MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 48 18 consecutive hairpins are coming

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Of course, it is impossible for Mizumayuki to suddenly think about the sperm and want to attack Mizuwu Rina, and even go to great lengths to collect her brother's information and recall related plots.

The reason why there is this scene, the first consideration is that as Cobille, he has to investigate Keir and make a gesture for the organization to see.

The second consideration is that as cia's undercover agent, Kiel can stay safe all the time. Compared with being discovered and known, it is more beneficial to what Suima Yue wants to do. Therefore, Mizuma Yue plans to try to protect Kiel. .

But the teacher is unknown. Even if he wants to defend Kiel as Cobile, he still needs a reason. After thinking about it, it is more tenable than the reason why he wants to form a party, recruit troops, and covet Kiir's beauty. .

And this is also a relationship that will cause the least damage to Cobile if Keir is still exposed. Conversely, if Cobhler is exposed, Kier's impact will not be too high. Like rye whisky and Miyano Akimi.

Hence the scene in which Cobile 'puts Keir into bed'.

"What are you going to do?" Shui Wulian asked the disheartened. She had confirmed that she had exposed Cia's identity, but she still couldn't figure out what purpose Cobbler had.

After all, the reason that Cobille wanted her to be unspoken was too untenable.

No matter how many steps back, if Kobiler wanted a woman, he only had to hook his fingers, and the bottom-level and outer-level personnel of the organization would be scrambling to strip naked.

"Didn't you say it? Lie here." Kobil pointed to the other side of the double bed, where Shui Wu Riannai had been lying there for less than a second.

"..." Shui Wulian was stunned, and began to think about the possibility of being raped and then killed, and the possibility of killing Cobile on the bed and then escaping.

Just when Cobille was about to say it again, the phone he put on the table rang, and Mizuna Rina subconsciously looked over and found that there were actually two phones on the table.

The phone that rings is the blue one.

Mizumayue picked up the phone, and when she saw the call reminder, she hesitated for a while. It was obvious that Shui Wulianai could feel that he was the reason for his hesitation.

After giving Mizuno Rinai a warning look and a gesture of silence, Mizumayuki answered the phone.

"Hmm... No, I'm alone... I just fell asleep, and it was a bit slow to get up to answer the phone... It's not in the way, it's not in the way..."

Shui Wu Liannai noticed that when Cobile said, "I'm alone", she glanced at herself again. Although she turned around quickly, she could clearly see that it was a guilty look in her eyes.

Who was that on the phone with him? Shui Wu Liannai felt a little bit of a turning point, and moved slowly and quietly to the position beside Kobil, and sat on the bed.

Seeing her action, Mizumayue looked a little surprised but had no other reaction, obviously she was happy to see it.

"Yi Rong is done, but I can't go back tomorrow. 'Recovery', you know... change your voice? It's very troublesome to take this thing down... Okay, I'll take it, I'll take it." Mizumayue said while tearing it off. The voice-changing patch on the neck is the same color as the skin.

This patch is much smaller than Conan's bow-tie voice changer, but it can't adjust the direction of the voice change, nor can it fix the changed voice. Wearing it on someone else's neck will distort other voices.

Shui Wu Lian Nai was a little surprised. It turned out that this person actually spoke with a changed voice, and he also mentioned Yi Rong in the words. Isn't his face not his true appearance?

"Is this all right?" As soon as Kobiler spoke, Shui Wulianai suddenly felt as if she had heard the voice somewhere.

"Rumours? Leave him alone, anyway, there were a lot of rumours in the Metropolitan Police Department back then. Is it worse than today?"

With the keyword of the Metropolitan Police Department, Mizuna Rina finally heard it, this person is clearly the police officer named Mizumayuki!

At the beginning, Shui Wu Liannai also had contact with Mizumayue, because she inadvertently investigated that Jinjiu had suffered some losses in the hands of Mizumayue, who was a police officer. If she could find the flaws in this Mizumayue and kill him for the organization , you can be promoted for this credit.

As a result, before Shui Wu Riannai and Mizuma Yue could get acquainted with each other, Mizuma Yue was involved in a case without any news. From Shui Wu Rian's point of view, it was clearly the plan arranged by the organization to kill Mizuma Yue. Wu Liannai also forgot Suimayue, if it wasn't for Suimayue herself who left a deep impression on her, she might not have remembered that the person in front of her was actually Suimayue.

However, listening to the content of the phone call, it is clearly a wife who is strict...

On the other side of the phone, Sato Miwako complained to the phone, "How could it be ignored! It's already passed on to Yumi!"

"Why don't I go back and chase you again in two days, and we confirm the rumors?" Mizumayuki suddenly remembered that she should be owed a pursuit by Mikazu Sato.

"Go..." Sato Miwako was about to refuse when another voice came from the other end of the phone.

It was a lazy female voice mixed with coquettish anger: "You pressed my hair."

Deathly silence.

With a ghostly expression, Mizumayue widened her eyes and looked at Reina Mizuna... The distance between them is at least half a meter, even if Reina Mizuna's long hair reaches her waist, right? And what's with that greasy tone?

After making a clever call, Shui Jianyue immediately explained to the other side: "Is there someone, I'm a current colleague... Of course I can trust you to answer the phone... Didn't I just lie to you because I thought it was difficult to explain... It's just lying on the table and calling on her hair... Really... I'm afraid you'll think too much... No, it's not this consciousness!"

Shui Jianyue was struggling to defend, when Shui Wulianai suddenly came over and complained, "With such a big bed, you can't go over there?"

Mizumayuki is once again in a daze...

"Dip." Sato Miwako hung up the phone.

Shui Jianyue glanced at Shui Wulianai completely dumbfounded, what does this mean?

If Lenovo Mizuna Rinai said that, Sato Miwako must have misunderstood something, although it doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding if you think about it from another angle.

Call back, hang up, call back, hang up, call back again, the user you dialed has been powered off. Realizing that she had been trapped by Mizuna Rina, Mizumayuki glared at Mizuna Rina angrily, and raised her gun at her again.

Shui Wu Liannai looked at Mizumayue with a fearless look. If Mizumayue didn't reveal her spy status, she could not do anything in the organization.

"You..." Shui Jianyue forced herself to calm down, and now that Shui Wulian was killed, she couldn't get anything, and lost her wife and lost her army.

Anyway, it's already like this here, so I'll try my best to explain it when Sato Mikazu calms down, first make sure to protect Mizuno Reina.

But Shui Jianyue didn't plan to tell Shui Wulianai directly. First of all, he was not very optimistic about this woman's IQ, and after telling her clearly, he couldn't guarantee that Shui Wulianai's mouth was not strict.

"You go out and sleep on the sofa!" Mizumayue finally said with her eyes wide open.

Although Shui Wu Liannai didn't know the intention of this Cobile, it was obvious that he would not die. If it was okay to cheat him like this, it means that the other party should not want to kill him.

"Wait." When Shui Wulianai turned around and walked out, Kobil stopped her again.

Cobbler stretched out an arm to her: "Bite it, see blood."

Mizuna Rina sat on the sofa, her hands on her knees.

The policeman who competed with Gin and Wine actually wore a disguise and claimed to be Cobile.

Did he really become Cobbler, or was Cobbler someone else impersonating him?

Lock yourself in this room, what's the reason for not letting yourself go even if something like this happens?

The last question has been answered, but Mizuna Rina still can't figure out the reason behind it.

After carefully combing through the previous actions again, Mizuno Rina still did not find out why all the things, including the child Conan, were checked by Mizuma Yue.

She remembered that she had seen Conan when she saw Mizumayuki handling the case. Did they know each other? Is it a gang?

Mizuna Rina, who felt that she had caught a clue, thought, could it be that Conan notified this Mizumayuki to help him? using this method?

"Aqiu!" Shui Wulianai suddenly felt that the living room was a little cold. The guy in the bedroom pushed her out to sleep on the sofa and didn't give her a quilt. Her coat was still hanging in the room, and she didn't dare to go in and get it.

Looking up, there is an air conditioner, but the remote control is also in the bedroom.

Damn... Now don't talk about sleeping on the sofa, you might catch a cold if you stay up all night here... Shui Wulian thought bitterly that the bite just now should be bit harder.

I really thought about it, and suddenly I heard the air conditioner buzzing. I walked over and reached out to touch it, and the warm wind blew out from it.

In the room, Tsuki Mizuma threw away the remote control, and took turns to call Sato Mikazu with two mobile phones, but they all reminded him that the other party was shutting down.

But Mizumayue still didn't stop, she kept changing dials, and she didn't have time to think about it. Just because of Conan, most of his plans were made up by Shui Wulianai's brain.

Early the next morning, two apparently sleep-deprived people walked out of Room 47.

"How is it?" Belmod, with a playful look, came over and asked, focusing on a scabbed tooth mark on the exposed arm of Mizumayuki.

Yesterday's arrangement of Moon Moon could not be concealed from Gin, let alone Belmod.

"I checked it from head to toe, and there is no problem." Mizumayue raised a thumb and said slightly wretchedly.

His eyes moved to his arm following Belmod's, and he smiled: "I wanted to resist at first."

Shui Wu Lianna turned around with a blushing face at the right time.

"Bah." Belmod spat.

Mizuna Rina saw Chianti coming over, and looked at herself with mocking eyes.

Mizumayuki suddenly looked this way and glared at Chianti, the warning and the gesture of defending Kiel were self-evident.

In the current Mizuki, Chianti dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, so he could only turn around and leave in a daze.

Belmod's eyebrows moved, and Cobile's attitude was very subtle.

Mizumayuki glanced frivolously at Mizuno Liannai, and then said to Belmod: "Tell me about Gin, and this person will be given to me."

Belmod glanced at Mizuna Rina: "I will convey it."

"Then let's go." Shui Jianyue took Shui Wulianai, and the two of them left the organization with a logical look.

"Officer Mizuma? Are you really Cobile?" The two of them were driving on their way back to the city, Mizuna Rianara pulled down the window and asked.

"You still doubt me at this point?" Shui Jianyue asked happily.

"Didn't you fight against Jinjiu before? It's Yi Rong again! I thought you were Yi Rongcheng and Kobil came here!" Shui Wulianai replied loudly, otherwise his voice would be covered by the wind.

"Please, you don't understand Belmod's disguise, right?" Mizumayue felt that Shui Wulianai's idea was a bit funny: "If you said it, I would not have been discovered as soon as I entered the base."

"Then don't you have a disguise now?" Shui Wulian asked: "What's going on?"

"You recognized me, what's still strange?" Mizuma Yue pointed to her face: "Is the face of a wanted criminal still able to sway it? Let Belmod help me to disguise it. "

Shui Wu Liannai was suddenly envious, and she couldn't use her original appearance, so she could only change herself through makeup, and Mizumayue could find someone else to help him disguise.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, you've messed up my girlfriend, I have to rush over to Mizumayue increased the speed of the car.

"If you want to be like someone who doesn't know, unless you don't know what to do!" Shui Wulianai chased after him and said.

"A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good person!" Shui Jianyue overtook him again.

Early in the morning, Sato Miwako's mother went out to throw out the garbage, when she saw a bouquet of roses placed in front of her, and a handsome young man with a wound on his face knelt down and held the roses.

"Young man, who are you?" Mrs. Sato asked in surprise.

The young man holding the rose was stunned for a moment, and when he raised his head, he realized that he was kneeling on the wrong target, and hurriedly stood up and explained, "Hello Auntie, I'm a colleague of Police Officer Sato, no, I'm an admirer, my surname is Keisuke. ."

"Oh?" Mrs. Sato was a little surprised, and she couldn't tell whether she was happy or dissatisfied, and greeted, "Young man, come in first." She turned her head and shouted into the room, "Miwako, your colleague is here to find you. you!"

"Who is that?" Sato Miwako came out while combing her hair, and found Tsuki Mizuma, or Keisuke Qianshou, who was entering the door to change her shoes, rushed up with a stride, pushed the person outside and closed the door.

"Eh? What's the matter with you girl?"

"Mom! You don't have to worry about it."

Although Keisuke Qianshou was a little overwhelmed, he was not surprised. After taking a few steps back, he stood by the door and prepared to wait. Even if Sato Mikazu went to work today, he would have to go out sooner or later.

Twenty minutes later, it was time for Sato Miwako to go out to work. Mrs. Sato pushed open the door and walked out: "Young man, you better go."

"But I..."

"Don't be, it's nothing more than something to tell my daughter." Mrs. Sato interrupted: "My daughter jumped out of the window and went to the station ten minutes ago."

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