MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 167 our world

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After finishing the last sentence, Yi Xiao turned off the live broadcaster neatly. He was too lazy to listen to other people ’s reactions and feedback. During the federal time, he was better to accompany his family. After all, he will face the test of life and death again tomorrow, although he said to the group of people in the federal He was full of confidence, but he knew only how sure he was.

The consequence of General Yi doing this is that the entire Federation has exploded. Everyone dropped the mouse, the keyboard, and the table to express their anger—too much, too much! Never seen such a arrogant guy! Without a word of silence, you gave everyone a live broadcast of the Federation, no matter what you are doing to force everyone to listen to you. Just say what you said, but you did n’t accept any questions halfway through the interview. After you finished the audience, every sentence in the first half was saying that the federal people should die, and every sentence in the second half was showing off. You have a soul mate! I have never seen such a brazen person! Everyone waited for a while and waited for what you would like to do after your speech. As a result, you just shut down after you talked? !! Nima is even more disturbing than suddenly forcibly inserting the live broadcast! !!

Some temperamental youths went directly to the presidential palace of the Federal President and went to a protest demonstration one after another. Such people are their national heroes, and it is their federal shame! !!

Therefore, I have to say that Yi Zhonger is very prescient. The bad things were thrown to the big leader, and the big leader's mood at this time was like a beeping dog. During Yi Xiao's speech, he was always worried about what this guy would say reactionary or discredit the federation, and this guy The whole process is in Tucao and Xiu Ai! Said he was very happy to see that everyone was fiercely anti-voicing that Yi Xiao said that he was a shame for the Commonwealth, but what made him so depressed was that it was obviously Yi Xiao who was being scolded, but he had to come out and clean up the mess.

The big commander sighed in his heart and comforted himself not to be in a hurry with people in the second stage of the disease. It seems that he is a second of the brain, so forgive him.

The big commander took his own hands to deal with the follow-up, and the six younger brothers of Yi Xiao, such as Zachs and Wen Quan, looked at their boss with some worry. In fact, all six of them secretly entered the abyss black hole. It's just that they just probed around the edge and when they couldn't stand it, they came out with the dumbest physical method. So they knew how terrible the abyss black hole was.

Yi Xiao entered the abyss black hole once, and it was already a life of nine deaths. This second time, why does the boss think he can come back completely safely?

Zacks snorted: "Boss, big deal, let's directly reverse the judgment of the Federation. I think Dasat must be more worried about your safety, you don't need to ..."

Yi Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows: "You think I said this under the pressure of the Commonwealth? You may be wrong. I really decided to pull a federation. Except for the reason of my family Azhu, although you said Most of them are orphans, but there are some group friends who live in the Federation. After you were born and died with me for so many years, I ca n’t take you to the point of betrayal because of myself. Then live wantonly, Although the rebellious departure was arbitrary, it was not chic, and I was not willing to do it. "

A few people in Zackswin did not expect that they were also within the consideration of the boss. Instantly their hearts were shaking. Shi Lei even stepped forward and said, "Boss, I will go with you." The result was directly directed by Yi Xiao. Taunted: "Do you think it's not hard enough for me to get into the black hole? What do you bring with you? Should you be a grain reserve?"

Shi Lei felt that he was going to be petrified.

Wen Quan coughed: "Then you can rest assured that in the days you are away. We will definitely guard the Dire Legion and the nineteen planets belonging to our legion. Everyone is waiting for your triumph."

Yi Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then he looked at the light ball held tightly by him in his hands, and held up and gestured to these six people: "Seeing clearly, this is your grandma. Soul. The abyss black hole is very damaging to the mind. I don't plan to take you in, so you must guard him. At all costs. "

Xiao Xiao nodded quickly: "You can rest assured that even if I die, I won't let Dasao die! We will surely wait for you to come back!"

Yi Xiao gave him a "you are very good" look.

As a "bright sphere of light," Mr. Ren sneered in his heart. This guy probably thinks that the whole federation is the hellest thing, and he has left everything to him. Therefore, such an important matter is the same as the person who informs the Federation. It is decided without consulting with himself. Really, I am the boss, I want to take the risk of being a hero. When I come back, I will let you kneel in front of all the federals and wash the clothesboard, so that everyone can see the stewards of the ancient earth.

But before that, he had another more important thing to do.

That night, almost all the adults in the Federation couldn't sleep at night. As soon as they closed their eyes, they thought that Yi Xiao would go to the abyss black hole again tomorrow, and then they would start to think unconsciously whether he could succeed? If they can succeed, what will they do afterwards? Thanks for this federal hero? But let's be honest, he was too embarrassing today. What if it doesn't work? Deserved gloat? In this case, they are very similar to those guys who took the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to curse their mother. Alas, no matter what the outcome is? It ’s so confusing!

However, Yi Xiao took a good night's sleep holding his bamboo ball. When he flew to the entrance of the black hole the next day, he was extremely energetic, as if he had done something extraordinary. However, everyone knows that it is impossible.

At this time, the tens of billions of people in the federation are still watching the live broadcast. It's just that this time it's not mandatory, but everyone can't help but start to pay attention to such a big event. Regardless of the end of this time, they must have the courage to witness in person. Similarly, whether they hate Yi Xiao or worship Yi Xiao, they have to respect this well-deserved federal hero. At least, push yourself and others, they can't do it.

The crowd watched Yi Xiao stand not far from the black hole in the abyss, and reluctantly gave the light ball she had been holding to Zacks.

In the next scenario, General Yi should enter his Dire Mech and challenge the abyss black hole again.

However, the light ball seemed unhappy.

Uh ... it floated out of Zacks's arms, and then followed General Yi.

Owners of the Federation: "..." Oh, it is estimated that the companion of the general is reluctant to leave the general and needs to be comforted.

However, General Yi comforted him for more than ten minutes, and it seemed that his eggs were useless.

Everyone in the Federation: "..." Hiss, what's going on? what! I call you so arrogant! You are arrogant again! No matter how arrogant you can't control your wife!

Everyone saw that General Yi was very angry and turned around several times, pointing at the light ball, what did he say? However, the light ball floated far from there. When General Yi was going to forcefully capture the light ball, this light request actually shook the place twice, it seemed to be saying "haha" and then went straight to the abyss black hole!

At this time everyone was scratching their heads to hear their conversation, and then accidentally Yi Xiao just hit the microphone switch, so the voice of General Yi, known as the first wife of the Commonwealth, was heard throughout the Federation. : "Why are you so stingy! It ’s so dangerous, okay, don't go any further, am I afraid you will not do it? Is it okay if I take you with me? You just rely on me to like you! ! "

Everyone in the federation: "Oh." Before dying, don't forget to throw dog food.

However, giving the general's wife a commendation and living together is really a super premium dog food.

Afterwards, everyone finally saw General Yi reluctantly holding his wife into the mech. Then watched him dash into the abyss black hole without fear. And then, it just waited. Hope this time, they can wait for a wonderful result.

The day after General Yi entered the abyss black hole, the Federal Institute observed a sharp fluctuation in the abyss black hole. The fluctuations are so great that even the people of the Federation can see with the naked eye.

On the third day of General Yi ’s entry into the abyss black hole, the abyss black hole began to expand rapidly. As a result, the entire federation was in a state of preparation for war. Everyone couldn't help but sigh, this time it is estimated that General Yi was not as lucky as before.

But another three days passed. That is, in the early morning of the sixth day when Yi Xiao and Ren Zhu entered the abyss black hole, Gen. Yi ’s number one brother at the Federal Institute was extremely excited to find a black mech at the entrance of the abyss black hole! !! Even though the black mecha was shabby and shabby, and even his right arm was gone, he still recognized it at a glance. This was General Yi ’s mech “Night Wing”!

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Look, look, look !!!! General Yi is out! Everyone look at it! Our hero! Our general is out!"

This sentence awakened the entire Federation. At the same time, General Yi's number one brother was also written into the history book of the Federation because of this incident and became one of the examination questions.

When everyone started the live broadcast with black eyes and great excitement, the deputy heads of the Dire Legion who had been standing beside the abyss black hole were excited to rush forward, but Ben stopped the pace , Quickly turned and fled.

The excited federal crowd heard the second sentence again:

"All troops and people within 100,000 light years of the black hole's radius quickly opened their jumping points and evacuated! The core of the black hole has been destroyed and the abyss black hole is about to explode !!"

"Repeat it again! All troops and people within 100,000 light-years from the black hole's radius quickly start jumping points to evacuate! The core of the black hole has been destroyed and the abyss black hole is about to explode!"

Five minutes later, the federal people who watched the live broadcast saw the world's quietest and most memorable Big Bang.

The explosion was silent, but deafening in the hearts of every federal people.

After a long period of stagnation, the federal people who finally accepted this miracle began to cheer uncontrollably. They hugged everyone and everything they could hug, screamed frantically, shouted to vent their joy and excitement. All the merchants directly launched a free big gift event, and the school was directly on holiday. Even the chief commander was sitting in his own position, watching the black mech that landed in the cosmic starry sky, unspeakably red eyes. .

On July 7, 2750, the new calendar of the Commonwealth, a thousand-year-old abyss black hole shrouded in federal history was destroyed by General Yi. Since then, the federation has entered a period that historians will call the "hundred years of glory". Development period. In this century, countless geniuses have emerged in the Federation. Whether in the arts, sciences, politics or military, these geniuses can be seen. Although during this period, many people were exaggerated because of the black hole and ashes, there was Yi Xiao, the general who was called the Poseidon needle, and his Dire Army Corps. None of them was able to turn the waves.

In addition, from time to time, the historians and gossips of later generations must come up with thoughts, tangles, and sighs, as well as Yi Xiao, the first federal general's companion, Ren Zhu.

Historians agree that the Federation can have a period of rapid development of "hundred years of glory" and has a direct relationship with General Yi Yi's partner, Ren Zhu, who is known as the greatest educator in federal history. The gossip parties calculated that among the 100 outstanding heroes that emerged during the century of glory, there are 63 exaggerated students who are direct students of this teacher. And of the remaining 37 people, there are still 27 people who have attended the teacher's lesson. As for the remaining 10 people, it doesn't matter anymore?

Oh, they all said they had read Ren's book.

This pair of characters who have been written at the top of the "Glory Centuries of Glory" no matter how long it takes, will make people who stop here look up and shocked.

Life is like this, Fang Xianyingjie is true.

However, um, after lamenting this sentence, everyone will always add a sentence: "Unfortunately, General Yi is a strict wife." Or "Dare to let any teacher be a partner, General Yi is really a god."

At this time of the year, General Yi was coming out of his tattered mech, which shocked Zachs that his general was holding a seemingly naked body in his arms. A young man in a fur coat? !! General Kan Yi looked at the man with a very tender look on his face, and everyone was shocked! shock! It's up!

No, what kind of ghost is this? !! You come out with such a fruit boy, Dasao, he knows? !! expensive? !!

(End of full text)

The author has something to say:

Ah ha ha ha ha, it's over! Finish, finish, it's over! !! Sprinkle flowers ~~~~~

Yes, you read that right! No more back! Give your own brain to make up the things in the black hole, needless to say that person is Dasao himself!

I personally think that this ending is the best, it is crisp and clear, and a little bit unwilling. Does not carry water. Of course, tomorrow, there will still be a little mention of black holes and physical matters. After all, the protagonist of tomorrow is that our teacher Ren educates bear children daily.

Um, 0-0 tomorrow, at 5 pm, the first chapter of the new article is out. Let's watch the new story together. muah.

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