MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 3

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"No," Ning Chu tried to calm down and shook his head, "I'm fine."

Except for the five cubs in the dead state, the positions of other rare dragons and cubs are all missing.

None of them are on Dragon Island.

In addition, there are some common dragons of various species, most of which are young dragons, depending on their age, they should not be the first batch raised by Ning Chu.

The mall has not been unlocked, and Ning Chu has no way to buy supplies and put them on the island.

The only good thing is that all dragons are in good condition and have normal life characteristics.

As for the three cubs…

Irritability means he's in a bad mood right now or is being affected in some way.

Ning Chu recalled the back when it left, not sure if it was his own reason.

This time we are separated again, and I don't know when I will find it again.

After returning to school, it is even more unclear what the situation is. He has a new identity here and needs to adapt as soon as possible.

Ning Chu moved his eyes to the last grid of the data card, there is the state of the cub.

It is the most mysterious one at any time.

Suddenly Ning Chu's expression froze and he realized a problem.

Five dragons correspond to five rare dragons, what about the cubs?

Ning Chu asked Bligh calmly: "Are there only five dragons in total? I heard people say...there is one black one?"

"Black dragon?" Bligh shook his head: "I don't know."

Ning Chu said disappointedly: "Okay..."

"But..." Bligh thought about it carefully, "It is rumored that the dragon clan also has a dragon king."

"It exists like a **** in the dragon family, and the dragon is created by it. It is the most mysterious, and no one has seen it, or..." Bligh shrugged, "I have seen are dead."

"..." Ning Chu, who hatched five rare dragons himself, opened his mouth, not sure whether the dragon king Bligh was talking about was a cub or the demonized himself.

I couldn't get any useful information, so Ning Chu had to continue to comfort himself. The cub is in good condition, and there is always a chance to find it.

He opened "Dragon Island" again. In the game interface, the system prompt to resurrect the five cubs was still there. He folded it and lay quietly in the upper left corner, waiting for Ning Chu to make a decision.

Five purple gold coins were exchanged for ten game currencies, and eight were used to unlock the data card, plus the original remaining two, Ning Chu's balance still had four coins.

Other functions cannot be unlocked. To revive a dead dragon, you need 500 coins.

Before the change, Ning Chu had already recharged directly with krypton gold. He didn't have a mobile phone here, so he had to find another way to get enough money.

He didn't know where to find the other dragon cubs, the only thing he could do now was to resurrect the five cubs.

Ning Chu checked the data card several times along the way, until the status of the three cubs changed to [depressed], then to [lost], and finally returned to [good].

Seeing the whole process of Ning Chu was in a complicated and distressed mood.

Among the five rare dragons he raised, the eldest cub is a gentle and steady sister, the second cub roams around like a husky dog, and the third cub is more like the boss among them.

Other dragon cubs bring food to honor the little black dragon, and they also learn from it.

It usually looks majestic in front of the little dragon cubs, only Ning Chu, who always opens the data card state, knows that its actual mood is fickle, and its mind is sensitive.

Now that I have grown up, it seems to be the same as before.

Ning Chu recalled the days of raising dragons in the past.

He walked with his head down, and Bligh didn't notice it. He told him interesting stories about the mercenary group along the way, and Ning Chu occasionally echoed.

Mysterious Capital Forest?"

Ning Chu was embarrassed and hesitated: "I...I thought..."

"Forget it, I'll do it." Bligh reached out to take the branch and skewered the meat, "In the afternoon we have to speed up, the red flame dragon frequently appears in the Mystery City Forest, we have to go back inform everybody."

This forest is the main area for the mercenary group to capture the dragons. If someone continues to bring the team in without knowing it, I am afraid that they will only end up like his team.

Out of the forest, Bligh called a monster manned vehicle and rushed Ning Chu to the gate of Lance College before dark.

The college is located in the suburbs, about a 20-minute drive from the Mystery Capital Forest. There are few people along the way, but there is a market-like street next to the college, which looks very lively.

Ning Chu was curious and looked over there a few more times.

Bligh had something to do, so he left after delivering Ning Chu.

There are several students coming and going at the school gate, wearing the same style of clothes as Ning Chu, but different colors.

Ning Chu stepped into the school gate and was thinking if he should ask someone for directions, when a man also wearing a silver-gray school uniform walked towards him quickly, his face full of anxiety.

Forest? You didn't go back to the dormitory last night, I just heard someone say..."

"Go," Ning Chu answered honestly, "just came back."

The little man looked at him nervously, seeing that others were fine and not injured, but his expression was a little tired, so he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Go back first, I also left you dinner ."

Ning Chu just hadn't had dinner yet, so he followed behind him: "Okay, thank you."

The little man looked back at him in surprise, Ning Chu asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," the little man shook his head, "It's just... I feel like you are a little different today than before."

"Really?" Ning Chu took the opportunity to find a reason, "Actually, I... encountered an accident in the Mystery Forest, and I don't remember many things."

"Amnesia?" The little man opened his eyes wide, "What's the matter?"

Ning Chu told him about the encounter with Bligh's team and hid most of the details.

He said a little embarrassedly: "I saw the dragon, I was so excited, so..."

This reason is a little clumsy, but the little man has a "it's you right" expression, sighs and pats Ning Chu's shoulder: "You say you, why do you believe those people If so, go to the second-level delegation."

Ning Chu claimed to have amnesia, and the little man had no doubts at all. He told him what happened before on the way to see if he could remember something.

His name is Bowen, he is Ning Chu's classmate and roommate with this body. The two live in the same dormitory and have a good relationship.

From the blog post, Ning Chu learned that "myself" is a first-year student of the Ministry of Magic with a poor family background, an introverted and cowardly personality, and a low talent.

When talking about Ning Chu's magical talent, Bowen said it more euphemistically, but Ning Chu could see from the expression on his face that he should belong to the bottom category.

So he is also the object of some students' favorite bullying.

When contacting Bligh's team, Ning Chu vaguely realized that this world seems to advocate absolute strength.

Bligh is the captain and the most powerful person in the team. No one dares to disobey his orders, even if it is not necessarily right.

Just a few days ago, several students in the class who often teased Ning Chu said that as long as Ning Chu was willing to take the next level assignment and complete it successfully, they would be willing to tell him a quick practice magic the trick.

This is a lie to him at first glance, but Ning Chu may have wanted to improve his strength too much, so he nodded and agreed.

Several students "kindly" accompanied Ning Chu to pick up the assignment, and then sent him straight to the entrance of the Midu Forest, and then left Ning Chu to go back alone.

Bo Wen didn't see Ning Chu at night, and only learned the news from other classmates. His talent is actually not high, so even if he is very anxious, he is unable to find Ning Chu.

If Ning Chu doesn't come back tonight, he will report to the tutor.

Bowen has lingering fears: "Those people are so courageous, they can really do anything, aren't they afraid of causing death..."

Ning Chu's face became darker as he listened, and he comforted Bo Wen: "It's okay, I'm not injured, and the soul rejuvenation grass is also found."

Bowen surprised: "Really?"

Ning Chu took out the soul-returning grass in his pocket and showed him, three of the soul-returning grass were lying on the wide leaves, the leaves were a little wilted after so long, but it did not affect the delegation settlement.

"That's great!" Bowen's eyes lit up, "Second-level delegates can have a lot of money, let's go back to eat first, and then go to the Crow Market for settlement."

Ning Chu asked curiously, "What is Ya Market?"

"You don't even remember this?"

Bowen told him that the Crow Market was right next to the college and belonged to the market for the students of Reims College.

It is a place to receive assignments, buy and exchange materials on a daily basis, and provide a venue for students to compete and learn.

Ning Chu was very interested. In his opinion, the market is a place where you can make money.

The two returned to the dormitory, and the two meals that Bowen went to the cafeteria at night were still warm.

The dormitory building of Reims College is in good condition. Two students share a dormitory. The room is spacious and airy, and it has almost all the necessary furniture.

Ning Chu went to the bathroom after dinner to take a shower, put on a clean school uniform, and went out of the school with Bowen.

Compared to when Ning Chu first came back, Ya Market was brightly lit at this time, and there were more people inside, and all of them were young faces.

Bo Wen led Ning Chu inside to find the place to delegate settlement.

Ning Chu took out the delegation card and the soul-returning grass and let the people in the delegation confirm it.

The man finished checking, raised his eyes and swept across Ning Chu's face, nodded: "Okay."

He signed the delegation card and took out three gold coins from the counter to Ning Chu.

Ning Chu received the gold coins and charged them into the game as soon as possible.

One gold coin can only be exchanged for one currency. After recharging, Ningchu currently has five coins in balance, and six coins are needed to unlock the map function.

The map can see the whole picture of Long Island, including where is the wasteland and where is the forest, you can directly select the area to operate and build.

You can't unlock the mall for a while, you can look at the map and cut down trees.

Ning Chu turned his head and asked Bo Wen: "Do you have any money on you? I want to borrow a gold coin, and I will return it to you in a few days..."

The market was so noisy that I couldn't hear the blog post, so I put my ears up and asked loudly: "What?"

At this time, the noisy crowd in front became more excited, and the cheers became louder and louder, as if something happened.

Bowen looked on his toes, where is the direction of the arena.

He suddenly gasped, grabbed Ning Chu's arm tightly, his eyes lit up: "I remembered, it's Wusi!"

Ning Chu hadn't reacted yet, and was pulled by Bowen to squeeze into the crowd.

"He's on the field today!" The blog post spoke quickly, his face flushed with excitement, "Do you remember him? The first genius of the Ministry of Magic! School grass!"

The last sentence of the blog post was the loudest, and many people nearby looked at him. Ning Chu was still thinking about the currency he was missing, and nodded perfunctorily: "Hmmm..."

The arena is built in the center of Raven Market, like a huge stadium embedded in the ground, surrounded by viewing platforms that are already full of people.

This scene was spectacular, Ning Chu even thought that everyone in the school was here, and he followed Bo Wen through the crowd with difficulty.

Bo Wen took him to a round platform, and took out a few gold coins from his pocket: "Quick, buy Wurse!"

There were two transparent boxes on the round table. The staff of the arena was in charge of registration. The box with the name "Wuss" was quickly filled, while the other box was empty.

Ning Chu guessed a few points, this should be the place to bet, to bet on who will win the battle.

He touched his pocket, embarrassed.

Bo Wen saw that he was motionless, and urged: "Quick! Wusi will not lose!"

Ning Chu said calmly: "I... lost my money."

The three gold coins for the settlement task were put into Ning Chu's hands not long ago, and now that he said he lost it, the corner of Bowen's mouth twitched: "You..."


In the eyes of everyone, this battle is almost a sure win for one side, and everyone buys witches, resulting in very low odds.

However, if you can earn a little, Ning Chu squeezed three gold coins and threw them into Wusi's box.

There are no more seats in the viewing platform, the two can only squeeze in the periphery, waiting for the start of the battle, Bowen explained to Ning Chu the arena and standings of Raven City.

Study duels are very common among students, from the initial verbal battle, to the establishment of the Raven Market, which provides a place for sparring to prevent students from fighting and damaging the college facilities.

After a long time, someone made a scoreboard to count the wins and losses of all the students who participated in the competition.

The more you win, the higher the points.

As soon as this standings is released, it is like an honor roll among students. More people are eager to try and challenge those who rank high on the standings to prove their strength.

There are many people watching the fun, and everyone starts to bet on who will win.

Up to now, in addition to the active selection challenge, Raven Market will randomly draw two people on the list every day to play against each other. The winner will get points and a lot of money, and points will be deducted if you fail or abstain. .

As soon as Ning Chu heard that he had money, his eyes brightened for a moment, then quickly darkened.

In his situation, he can only lose.

Bo Wen was still talking to Ning Chu with great interest: "Wusse is the undefeated **** of the standings! Do you know what his contract beast is? A dragon!"

Ning Chu turned his head in surprise: "Dragon?"

"Cough," Bowen touched the tip of his nose, "Yarong."

He did not forget to emphasize: "The Yalong is also very powerful! No one in the academy can domesticate a Yalong!"

While speaking, the two who participated in the battle entered the arena.

The cheers at the scene reached the highest level, Ning Chu covered her ears and looked down from the gap in the crowd.

The distance was too far, and he could only see two figures, one in a light blue school uniform and the other in black, standing in their respective positions.

The staff shook hands and bowed to each other, and the battle officially began.

The contracted beasts of both sides were released first, and when the gray-brown Yalong appeared on the field, the audience cheered again.

The man in black was the Wusi mentioned by Bowen. When Ning Chu saw the contract beast beside him, he was puzzled: "Huh?"

Why does he think this Yalong looks familiar... It seems to be a kind of ordinary dragon.

Ning Chu was not sure if he remembered it wrong, he opened "Dragon Island" and looked through the illustrations one by one.

Ning Chu was dazzled by a bunch of pictures of ordinary dragons. He turned over most of them and saw a familiar gray-brown ordinary dragon.

At this moment, Wu Si stepped on the dragon's back and flew high into the sky, Ning Chu took the opportunity to compare with the portrait in the illustrated book.

—exactly the same.

The Bantamosaurus, as the name suggests, has short and thick hind legs, front claws tucked under the abdomen, and a hard carapace extending from the back to the tip of the tail. It is good at short-distance sprinting.

Looking at its appearance, people who don't know it may really recognize it as a Yalong.

When Ning Chu was comparing the illustrations, the battle was over quickly, and there was no doubt that the winner was Wusi.

Bo Wen excitedly led Ning Chu to collect the money, Ning Chu turned to Wu Si's direction and looked at him a few more times.

The black-haired boy put away the contract beast and left indifferently, turning a blind eye to everything outside the arena.

The three gold coins bet will be returned, and only two more coins will be added, which is the winning reward.

Ning Chu returned three gold coins to Bowen, the remaining one was charged into the game, and the other was kept on his body for backup.

It was very late when the two returned to the dormitory. There was a theory class the next morning. Bo Wen reminded Ning Chu to get up early tomorrow, then turn off the lights and go to bed.

Ning Chu lay on the bed and opened "Dragon Island".

The map has been unlocked, and from the overall view, the island is covered with a large green.

The green areas are all woods and vegetation. The darker the color, the more vegetation. The residential area that has been established is also green.

Ning Chu tried to enter the area in the map and found that his original character in the game was gone, but he could still operate tools to chop down trees, but he could not see the characters.

According to the approximate orientation shown on the data card, he found sleeping ordinary dragon cubs in several caves.

They were leaning against each other, lying on the ground covered with a thin layer of hay, unaware of Ning Chu's arrival.

Ning Chu wanted to reach out and touch them, but there was no character and no interaction.

He left the cave and found the playground that was repaired before crossing in the back mountain.

Inside and around the playground are covered by thick bushes, the brand new dragon climbing frame in memory has been painted off, and the mahogany carefully selected by Ning Chu is cracked and inclined, looking extremely desolate.

He sighed, cleaned the weeds in the playground, and went to the residential area to cut down trees.

After crossing, the time in the game seems to be synchronized with reality. Ning Chu was busy until the middle of the night, went hunting and caught a few rabbits, and put them on the mountain with some soft fresh grass. hole.

After finishing all this, Ning Chu went offline and went to sleep.

After he left, a shadow appeared over Dragon Island.

Shadows flew down through the clouds, and a dragon stopped outside the cave.

Its body is smooth and fit, and its body is covered by most of the purple scales, shining softly in the moonlight, and some silvery white scales fall on its side and the end of the dragon's wings, and on both sides of the forehead The dragon's horns are short, and the longest one is between the eyebrows, with the sharp tip pointing upwards.

The purple dragon saw the hay and rabbit meat at the entrance of the cave, and the surrounding area that was obviously cleaned, with a puzzled look in its eyes.

The next morning, Bo Wen opened his eyes in a daze and saw that Ning Chu had already woken up and was sitting beside the bed in a daze.

Ning Chu rummaged through the original things just now, except for the school uniform and some books, but couldn't find a penny.

Seeing that Bo Wen woke up, Ning Chu asked him: "Bo Wen, I want to make money, is there a faster way?"

Bowen yawns: "Delegated, Arena."

In the college, they can only rely on these two ways to make money.

Bo Wen sat up slowly to get his coat: "Those are not easy things... What are you going to do with money?"

Ning Chu was silent for a while, then vaguely said: "Nothing, just asking."

The two went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then went to the teaching building to have a class together.

In the academy, food and shelter are included, so Ning Chu doesn't have to worry about eating.

When I came to the classroom, there were very few people in it, and it was not full until the bell rang.

The teacher in charge of the lecture walked in, glanced down, and opened the textbook.

Bo Wen sat next to Ning Chu, leaned over and said in a low voice: "Many people don't like taking theory courses... They have enough credits for practical courses."

The implication is that only a waste like them needs to take a theory class.

Ning Chu turned over a class schedule in the textbook. Today, there is only one class for the whole day. The rest of the time is arranged by the students themselves. It is okay to ask a tutor to answer questions or practice magic on their own.

Ning Chu stared at the textbook and was distracted, planning to go to Ya Market.

Bowen took a nap in the dormitory in the afternoon, and Ning Chu quietly left alone and came to the Crow City Commission.

Ning Chu stood in front of the stage and asked, "Is there any assignment suitable for the first grade?"

The staff member was the same person from yesterday. He took out a booklet full of cards: "Look for it yourself."

The address to which the delegation needs to go was written on the card. Ning Chu looked through it carefully, and his eyes stayed on a card with "Mystery Forest" written on it.

"First-level delegation: Thirty Xumu fruit. Location: Outskirts of Midu Forest. Reward: one gold coin."

There are generally no monsters in the periphery, which is safer than the last time Ning Chu went.

He pulled out the card: "This..."

The staff glanced at it: "This price has increased, thirty two gold coins."

Ning Chu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he heard him say: "Recently, a magic dragon has appeared in the Mysterious Capital Forest, and no one is willing to take the order there... If you are not afraid of death, you can go."

"I'll take this," Ning Chu picked up the pen and signed the card, while saying, "I'm very lucky, I won't come across it."

He said that, but he was thinking the exact opposite.

Ning Chu didn't have a contract beast, and it took a long time to walk to the Mystery Forest. He struggled for a while, and finally spent a painful copper coin to ride the monster car.

When there was still a short distance from the forest, the driver said nothing and stopped moving forward, so Ning Chu had to get out of the car and walk alone.

Before he came, he made some preparations, took a knife he found from the dormitory, and urgently read half of the magic book, although he didn't understand anything.

The appearance of Xumuguo is very recognizable. It is a small orange fruit. There are many outside the Myidu Forest. Ning Chu just walked two steps into the woods and saw a Xumuguo fruit trees.

He took out the cloth bag he had prepared in advance, and looked around while picking the fruit.

The surroundings are very quiet, occasionally there are passing birds and insects, or the sound of leaves being blown by the wind.

Ning Chu finished collecting the fruit on the tree, and shouted into the air: "Three three."

He knew it was probably not there and couldn't hear him.

Anyway, there was no one nearby, so Ning Chu simply raised the volume and shouted at the top of his voice: "Old-three-!"

“—are you still there!”

The sparrows in the forest were scared away by Ning Chu, the breeze was still blowing, and no dragon responded to Ning Chu.

He didn't dare to go deeper, for fear of disturbing the monsters in the forest, so he only shouted a few times when picking fruit.

He felt like the owner who kept calling the dog home for dinner, but he didn't know whether the three cubs remembered him or not.

After picking thirty fucoidans one after another, Ning Chu stood there for a while holding the cloth bag.

I can't find it today, he will come back next time, there is always a chance.

Ning Chu was about to turn back along the road, when a shadow suddenly fell under his feet.

The scorching wind blew past, and the heavy breath slowly approached from behind, and at the same time, there was a sound of branches being crushed.

Ning Chu turned around and opened her eyes in disbelief.

The red dragon folded its wings, its huge body huddled in the woods, and its black eyes stared at Ning Chu indifferently.

Ning Chu put down Xumuguo in his arms and tried to get closer: "Cub, it's me, I'm dad."

He said sourly: "Do you remember me?"

"I had an accident that day, I didn't mean to not come back," Ning Chu was incoherent at this time, "I built the playground at the foot of the mountain, have you seen it? The day I first saw you just passed through..."

Mentioning the playground, the three cubs twitched their tails slightly.

It lowered its head and approached Ning Chu and sniffed at him.

Such a giant dragon is so close at hand, it is very impactful, Ning Chu's heart is beating wildly, and he reaches out to touch the tip of its nose.

However, he just stretched out his hand, and before he really touched its scales, it suddenly retreated.

Three cubs straightened their backs and glanced into the distance.

It turned around and looked at Ning Chu again, then set off and flew away.

The hot wind blew Ning Chu's eyes, he raised his hand to block, and asked with difficulty: "Where are you going?"

When he tried to chase after him, the three cubs had disappeared.

Ning Chu was lost and puzzled, and opened the game to check the status of the three cubs at the moment.

[Status: Uneasy]

In the blink of an eye, the anxiety in the status bar turned into "excited".

Such an emotional reaction should be recognizing itself... But why did it go away?

Ning Chu waited on the spot for a while, and before the three cubs turned back, seeing that the sky was about to get dark, he turned back and left the forest three steps at a time.

After leaving Ningchu, the three cubs flew all the way to the depths of the forest and came to a lake.

The red dragon slowly fell, Wusi blew on the polished silver blade, looked up at it: "Why so late?"

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