MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 89

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A group of people, including Rafa, focused on dealing with the dragon group, and did not notice anyone approaching from behind.

He thought that it was a good time to attack the hurricane dragon, and when the hurricane dragon was shot down and controlled, even if the mask was broken, they didn't have to worry about the dragon outside.

The dragons will never kill each other, and the dragons with higher strength and IQ will not ignore them without help.

But he focused on dealing with the dragon, and he also gave Wusi a chance.

most of them.

It was too late when everyone found out, Raphael was strangled by his neck and could not move, and the magic wand in his hand fell to the ground.

As soon as the mask was broken, the two cubs immediately dispersed the dragon group.

It saw Wusi coming back, its eyes were excited, and it turned its head and howled and called the four cubs to help together.

There are several other people guarding the gate of the college. They were very anxious when they saw the situation inside.

They are discussing whether or not to have two people to support them. The students are hiding in the teaching building and should not dare to come out.

Halfway through, a figure approached.

He was wearing a first grade uniform, but not a coat, with a black mask on his face, which completely covered his face.

Ning Chu hesitated before coming over, but put on the mask from before, which was put together with his school uniform, this time he came out and took it with him.

His outfit was so weird that everyone at the door was alert and warned: "Who are you? Take off your mask and go back inside and stay honest."

Ning Chu not only did not leave, but continued to approach.

The moment they turned their heads, a giant dragon stood outside the gate of the academy, with a burst of flame spraying from its mouth.

The third dragon! How could they care about the other people who were attacked by the two demon dragons, and hurriedly extinguished the fire on their bodies. The fire of Chi Yanlong was unusual, and the burned skin was painful.

The three cubs came to help, but Ning Chu was forgotten by them. He opened the guard room and found the guard who was hiding inside.

Where have the guards ever seen so many dragons appear in the academy, he is just a gatekeeper, and he doesn't know a few spells, so he was very scared.

Although Ning Chu was wearing a mask, he was wearing a school uniform anyway. Seeing his doorman calmed down, he said anxiously, "There are dragons outside, what are you doing here! Close the door and hide with me? Come!"

Don't be afraid, the dragons will only attack the people of the church."

That Raphael, if Ning Chu remembers correctly, he seems to be the Pope's son, Vito mentioned it.

He was also present when Xiao Wu died.

The subordinates around him are on the same level as the people Vito brought before, but the actions of the two groups are somewhat different.

Vito wants to be recognized by the dragon clan, while Raphael is more scheming, focusing on hunting and killing.

When Ning Chu and Wusi rushed over, they saw the dragon group and the second cub in the mask, and they were really startled. Fortunately, Wusi went in time, and the second cub was also smart enough.

The guard was stunned for a moment, and recognized Ning Chu's voice: "You, you are the one from yesterday..."

Ning Chu didn't say much, and helped him up: "Let's go, it's not safe here, I'm afraid of accidentally hurting you."

The screams from outside and the smell of burning things kept coming. If you accidentally burn here in a while... The guards don't care about fear and follow behind Ning Chu.

As soon as he stepped out the door, the heat was blowing in his face, Ning Chu took him to a safer place, turned around and went back.

The doorman shouted: "Hey wait...what else are you doing in the past?"

Ning Chu didn't look back: "Go and help."


The guard saw Ning Chu approaching the giant dragon and the church members who were still stubbornly resisting. He was not afraid of the flames at all, and threw a white light ball representing healing.

It was thrown to the red dragon.

The guard seemed to understand what Ning Chu meant by "it won't hurt us" at this time. He rubbed his eyes to confirm that he was not mistaken, and headed towards the teaching building in a trance.

Ning Chu and San Zai quickly eliminated a few people at the door. When he wanted to help Wusi, he found that the battle inside was over.

The second cub and the fourth cub are flying in the air, the dragon group has returned to the Dragon Island, and a lot of people are dead underneath, only Rafi is still alive, but only half a breath is left.

He stared fiercely at Wusi, unable to figure out how this student of unknown origin would suddenly come back, and these three dragons who led the dragons to attack them.

He also saw the red flame dragon at the door. Anyone who sees humans and dragons together will probably react with shock and disbelief. Rafi has a lot of things to ask, but he More pity.

"You dare to kill me?" Rafa tilted his head and spat out a **** tooth, "Do you know who I am?"

He was lying on the ground, his legs were stepped on by a dragon claw, and he was not weak when he said this.

"I know, you are the Pope's son," Ning Chu approached wearing a mask and looked down at him, "What if I kill you? You want a bunch of trash in your church to chase after you. kill us?"

After he finished speaking, he sneered, and the taunt value was full.

Raphi's face turned blue: "Who are you? You don't dare to show your true face when you wear a mask?"

He was seriously injured, and his mouth was hard.

Wuss couldn't hear anyone saying that Ning Chu was bad, so he grabbed Raphael's neck and tightened it. Seeing his face blushed and rolled his eyes, Ning Chu raised his hand to stop Wusi from continuing.

Being pinched twice in one day, when Raphael suffered such humiliation, he coughed a few times with difficulty: "You wait... The church will never let you go, and This college..."


Ning Chu's tone didn't seem to be joking, Rafi was silent for a moment: "Who are you?"

Three giant dragons stopped nearby, as if waiting for an order, Raphael still wanted to be tough: "You think you can rely on these three dragons..."

"No," Ning Chu interrupted him, "I have seven dragons."

Successfully saw the horrified look on Rafi's face, Ning Chu continued: "There is a whole group of dragons, do you think I can?"

He noticed that Raphael's right hand was unnaturally pressed behind his back and moved slightly.

Ning Chu was vigilant, stood up and stepped on his arm: "What do you take?"

Seeing that he was discovered, Rafi struggled to break free from the restraint of his arm, and clenched a light green magic wand in his right hand and aimed it at Ning Chu.

Wu Si was right behind Ning Chu, his reaction was faster, he dodged to block in front of Ning Chu, raised his hand and cut off Raphael's right hand with a black blade made of magic elements.

Blood spurted out immediately, Raphael cried out in pain, he knew that he had no last chance, the other hand pressed the broken arm: "Kill, kill..."

Ning Chu's eyes were attracted by the magic wand rolling down on the ground, he bent down to pick it up and checked it in his hand.

The middle and end of the magic wand are inlaid with silver magic stone, which looks very delicate and is made of bone.

Seeing this, Rafi showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Did you recognize it? If the dragon hadn't died, would you have eight dragons?"

Ning Chu wore a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly, he broke the magic wand and stabbed the sharp piece into Raphael's heart, his voice could not tell the emotion: "You are wrong , it's not dead."

Raphael opened his eyes in confusion, his pupils gradually dilated.

Ning Chu took out the magic wand, crushed it together with the other part in his hand, and threw the residue on the ground: "Clean up this place."

Wusse responded, he did not forget to collect all the storage instruments on the corpses, and finally put all the corpses in a storage bag and let the three cubs throw them outside, including those at the door .

With the benefit of Ning Chu, several dragons flew away one after another and disappeared into the clouds.

There are still many bloodstains on the ground. Ning Chu washed it with water magic, and Wusi next to him suddenly grabbed his wrist.

His other hand was also held up, and it was turned upside down to reveal the palm, with several bloodstains on it.

This is when Ning Chu crushed the magic wand and was scratched by bone fragments.

Wusse frowned and said nothing.

Ning Chu coughed lightly: "I don't feel pain, I'll just use healing techniques..."

He tried to pull his hand out, but couldn't.

Wusi gently brushed the wound on Ning Chu's hand with his fingertips, treated him personally, and said distressedly: "If there is anything in the future, let me come."

Ning Chu was silent, Wu Si knew that he was a little uncomfortable seeing that magic wand.

Even if the five cubs have already been resurrected, the damage they have suffered cannot be erased.

When Ning Chu's palms returned to normal, Wu Si gently hugged him: "They are all dead."

Ning Chu hugged him back and muttered: "Well."

The mask he was wearing was the same as before, so Wu Si took it off, bowed his head and kissed Ning Chu: "Are we going back now?"

Wuss also wanted to go to Qiao Shi... He raised his head, and some students slowly walked out of the teaching building.

They have been hiding in the building, for fear that the dragon will shift its target to attack them. Later, the guard came and said that the dragon would not harm the people of the academy, but no one believed it, and they were still afraid.

Until now the dragons are gone, no one dares to come out.

There were two people standing outside, one in iconic black, with a face that no student could ever forget, holding an equally familiar mask in his hand.

The other person was held in Wus's arms, and the intimate actions just now were seen by the first few students.

This is... Wurth!

The mask he was holding was… Ning?

For a time, the students did not know which event had a greater impact.

The author has something to say:Student: This is more interesting than looking at dragons

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