MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 48

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The wound didn't hurt at all, but Ning Chu just didn't expect Wusi's reaction to be so big.

The other little dragon cubs in the room didn't know what happened between the two, and they all quieted down and looked here.

The atmosphere seems a little dignified, Ning Chu is injured? Did they just fight?

Three cubs gestured, and asked the second cub to go over and ask what was going on.

The second cub pretended not to see it and flew to the sleeping fifth cub and lay down.

The four cubs are lying in the nest made of soft branches, turning over and twisting and scraping their backs to clean the scales on them.

The room was suddenly quiet, it stopped and looked at everyone quietly, and continued to rub its back.

Ning Chu sat on the chair, Wu Si directly squatted down and raised his head, wanting to treat Ning Chu's wound.

He also calmed down a lot at the moment, and he was very uneasy, not only because he accidentally hurt Ning Chu.

Ning Chu's repeated attitude made him anxious during this time, and he felt that he needed to do something.

Ning Chu blocked Wusi's hand from reaching out again: "No... I'm fine."

This insignificant little wound needs magic to be healed.

Wusi was rejected and put down his hand silently, his eyes looked the same as before, as if it was not Ning Chu but him who was injured.

He didn't get up, Ning Chu just looked down at him like this, sighing: "It's really okay, it doesn't hurt...Are you angry just now?"

Wuss didn't say a word, he didn't understand why he couldn't call Ning Ning, the reason for his unhappiness was that Ning Chu later said that he had a human figure, which was different from before.

Being a man is so troublesome, he would rather not have this ability.

Ning Chu thought about it for a while, then suddenly asked, "Do you have a dragon you like?"

Since Wusi doesn't understand what he means and doesn't understand human emotions, he must be an adult dragon, right? He can try to use the dragon's point of view to substitute, and then explain to Woos.

Wuss was very puzzled by this question, he replied: "No."

He has never considered this aspect, let alone that there is no dragon in the dragon family that can match him in every aspect.

Ning Chu also realized this, Wusi can transform into a human form, which is different from other dragons, and his prototype is still so big.

When he raised ordinary dragons, it was written in the domestication manual that dragons would generally look for the same species as their mates.

Sometimes there are exceptions, but in order to successfully conceive the next generation, the body size of the spouses must not be too different.

The prototype of Wusi is even bigger than the two cubs and three cubs, this…

Ning Chu tried another method: "Then if... there is another Dark Abyss Dragon, it can have a human shape like you, and you like it..."

"Why should I like it," Wusi immediately retorted, "There is no second Dark Abyss Dragon."

Ning Chu's second half of the words were blocked in his throat by him, and it took a long while to say, "What I said is if you are a dragon, should I use a human as a comparison?"

Wusse moved his lips and became quiet.

He doesn't really like a dragon, but if it is a human.

No, replace it with Ningchu.

The faint traces between Wu Si's eyebrows stretched out: "Yes."

"Huh?" Ning Chu didn't react: "What can I do?"

"If it's you, yes," said Wurth, "no other humans."

Ning Chu was sluggish for two seconds, his face a little red: "Oh... oh."

Wuss means, if he likes himself?

Ning Chu suddenly couldn't speak anymore, he was completely misled by Wu Si, and almost forgot his original purpose.

He took a deep breath, let Wusi sit back in his chair, and continued to circle back to the original point: "Why did you suddenly come...bite me?"

He was embarrassed to use the word lick, so he replaced it with another.

Wuss stiffened his back: "It wasn't my intention."

"Then what do you want to do?" After Ning Chu asked, he turned to see three little dragon cubs squatting beside the bed staring here, quietly listening to their conversation.

Wuss has always been in a leadership-like position in front of other dragons. Ning Chu thought that it was a little shameful for Wus to be lectured in front of them.

Ning Chu was looking at him like this, and it was a little awkward. He couldn't call out the dragon cubs outside the house, so he got up: "Let's go out and talk."

It was the noon break time, and there were only a few elves passing by occasionally outside the house. They met Ning Chu and Wusi and nodded and greeted them.

Ning Chu also smiled back and leaned against a big tree: "Tell me."

Wusse was silent for a long time before he said: "You hate my human form, I don't have to."

Ning Chu was at a loss: "When did I hate it?"

No? Wu Si stood under the tree and tried to reach out to Ning Chu's profile.

Sure enough, he grabbed his hand at the beginning of the journey, and didn't let him get closer.

Ning Chu vaguely understood what Wusi meant: "No, I don't hate..."

"In the past, I could approach you in the form of a dragon, but not in the form of a human." Wu Si looked down at Ning Chu, his voice was low, "Now you can't change back to a dragon, either."

He seemed to be accusing himself, and Ning Chu did exactly that.

Ning Chu opened his mouth and tried to explain: "Don't think too much, I don't hate your human form, it's because... Because what you do when you change back to a dragon is equivalent to using a human form to do it. , this is inappropriate..."

"Is that so?" It was the first time Woos heard this statement, and he looked as if he understood, but at the same time he didn't.

It's not appropriate to call Ning Ning, and it's not appropriate to approach him in the shape of a dragon, since he said he doesn't hate his human form.

Wusse reached out to Ning Chu again, and lightly touched the mark on Ning Chu's face that was cut by fangs.

Ning Chu thought he was still concerned about hurting himself, so he didn't hide, and raised his head in cooperation: "Don't look at it, I'm not that fragile yet..."

Then Woos leaned in and kissed the wound.

Ning Chu's brain exploded, and his voice stopped abruptly.

He wasn't sure if Worcs just touched his lips or if he was like a dragon...

Wusse has already retreated, frowned and raised his hand to probe Ning Chu's cheeks and forehead: "Why so red."

He was worried that Ning Chu's body was different, but found that he was only feverish.

My heart was beating fast, too, and Woos counted quietly.

It was very similar to the heartbeat when he took Ning Chu into his arms.

It was also the first time that he tried to get close to Ning Chu in a human form when he was sober.

Wuspen didn't hold out much hope, but Ning Chu didn't hide.

It's just a little weird.

Ning Chu tore off Wusi's hand, and immediately released it, trying to step back but against the tree trunk behind him.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to adjust his expression to look serious.

"Don't do this again..."

He really misunderstands.

However, in the eyes of Wu Si, Ning Chu's voice was a little quiet, and there was no deterrent at all. It was completely different from when he resisted himself and retreated.

Wusse clenched and loosened his palms unconsciously, and replied, "Okay."

He felt that he had to agree now, or Ning Chu's only looseness would disappear.

Ning Chu was still leaning against the tree trunk, with a little guard and nervousness in his eyes like a small animal.

I promised him, but he still didn't relax.

Wuss began to recall the last time Ning Chu was in a good mood.

It should be today, he showed the dragon form in front of Ning Chu, Ning Chu seemed to like it very much, and took the initiative to touch his scales.

Ning Chu likes to hold the little dragon cub, rubbing his head and pinching his claws. Wusi and several other dragons know that, so when they want to get close to Ning Chu, they will take the initiative to let him hug him.

Wuth also wanted to try it.

"Go to the back mountain?" He rarely does this kind of thing, and his tone is a bit unnatural, "Go and see the situation of Long Qun."

Suddenly changed the topic, blunt but effective, Ning Chu's attention was successfully diverted: "Well... okay."

Wusse turned around and walked to the open space alone, without waiting for Ning Chu behind him to follow.

Ning Chu was puzzled, just took a step, a giant dragon appeared in front, and the huge body accidentally overwhelmed several trees.

Several elves in the distance exclaimed when they saw it, and all the things in their hands fell off. Looking at the giant dragon that appeared out of thin air, they couldn't get back to their senses for a long time.

Ning Chu was also shocked, he didn't expect Wu Si to return to his adult form.

Is he trying himself there?

The back mountain is not far away, in fact, there is no need to be so troublesome...

But Ning Chu looked at the giant dragon hanging his head in front of him, and was very moved.