MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 252 Scarlet 3 Cores (6000 words)

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The black altar was painted with pungent red paint, with bright red lines.

A devout believer, who deliberately wears a wide, hooded robe, kneels respectfully on the ground, preventing God from seeing his face and daring not to face the statue.

This is an expression of awe in sacrifice.

And the thirteen ignorant girls were sitting dumbfounded in front of the believers and the statues, maybe they had already done something to them, otherwise, the flustered girls should not be so well-behaved.

In some irregular but extremely solemn prayers, the sacrifice to the sheep-faced demon has begun.

The appearance of the sheep-faced demon in Scrap Iron City was a big deal for the mysterious circle represented by the foundation, mysterious organizations, and wandering churches, and it was also a big deal for ordinary people.

No one remains unmoved after witnessing the coming of surreal power.

There is always someone who will be the first to step out to eat crabs. For example, when others are in awe, they start to pray to the sheep-faced demon and start to make wishes to him.

While some ignorant people only know how to say something to the sheep-faced demon, the true professional-level believers have already begun to study how to get the other party's response.

Sacrifice to the gods, there is also a sequence.

The first batch of people who get the response from the gods can always become the retinue of the gods.

Therefore, in the city of Scrap Iron City, where the mysterious organization was almost evacuated, the believers were also emptied and grew from scratch.

In order to become the first batch of people to receive the response of the gods, these people have resolutely prepared the second-level sacrifices, like a gamble in fate.

They prayed sincerely to the statue of the sheep-faced demon, and felt somewhat uneasy and apprehensive in their hearts.

After all, there is no relevant record for the newly born sheep-faced demon, and there is no missionary. They do not know the relevant dense formation, nor the corresponding rune, and there is no one to guide them.

The only way to exchange for the induction of the gods is through the barbaric method of raising the level of sacrifices.

It's just that things went smoother than they thought. As the prayers went on, strange power fluctuations, like a floating current, made everyone's spirits faintly touched.

The delicate babble appeared in his ears at some point, as if something bright red was whispering to himself.

The believers were excited.

They succeeded. Through thirteen virgins, they successfully exchanged for the response of the sheep-faced demon.

Although no one dared to look up at this time, they could clearly sense that the stone statue in front of them, which was carved and pieced together with black rocks and a sheep's face, already had a vivid aura. Some kind of mysterious gaze fell on their faces, which made their hearts tremble, and lowered their heads even deeper, just waiting for the sheep-faced demon to truly come and enjoy the sacrifice.

Getting more specific, getting closer.

They can perceive at an instinctive level that they are approaching the gods in their minds.

"Tuk Tuk..."

Then, just as this feeling became more and more specific, and even when he felt that the gods had come to his side, there was a sudden knock on the door behind him.

The believers were stunned and their emotions were interrupted.

At the critical time of sacrifice, why would there be someone knocking on the door?

Besides, in such a secret place, how could someone come to look for it at this time and knock on the door very politely.

At this critical time, they don't want to pay attention.

But the knocking on the door was getting louder, and although there was a rhythm, the rhythm was accelerating.

At the end, there was a sudden "bang" from the knock on the door, as if all the rhythms were merged together, producing a loud noise, and the cold wind poured into the back.

The door was kicked open.

These devout believers finally couldn't help it, and turned around and looked back.

When someone lifted it up, he subconsciously made a slightly disrespectful action. He carefully glanced at the statue in front of him and found that the statue was still just a sculpture.

Just now, the feeling that my **** statue came to life seemed to be just an illusion.

At the hidden door, a man in a black jacket walked in with a gentle and bright smile on his face.

He ignored the astonished and angry glances these people cast at him, and just walked straight into the hall, looking at everything in the room one by one with an attitude of admiration.

"There are still a lot of people!"

He smiled and said the first sentence.

Then, as if he had returned to his own home, he walked in front of everyone, watched everything they had prepared for this grand sacrifice, and commented quietly: "But your sacrifice is very unprofessional."

“…The paint was chosen incorrectly in the first place, the paint of this brand is not bright enough and not bright enough.”

"It can only be said that your decoration level is average. Can't find a better decoration team next time, can you hire another designer?"


After speaking, he pulled up another red robe and looked at it, shaking his head, "It's too clean, it should be a little more lively and vivid."

"Candles and incense, and these incense..."


He particularly disgusted looking at some of the scented candles on the table that were burning vigorously, and said, "Next time you can just switch to cigarettes, it's cheap and practical..."

"Of course, choose the camel card, it's very powerful!"



Finally, an old man who seemed to be the leader of the sacrifice couldn't help interrupting the sudden man, and said in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

"Why break into our altar?"



The man in the jacket had just walked to the back door, raised his hand to fasten the back door bolt, and bent the iron door bolt directly.

Then he turned around with a smile: "Didn't you invite me here?"

When he said these words, the candles and so on in the whole hall suddenly went out at the same time, and a cold wind swirled and rolled up from the room.

All believers in red robes suddenly had an illusion on their faces at this moment.

I don't know if it was dazzling, but they actually saw that the man's face was constantly changing, as if at a certain moment, he suddenly became very similar to the statue of the sheep-faced demon.

But he blinked his eyes hard, rubbed it again, and looked again, only to find that the man's face had not changed.

The gentle smile remains.

It's just that he was pulling out a black gun from his lower waist. The dark muzzle was slowly pointing towards the believers present.

In the dizzying dark environment, the black muzzle, in everyone's eyes, kept magnifying.

"Thank you for the great hospitality..."

On his gentle face, gently spit out gentle words: "I will cleanse your souls so that you will be free from sin from now on."

"Make sure to stay away from that..."



The deafening sound of gunshots suddenly echoed in this narrow and cramped room.

The sounds of flesh and blood, panicked shouts, and someone's murmur of laughter make for an interesting and impressive symphony.

It's hard to guarantee anything else, but Wei Wei made sure that he was serious about this first sacrifice.

He responded seriously.

Every bullet is not wasted seriously.

No one knows about this secret sacrifice in a secret environment, except the sacrificer and the demon himself.

But also when the sound of gunfire began to reverberate, in the scrap iron city, in the most upscale hotel suite, there was a glamorous and pious man wearing silver armor with a newly engraved iris pattern on it. The woman was kneeling on the carpet in the hotel room. Every thirty centimeters around, she lit a candle and surrounded her in the candle.

She held a quill in her hand, and unfolded before her eyes a note paper with gold trim.

The nib of the quill pen stuck in the blood vessels on the back of his left hand from time to time, stained with red blood, and wrote delicate handwriting on the note paper:

"Record of the first scarlet sacrifice."

"Sacrifice Method: Fraud"

"Sacrifice Result: Accepted"

"Scarlet Book"

Qualitative Analysis: Killing, cruelty, strong desire to protect. "

"Danger level analysis..."


When she wrote the last sentence, she stopped and looked up.

The old man with white hair was standing quietly at the door, with his hands crossed and held in front of his chest, like a standing mummy.

"No need to record."

The old man opened his eyes, looked at the woman in silver armor, and said softly, "The recording is too detailed, it will easily arouse his perception."

The woman nodded, put the quill next to the note, and said softly, "Then when should we go see him?"

"We can go to see him at any time, but the question depends on how we go."

The old man said softly, "Let's go by the way believers worship the new gods, or go by as the Church of Order visits the world's only Scarlet System superhuman."

The woman stagnates slightly and doesn't answer, as if she doesn't quite understand the difference.

"We are here to offer the scepter."

The old man sighed and said, "But don't forget, the three cores of scarlet: the throne, the scepter, and the Bible."

"The Throne can only be found by himself, and the Scarlet Bible has always been in the hands of the Rose Sect. That is the origin and key of everything, and we have no ability to find it."

"The only thing in our hands is the scepter."

"When we present the scepter to him, it is indeed possible to obtain his forgiveness and make us his devout preachers."

"But the point is, how long will he live."


The woman's expression seemed to become vaguely entangled and full of doubts.

The old man said softly: "Each generation of scarlet, when these three cores are collected, is the time to truly grow up."

"But the strange thing is that each generation of scarlet will die when these three cores are gathered and the power is the most powerful."

"So far, there have been no exceptions."


The woman's face suddenly became surprised, and she looked at the old man in disbelief. Even she was the first time she heard of such a thing.

"Do you really think that the most powerful scarlet of the previous generation died under the joint siege of the Church of the Twelve Gods and Totem, and was sealed into the death knell of the gods?"

On the old man's face, there was a bit of deep helplessness: "It's not like this."

"Scarlet has always had a heavy fate, and will always embark on a process of self-destruction time and time again."

"That's the root cause of the inability for believers to adapt."

"Order sect gave up Scarlet, not me, or the sudden ambition and delusion of our generation, we gave up Scarlet because, as our god, Scarlet has been unable to give us shelter, his cruelty and life All in all, just like this sacrifice, he can always kill those who believe in him without hesitation, and he will not show the tolerance and kindness that God should have..."


The woman couldn't help but say, "Since you know, you still promised to come to the scrap iron city with me"

"Have to come."

The old man said solemnly: "Our plan to create a **** was exposed, and it was exposed by a new generation of scarlet, novice, which determines our situation."

"Both Totem and the Foundation wanted to **** the scepter, but because of his performance in Haicheng, the two sides chose to stay put and gave us this chance."

"We can't help but imagine that this is actually his intention to give us a chance."

"Even for this sacrifice, we facilitated the sacrifice of these people, but how can we be sure that he was not deliberately letting us facilitate this sacrifice and killing for us?"


The woman fell silent for a while.

She has seen too many records about scarlet in the sect scriptures, but it is completely irrelevant to the information she has seen so far.

The person in front of him is more like an ordinary extraordinary person...

...the only unusual thing is that he often makes himself feel that he is not normal.

...but gods and neuroses should

Should be two different things, right?

The current situation of the Sect of Order is unsustainable, and it may collapse completely at any time, so they can only come to the scrap iron city and offer their scepters.

But at this moment, the bishop showed such indecision again.

"What we are facing now is the hardest choice..."

The bishop saw her thoughts and explained in a low voice: "The key point is the foundation, which is a product that has never appeared in the battle between Scarlet and the Twelve Gods in the past."

"But the Foundation is the most powerful at the moment."

"I believe that the current foundation is also chaotic in its plans, and they should not have formulated their next action goals."

"After all, the usual battle with the wandering church has caused them to consume too much power."

"But if we hand over the scepter to him, the Foundation will probably be forced to make a decision, and it is the most outrageous decision that affects the situation in the entire world."


"The Foundation has no Transcendents beyond the seventh state."

The woman couldn't help but said, "In this case, how could they threaten Scarlet?"

"If it really doesn't exist, it is impossible for the wandering church to stay in the wilderness honestly, and it is impossible for the agent to stay dormant all the time."

The bishop said the answer softly: "What's more, we all know that the secret weapon that the Foundation used the scarlet power to create has already taken shape."

"This generation of Scarlet handed over all the secrets of Scarlet at the very beginning and helped the Foundation complete this weapon. Other forces are still guessing what kind of power this weapon has, but I know that it is very Terrible, of course, it has not reached the most terrifying level, because this weapon is still missing the most core part of the weapon..."


Having said this, he sighed softly: "What do you think the most core weapon component is?"

"Scarlet Scepter?"

The new Iris Knight was really surprised.

She couldn't imagine what a machine with terrifying power would look like when it got the scepter of God.

Some people are afraid of demons and trust machines more.

But some people are more afraid of silent machines than demons.

"When we put the scepter into his hands, the Foundation's honeymoon period with him will come to an end."

The bishop sighed softly and expressed his concerns: "And we still don't know if he has the ability to compete with the Foundation."

"Each generation of scarlet destroys itself."

"But I don't want us to have the shortest-lived generation Scarlet."



Wei Wei was in a good mood.

Especially in the morning when I read the report in the newspaper about "a **** massacre happened in a secret house, thirteen innocent girls were rescued", I was in a better mood.

I was thinking about whether to take this newspaper home and frame it, and then take it out and enjoy it.

He was in the paper again, and the reporter praised himself with more graceful words than the art he had made before.

Before returning to the base, he checked his bank card balance and found that there was an extra two plus six zeros in it. The sense of solid security was as fulfilling as the two hundred sausages in front of him.

Even when he was driving to the base, he couldn't help but have a chat with the head pendant.

However, he found that the head pendant was drowsy and dazed, and he was constantly burping, and his eyes couldn't help but look a little weird.

"I took the sacrifice from that kid, and I returned it..."

The head pendant squinted and looked a little distressed: "But I didn't expect that, I returned his sense of taste, and returned his feelings in that area, and also considered his request, leaving him drinking. return."

"Guess what he did?"


Wei Wei couldn't help but be a little stunned: "Eat and drink, and then find your beloved to applaud?"

"Do not…"

The head pendant was a little indignant: "He actually ran to the bar, found twenty girls in one go, and performed whirlpool whiskey with them..."


As he spoke, his eyes were red: "I was abducted... No, I have become a demon taboo for so many years, and I have fulfilled many people's wishes and received many sacrifices..."

"But the real loss is just this one time..."


"Alright alright…"

Wei Wei had to persuade him: "Next time we meet, I persuade him not to drink so much alcohol."

The wine on the head pendant was not very good, and pestered Wei Wei relentlessly, "I paid so much for you, do you want to be nicer to me in the future?"


"Then it doesn't matter if you promised me to make me a missionary?"

"Forget it..."

"I don't believe you, you make a statement..."


After soothing for a while, the drunken head pendant finally fell asleep, and Wei Wei couldn't help but have a headache.

In the future, I really have to persuade Ye Qin, the habit of drinking breakfast is not a good habit.

Of course, he didn't know that it was his own knowledge that affected his understanding. People didn't drink breakfast, they just drank it.

Unaffected by his good mood, he walked briskly to the base, and saw that today's people were very special. Brother Piggy was already wearing a small white apron, and brought a few large and shiny pork knuckles to the table. They were divided, but in the face of such a hearty breakfast, Uncle Gun, Brother Xiaolin, Sister Iky, Ye Feifei and the others all frowned, looking a little hard to swallow.

"Ever since Uncle Yuan started to diligently deliver pork to the base, the people in the team are indeed a bit picky about their tastes..."

Wei Wei sighed, and excitedly sat in front of the table, waiting for Brother Piggy to put the fattest piece in front of him, while preparing to greet the team with a bright smile.

But before he could speak, everyone made a "shush" sound at him in unison. Wei Wei understood, looked at the office, and heard Captain Ouyang's very angry quarrel coming from inside:

"Yes, I went to Haicheng with Noah, how is it?"

"Yes, I've been chatting with it every day recently!"

"...It's just a boat, you're eating a ghost's vinegar?"

"Chiyu, explain to me clearly, what is any species you have to beware of?"



"Unreasonable, unreasonable."

After a long time, Captain Ouyang walked out of the office angrily and sat in front of the dining table with a heavy face.

"She won't help?"

The crowd carefully bowed their heads and ate breakfast, only Brother Xiaolin asked a tentative question.

"It's not that we don't help, it's that we can't help."

Captain Ouyang snorted and said, "I know her too well. Once she exceeds her ability, I will deliberately find fault and avoid talking about this topic."

"Even the upper totem of the knowledge demon system is powerless"

Everyone was a little surprised: "Then what ability rank can communicate with the vastness at this time?"

Only then did Wei Wei understand that they were thinking about the team member who was brought back. Before, he first saw Captain Ouyang and the others taking the girl from the fish tank out of the black abyss, and then he went to work with confidence. I didn't expect that the person had already brought it back, but the captain and the others didn't seem to have found a way to communicate with that girl.

"Mangmang is between life and death at this time, and its form is extremely fragile."

Captain Ouyang shook his head wearily and sighed, "The only hope to communicate with her is the spiritual level."

"The one who is best at this field is the knowledge demon, but it must be a high-level knowledge demon to be able to communicate with her without hurting her."

"Although Chiyu is a high-ranking totem of knowledge demons, she is a product of depravity. Communicating with the vastness can easily contaminate her thoughts."


"And the power of high-level knowledge to ensure that her thoughts are not polluted..."

Sister Lky couldn't help frowning: "Doesn't that mean that we have to find an agent of knowledge demons to be able to communicate with her?"

Everyone was silent for a while: "How can such a person be found?"

"Can it be done as long as it is a high-level knowledge demon power, and it is sure to be a human?"

Wei Wei, who had been concentrating on dealing with pork knuckles, couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

"you recognize?"

The people at the table turned to look at him at the same time.

"There is such a one."

Wei Wei swallowed the elbow meat in his mouth, but his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

"who is it?"

But hearing his words, the team members were already excited, and Captain Ouyang hurriedly grabbed Wei Wei's palm.


Wei Wei had to say it a little embarrassingly: "Ex-girlfriend..."

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Chapter 252 Scarlet Three Cores Six Thousand Words