MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 161 Save the brain

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President Wang is the daughter of Professor Wang Lao, and is also the current head of the Education Alliance who Ren Zhu respects and likes very much. She is a very powerful data analysis and medical master. She has an S-level mental strength and is responsible for the research and analysis of many vital events.

In the face of the question from the commander-in-chief, there was no panic on Dean Wang's face. She just sorted her hair slightly and then said quietly: "Although I don't think that thing can change our current predicament, In other words, it will bring a lot of variables, but since Yunlian has already said it, I will introduce that thing to everyone. "

After Dean Wang said, his fingers were slightly in the air, and a very beautiful jade-white lotus stand made up of lasers appeared in front of everyone. On the lotus stand, different colors, The large and small light **** look gorgeous and dreamy at a glance, which are beautiful things that girls like very much.

Professor Wang's voice sounded at this time: "This is what the educational alliance explorer Tu Long found or bought when he explored the Atos wing planet a year and a half ago. That planet at that time There are already other races on the planet. They found this white jade lotus stand from the treasure room of the patriarchs of the Atos, but they thought it was just a very beautiful decoration, so they sent it to the auction. "

"After seeing this thing at the auction site, Tu Long did not hesitate to shoot it at a high price. It is also a coincidence that if he was changed to any other person at the time, he would not be as hesitant as Tu Long. .Because others will surely be unable to find the difference of this lotus platform like the locals. But because Tu Long is very sensitive to human feelings and ideas, he can even directly describe what kind of genes this person carries. . So at first glance at the Lotus Terrace, he felt that the thing was related to people's thinking. When he returned, he gave the thing directly to the Institute of Educational Union for research. "

Professor Wang glanced at the woman whose hair had covered her eyes and continued: "After one year of research, we can be sure that this lotus platform is indeed a great invention of the Astorians. It can capture us The thoughts and thoughts of people or things that you can't see or feel around. You should see the colorful light **** in this lotus platform? These light **** are the free thoughts it captures. After we analyze it, I found that these ideas have animals, humans, and some plants, and they will reflect different pictures and memories. For a period of time, I even thought that this machine was an artifact, not only because we haven't found it yet. The place is as if it is really just a lotus platform carved from white jade. It is also because if you can capture a certain idea and put it into the body of a simulated person, does it mean that you have the idea? Rebirth? It's like continuation of the soul way that people use after death. "

Having said that, everyone who heard her around couldn't help but jump in their hearts. Everyone's eyes suddenly became hot. I didn't expect this jade-like lotus platform was so powerful, it was like Can make people immortal. But before they imagined how they would use this lotus platform to ensure that they would not die, the voice of Dean Wang sounded again.

"Looking at everyone's expressions, I know that you must have thought of the same thing as me, but I can say for sure that whatever you think, what you imagine is wrong. I did an experiment specifically for this. A very smart and dying dog, who has made great achievements and is very nostalgic for his owner. At that time, I obtained the consent of his owner. After his death, he prepared a mechanically simulated dog body and arranged it in the dog's brain I have a bionic brain that is very suitable for thinking. I want to try to bring this dog back through this lotus platform. "

"But it turns out that no one or anything can violate the rules that existed in the world of birth, illness, death, and death. Baiyu Lotus Terrace did capture the thinking that belongs to that dog, and its thinking was the most in all thought **** at that time. The bright and dazzling one, I remember that it was a group of orange-yellow very warm thoughts, and even this thought ball had a reaction to the call of its owner and its name. Then we took a pious attitude This year the ball was put into the brain of the robot dog, but in the end we failed. The idea ball started to weaken after leaving the white jade lotus stand. The robot dog happily rushed to its owner, that The picture I think I may never forget. It is very touching, but in less than three hours, we monitored the ball of thoughts in the simulated brain and began to weaken a little bit, and finally This orange-yellow idea ball lasted only four hours, and it was goodbye to his master again. "

Dean Wang said that with a sigh in her voice, she shook her head with a look of disapproval when she looked at the crowd and smiled: "I know you may be lucky, but let me tell you some data. In this year we I tried to save those thoughts in various ways and wanted them to be reborn. However, we failed hundreds of millions of times. So far, no one can stay away from the white jade lotus stage and exist for a long time. The longest thought ball In the special mental energy hood we made, it only existed for half a year, and it died out silently after half a year. Of all the experimental products, only that one spiritual ball persisted for half a year, and the other was the longest. Only months. "

"That ’s why I said that this discovery has no effect on our current situation, but according to the conversation you just made, I really need to admit that if you want to make a machine that clears the evil thoughts of black holes, then the white jade lotus platform captures The bright and warm thoughts I have received should be the best nemesis to eliminate that evil thought. "

Having said that, Dean Wang's brow suddenly moved, and she shook her head with a smile: "This is really ironic. What kind of race is the Astors? They were easily destroyed by us. However, what they left has caused the Federation to experience more than 800 years of fear. Now it seems like a prophet has long made the Lotus Terrace to end fear. Ah, I just forgot to say that this white jade lotus platform seems It only captures those warm, bright and kind thoughts. It never captures those evil thoughts or the dark, depressing thoughts. "

There was a silence in the lobby of the research center, and those patriarchs who had hot eyes jumped in their hearts. It would n’t be good if the Baiyu Lotus Terrace only captures the kind thoughts. After all, it is possible to become a head of a family. A hint of darkness? I do n’t know how to answer it, but everyone felt the ridicule and ridicule. After 800 years, the federation they had been developing again looked back at the race 800 years ago and still felt the huge gap. . Whether scientific or spiritual.

After the silence, the Grand Commander took a deep breath: "President Wang, you should tell us such things in advance, rather than let the Education Alliance enjoy this important existence. Regardless of the invention of the black hole core and the white jade lotus platform, What does the Stoker think, the only thing for our Federation to do is to eliminate the abyss black hole. Since there is a possible existence that can destroy the abyss black hole without sacrificing people, then in the next time The entire federation will make every effort to create a machine of good thoughts that can eliminate the black hole. This news will be blocked for the time being, and the federal people will be informed when there is results. And everyone will reduce the pressure. "

The chief commander has spoken, and the people in the institute have no other issues to say. Everyone quickly spreads out and starts to do what they need to do. At this time, Ren Zhu had watched Yi Xiao scourge a lot of rare plants on Bai Yuxing, and the guards who followed them to protect them from incidentally preventing Yi Xiao's sudden runaway all saw their teeth grin, thinking that These rare plants that were scourged by Yi Xiao are worth their annual salary.

Sure enough, if you want to become a rich and handsome, you still need to become a genius or an elite.

Walking and walking, the two reached the side of a building with a starry sky dome. Ren Zhu looked at the building and said quietly. He just missed the royal court because he accompanied Yi Xiao to pick out the grass. He sent him a message asking him to go to the Federal Institute. At this point they just happened to be here, so check it out.

White feather star is the top three planets in federal importance. In addition to the above, it is the best medical planet, there are also important, various federal research institutes. This includes the top institute, the Federal Institute. The reason why the Institute is also placed on this planet, in addition to the strict guard here, but also because the people who can generally enter the Institute are the more important talents of the Federation, the Federation must guarantee their health to the greatest extent health. Coincidentally, these researchers are basically older, and they always need a variety of medical treatments, so the institute is next to the hospital.

"What are you staring at this research institute? Is there anything you care about?" Yi Xiao had already found the spiritual grass he needed at this time, anyway, no matter whether these spirit grass has the spiritual power he once remembered, as long as He found it, and everyone went with him if it was no trouble.

Ren Zhu nodded: "Previously, the aunt dean asked me to come here for a meeting, but now they may have left the meeting."

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows: "What's this, just go in and see. Then let them tell you the content of the meeting." After speaking, Yi Xiao took Ren Zhu directly to the institute, and the institute's The guards saw them in the first place and responded very quickly. They informed the head of the institute sensitively, so they did not stop them at this time.

Naturally, the person in charge, Dean Wang, will not prevent the two geniuses and heroes from coming in.

Neither Ren Zhu nor Yi Xiao came to the institute for the first time. Even Yi Xiao's personality has come several times in ten years. However, this time it seemed that the atmosphere was very different. Ren Zhu went straight to Dean Wang. Dean Wang saw him and smiled directly, as if he saw his beloved student: "Xiao Zhu, you are here . "

Ren Zhu nodded: "I think the atmosphere inside is a little um ... heavy and nervous? What happened?"

Dean Wang smiled slightly when she heard this, she glanced at Yi Xiao next to her, and motioned to the two to follow her to the parlor. When she got there, she told Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao what had just been discussed in the meeting room.

"White jade lotus stage?" Yi Xiao said before Ren Zhu gave a response. He showed a rare expression of interest, and said with a bit of suspicion and expectation: "Can I take a look if it is convenient? Maybe that thing is a treasure of heaven and earth formed after millions of years, it is not something made by the Astors at all. Otherwise, it does n’t make sense that so many of you have studied it for a year and a half and have n’t developed one Is n’t it? So it must be a treasure. "

"For guys like you who do n’t understand any spiritual ability, you definitely ca n’t understand it completely. It ’s definitely an overkill for you to use it to extract people ’s thoughts. If you let me take a look Maybe you can find something more important and its magical function that you have overlooked! So let me take a look at it? "

When Dean Wang heard him say this, his mind was slightly moved. Indeed, the white jade lotus stand seemed strangely strange to her. Even if it was said that it was made of white jade, that white jade was tested after the substance test. The white jade in people's understanding is very different. It is harder than all known jade. She had always thought about high-tech that she couldn't reach. Did she always think wrong? Should I think about myths and legends?

Thinking of this, Dean Wang and Yi Xiao discussed for a while, and the last two decided to go to the Research Center of the Education Alliance to take a look at the white jade lotus stage after a while. When the two of them finally managed to talk, they turned around and found that Ren Zhu seemed to frown and remained silent from the beginning.

Yi Xiao jumped inexplicably in his heart. He reached out and grabbed Ren Zhu's hand directly: "What are you thinking?" His expression seemed a bit fierce, but Ren Zhu was not afraid. He was just a little ... weird.

"... I thought of a more important thing. I may need to be quiet. Otherwise, you will go first."

"I don't." Before Xiao Zhu finished speaking, Yi Xiao raised her eyebrows and refused: "I can stay by your side quietly without speaking, but you must let me look at you, I will not disturb you, but definitely not Will leave you. "

Dean Wang listened to Yi Xiao ’s words and could n’t help but felt that the child was too eh, talked, thinking that although Yi Xiao was a bit fierce and had a schizophrenic problem, but according to his own family The importance of bamboo, in fact, handing it over to him is also reassuring.

And Ren Zhu was so fierce that he couldn't help the old heart beat, his face blushed, and he snored, giving Yi Xiao a white eye: "Okay, okay, are you okay? Let ’s go and take a look at the white jade lotus stand together, and then I will think about my business and take you?

King Yi then nodded to express his satisfaction. So the three stood up and walked towards the Institute of Education Alliance. Who is with them is Professor Wang, several other professors, and their assistants. Now that the Grand Commander has said it, they will go and study how magical the white jade lotus stand is.

When I saw Baiyu Lotus Terrace, even Ren Zhu, who had already gone through several worlds, was instantly taken away by his extreme beauty. By the time he reacted, he was already standing beside the white jade lotus stand like everyone else, watching it shine through the spiritual energy hood, which was so beautiful.

Compared with other people's pure praise for its beauty, Ren Zhu also felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He seems to have a natural affinity for this white jade lotus stand, and he seems to be familiar with it. This inexplicable familiarity made him feel a bit panic subconsciously. In addition to the possibility he had previously thought of in the reception room, Ren Zhu felt that the imagination he had imagined was an incredible but inexplicable band. With great persuasion.

He stepped back slowly, he thought, he couldn't wait until later, and now he needs a quiet place to think about some things-such as the system that has existed from the first world, such as why he can One by one, through the world, why can he have almost eternal life? And most importantly, why the system tells him that he can discover the truth here.

Sitting in a chair, Ren Zhu stared at the white jade lotus stand with his eyes on his head, thinking to himself, the system is right, he should now really discover the truth that he has experienced through all these lifetimes.

He slowly raised his left hand and looked at the exquisite terminal on his wrist that was equivalent to a micro high-end computer. He said, "System, at this time, should you tell me something? ? "

However, he did not get any answer.

Ren Zhu's expression did not change, but he took a deep breath and said:

"Well, let me change the subject."

"System, am I just a consciousness? A consciousness captured by Baiyu Lotus Terrace to purify evil thoughts? And the main object of my purification is Yi Xiao? Therefore, I can meet in every life he?"

When Ren Zhu uttered the second paragraph, a sudden high-decibel noise that could almost penetrate the eardrum sounded in his ear, which made him feel dizzy, and he raised his eyes by touching his head. At that time, I saw Yi Xiao staring at him with wide eyes. It was as if he heard the murmur he had just murmured.

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