MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 38

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Ning Chu sat down again and coughed to hide the awkward feeling just now.

He probably understood what Wusi meant. He felt that he had a human form, and Ning Chu would alienate him.

"This, you..." Ning Chu tried hard to organize the language, "Don't think too much, being able to become a person is just another identity, it doesn't mean that you are not a cub..."

Wusse still looked at him without speaking, and didn't know what was in his mind.

But at least it was a confession. Although it wasn't Wusi's initiative, Ning Chu couldn't think of the reason why he hid it from himself, and now he can't be angry with him.

Ning Chu touched the tip of his nose and changed the subject: "What's going on in the college conference room today?"

Mentioning this, Wusi's face darkened: "They are provocative."

Whether it was asking him about Ning Chu, revealing the idea of ​​wanting him to join the church, or being rude to him at the end, every point made him angry.

Little Wu's death, they need to pay the price, and the provocation that comes to the door is even more unbearable.

Wusse only said this sentence, and did not mention other details, and Ning Chu did not ask much.

He didn't bother about whether he should kill or not. The church maliciously hunted and killed the young dragons and killed the five cubs. He seemed to be trying to find the Dragon Island. Those people stood in front of him, and he might not be able to bear it. .

"But you're still too impulsive," Ning Chu sighed, "You shouldn't do it directly in the academy. There are many of them, and there are branches everywhere. What if their whereabouts are exposed."

Ning Chu still cares a little bit, so he won't leave in such a hurry to deal with them in private. He has time to clean up the scene, and then find out if there is anything on these people that he can take away.

Wusse lowered his eyes and said obediently, "Hmm."

Ning Chu asked again: "Wyton did you really kill him?"

Wuth replied, "Yes."

He then added: "Not at the academy, outside."

Ning Chu nodded gratified and told him: "What do you want to do in the future, try to tell me first, so that I can feel more at ease..."

Wusse answered again, looking hesitant: "There is one more thing."

In Ning Chu's questioning eyes, Wus said, "I attacked a church branch."

Ning Chu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and hurriedly asked: "When? Wasn't it discovered?"

His worry and tension fell into Wus's eyes, Wus said in a low voice: "No."

He checked the map that day and found the closest chapter to Reims College.

He turned into a giant dragon and hid in the dark. The people inside just heard the alarm that the protective cover was broken, and the tower and surrounding buildings collapsed.

After doing all this, Wus turned back into human form and left quietly.

At that time, there were not many people left in the branch, and it was not as heavy as the church claimed later.

Knowing that Wu Si was not found, Ning Chu breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help saying: "You are not allowed to act without authorization in the future."

Wusse said without hesitation: "Okay."

Ning Chu glanced at him a few more times and whispered to himself: "It's quite obedient at this time..."

In fact, including in the past, whether Wu Si was in human form or dragon form, he was very submissive in front of Ning Chu.

How do you know that without looking at him, he is more impulsive than the second cub, and he can do whatever he wants.

After asking about the situation, Ning Chu got up: "Let's rest here tonight?"

It's getting dark, the neighborhood is sparsely populated with trees, and no one should pass by at night.

In the morning of tomorrow, they will set off to find the cub.

Several little dragon cubs have no opinion, neither does Wusi.

The side of the stream is relatively empty, Ning Chu intends to go inside again, find a safer place, and take out the disc again.

The state of the pointer is different from before, it vibrates slightly at the bottom of the yellow area, and finally falls and stops quietly.

Ning Chu looked at it several times, confirmed that the pointer had not moved again, and put the disc away.

He walked in front, holding five cubs in his arms, and four cubs flew over and squatted on his shoulders.

Wuss followed closely behind, and the second and third cubs were playing along the way.

Ning Chu stopped by the woods before it got dark.

He used fire magic to make several light **** suspended in the air for lighting, and bought meat and grass for the five cubs to eat from the mall.

The five cubs are already hungry, can't wait for Ning Chu to feed it, and happily run to the oat haystack.

The rest of the dragons eat raw meat, but Worse does not.

He doesn't seem to plan to turn back into a dragon and sit under the tree with Ning Chu.

It doesn't seem appropriate to eat raw meat when in human form. Ning Chu originally thought that he would just eat some dry food, but hesitantly bought a rabbit and went to the open space outside to build stones and branches. I plan to share it with Woos after baking.

The aroma of the barbecue attracted several other dragons, and the five cubs sniffed and moved away in disgust.

The second cub tried to fan the flames to make the fire even bigger, and was driven away by Ning Chu.

In the middle of the roast, Ning Chu asked Wusi, "Where's your contract beast?"

He just remembered, just let Wusi let them out and feed them together.

Wuss said, "I don't have a contract beast."

Ning Chu was at a loss: "That bantam dragon is not yours..."

Wusse took out a storage bag from his body and released the Bantam.

The bantam dragon lay meekly on the side, Ning Chu was surprised: " keep it in the storage bag?"

In his cognition, he has not fully digested the information that Wusi is not a human being. Now he understands that Wusi cannot make a contract with other dragons or monsters.

"Well," Wus reached out and stroked the top of the bantam dragon's head, "the storage bag is the highest level, and living creatures can stay in it for a whole day."

It would be more convenient to have a demon in human form, and ordinary demons would not dare to approach the dragon family, let alone Wusi.

Wuss can only choose a dragon that outsiders have rarely seen before, and call it a Yalong.

It turned out that he used this method... Advanced storage bags are very expensive, Ning Chu turned the branches: "You are quite rich."

Wusse made a move and withdrew his hand: "I gave you the rest of my money."

He has been earning a lot in the arena, and there are not many places where he usually needs to spend money. This storage bag is the most expensive item.

The rest of the body was handed over to Ning Chu.

Ning Chu blinked and said slowly: "Oh... I have all your money, it's useless."

It was not time to open the pot, and Ning Chu felt a little awkward with the money of Wusi.

He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he didn't really want to touch Wurse's money.

The rabbit meat was roasted, Ning Chu gave half of it to Wusi, and bought a piece of meat for Bantam.

Wuss suddenly reached out and handed him the storage bag.

Ning Chu didn't answer: "What are you doing?"

"Here you are." Wu Si looked at Ning Chu and kept raising his hand until Ning Chu picked up the storage bag.

Wuss called the bantam after eating the meat, and put his palm on its forehead: "Go."

Since he and Ning Chu have left the academy, Bantam is no longer suitable for them.

Ning Chu watched Wu Si let the bantam dragon leave, then looked down at the storage bag in his hand, and finally accepted it.

This roast rabbit, until the two finished eating and tidying up the fire, Wu Si obviously felt that Ning Chu was in a good mood, and did not resist his approach.

Perhaps as Ning Chu said, the human form is just multiple identities, and he may not have been able to adapt to it before.

Ning Chu would not fail to get close to him.

To sleep at night, Ning Chu laid a homemade soft cushion under the tree and made a pillow.

The cushion is wide enough to accommodate him and all the cubs, just roll it up and stuff it in the storage bag when you wake up.

However, in this way, Wusi has to become a little dragon, or he can't sleep.

He spoke to Woos, and Woos had no opinion.

Ning Chu took off his coat and used it as a quilt, and slept on the side of the cushion, next to five little dragon cubs who had chosen their respective positions. The little black dragon covered this simple piece with a thin layer of dragon breath. bed.

The five cubs lay on the side of Ning Chu's neck as usual, and slept until midnight when another figure came over.

Sleeping in the wild is not as quiet as a dormitory, Ning Chu just fell asleep, and was awakened by Jingjing, and he opened his eyes in a daze and saw that it was a little black dragon.

He pushed it subconsciously: "You're too close..."

Other dragons can do it, except Wurth.

Pushing away the little black dragon, Ning Chu turned his back to it, and fell asleep again with the five cubs in his arms.

The little black dragon stared at Ning Chu's hair, feeling a little irritable.

Isn’t it okay when I was in human form? Why is it like this again?

There is still a lot of space on the other side of the soft cushion, Wusi directly changed back to human form, and moved the four cubs farther away.

He slept beside Ning Chu, also lying on his side.

Ning Chu's hair had a good smell, and Wu Si couldn't help but sniff it.

The warm heat source is behind, Ning Chu has fallen into a deep sleep at this time, leaning back unconsciously.