MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 268 no compromise

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I could feel that the criminal who came over from the wilderness had been stopped by the head pendant, so Wei Wei was not in a hurry at all.

The performance of the head pendant was really good this time, but it didn't pretend to be dead until everything was settled. Of course, it was still a little worse than the ghost lady who didn't intend to pretend to be dead in the first place.

In this attack, the people who came are too special. Whether it is the bishop of the order or the wandering church, there are too many believers and supporters, so nominally the two of them worked together to formulate this plan, but the abolition In Tiecheng, there were already too many aliens. Wei Wei could feel them at this time, but he had no interest in catching these little shrimps one by one.

It's good to have a head pendant and a ghost lady to solve it.

He walked towards the alley where the big man of the wandering church was stopped with a calm expression. He was not in a hurry, but his footsteps were steady.

Because this kind of thing has happened so many times, I can't be in a hurry, but because the matter has to be resolved, I will definitely pass.

With this attitude, he traversed the entire scrap iron city.

There were desolate and confused people around, and in different places, they saw this figure walking forward with a gun.

His eyes seemed to have hallucinations at this moment, and for a moment he saw that he was a young man walking slowly with a black gun in his hand.

For a while, his eyes turned flowery, and he saw a sheep-faced demon with a bright red body.

Two silhouettes, one gentle and calm, common enough to be seen everywhere, the other **** and ferocious, as if from a nightmare, but the fusion is so perfect.

But finally, Wei Wei's footsteps stopped.

Because at the intersection ahead, a dilapidated motorcycle was rushing over, and in the car, Shiva, a member of the Xingtian team with a complicated expression, pierced his ear with his index finger.

At this time, the black car was only a block away, but Wei Wei had to stop and face him first.

"Don't go there..."

Shiva's voice seemed a little helpless, and also a little irritable when he was forced to go into battle. He tried to speak to Wei Wei in a peaceful tone; "This time, the Wandering Church has already lost a lot of money, and the three totems have been tossed here, and they fought together not long ago. The old life, and even the death knell of the gods that was finally obtained after using a strategic weapon like Miss Jade Bird was destroyed.

He sighed and said, "Those believers in the wilderness, as well as those remaining forces, will become crazy."

"At that time, the scrap iron city, even the third city defense line, and even the entire spiritual barrier will face unimaginable pressure."


Wei Wei listened quietly and understood that Shiva was right, but after a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "If that's the case, why did you let him in in the first place?"

Shiva fell silent for a while.

Ye Feifei, who was following Wei Wei, nervously looked at one of the strongest fighting forces of the Foundation opposite, and then looked at Wei Wei.

She had a hunch that the answer seemed very important.

Outside the Scrap Iron City, the spider queen was being repeatedly pressed by the people in the communicator about the situation here, and she felt extremely irritable.

"How about what?"


"The situation is so bad, it's almost irreversible, it's like a nightmare!"


"Shit, have you really come this far?"

The people in the communicator were very nervous: "I'm going to be promoted next month, why do I have to go to the leader for him at this time?"

"Can he work with the Foundation later, so that I can have a comfortable two days..."


Facing the wailing in the communicator, the Spider Queen became even more annoyed, "Who said he was going to do something with the Foundation, can you not only think about this trivial thing?"


Is the Foundation thing a trivial matter?

The people in the communicator expressed some incomprehension, but they still asked nervously: "What is the bad situation?"

"As his real ex-girlfriend, I am not far away.

He ran over to help him, and promised to live in his house, and promised him to sleep in the bedroom and not lock the door at night..."

The Spider Queen was heartbroken: "But when I made so many sacrifices, he came to me, and he really just wanted me to help him, you say it's too much?"


The people in the communicator were stunned, and after a long time, the old crow sighed: "It seems to be a bit too much."

"It's not the most excessive."

The Spider Queen quickly typed the message with anger: "In the process of his transformation and self-discovery, there has always been a state of complete confusion, and a girl who doesn't understand anything but a pretty little face follows... He is in Under such an important circumstance, leaving your ex-girlfriend to work in the wilderness outside the city, and taking a beautiful little girl shopping in the scrap iron city, do you think this is too much?"


There was another silence in the communicator, and the black cat replied with a little caution: "Although I know you must be talking nonsense, I actually really feel that he is going too far..."

"You're getting jealous again, which is a good thing."

The white bat's message replied, "This means that the situation has been brought under control. What is his current state?"

"Control? Hehe."

The Spider Queen replied with a sneer, "It's just that her condition has stabilized unexpectedly."

"I have never believed that he is a so-called god. You have also stayed with him for three years, eating and sleeping together, and sometimes even wearing different underwear. Do you really feel that he is a god?"


The male team members in the communicator felt a little embarrassed, and the Spider Queen said indignantly: "What's the shame at this time, I'll go through with him too."


The people in the communicator were stunned for a moment.

The Spider Queen directly put aside the topic and said, "Anyway, he is definitely not a god. At most, he has developed some kind of disease at the spiritual level. He regards himself as a god, thinking that he is always right, and digs his head into the horn of the bull. It's just mental patients who don't accept explanations from others or accept the reality at all. You can find a lot of such patients in any mental hospital."

"It's just that he happens to be an extraordinary person, and he happens to be the only owner of the scarlet power, just more powerful.

"Now he is indeed not the same as before. I think his condition may have worsened again. The treatment for so many years has lost its effect, and he has returned to the craziest time."

"Of course, this mental state made him complete the promotion ceremony of the sixth state, and it was completed perfectly."


The communicator suddenly fell silent, and after a while, an ID named Wild Boar replied: "The perfect sixth state does not exist.

"It is precisely because the perfect sixth state does not exist that no one can be promoted to the seventh state, which is to use the will of man to reach the rank with the totem as the bottom limit."

"That's the most basic principle we learned in training camp."

The Spider Queen's reply was also serious: "But I only feel perfection in him."

"Then this..."

A group of people fell silent, and it took a long time for someone to answer cautiously: "Maybe this is Xi Shi in the eyes of a lover?"

"The most important thing is the attitude of the Foundation, right?"

Black Cat's reply attracted everyone's attention "What will the Foundation do?"

"After he completed the promotion ceremony, the first thing he did was to deny the old scarlet power, which is the same as the promotion of demon inferiors to totems, which can instantly destroy other similar species in his race that may pose a threat to him. Reason, I saw with my own eyes that the death knell of the gods became withered in an instant, and the entire blood-colored abyss was liberated at that moment, and the weapon researched by the foundation with scarlet as the core..."

The Spider Queen did not continue, but everyone else suddenly became nervous:

"That's the most important thing, right?"

"How could the Foundation allow its most powerful weapon to be neutralized?"

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"


The spider queen looks at these guys

All of them looked nervous, and after a while, they replied in a sneering tone:

"Because I think it's a good thing."

"And at this point, we can't help much. I want to know, has the instructor left?"


The white bat replied: "He left ten minutes ago, but the Foundation did not approve its action, so we don't know if it will arrive in time."

The Spider Queen nodded with a sneer: "That's good."

"I was in a hurry just now, I just hoped that the instructor would come over sooner, but now..."

She paused for a moment and said coldly, "I even think it's a little slower, and it doesn't even come over, it's fine."



"You're already someone with such terrifying power, so don't talk like a child, okay?"

Facing Wei Wei's question, Shiva was silent for a long time before he sighed softly and looked up at Wei Wei.

This is almost equivalent to refusing to answer Wei Wei's question, and it seems that he has already answered it.

Wei Wei actually accepted this answer, nodded lightly, and said: "Okay, I can understand the pressure of the Foundation, after all, we need to face so many demon power owners, face totems, and more. Facing the Wandering Church and the most mysterious Rose Sect, I can understand that you are willing to compromise on some things in order to achieve the most understandable result."

"After all, you are considering the big picture."


Shiva couldn't help being taken aback and looked at Wei Wei in disbelief.

He didn't expect that such a helpless answer from himself would actually be exchanged for such a standard answer.

But then, Wei Wei suddenly laughed and said, "But the foundation is an institution that protects spiritual barriers, that's what you told me back then.

"You have made countless complicated regulations, and I have been working hard to abide by them."

"But now, someone has attacked the scrap iron city and even destroyed the spiritual barrier. I followed the rules of the foundation to catch him. What's the problem?"


Shiva was speechless for a while, only then did he realize that the relief he had just felt was just an illusion.

Wei Wei's expression clearly showed seriousness: "If you don't follow the rules set by the foundation yourself, then I want to know, where are the foundation's principles and limits?"


Shiva had never experienced such a helpless conversation in his life.

After a long time, he could only helplessly answer again: "Didn't I say it before, don't use such a child-like tone to discuss this kind of issue?"

"I know you're all good at compromising, and that compromise is more important than rules."

A smile suddenly appeared on Wei Wei's face, and he said, "But I don't know much about these things, and my mentor has never taught me."

"Your mentor?"

Shiva suddenly flashed his pupils and said, "Who is he?"

Wei Wei smiled very mildly, even a little proud: "He is a child living on a mountain of garbage."

Shiva did not fully understand the sentence, but immediately asked: "Can he be communicated?"


Wei Wei smiled and said: "He is actually a very good compromise person, and even a little timid."

Shiva tentatively said, "Then he..."

"But he has no way to compromise now."

Wei Wei smiled and replied, "His younger siblings are all dead, and he sacrificed himself."

"From the time the last man died, there was nothing else to discuss, nothing to discuss."


Shiva's pupils have shrunk in an instant, and his expression is tense.

"So, stop trying to reason with me."

The smile on Wei Wei's face began to bloom, and he picked up the gun and pointed at Shiva in front of him, as if in a very good mood, "My teacher has died, and he died when he was the most angry.

"So he will never

Will not choose to compromise. "

"Never be afraid to lose anything, because he even lost himself."


The next moment, he looked at Shiva's grim face, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

"He's actually shooting himself."

Shiva looked at the blasted muzzle, at the bullet that flew towards him from the gun chamber, and his pupils kept blooming like water lines.

In reality, he seemed to be standing there, not moving at all.

But at the spiritual level, his body suddenly began to twist, like a towel that was tightened at both ends. Because of this twist, his body and flesh became tough and strong, and at the same time kept growing, his feet seemed to step into the ground. , but the body began to expand rapidly, becoming a towering tree, but everything in this tree, the roots, branches, and even the leaves, were all condensed from flesh and blood.

The most terrifying thing is that leaves began to grow on this tree.

Each leaf is a human face. These leaves grow rapidly, and there are thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of them.

The life demon system, the sixth state.

Shiva is also the only one who has not entered the training camp, but has become a member of the Xingtian team.

Even without the blessings of spiritual barriers, the members of Xingtian Squad also possess the rank of the sixth state, and are blessed with many specific demonic taboos.

They themselves represent the highest rank of demon power that can be reached by human will.

As long as Shiva appears in the city, he can be himself or the incarnation of everyone in the city.

Seeing Shiva's changing appearance, Wei Wei frowned.

The bullet hit the target in an instant, but at the spiritual level, this bullet did not appear, but in reality, the bullet flew past Shiva's cheek and nailed it to the wall behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the blood on Wei Wei's wrist began to seep into the barrel of the gun, and then he was ready to pull the trigger.

Shiva closed his eyes deeply, and the next moment, before the second shot, he suddenly stepped aside, and also gave way to the alley.


Wei Wei glanced at him, passed in front of him, and walked towards the alley.

Ye Feifei hurriedly followed Wei Wei's footsteps, but when he passed by, he couldn't help but glance at Shiva, thinking in his heart

"This Xingtian team doesn't look good..."

"Brother Xiaowei just shot a shot at the side, and he moved away in fear..."



"You need to give an explanation!"

A voice came from the headset, and Shiva listened, just sighed softly, and said, "I know, I may have missed the only chance to kill him at the least cost."

"However, one must have principles..."

"I just said that without the blessing of spiritual barriers, I would not take action against the Church of Order, and now, I will not take action against him either."


"Whatever, anyway, the training camp can't cultivate life demons, and I don't even have a substitute.




When Wei Wei finally came to the alley where the black car stayed, the sturdy body was suddenly torn apart.

Inside, I have been waiting for a long time, I have tasted despair enough, and even wondered if it was the wandering church archbishop who had a chance to escape, his thin body was suddenly pulled into the air by an invisible force. Seeing the opportunity to look down on a city, the difference is that at this moment, his body is entangled with bloodshots, his head is downcast, and he has no chance to control himself.

In the scrap iron city, everyone looked up at the skinny old man who was hanging in the air.

A sacred and delicate voice began to sound in the ears, and the head pendant used its own ability to tell everyone the identity of the old man.

It solemnly proclaimed his crime and the fate he would face.

The ghost lady is wandering in the mid-air of the scrap iron city with a serious like a loyal knight.

The next moment, the scarlet sheep-faced demon flew up from the city, waving a huge blood-colored sickle, and slashed high towards the skinny old man.

"Is it finally going to start?"

Looking at the archbishop of the wandering church, in this remote town, he was executed in the same way as a prisoner. I don't know how many totems looking at the totems here from a distance, and felt a heavy pressure.

The wandering church has been insulted so much, are those lunatics finally going to start the strongest counterattack and revenge?


Also at this moment, Wei Wei just slowly put away the gun, with a cold disdain on his expression:

"Instead of waiting for a bunch of unreasonable lunatics to come to you, why not let the Scarlet descend on that wilderness first?"