MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 63

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New card pool…

The little black dragon was still squatting on Ning Chu's shoulder, turned his head and touched his hair with the tip of his nose, as if asking "what's the matter".

Ning Chu stood still and entered the game.

The game interface is the same as before. At first glance, there is no difference, except for a new icon in the upper right corner.

This icon is all too familiar to Ning Chu, he just drew five rare dragons from it.

After he passed through, the card pool and card drawing function in the game disappeared. I didn't expect this update to come back...

The meaning of the brand new card pool means that there is a new dragon species?

The summoning circle slowly rotates, reflecting a faint golden light, which is reflected in the pure black background.

It takes one hundred coins to draw once, and one thousand for ten times, and the price is the same as the original.

Ning Chu first opened the card pool details to see what was inside.

[Legendary item: attribute unknown]*5

[Legendary medicine: attribute unknown]*5

[Rare Dragon Egg: Attribute unknown]*5

[Hidden item: attribute unknown]*5

The attributes are all unknown. I don’t know what items are and how useful they are. I don’t know if the five rare dragon eggs are new varieties…

Ning Chu was more interested in the other ones. The previous card pool could only draw dragon eggs, and there were no new tricks.

Seeing the card drawing interface, Ning Chu started to feel itchy and wanted to try it for ten consecutive draws.

He hesitated for a while, then took a closer look in the interface and found something wrong.

This card pool has no guarantee, and no other card drawing rules.

Ning Chu remembered very clearly that the previous card pool would have a guaranteed bottom, and a rare rank would be produced in as many draws, and it was written in the rules that there would be no items that were already owned.

Because of this, Ning Chu felt that this game was more conscientious, and he didn't spend too much money when he drew five rare dragons.

And this new card pool has no guarantees and rules.

Ning Chu was a little wary. It's hard to say luck. If there is no guarantee, it will become a bottomless pit.

He still has two island dragons to keep, and when the dragon islands are full, he has to open a new dragon island...

Ning Chu's thought of trying to draw once was dispelled, he stared at the button of [10 draws] for a while, and turned off the card pool.

He has to hold back and not be tempted.

Once you start, if you can't keep it... it's not good to waste money.

Ning Chu also wanted to see what another function of the update was, but he looked around on the interface and found nothing more.

He stayed in place for too long and didn't speak, Wusi changed back to human form and stood in front of him.

"Ning Ning?" Wu Si tried to hold Ning Chu's hand hanging by his side and called him.

Ning Chu regained his senses, and his eyes began to focus.

Wusse's eyes were worried, and he probed Ning Chu's forehead with the back of his hand: "What happened just now?"

"It's okay, I was just looking at something else," Ning Chu took Wusi's hand and sighed, "Cub, we are so poor."

Although there is no need to rush to build a third dragon island, it seems that there is no shortage of money, and it is enough to maintain daily life.

However, as soon as the new card pool came out, Ning Chu really felt his poverty.

There is no guarantee, he dare not spend money to draw cards.

Wuss didn't know what he experienced in a short period of time, he was shaken by the shout of "cub", and subconsciously held Ning Chu's hand: "Then what should I do?"

He can go and help Ning Chu get some money back. After the establishment of the new Dragon Island, the ones brought back last time are estimated to be almost used.

Ning Chu shook his head: "Don't worry, save it first..."

He hesitated, but told Wus about the new card pool.

Wuss doesn't understand what games and card pools are. Ning Chu only said that there is a new way to get the magic dragon egg. It is not clear whether the dragon species is the same as the other dragons. It is also possible It is a new dragon with different talents.

To get a dragon egg, you have to spend money.

As for how much it costs, it all depends on Ning Chu's luck.

If luck strikes the soul, if bad luck spends a whole Dragon Island's money, I'm not sure.

Wuth frowned: "So much?"

He only knew that Long Island was expensive, and Ning Chu was happy for a long time when he had enough money.

Ning Chu walked back slowly: "In a few days, let's go back to Luo Valley, there is still a sum of money confiscated from the dwarves..."

He remembered that there was a card of "Gao County Money Shop" in the storage bag, and he never had time to go to this money shop to see what the card was used for.

What if there is money in there...

Wusse is half a step behind Ning: "I can go again..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ning Chu: "No, you can't go."

Wuth must want to go to the church again.

After looting them so many times, they must be prepared, and besides, this is not a long-term way to make money.

"Let's talk about it after the six cubs break their shells," Ning Chu continued, "I don't have the energy to raise too much..."

The five cubs are still in their infancy, and they have recently practiced flying.

But Wu Si knew that since Ning Chu said it, he must have an idea in his heart.

It's not just him, Wusi is also willing to have a few more dragons.

The number of demon dragons is too small, including him and the six cubs that have not yet broken their shells, there are only seven in total.

Although there are many other dragons in the dragon family, they are fundamentally different from the magic dragons. They can only obey orders and are more like subordinates.

Ordinary dragons are born to surrender to the magic dragon, let alone play with the magic dragon.

For so long, the only ones who really accompany the dragons are each other.

As for breeding...the five dragons are not of the same kind after all, they don't mean that, and Wusi never mentioned it.

The lifespan of the demon dragon is extremely long, and the offspring can be left alone for the time being.

And the new dragon represents a new partner. When the six cubs appear, several dragons are very happy, especially the fifth cub.

If they can, they also hope to have more of their kind around.

The only thing missing now is money, Wus really wants to go out again like last time, this is the fastest way.

However, Ning Chu did not agree, so he had no choice but to give up and said, "Okay."

Beyond Dragon Island, the branch elder and a member who had been sent to track him before brought Vito to a wood.

This is already the most frontier of the city, and further ahead is a desert.

The Great Elder said: "The trajectory of the four magical energies is broken here. If you go further, you can't find anything if you go further..."

Vito held the disc in his hand, but after so long, all the magic elements that existed had long since disappeared into the air, and the pointer stopped silently at the bottom.

He opened a map and asked the elders to draw the route they had traced before.

A line traverses half of the city, and it bends due to terrain, but there is only one general direction.

Vito picked up the map and turned to look back, which was the direction they were coming from.

"Yes, this is the road," Vito looked excited and instructed the subordinates beside him, "Call the people from outside the city in."

They did not go the wrong way, the dragon group really came along a straight line.

Don't detour and risk being discovered.

Where they're going, right ahead.

Vito turned around again and softened his tone towards the branch elder: "You sent someone to track you down, but if you don't report it, I won't pursue it. How important is the dragon, if you do this again next time mistake…"

The Great Elder hurriedly bowed his head in response, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

After waiting for the people left behind outside the city to arrive, Vito led a group of people to set off again.

This time he was full of confidence, and he picked up his speed and walked straight forward.

After half a day, a group of people came to a desert.

This desert on the map is very large, and the opposite is the land of the Orcs, and other races never enter.

Seeing that Vito had no intention of stopping the team at all, a subordinate reminded: "Captain, go further, we will collide with the tribe of orcs."

They came to find the magic dragon, and it is not worth the gain against other races.

"I know," Vito put away the map. "Look further."

He could feel that the dragon was hiding somewhere in this desert.

He heard that half-orcs hate dragons the most. When the dragon race suddenly appeared, the half-orcs reacted violently and never let the dragons set foot on their territory.

It is impossible for dragons to cooperate with orcs, they must be on the border.

After advancing for another hour, Vito ordered the team to stop and start a scattered lateral search. Any discovery will be reported on the communicator.

However, they didn't find out until midnight.

Vito's face sinks like water, he is not willing to go back like this, and instructs his men to camp on the spot, and continue to look for tomorrow.

In order to prevent herself from being tempted to draw cards, Ning Chu didn't play games much during the day, and only opened it at night to add some supplies to the two islands.

He clicked on the mall, and accidentally found that an item was added to the [Other] column in the category.

【Build New Dragon Island】

【Contract Service】

[Change Coordinates]

The first two were originally there, and suddenly there is an extra [Change Coordinate].

These four words...Ning Chu was suddenly excited.

Is that what he meant? If they can change the coordinates of Dragon Island, they won't have to run back and forth when they retrieve the dragons from all over the place.

This should be the new function mentioned in the update, Ning Chu clicked the button of [Change Coordinates].

【Do you want to change the coordinates of Dragon Island? Custom coordinates cost 2000 coins, and random coordinates cost 500 coins. 】

[Optional coordinates][Random coordinates]

Sure enough... Ning Chu was mentally prepared, he must have to spend money.

However, the price is acceptable, it is much cheaper than drawing cards from the card pool, and it only needs to spend 500 randomly.

The little dragon cubs in the house were all asleep, and Ning Chu planned to tell them the good news the next day.

He turned sideways, and the little black dragon opened his eyes beside the pillow.

Ning Chu hugged it and rubbed it twice and then released it, she seemed to be in a good mood.

The little black dragon didn't know why, he hesitated for a moment and turned into a human shape.

The wooden bed was suddenly narrow, Ning Chu was caught off guard, and whispered, "What are you doing?"

In the darkness, Wu Si reached out and touched the corner of Ning Chu's lips: "Why are you so happy?"

At the same time, the dragon egg lying in the dragon's nest in the house shook gently.

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