a long time.

The black cat with a sunny temperament, but somewhat gloomy at this time, suddenly said coldly: "Don't be so secretive anymore, what do those people in the consortium want to do."

"This question is too simple."

Spider said: "What do you think the consortium needs most?"

Everyone was silent for a while. What the consortium needs seems to be very simple, but it is actually a little difficult to explain clearly.

What do they need?

They obviously have everything...

"To put it bluntly, it's just a privilege."

The spider said lightly: "The consortium has innumerable wealth and status, and they have advantages far beyond others, but they are not satisfied, so they maintain a good relationship with the foundation, so that when faced with surreal events , they can still maintain a stronger advantage over others, but even so, they are still not satisfied, and on this basis, they still want to gain a greater advantage..."

The old crow looked up eagerly: "What is that?"

Spider rolled his eyes: "If you get to this point, what do you want?"

The old crow was stunned: "It's okay to kill a **** to play?"


The spider's mood was interrupted all of a sudden, and he paused before saying, "It's not as ambitious as you."

"They just hoped..."

She seemed to try to organize her words: "God will always be on their side."

"It's not the kind of station promised, but the kind of station that needs to be guaranteed in the form of a contract, and the initiative is in their hands."

"They don't believe in the agreement, because they themselves don't quite keep the agreement, so they just want to be more sure, a certainty that can make them feel at ease."


"A grasp that can be reassured..."

"You just say that they want to put shackles on God. Isn't this the way the Church of Order started when they put a chain around God's neck?"

The old crow was dumb, and then he said angrily: "Is their appetite so big now?"

"Not now, it started very early."

The spider replied softly: "Have you also heard of the failed sacrifice of the three consortiums?"

"Prior to this, the foundation has repeatedly used this sacrifice to warn everyone, trying to make people believe how stupid the consortium's ambitions are?"

"But, have you ever thought about what if the sacrifice didn't fail?"


She stood up slowly, stretched her waist lightly, with a kind of alienated laziness and exhaustion on her face: "Now they just want to continue the previous plan."

"That's why they don't want the Foundation to meddle in their own business."

"Because the previous plan was originally what the foundation had allowed them to do."



"Whoever allowed it or didn't allow it, they're doing it."

The black cat leaned back slightly. I don't know who I learned from. It started to take out the gun, wiped it, and disassembled it. At the same time, it said lightly:

"But they just provoked Brother Wei's woman..."


He curled his lips as he said, he had seen that woman before, and still felt that she was still a bit unworthy of Brother Wei.

Obviously skinny without front or back, shouldn't Wei Wei be worthy of a top-notch woman with **** and big buttocks?

But thinking that this was his own choice, he continued calmly: "So, the important thing is how we do it."


The others looked at the black cat hesitantly.

"Brother Wei's friends are my friends, his team members are my team members, and his girlfriend is..."

The black cat paused and said, "No matter what it is, we can't ignore it."

"If he really cares about this woman so much..."

The white bat looked up slightly hesitantly: "Why didn't he come by himself?"

"Perhaps he will come."

The spider said: "Maybe he won't, and these two are the things I worry about the most."

"Not coming?"

The old crow was stunned, and said: "Although that guy is perverted, he has always been quite humane. He used to fight with others, and he always came to the scene every time, and he brought the guy..."


The spider rubbed his temples wearily, and said, "Don't you know that if he can return safely from the sacred domain, he must have demonstrated the ability to surpass the sixth level?"

"As for the seventh tier, it's a totem, a symbol..."

"When a person becomes a symbol, it is like mastering the power of a strong wind that sweeps the earth. With this kind of power, how can you protect your little candlelight?"


As she said that, the worry on her face became more and more serious: "So, I'm worried that if he reaches the seventh level, he won't care about this girl anymore..."

"Ascension to the seventh rank, usually humanity is diluted and erased."

"You should have heard more or less that the reason why the Foundation does not have a seventh tier is that here, the Pioneer Laboratory, is not incapable of sending people to the seventh tier."

"It's just that they can't guarantee whether they are sent up or not..."


"Humanity is diluted..."

Bai Ba was stunned for a while, then suddenly said: "Then if he comes, what are you worried about?"

The spider said softly: "If he comes, he will fall into the trap of those people. They will be happy to turn him into a real... God!"

"Captain, you really didn't move at all?"

At the same time, Captain Ouyang was lying on the rattan chair in the yard in the scrap iron city, staring blankly at the gray sky, as if in a trance.

The team members seemed to be busy with their own affairs, but the busier they got, the more they realized that they had nothing to do, so their movements stopped slowly, and each of them was stunned.

The first one to ask questions was Ms. Ilky.

"I actually knew about Feifei a long time ago. Her father told me about it."

After a while, Captain Ouyang said slowly, "I even know a little more, because Idiot told me some secrets."

"As for Xiao Wei..."

He paused for a moment, and said: "What happened last time in the scrap iron city has made us understand that Xiao Wei has far exceeded our expectations, and he has already entered a new level."

"We should avoid him..."

"Just like what Mangwang told us in the shared memory pool, we should stay far away and avoid the vortex related to them..."

Listening to these words, Ms. Lky felt nothing new. Instead of solving the problem, she became restless and hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth: "But..."


Captain Ouyang interrupted her in advance and said, "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Miss Lky fell silent for a while.

"We're all going to die..."

Captain Ouyang murmured: "You all know that we are just a group of fugitives, we just hope to keep running until we escape the sight of the devil..."

"We are quick

It's going to be successful..."

"We have also broken our own principles many times, and for the sake of the so-called bottom line, we have done some things that we should not do..."

"But this time, it's really too dangerous..."

"It's not that we are not brave enough, but because we all know that if we intervene this time, people will really die. It may be you, or it may be me..."

"That's true, it's already far beyond our capabilities..."


Captain Ouyang's words made everyone present feel a little depressed and heavy, and they didn't know what to say.

And in this depression, Brother Piggy blinked carefully, and said: "But Captain, the two of them..."

"I also call you the captain..."



"Son, you should go up."

On the second city defense line, in the study of Mr. Ye Jia, a third-level consortium, the piece of fleshy skin on the bed is gently saying to Ye Feifei: "We will all watch you take that position with the most respectful eyes."

"Do not......"

But Ye Feifei yelled out in horror.

She couldn't help taking a step back, but she didn't know where to go, because people in black robes were everywhere around her.

They seem to respect each of them very much, but under the surface of this respect, each of them is extremely indifferent, so indifferent that there is no mercy at all, and some only have endless greed.

She found that she was still as timid as before, and her voice trembled when she spoke: "No matter what it is, I don't want to go."


"What exactly do you want to do?"


"Just trying to help you out, my child."

A tall and thin old man next to him gently raised his head to look at Ye Feifei, and put his hands on his chest in a pious and mysterious posture: "Those powers have been sealed in your body for too long. .”

"You're bothered by it too, aren't you?"

"I can imagine how hard you have been through the past ten years, because the reality is not compatible with your soul, so it will cause you to hit a wall everywhere."

"But now, finally, it's time."

"Get rid of the current shackles and usher in true freedom and descent, isn't it good?"


His voice was very gentle, and when he said these words, he stepped forward lightly, and the others followed suit, with warm and excited eyes.

Ye Feifei was frightened by the enthusiasm, and even his brain was a little dizzy.

It was as if a series of bizarre images were emerging in her mind, like pieces of data with different meanings, interweaving with something in her mind to form a new seriousness.

But this new earnestness frightened her.

It seemed that he would get lost at any time and become another monster.

She even had an urge to escape because of this, she kept shouting loudly, holding her temples with both hands, to prevent her mind from escaping.

"What exactly are you trying to do to me?"

Her voice was full of panic, and she was crying: "I don't want to be here, I want to leave, captain, brother Wei, mom and dad, they are all waiting for me..."

"No one will be waiting for you, because you don't belong to this world."

The patriarch on the bed, or the pile of skins, was speaking in a weird and low voice: "And don't be afraid, don't worry..."

"Isn't what we are doing what you told us to do back then?"

"We just obeyed your instructions, sealed your cognition at that inappropriate time, and then..."

"When this critical moment comes, it's just to wake you up..."



buzz buzz...

If it is said that there can be bombs in memory, Ye Feifei feels that there are clusters of memory fragments exploding in his mind.

She only felt that her headache was splitting, and memories that did not belong to her were awakening rapidly.

This made her feel panic at the instinct level. At the end of the panic, she let out an unconscious scream, which became, at her most desperate moment, her voice for help to the whole world...

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