MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 134 Save the second attack

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Yi Xiao watched Ren Zhugao happily and talked with the three women and two men for a while, teaching experience, such as how to deal with disobedient bear children, how to instantly Having grasped their purpose and responding, if it wasn't for Ren Zhu's computer terminal that the minor's Internet access time was up and couldn't be addicted to the Internet, Yi Xiao felt that this group of people could exchange experiences and communicate tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, the anti-addiction system for minors is a must!

However, before the three women and two men left, they and Ren Xiaozhu signed an "Education League Reserve Recruitment Contract" online. From then on, Ren Zhu ’s standard of living will have a qualitative leap, and he wo n’t have to find it on Star Network after taking on the task. He can directly enter the base of the Star Online Education Alliance and view the mission information. Bigger task now. The most important thing is that as long as he has the contract of the Education Alliance, others will never despise him because of his young age. Don't look down on Ren Zhu ’s process of entering the Education Alliance so smoothly, but this is definitely a coincidence. More often, many teachers who think they have a good level go to the Education Alliance to recommend themselves, and then they are deeply reflected on their education level and professional level.

Teacher Ren Xiao said that in the face of absolute strength, everything looks like a paper tiger. Well, this is really very happy.

And when Ren took off the terminal of Xingwang. When lying on the bed, Yi Xiao opened his account by the side, raised his eyebrows, and indifferently reminded: "You better not say this thing. Although this It ’s a matter of pride. You may be the youngest educational elite in the entire education alliance that they recognize, but the hatred of bear children is very brainless. Even if you can cope, it is best to keep a low profile. . "

Ren Zhu laughed: "I know. It sounds like making a lot of money. And I won't show it off. I really want to contribute to the education of mankind."

Yi Zhonger, Yi Zhonger again felt that his teeth were beginning to hurt. This little bamboo stick is all good, but he likes to remember small books and likes to be a teacher. He didn't know how anyone would like these two things. Shouldn't children like his age like food, beautiful clothes, and stylish mechas? Why is this guy so special and likes to teach?

Yi Xiao thought this way, and then shook himself again. Forget it, anyway, this bamboo pole can't teach him the bad luck of the bear children, let them go, that's life.

Ren Zhu was watching Lu Nan at the moment, which is the attention point of the education alliance that the handsome guy transferred to him. Then he was surprised to find that in the entire education alliance, the number of reserve forces reached 4,000! In other words, there are only a thousand elites in the true alliance education. There is no need to guess how excellent and outstanding those thousand people are, and it is estimated that the healthy competition in the education alliance is also fierce. Think about it. In the future, you will have to compete with 4,000 people. Teacher Ren welcomes it very much. One person is short and the two are long. The educational cause is to continue to improve!

Moreover, even if it is the salary of the reserve service, 10,000 federal currency a month, and 80% of the income from doing tasks, he must now enter the league's well-off living standard.

Very satisfied and very nice. Therefore, Mr. Ren, who is in a very good mood, definitely wants to share this joyful mood. In addition, the food of the Star of Wisdom is really delicious. Eat the buffet of Star of Wisdom. I'm rich. "

Yi Zhonger: "..." This sense of crisis is deprived of fun!

"I pay." Yi Xiao said categorically: "Otherwise I won't eat."

Ren Zhu: "..." Forget it, since you want to be the head of injustice, I won't rob you. Big deal, save your brain damage, when it returns.

For the next five days, Ren Zhu's life was very regular and calm. He quickly learns and absorbs the knowledge in this world. Except for a lot of scientific knowledge and mecha knowledge beyond other worlds, he masters all the knowledge of literary history and powers extremely quickly and accurately. This terrible speed made Yi Xiao feel terrible when he looked at him. He asked himself that he was also a very unscrupulous cultivator, but now it looks far worse than this little bamboo pole—see He is studying and mastering a book almost a day, and he has a little bit to review his own learning situation.

However, the five days also allowed the patience of Soya's people to reach their limit, how could they never have thought that a person could go to such a point! He doesn't do anything except sleep, eat and study every day! If you do n’t watch the beautiful girls ’dance, do n’t watch the handsome lads compete, or chase the Mecha stars, the three-point line is simply boring, and at the same time, they have no way to start.

But they can't wait forever like this! They have all received Soya's deposit, and some families still have to rely on Soya's family to do things. If things continue to drag on, Soya is dissatisfied, and they can't eat and go away.

So, they decided to create an opportunity without a chance, and sent someone.

So, when Ren Zhu came out of the classroom door on this day, he was hit by a little girl who ran over head-on. Ren Zhu only took two steps backwards. The little girl who was smaller than him seemed to be direct. It was knocked to the ground.

"Woohoo ..."

The little girl started crying without saying a word. Although Ren Zhu felt that he was unjust, but he regarded himself as an adult. He couldn't watch a little girl cry like this in his face, so he could only sigh and put the book Put it in the backpack behind him and said to the little girl, "Are you okay? I will take you to the medical room?"

The little girl no longer cried when she heard this, and nodded.

Xingkong Academy is not the only medical room because of its very large area. Ren Zhu plans to go to the eastern medical room with a little girl. But this little girl was unwilling. She must go to that medical room in the west anyway. She said that she had her brother in that medical room, and she was more assured to go there.

Ren Zhu quietly glanced at the little girl and finally nodded. "Okay, then I'll go with you."

The little girl laughed, and there was still a little smug in her eyes.

The medical room of the West School is a relatively remote place. From the third-grade classroom, there is a mimic forest. The mimic forest simulates the various environments of the forest, but there are no large beasts in it. There are many small lovers here, but today, there are no small couples in the forest. Instead, there are seven or eight individuals who are as strong as cattle. The students are waiting here, and looking at the fierce expression on their faces, they know that they are definitely not waiting for their sweetheart.

The little girl seemed to have no worries after bringing Ren Zhu here. She had been limping with her legs before, and she could jump around now. Ren Zhu looked at her like this, and her mouth twitched slightly: "Aren't you pretending?"

The little girl turned her head: "You have already entered the forest, what else do I pretend to do?" She laughed and said: "Anyway, you will be beaten by those fierce big brothers today, and then I will get My beloved, want to buy skirts! "

Ren Zhu looked at the little girl: "In order to buy a skirt and deceive a person like this, don't you think your approach is wrong?"

The little girl snorted: "You've been fooled by me, you're stupid. You can't come anyway. You're ashamed of being cheated and complaining to others."

Teacher Ren Xiao concluded that the three views of the little girl were not correct. But now is not the time to pack her, the seven or eight big seniors are already standing in front of him.

"Boy! Someone wants to buy us a big lesson. You'd better be good and don't defy resistance. At best, it's just ten days and a half months to break an arm. If you resist, we are not sure if we will take you His legs were also interrupted. "After saying this, the seven or eight people flocked up, not that they understood the reason why the villain died of too much talk, but that they had waited for a full five days, and really did not want to delay any more. Time is up.

When they rushed over, Ren Zhu had gathered their mental strength to use the "teacher's punishment" to teach them to be good. It was just before he spoke and acted that suddenly two young men in white uniforms and with golden badges appeared in the forest. One of them stunned a big student with one punch, and the other was the one in his hand. As soon as a rose flower was flung, three people were **** instantly.

In less than ten seconds, the eight guys who came to find the differences were cleaned up neatly.

Little girl with a smile before she has time to take back: "Star Team!"

And those senior students who were **** and did not pass out turned pale instantly. They were caught by the law enforcement team of the sky. They will not only be locked up in a black room, they will also be remembered as the most important labor force, which will affect their studies and graduation results! !!

Ren Zhumo thought for a moment, thought about what the Starry Law Enforcement Team was, and then his eyes became subtle. He didn't believe at all that the two happened to happen.

"A few of you bully your classmates in violation of school rules and you will be sentenced to half a month's labor confinement. Please do not resist to follow us, or you will be conceited." The young man holding the rose flower said blankly, then turned his head Smile at Ren Zhu: "This young classmate, are you satisfied with the result?"

Ren Zhu: "..." Dedicate yourself to diligence, steal or commit trespassing.

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