MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 127 Save the second attack

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Yi Xiao led Ren Zhu to the medical room, and his mouth did not stop along the way. He pulled Ren Zhu's expression fierce, making the passing students think that this person is looking for fault. But if you could hear what he was talking about along the way, you would never think so.

When Ren Zhu felt that they could not bear the magic sounds, they finally reached the medical room. Fortunately, his wrist was only swollen, and there was no major problem. The teacher in the medical room treated him with the spirit of the healing department, and he quickly recovered to his original thin and tender appearance.

After that, Yi Xiao took Ren Zhuan for dinner again. The dinner was a little bit simpler than lunch, but he still satisfied the teacher.

By coincidence, they saw three of George Sawyer again. When George Sawyer and the three of them saw Ren Zhu sitting there for dinner as if nothing had happened, their faces sank directly. In particular, Peter called out directly: "This is impossible! I obviously found Lantus and the four of them acted. All four of them are power psionics and deal with both mental and physical strength. How could e-waste wood be unsuccessful? "

Instead, Song Ze shook his head next to him and reminded him: "Did you not see Yi Xiao sitting next to him? I want to come to Yi Xiao and know that this kid is very important to him and he should intentionally protect him. Right. "

Peter's face went dark. "After that, we can't take him anymore?"

"How is it possible!" Song Ze smiled. "He is only one person. Can he protect him for a while or a lifetime? It's just an eight-year-old child. He can always find an order."

Hearing this, George Sawyer and Peter recovered their faces. The three people were discussing looking for Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao, and they did not know that Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao were discussing them at this time.

"You said you were going to kill those four people, so who do you know?" Ren Zhu asked Yi Xiao while eating Yuzhu soup.

Yi Xiao watched him eat very fragrant, and he couldn't help raising his mouth a bit, then he pouted: "The four guys are our famous bastards, who specialize in bullying and fearing things. It's quite confusing. They take on all kinds of commissions and tasks, as long as some people get credits and let them do anything. "

"This time the four of them have taken the initiative to find you. Someone must have found them. Otherwise, they haven't met you before, and you are not a stupid sheep with rich money. They will never come. And I can probably think of it. To find out who they are bullying you with is really unrepentant. "Yi Xiao said, a cold look flashed in his eyes. The surrounding aura seemed to start to fluctuate again. Ren Zhu quickly took over the topic: "Is it your three deadly opponents? The three people that caused your mental riot?"

Yi Xiao nodded, "It must be them, presumably because they think you are important to me, so I will trouble you." After saying this, Yi Xiao stunned himself, and then his ears quickly became red. When he got up, he took a quick look at Ren Zhu and coughed hard: "Their brains don't work well, you don't have to think so much! But since you did hit by mistake before, my mental riots subsided. Come down, there is something I can cover you in the future. "

Ren Zhu looked at his red ears and squinted his eyes, and laughed: "I really want to thank you?"

Yi Xiao felt that this little bamboo pole smiled so charmingly to hug his thighs, and his ears were even redder: "Although I can cover you, you ca n’t be proud of it because you are petting and knowing! The weakest person has no right to The choice is at best! Only when you are strong can you survive well in this world. "

Ren Zhu heard this sentence, his eyes flashed. He found that Yi Xiao in this life seemed to have very big stereotypes and hostility towards the weak. It was as if the weak man had done something unreasonable, which made him very disgusted. But in this world, it is impossible to have only the strong and the weak. Everything is strong, weak, soft, and balanced just now, not to mention that strength and weakness cannot be so clearly distinguished in many aspects.

Yi Xiao's thought is wrong, but why on earth does he have such a thought? Will this be part of his rescue? He should find a chance to find out. Ren Zhu was thinking like this, Yi Xiao glared at him without receiving a reply over there, "Don't run away while eating! Good food, what to do in case of choking? They all say that your brain is not good enough to keep you going What if it really runs out of use? Anyway, you are useless anyway, it is better to exercise your physical strength and become less weak. "

Ren Zhu glanced at him silently, took out a small book and drew another.

Yi Xiao couldn't help jumping when she saw that little book. After two years of endurance, he did not hold back, and said, "What the **** did you do with that little book? How do you draw one from time to time, and from time to time? Is there anything you must remember?" Is it that important? "

Ren Zhuga nodded intently and nodded, "Yeah, very important. This is related to the happiness of my future life." Then he added a silent sentence in his heart, but also related to your happy life in the future, mind Not easy to make? Ha ha! Let's see who has a bad brain!

Looking at Ren Zhu's expression, Yi Xiao felt that this book was particularly unknown.

Because the dormitory of the two was together, they left the cafeteria after dinner. Returning to the dormitory, Ren Zhu found that the three Bru's expressions seemed very weak. He raised his eyebrows and silently lit candles for these three guys, then smiled and waited for them to get lost in the future.

While going to bed tonight, Ren Zhu originally planned to go to the corner to find a bed to sleep, but was caught by Yi Xiao: "What are you doing so far? Since I said I'm going to cover you, it's not strong in you yet You could have followed me before. In the evening, in order to prevent others from secretly covering you with a sack and beating you, you should sleep next to me. You have to thank me well. This position is not for ordinary people to sleep. "

Ren Zhu raised his eyebrows. "I remember you threw me out of bed yesterday."

When Yi Xiao heard this sentence, she couldn't help feeling guilty. There is an inexplicable urge to return to yesterday to stop himself, but he still insisted and said, "Who made you sleep in my bed yesterday? I allow you to sleep next to me, but you are not allowed to sleep in my bed."

Ren Zhu glanced at the bed here. Because of the high-tech of the world, the beds in this room are all attached to the wall, and they are pulled as needed. The sheets are changed every day. There is no rule about who must sleep in which bed. Therefore, it is very consistent with the temperament of Secondary Two that strong words can be so straightforward.

"Ah! Don't stand there stupid, go wash and go to bed quickly." Yi Xiao probably also felt that his words were a little untrustworthy, and hurry up.

Ren Zhu shrugged and decided not to have general knowledge with this guy, so he really went to wash. However, it was only eight o'clock after washing, which was definitely not the time to sleep. So Ren Zhu thought about it and pressed a button on the bedside, the next moment a light-colored boxy account dangled from the ceiling, separating his bed from the surrounding area into a small one. Space.

Ren Zhu was going to browse the Alliance's Star Network before going to bed. Although he is not a young Internet addiction youth, he has never seen a large network that can connect to different planets in the previous life. This is the legendary Star Network! During this time, he can go online to see if there is any way to earn credits or learn more about the world. As a result, he hadn't opened up the star network terminal Unicom Mental Power on his wrist, and his account had been taken away from him. The hand that opened the account was long and strong, and the face that appeared was also handsome, but it would be better if his expression could not be so ugly.

"What are you doing? It's only eight o'clock. I don't plan to sleep." Ren Zhu stared.

Yi Xiao sniffed and said, "Who sleeps at eight? Shouldn't you exercise well? At eight, exercise is still very good. Looking at your skinny chicken-like body, you simply land on the Alliance Star Network training battle. Room, let me guide you in the training room. In the future, you will have enough time and response to escape when you are being chased by others, and you will be able to support me to save you. "

Ren Zhu drew his mouth and said, "Thank you, no need. I want to take a look at Star Network tonight and take a look at what the world looks like? And I want to find out if there is any work I can do on Star Network. I do n’t have many credits. I may not be hungry for two days if I sit down and eat. ”Yi Xiaowen said what he wanted to say, but Ren Zhu interrupted him:“ I ca n’t eat every meal Yours, even if you say you want to cover me, you have n’t included all meals a day. As you said, weak people do n’t have the right and the future, and I have to support myself by what I say. Do it yourself. "

Yi Xiao looked at Ren Zhu's serious look, and suddenly felt that this small bamboo pole became a bit more pleasing to the eye than before. He gave a small cough. "Then follow me, and I will take you to a place. You should be able to find some high-paying jobs there, but there is a bit of a mess there, no one can take it."

When Ren Zhu heard this, he was a joy, and then hesitated, "How can I follow you? Can you find me on Star Network?" Yi Xiao turned his head and looked at Ren Zhu like a fool. After a long time, he sighed: " Sure enough, my brain is not working well. The two of us who are so close are also students of Xingkong Academy, unless you buy a virtual house on Xingwang and live by yourself. Otherwise, both of our landing sites should be close. .As long as I know the name you use on Star Network, this is our basic common sense. You say you don't admit you are stupid. "

Ren Zhu "..."

Ren Zhu drew his lips, thinking that he should not carry this pot. But he didn't say anything in the end, anyway, after Yi Xiao remembered, he could say nothing.

"What's your name?" Ren Zhu asked. Yi Xiao paused for a moment, and coughed, "Undefeated."

Ren Zhu: The name "..." is really worthy of the current situation of Yi Zhonger. If he adds an East in front of the undefeated, the name will be extinct.

Ren Zhu must have landed on Xingwang before, but he doesn't remember what his former name was. However, after he connected the terminal with the spiritual power to board Xingwang, he found that he was really not qualified to joke Yi Zhonger's name-because his name on Xingwang was called "God Abandoner".

Ren Zhu drew his lips and changed his name without saying a word. He is an atheist when he is so big. Even if he has ever seen a ghost before, he still does n’t worship God. With that kung fu praying for the gods to be blessed, it is better to be determined to work hard to change your life by yourself, but think of your predecessor as an eight-year-old child, how could you not think so much, you can only sigh.

After the name was changed, Ren Zhu looked around and saw the expression of "I am very sirloin, I ’ll see whoever screams, and no one will provoke me to kill you with a punch". Undefeated. He walked over, his mind moved slightly, and he said on the Internet: "Yi Xiao?"

Yi Xiao saw him for a long time and said, "Your name ... is not too pleasing."

Ren Zhu, who was renamed the class teacher himself, hesitated. I would like to use my unpleasant education to thank every bear child. Thank you.

"Oh, well, you follow me. I will take you to Adventure Street." Yi Xiao said and walked forward, and then he reminded Ren Zhu: "You can drive to follow automatically. Star Network is semi-automatic , Various programs are very user-friendly and convenient. "

As soon as Ren Zhu's brain moves, he can automatically follow. Then he found the StarNet user manual and looked at it.

Yi Xiao turned his head to see that this guy was actually looking at the manual. His eyes were a bit subtle, but he still led the way. If he had left it in the past, he would never walk with a guy who looked rather stupid. If not, he would pass on stupidity to him.

About ten minutes later, Yi Xiao led Ren Zhu to Adventure Street. Ren Zhu also almost finished reading the Star Network user manual and knew some common basic operation methods and precautions. Therefore, he also knows that Adventure Street is not just a person who can come by casually. Xingwang is like another alliance world. Although many things are virtual, the tasks and things released can be connected offline. Therefore, many tasks that are difficult to complete offline will be posted on Xingwang, just like the previous online shopping or problem solving. After the task is released, as long as someone accepts the task and completes the task, you can earn stars on Xingwang. Coins.

Starcoins obtained on Xingwang can be exchanged for alliance currency in alliance reality, the exchange ratio is one to one. Therefore, StarNet can be said to be an essential life for the entire top ten planets in the league.

Convenient, fast, and almost everywhere in life, it is definitely the first choice for home travel.

At the same time, Xingwang is also an active place for some gray areas, anonymous elements, and hidden gods. Because the alliance pays attention to privacy, as long as it is not looking for wanted criminals, Xingwang is not allowed to pick up vests. All-round management is very strict.

When he saw it, Ren Zhu was relieved. Then couldn't help but sigh, StarNet is really convenient.

"Don't be embarrassed. The task leaderboard of Adventurer Street is in front. You can check to see if there are any tasks. Entering Adventure Street requires someone to recommend it. After a while, you will register with me after you take the task. You will be able to come in on your own. "Yi Xiao said, pushing Ren Zhu forward.

Ren Zhudun paused: "Are there any tasks on the Dragon Tiger List that I can do?" He was a little skeptical. After all, his mental and physical strength was only e.

Yi Xiao looked at his name and twitched his lips: "Yes. Just aim at your name, you can find the task."

Class teacher: "?????"

Five minutes later, he looked at the task request in front of him and felt that he could find the task. Moreover, it is still very "suitable" for his task-

[Task 08009: First Grade Mental Power Summary Short Essay for Ghostwriting. Remuneration for the task: ten stars. 】

[Task 08010: A set of second-year league history papers seeking answers. Task reward: fifteen star coins. Special requirements: finished in one day. 】

[Task 08011: A set of first grade mathematics papers to find answers. Remuneration for the task: Eighteen star coins. Special requirements: finished in one day. 】

[Task 09111: Absent from school for a week. The third unit of mental power use method is not learned in the third unit. Remuneration for the task: thirty stars. Special requirements: simple and straightforward, no trouble, no money if you don't understand. 】

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