MTL - Conan’s Magical Girl-Chapter 5

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Next day.

Scotland met with Frost Moon outside a coffee shop this time. According to Gin, they made trouble for the follow-up of the last mission, and the follow-up should also be handed over to them.

Shuangyue couldn't help staring at the Scottish stubble for a while, and the other party turned her head uncomfortably: "Is there something on my face?"

Shuangyue did not wear a mask today, Scotland saw her face inexplicably familiar, but the girl in front of him hesitated for a while and said, "You will look better if you shave your beard." It looks a little more imposing.

Scotland observed for a while and confirmed that Frost Moon was simply stating her opinion, not testing him, and his face was complicated: "...Probably."

In his eyes, this underage Kazdelli is not as difficult to deal with as the other members, not as cold as Gin and draws a gun at a disagreement, nor as cold as Ley With a face that doesn't answer except for tasks, it's not like that female lunatic in Chianti is making trouble all day long.

"I need you to be the bait this time, Scotland." Frost Moon resisted the idea of ​​"destroying" Scotland's beard, and relayed the information given by Bourbon, "Although the evacuation place at the time was Very simply, the gecko should not be able to find anything, but if a suspicious man appears nearby, it can attract the attention of the other party. I will pretend to be an ordinary passerby to follow the other party, and you will lead him to the woods a kilometer away. "

She went through her panel in her mind.

[Name: Frost Moon

Age: 14 (17)

Alignment: Black Square (White Feather)

Identity: Organization Leader/Bomber Smile/Magic Girl/Junior High School Student/? ?

Status: [Soul separation], [Sufficient magic power]]

[Current task: process the follow-up of the last task]

The fullness of magic power has become sufficient. When using magic power, the soul gem will gradually become black. She now has three seeds of lamentation, and one can restore nearly half of the black soul gem to two After three times, the filth used to absorb the All-Black Soul Gem can only be used once.

If she doesn't return the black-stained Seed of Lament to Kyubi, let it hatch a new witch and then defeat it... Frost Moon thought for a moment and gave up the idea.

The same witch will become stronger and stronger, and she has not yet reached the point where she needs to breed witches, and who knows what the consequences of witches in this world will be?

"Don't worry about me, no matter what, I'm also a member of the action team." Shuangyue added, looking up and down Scotland, who was not carrying a musical instrument bag, "Your melee combat ability should not be weak, right? "

Scotland looked at Shuangyue's slender figure with suspicion, and blinked, but still did not question the other party's words: "It's definitely not comparable to gin, but it's more than enough for ordinary people."

In terms of combat skills, Shuangyue is slightly inferior to Jinjiu, but in terms of physical fitness, Shuangyue is probably several times that of Jingji. Demolition of walls with bare hands is only a basic operation, but she still It will hurt and bleed.

Shuangyue pointed to the earphone: "When the time comes, use the communicator to contact, let's go."

Cupi jumped off her shoulders and hopped after Scotland.

Scotland has a gun on her body, one in her arms and one at her waist. Shuangyue did not carry a gun on her body because of school, but she still has hidden arrows and bombs/bombs built by her own magic power, Sufficient for most situations.

She tore off the rubber band with the ponytail, rolled her hair into a cap, and passed the apartment building pretending to be a student after class.

The fixed double ponytail hairstyle is used in daily life. In order to reduce the recognition when doing tasks, she prefers to wear a single ponytail or loose her hair.

Scotland has successfully infiltrated the apartment building, and lingered near the door of the last mission target, attracting the attention of the member of the zoo organization codenamed Gecko.

There are two taps in the earphone, which means the target has been hooked.

Dangling far behind the two, Shuangyue followed the gecko with a seemingly slow pace.

Even without magic, she is an excellent phantom killer in the organization.

The next thing is very simple, in the back mountain woods where no one will come, Frost Moon shot and disabled the limbs of the gecko, and Scotland took the rope and tied the man.


"In order to avenge... the lizard?" Shuangyue frowned and read out their code name, "The name of your zoo is really strange."

The interrogation will be done by Scotland, even if Shuangyue wants to put on a fierce look, she just looks like a cat with fried fur.

She just tied a collar around the neck of the gecko: "Bomb/bomb, enough to separate your head."

Scotland did not comment on the pink bow-shaped collar with a smiley face pattern, but only glanced at the strong man tied with the bow with a strange look, and the expression on the other side changed from "You are the one who killed the lizard." The culprit" to "what happened to this junior high school student" and then to "disgust for pink bows", at this time, his face was distorted like a palette.

Indifferently using daggers and words to force the geckos to say what they want, Frostmoon realizes that Scotland is not as vulnerable and in need of care as she expects.

If you can mix code members in the organization, Scotland's heart will not be too bad.

She looked at Scotland with some relief, her eyes softened, only tough and strong enough to survive in the dark.

Scotland, who had her back to Frost Moon, turned her head sharply and looked at the pair of green eyes that looked like admiration and relief, and a question mark appeared above her head.

From the interrogation, it can be seen that this investigation is entirely the personal behavior of the gecko. The zoo organization still does not know his actions, and the information he has found is also very limited, and his understanding of the organization is still limited. as a peripheral member.

"But since I saw our faces..." Shuangyue stepped forward to straighten the bow tie in front of his neck, and the light-colored smiley pattern on it looked a bit cute.

The next moment, the gecko suddenly burst into flames and stabbed the girl with a sharp knife in her hand that should have been abolished.

Frost Moon indifferently controlled the explosion of the bow, but was hugged by a pair of arms and rolled away from the place.

Point the gun at the gecko and press the trigger.

With the sound of gunshots, the gecko's tall body froze in the air, and fell down after a while.

Scotland let go of Frost Moon and took a few steps cautiously, but suddenly found that the whole head of the gecko that fell to the ground had disappeared, leaving only a scorched blood hole on the neck.

His pupils trembled slightly, and the girl's calm voice came from behind him: "No wonder the code name is "Gecko"...As a blaster, mastering the blasting range and power is the basic skill. "The gecko's tail can still be twisted, and the gecko seems to have the ability to quickly regain mobility.

Yes, except for the neck and above, other parts were not affected by the explosion, even Frost Moon, who was very close to the gecko at that time, would not be hurt.

Scotland has never seen a corpse with a tragic death, but just turned her eyes away from a headless corpse.

However, Frost Moon didn't seem to be in the slightest discomfort. She stopped beside Scotland with a slight smile on her raised eyes; "Thank you."

Are you thanking him for pulling her away from the dagger just now? Scotland fell silent in the face of the headless corpse. Even if he did not pull the frost moon away, the other party would not be hurt.

Is it a "demolition genius"... Precise control of the scope and timing of the explosion, he remembered the fire that ignited in the sniper scope and the desk that disappeared, and began to re-examine the teenage boy code member.

"No." Scotland's surface was calm, "What to do with the body? Or use bombs/bombs?"

No matter what he thinks in his heart, he must appear indifferent on the surface. He can be gentle and polite at ordinary times, but he must not bring unnecessary pity during the mission.

Shuangyue took out a button-sized black object from her pocket and threw it on the corpse at will, she pulled Scotland back a few steps, with a soft look between her eyebrows: "Let you see my Do it."

Scotland noticed that the button bomb/bomb also had a silver smiley pattern, and he always felt that he had seen similar markings somewhere.

"3, 2, 1..." Shuangyue counted down softly, "zero—"


Despite being distracted by the sound of "zero", Scotland still noticed this, the body of the gecko disappeared as if swallowed by a black hole, even the leaves that left blood during the interrogation just now also disappeared.

Frost Moon looked at Scotland expectantly, her round eyes looked innocent and lovely.

Second time, this is the second time she has been protected, and it is the same person, Angel...?

[Task completed]

Little Kyuubi took a seed of lamentation into Frostmoon's pocket, and hopped around Scotland, her flowing ears dangling.

The seed of lamentation drops twice in a row…

Shuangyue's eyes were brighter, she retracted her preface, Scotland is an angel!

It happens to be one of the few members of the organization who has seen each other's true appearance...

"Very powerful." Scotland pulled the safety of the gun and put away the weapon, stepped forward to check whether there were any traces left, he said with a reassuring smile, "How did you do it?"

The girl raised her lips slightly: "As long as you calculate the power and timing of the explosion, I have taught others, but they can't learn."

Maybe it is the ability brought by "Destruction", or maybe she has such a talent, she can easily figure out what amount of explosives and how to make them by feeling. /bomb, but she can't teach vodka no matter what - it's not vodka's fault, nor can Kayo.

As for the gin... He didn't think about using precise blasting at all. As long as he could kill the target, it didn't matter if it spread to another street.

It is clear that the organization has a rule to keep a low profile, and Shuangyue complains silently.

Kazdelli seems to like him, Scotland realizes this, and the intelligence he got from the young tamer shows that very few people in the organization know Kazdelli's true appearance, even if it is with The members she has worked with can only remember a vague shadow. She acted indifferently and efficiently, always taking the life of her target unknowingly. Even the police failed to classify the case she committed as a bombing case. middle.

But what Kazdelli is showing him now is the real her?

Scotland checked the scene and found that the girl's eager eyes did not dissipate, and he couldn't help but start to reflect.

There should be no rumors that Kazdelli likes to play with others in the organization?

, she turned her head to look at the falling sunset in the distance: "Do you want to have dinner together? Yesterday at noon, I was called by Gin to meet Bourbon, and it turned out to be in a bar, which cost me a lot of effort to go in; this morning early in the morning Just get up and search for the traces of the gecko, I haven't eaten yet... I'll treat you, and you will write the mission report."

It's like thanking him for the two seeds of lamentation, and maybe adding two subconscious actions to protect her.

She knew that Scotland would still lend a hand even if it wasn't her in danger, but it was different for her.

I just took this opportunity to inquire about Kazdelli's information and gain trust by the way, Scotland thought so and agreed to Frost Moon's invitation.

The author has something to say:

Shuangyue (because she faces everything alone every time, she has a good initial impression of Jingguang who has protected her): Hiro little angel!

hiro: Consider how to recruit talents to the police.

But unfortunately, Shuangyue belongs to the black side. For her, hiro is hiro, and public security is public security.

Behind every watered wine is a bottle of Scotch.