MTL - Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App-Chapter 10

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In the past three days, Ning Chu made a lot of money.

He became famous in the first battle, and before he had time to choose the next battle target, dozens of challenge books were sent to him one after another.

Ning Chu sat opposite Donald and read these challenge books one by one.

He doesn't know any of the people above, and the challenge book has the opponent's standings rank printed on it. Most of them are similar to Ning Chu's current rankings, and some are lower.

"Choose one?" Donald smoked a leaf and rolled a cigarette, "If you can handle it, you can pick three."

The arena arranges up to three matches per night, as long as Ning Chu wants, they can temporarily cancel the randomly drawn one.

On the one hand, Ning Chu didn't want to be too showy, on the other hand, he was really short of money.

Tangled for a moment, he chose two people who were in the 40s and gave them to Donald: "Just these two."

The reward for the challenged winning the game is less, only 200 gold coins, but if you can earn 400 in one day, it is also a considerable amount.

Yesterday's battle Ning Chu bought and won by himself, because he is a newcomer, the odds are as high as one to thirty.

In the evening, Bowen came back holding a handful of purple gold coins in a trance: "Xuning, we sent it."

Bowen also bought a newcomer to win. He originally wanted to press Golan, but when he was about to invest money, he remembered the smile of Ning Chu before he left, and his outstretched hand changed direction. .

He only pressed two gold coins, although not as much as Ning Chu, it was enough for him to be happy for a while.

The first match of the second day was at 7 o'clock in the evening, and the second match was at 8 o'clock in the evening. Bowen couldn't go because of something, so Ning Chu asked Donald to help him bet.

The odds today are not so high, but they are still considerable, because one of the people who challenged Ning Chu is a student who is talented in the water system.

Ning Chu used fire magic yesterday, and fire overcomes wood and water overcomes fire.

In the eyes of everyone, he was able to win Golan yesterday for this reason, but not today.

Ning Chu didn't panic at all. Before entering the field, Donald asked him, "Do you need weapons? I'll lend you them."

Donald had never seen a student like Ning Chu before, and was very interested in him. Yesterday, he bought a hundred purple gold coins and bought him to win. In the end, Ning Chu's performance did not disappoint him.

Ning Chu hesitated: "Is there... a shield or something?"

After a while, an iron round shield was handed over to Ning Chu.

He doesn't know how to use swords or anything else.

Ning Chu walked into the arena with a round shield, attracting everyone's attention.

The round shield in his hand is very conspicuous, and some people gloat at the misfortune: "Isn't it? I said that he must have been lucky yesterday..."

"Luck?" Someone next to him interrupted him, "Can you beat a piebald tiger with a single stroke of luck?"

After the brief handshake and other cutscenes, Ning Chu clenched the round shield and prepared to fight.

The student on the opposite side released a contracted beast, a long-necked white crow, with a white body without a trace of variegation, and its long tail feathers floating in the air.

Ning Chu sighed in his heart how beautiful this contracted beast was, and slapped it flying with his round shield.

The audience outside the arena was still discussing fiercely who would win, and the scene gradually quieted down.

Water magic poses no threat to Ning Chu, his strength is amazing, and the round shield in his hand is used as a weapon by him.

This battle is still a quick decision, and Ning Chu wins.

Back in the room, Ning Chu took off his mask and took two hundred gold coins from Donald.

At the same time, he won 20 points and moved up one place in the ranking.

There is still a long time before the start of the second game, Donald thoughtfully handed a glass of warm water: "Go to the training room? Or go back to rest."

Ning Chu took the cup and thought about it: "I'll go to the animal taming farm."

He changed his clothes, put on his first-year uniform, and came to the back of the arena.

The cloud-winged dragon was placed in the compartment in the animal taming farm, and Ning Chu walked for a while before finding it.

It is still in the iron cage, Ning Chu bought a special medicine for trauma recovery from the game and quietly fed it to him.

Although the three cubs were not there, the cloud-winged dragon could smell the familiar breath on Ning Chu's body. It circled around the pill and observed it for a long time before carefully eating it.

It's condition has improved obviously, and the people in the animal farm deliberately take good care of it. There are several pieces of raw meat in the iron bucket in the cage, but the cloud-winged dragon has never touched it at all.

Ning Chu took the tweezers through the iron cage, picked up a piece and placed it in front of it: "Why don't you eat, aren't you hungry?"

The cloud-winged dragon took the medicine he gave, and most of the guards subsided, and then shrunk to the corner of the iron cage to eat.

It somehow got better again."

However, the vigilance is too heavy, it refuses to eat, refuses to be touched by anyone, let alone domestication.

"I thought it would be the only monster in my place that starved to death," Donald exclaimed, "You have a relationship with it, why don't you try to accept it as a contract beast?"

Ning Chu shook his head: "I can't accept it."

He picked up another piece of meat and threw it over, looking at Donald: "If I want to buy it directly, how much will it cost?"

A dragon is worth at least 600 purple gold coins. This cloud-winged dragon was seriously injured when it was bought back, so the price was greatly discounted. Donald replied: "The friendship price is 200 purple gold coins."

He added: "If you can accept it as a contract beast, it can be cheaper."

The transaction of the contract beast is so fast, the contract beast and the owner are the result of mutual choice and fate. Compared with direct sales, the price will be different.

Two hundred purple gold coins... He still hasn't paid off the money from the commission.

Ning Chu sighed silently and stood up: "I don't have that much money for the time being... Can you keep it for me temporarily? I will definitely buy it."

Dragon race is wild and difficult to tame. Unlike ordinary monsters, Ning Chu felt that they were not suitable for contract beasts.

This cloud-winged dragon, Ning Chu wants to release it, or find a way to bring it back to Dragon Island.

His ability is limited now, and he can't do more, but since he has encountered it, he can't sit back and ignore it.

"Of course you can," Donald was very cheerful. When he saw the cloud-winged dragon eating the second piece of meat thrown by Ning Chu, he couldn't help but say, "Could it be that you have a special dragon training skill?"

In the two days that this cloud-winged dragon just came back, many students came to try it to see if they could accept it as a contract beast, but unfortunately they all failed.

In order to survive, the monsters will become easier to tame in order to survive, but the cloud-winged dragon seems to be the opposite.

It refuses to be domesticated, and refuses to eat, and would rather give up life than become a human contract beast. Donald has long given up hope for its destination.

How to train a dragon? Ning Chu shook his head, mostly because the three cubs beat it last time, it was so obedient.

But...Ning Chu thought thoughtfully: "I do know what it likes."

For example, the hay on the bottom of the cage, although it looks soft and comfortable, but cloud-winged dragons do not like it, they prefer dry and hard wood, which can be used to sharpen their claws better.

At Ning Chu's suggestion, Donald ordered someone to look for wood and gained a new understanding of Ning Chu: "May I ask, how did you know this?"

Ning Chu was talking nonsense, saying that the hay was cut open by the cloud-winged dragon, which proved that it did not like it, and the bottom of the iron cage was full of scratches, so I guessed like this.

Donald was stunned for a moment. He felt that what Ning Chu said made sense, but he also felt that something was not right.

The second battle is about to start, the subordinates come here to find Donald, and the topic is forced to be interrupted.

Before leaving the animal training farm, Ning Chu looked at the cloud-winged dragon in the cage: "I'll see you tomorrow."

The second battle was still Ning Chu's victory, and in the following two days, he had played seven games in total since he participated in the arena, without a single defeat.

Because the people who challenged him are all ranked below 20, Ning Chu did not add many points, and currently only ranks 39th.

But the students have long been discussing who will win if this mysterious newcomer faces Wusi.

Wuss has always been the invincible **** of the arena, and although Ning Chu has less than ten games, he beat his opponents too fast each time, easily and as if he did not show his true strength. It looks like a second witch.

So everyone is looking forward to whether Ning Chu will take the initiative to challenge Wusi, who is ranked first in the standings.

And just at this time, Wus came back.

The principal's office, the tutor reported the record of this outing to participate in the exchange meeting, and left with Wusi.

In the corridor, Wusi asked aloud, "What happened to the Mystery Forest?"

The tutor turned over the recent school log in his hand and said: "I heard that a few humans broke in and angered the fire dragon there..."

Wusse thought, impossible.

There are many dragons in the Mysterious City Forest. No matter how disrespectful the Red Flame Dragon is, it will not set fire to the forest. This is definitely something strange.

He wants to take a look at the Mysterious Capital Forest, and by the way, look for the trace of the Red Flame Dragon.

Wusse quickened his pace, and the instructor held a magic wand behind him and put a pestle on the ground: "You stand for me."

"The forest is blocked by the church people, you can't go there," the instructor guessed what he wanted to do, and rambled on, "I always like to join in the fun, what's there to see? Come back to me. Review your homework."

Wusse frowned when he heard this, and turned his head in the other direction: "I'm going to Crow Market."

He has to find Chi Yanlong and ask about the situation. The Raven Market has the most people and may be able to find out some news.

When he came to Raven Market, the first thing Wusi heard was news about the newcomers to the arena.

Seeing Wusi appear, the more courageous students gathered up the courage to ask him: "Wusse, did the newcomer send you a challenge letter?"

Wuth was not interested in this and looked away: "No."

The crowd around was talking, and some people said: "Who is that newcomer? Does anyone know?"

"Don't show your face..." Another person shook his head, "I asked several senior classmates, and they all said they didn't know this person named Ning..."

Wusse paused and turned around: "What's his name?"

Ning Chu also heard the news of Wu Si's return from the blog.

Bowen is a big fan of Wusi. He kept mentioning him to Ning Chu during the theory class, guessing whether he would face "Ning" in the arena and who would win.

Ning Chu nodded as he listened, and followed the blog post and said, "Then it's definitely better for Wusi to win."

What he thought in his mind was that he would not challenge Wusi, and Wusi would probably not come to challenge him.

On the one hand, he does not know the true strength of Wusi, and on the other hand, it is because of Wusi's dragon.

Even if others don't know it, it is indeed a real dragon. Ning Chu didn't want to face the bantam dragon in the arena.

However, things backfired. That afternoon, Ning Chu received the battle book from the arena.

The two people who participated in the battle were randomly selected tonight, namely him and Wus.

Ning Chu found Donald for the first time, with an indescribable expression: "Did you do this on purpose?"

Donald looked innocent: "Why do you think so? The selected candidates are completely random. This is the will of the gods, and no one can control it... Do you want to abstain?"

Ning Chu really had this plan, he said helplessly: "I'll consider it."

He went back to the dormitory and Bo Wen was not there.

Three cubs lay on the box with dragon eggs under the bed, Ning Chu took it out and rubbed its head: "Sansan, I'm so nervous."

The three cubs "wooed" and pressed his chin with their paws.

"I'm going to fight a very powerful person," Ning Chu said in distress, "I'm afraid I will lose."

He had a strange intuition that Wurth was different from the other students.


Impossible to lose!

There is only one thing under the bed that will make him care so much, and that is the dragon egg.

"What's the matter?" Ning Chu pulled out the box and opened it. The dragon egg inside lay down peacefully. The pattern on the eggshell was much brighter than before.

The three cubs lay on the side of the box and stared at the dragon egg, and Ning Chu couldn't help but get nervous.

Ning Chu gently picked up the dragon egg to examine it carefully, at this time the dragon egg in his hand seemed to move.

Ning Chu: "!!"

Not sure if it was his own delusion, he put the dragon egg on the hay again and stared at it without blinking.

One person and one dragon held their breath for a long time at the dragon egg, but the dragon egg was quiet and there was no difference.

Ning Chu opened the game data card, and the status of the five cubs was still "incubating".

He was slightly disappointed and picked up the three cubs: "We have to wait."

But if the dragon egg really moved just now, it also proves that the five cubs are about to break their shells.

After breaking the shell, he needs to prepare enough food, vitamins, etc... Not only the money for raising dragon cubs, but also the cloud-winged dragon in the animal farm is waiting for him to buy.

Tonight's match against Wurse, the odds must be very high, if he can win...

Ning Chu made up her mind, looked up at the magic clock on the wall, and rubbed Sanzai's little head again: "I'm going out, waiting for my good news."

The news spread that the newcomer is going to fight against Wurse, and the Raven Market was crowded today.

Ning Chu spent a lot of energy to squeeze into the betting round table and spend thirty purple gold coins to buy himself to win.

Afterwards, he came to the arena from the backstage.

Donald had been waiting for him for a long time, and there was no surprise on his face when he saw him.

He handed him Ning Chu's clothes and mask, and patted his shoulder: "Good luck."

Ning Chu changed his clothes and took a deep breath.

He raised all the game values ​​by one degree, and there were a few walnuts in his pocket.

Facing the Bantam Dragon, Ning Chu was not completely sure, maybe he could use these to distract it.

Prepare everything, Ning Chu brought the Buckler to enter.

It was still very lively outside the venue.

To Ning Chu's surprise, Wu Si entered the field one step ahead of him, and was looking at him on the opposite side.

Wusse never wears a school uniform, always dressed in black with an indifferent expression, there is no Bantam dragon beside him, probably he has not been released.

When Ning Chu was looking at Wu Si, Wu Si was also looking at him.

The man in the distance was wrapped tightly, with a thin body, and the mask he wore looked a bit bulky.

Will it be him?

The staff asked the two to shake hands and bow, Ning Chu just took a step, Wu Si opened his lips and said, "Let's start directly."

Ning Chu was taken aback and nodded in agreement.

When the staff left the stage, Ning Chu raised the spirit of twelve points and prepared for the challenge.

He raised the round shield in his left hand to block in front of him, and a flame rose from the palm of his right hand.

Wusse stared at the flame in Ning Chu's hand, he didn't move, and he didn't release the contract beast.

Just when Ning Chu was puzzled, he suddenly heard Wu Si say: "I admit defeat."

The audience suddenly became noisy, and Ning Chu was even more confused.

What did he just say? admit defeat?

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