MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 101 Doomsday

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The stunned crowd watched the zombie king they imagined holding Ren Zhu stiffly in the direction of the Hummer, for a moment they didn't know what Just do it.

In fact, this zombie king should be their friend. After all, this guy killed the third-level zombie with a punch, and it was their life-saving benefactor.

But what they really couldn't accept was that this guy who was dark all over his body, couldn't see his face with a big hood, and looked stiff while walking didn't really look like a good person, or even a person. So even if this guy seems to be their friend, everyone is afraid to come forward to communicate.

Until the unrelenting teacher Ren turned to look at these stunned guys: "What are you doing here? Get in the car and drive away."

Then Gou Jianfei, a guy with a slight lack of muscles, said, "Brother, is he on the road with us?"

Ren Zhuxin wanted to be right, since then, he has been with us all the way. Even if you are not with me, he will always be with me. Really, look at this disgusting look. "Well, he is a friend of mine who was in the same sanitarium with me before. It is said that he got a strange disease, but he also feels that he is not sick. We are like-minded friends."

Everyone: "..." Why do they feel that the amount of information in these two sentences is particularly large, making them a little overwhelming. What mental health home? What's ill?

However, Maogancao and Gou Jianfei understood all of a sudden. The eyes of the two of them looking at the stiff black boss suddenly became milder, and then on the short road before getting on the car, the two of them directly I will give you the science of Ren Zhu's previous experience.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes looking at Ren Zhu and the man in black were full of admiration and admiration. These two people had a power reaction before the end of the world? awesome.

"However, is the power of that man in black tied to power? Is that power too great? It feels like his fist is like a huge hammer that weighs several tons." Song Qiang always felt like power and These physical powers of speed are inferior to natural powers, even if his strength and speed are as good as the power of others in the later period? But after watching the scene in which the man in black blasted the third-level zombies, Song Qiang felt that absolute power and speed were also terrible.

"Well, I think he's more than power." Zhou Yun frowned slightly, because she was a wind power so she was very sensitive to wind changes: "His speed is absolutely terrible. You have See how he got here? It's as if he appeared out of thin air, but he can't teleport. "

Hearing Zhou Yun's words, Liu Mingqing opened his mouth with a strange look. "He didn't appear out of thin air, he came over."

"Fly?" Song Qiangha said, "Boss, are you kidding me? Is he also a wind power?" Only a wind power can make himself fly with the help of wind.

Liu Mingqing shook his head: "I don't know about this, but I watched him fly from a distance, and it was incredibly fast."

Everyone couldn't help but silently looked at the man in black, and then swallowed in his heart, telling himself that he couldn't provoke the big devil who looked like a zombie king in any case.

After solving the third-level zombies and rescuing more than a dozen children in the hospital, and none of them were killed, everyone's mood was very good. Although there was exhaustion and some people were injured, it was nothing.

Five cars plus a yellow school bus, six cars went towards the original city base in an orderly manner. However, after an hour, they encountered more than ten abilities such as the thick soil that brought people to deal with the third-level zombies. The thick expression on the face of the thick school bus when he saw the yellow school bus in the middle was very surprised, and when he When I saw that the old fire and Snow Girl were okay, the expressions on their faces became a little complicated, shocked, joyful, and tangled.

Lao Huo and Xue Nu told the leader of the power team that this is the leader. This captain is a thunder power and has been trained to the third level, which is the top five power in the original city base. . However, even the Captain Thunder Dragon, Lao Huo and Xue Nu both felt that he was definitely not the opponent of the black devil. After all, the captain couldn't smash the third-level zombies with a thunder.

"Are there such a powerful person?" Lei Long was still very interested. "Our military now lacks such powerful people. Since they are all going to the base of the original city, we can see you first. Maybe he can be brought to our military abilities. "

Thunder Dragon is a soldier and has a deep sense of belonging to the army.

However, Laohuo and Xiaoxue were stiff when they heard these words. They directly thought of the guy with a dark body, and wanted to put such a guy on the military puppet team. They did n’t know they thought it was a zombie. We are inside.

A shaved young man next to Lei Long saw the expressions of Lao Huo and Xiao Xue, with a playful smile on his face: "I am Lao Huo, what kind of expression do you have? Is that already a big name to our military The power team can't invite him? You said he killed the third-level zombies alone, or killed the guy with one punch. Why am I so unbelieving? I'm also a third-level power enhancer, he has to How many levels higher than I can punch a level three zombie in one punch? "

Lao Huo looked at this guy's appearance and knew what he wanted to do. At the moment, he said, "Don't be okay, or you will be killed. No one will avenge you."

Ban Chong was even happier when he heard this, he touched his head: "Hey! The more you don't let me see, I want to see that person, but I want to see the punch that blasted the zombies How powerful is your power? "

After saying this, he directly controlled his aircraft and went to the Hummer. At this moment Ren Zhu was very depressed watching the ugliest companion in his family's ugly life writing on his slate with his nails.

It's been an hour before this guy wrote his name. Ask him other things, he estimates that he will grow old in the wild.

"Okay, I know your name is Yi Xiao. You don't need to say anything else. When you finish, I'm probably starving to death."

Yi Xiao controlled his stiff hands for a while, and his face was paralyzed. There was no expression on his face, but his eyes flashed a bit displeased. What does it mean to know that my name is Yi Xiao? I have done so many things in my life, but I managed to keep my memory and skills, and successfully changed from a zombie to a zombie, from a zombie to a zombie. Have you omitted all these processes? Do n’t you want to listen to all the wise and brilliant deeds? !!

And the most important point is that you didn't ask me if I still remember you, why do you remember you? !!

Anyway, Yi Xiaozhen Demon was in a very bad mood at this time, and when he was in a bad mood, there was such a person who hit him with no long eyes. He slowly turned his head and saw a particularly ugly plate. He was holding his fist and beating himself, Yi Xiao snorted in his heart, stiffened his fist slightly, and immediately struck the person. Fly out.

Looking at the guy who was ten meters backwards and horrified and shook his fist, howling, Lao Huo and Xiao Xue said in their hearts that you should owe your hands and make you mean, it's worth it!

And the ten or so members of Thunder Long's military team changed their face incredulously. This kind of power is really scary. They didn't believe it before, but now it seems that they can believe if they don't believe it. It's up! However, after the shock, Lei Long's face was full of joy and inevitability. If such a powerful character joined the original city base, he would definitely give them more power.

Ten minutes before at six in the afternoon, six cars finally reached the gate of the original city base.

The original city base was obviously transformed by a psionicist of nature. At the end of the road, you can see a barbed metal door over 30 meters high, and then metal , Strong city walls. It's like a fortress with copper walls and iron walls. Above the fortress, someone will be armed with a gun at intervals.

"Oh my god!"


The children in the school bus couldn't hold their breath most, and couldn't help expressing their marvel.

Then the board had to start to think: "What awesome! This is the first door of our original city base!"

"Wow, uncle, is there a second and third door?"

Ban Cun slapped the corner of his mouth: "I'm only twenty, please don't call me uncle!"

"The original city base is one of the four major bases in China. How can there be only one door to defend? Okay, I have already opened it, let's go in quickly. After entering, we need to review the blood test to check the power and physical fitness If you slow down a bit, you have to toss to midnight tonight. "Ban Cang left the first after he said this. The rest of them could not help but feel nervous.

However, because the inspection process is now in place, although Renzhu still has a dozen cars in front of them, the speed of inspection is not so much that it feels very agonizing. About one hour later, it was Renzhu's turn. .

"Several people?"


"Go there to take a bath and change clothes, and then have a blood test."

Ren Zhu paused when he heard the next half sentence. Although he particularly disliked his partner, he didn't want him to do anything. So he couldn't help looking at Yi Xiao, but Yi Xiao didn't respond, and Ren Zhu hesitated. "it is good."

Anyway, even if he checked the problem, he wouldn't care, the two would elope directly. This guy runs so fast and has strength, they can live well everywhere.

However, the result of the inspection surprised Ren Zhu somewhat. This guy looked like a zombie, but he was able to draw blood and pierce his skin with a needle tip. God knew that he had thought that this guy had become a monster of copper walls and iron walls. Well, although he seems to hate this guy, but he doesn't intend to change partners anymore. Now looking at this guy's human characteristics, I can't help it.

The teacher Ren was relieved, but the female medical soldier responsible for drawing blood for Yi Xiao felt that the whole person was not very good. From time to time, she looked up at the pale and ghost-like guy in front of her, but she was dressed in black. This guy is still very handsome, but right, this guy just gives her a feeling of not being alive! This looks more like a vampire!

Fortunately, the blood drawn was red, otherwise the female medical soldier would really scream.

Ten minutes later, the blood test passed successfully. The female medical soldier was relieved, and then Yi Xiao slowly put on her big hood again and wobbled, leaving like an evil spirit.

Female medical soldier: "..."

Gou Jianfei: "I think the king is great."

Licorice: "... I think the big brother who can make friends with the king is the best."

Ren Zhu: "..." I don't know where to spit out. I'll be a beautiful man quietly.

After that is the test of power and physical fitness. Needless to say, the values ​​of Ren Zhu's four are very good. Although Maogancao and Gou Jianfei have no power, it is said that the potential detection instrument invented by the scientist recently detected these two people Both have the possibility to evolve abilities, and their physiques are also very good. The person responsible for the inspection is very kind to both of them.

"This little Mao classmate, your brain activity is much higher than before, and there is a lot of positive energy in your body. Please work hard to make sure that in the future you will be a brain power evolutionary or healing power, this A base manual for you, you can look at the contents and think about what to do next. "

"And this little Gou classmate, I can't tell that you are only 16 years old! This physique is like a 20-year-old guy! Your physical fitness is quite good, especially the strength value is very high. You can become a power miracle! "

Licorice and Gou Jianfei are very happy. Ren Zhu also has some, looking curiously at the machine that can detect the potential value. Well, he didn't specialize in machinery in his life, but it seems that this thing is quite expensive. Hope that will not be a problem for a while.

Unfortunately, the more you don't want anything, the more you come.

When Ren Zhu was tested by this machine, it was quite normal. Then when Ren Zhun came down, the person in charge of the test looked at him with an astonished look: "Young man, you are very good! Your physical fitness is very good in all aspects, the most important thing is that your mental strength is almost bursting. Now. Are you a mental power? "

It was no accident that Ren Zhu was able to find this out. Besides, there was nothing to hide, except that his skills were strange and scary: "Well. I am a mental power."

"Oh oh! This power is a rare power that can show a lot of unexpected uses! I'll register you, and then you can go to the base to pick up tasks or find a job with this card. By the way I would like to mention that you are welcomed by the military abilities team at the base! As long as you join the military abilities team, we will provide a house for free, and three meals a day. The most important thing is that you can give your family a good job. "

Ren Zhu glanced at licorice and Gou Jianfei, "It's okay, let them exercise more. I can still find where I live."

The worker was a bit sorry, but soon turned to Yi Xiao. At first glance, this guy is a person with a story and ability!

Yi Xiao stiffly walked into the machine. After a while, the machine began to scream, and when everyone hadn't responded, the machine turned on a spark, and then buzzed and went on strike.

Staff throughout the testing hall: "Bed?"

"What's going on? The machine broke?"

Ren Zhu didn't care about this, and speed shot the door: "Yi Xiao! How are you Xiao Yi? Is there a problem? Come out as soon as possible!"

"No, the machine is locked automatically, no one can get out of it, uh ... come ?!"

Before the staff spoke, the door of the machine flew out, and Yi Xiao came out with a stiff face, and her eyes were unsightly.

Everyone stepped back unconsciously.

And the staff member mobilized the machine's data at this time, shouting incredibly: "My God! Are you Superman ?!"

On this, the two data that wrote speed and power turned out to be five question marks. You know, even if the third-level power is a power, his power value is only eight or nine hundred. There are only dozens of ordinary people. But now the appearance of these five question marks shows that the guy in the black robe is at least five digits in strength and speed.

This is simply terrible.

"Is the machine broken?" Several workers gathered around to watch the numerical sounds shake.

"Uh, why don't you test it again?" One tester suggested, but it was clear that the Demon King Yi Xiao was no longer willing to do such things. He reached out his hand at the tester.

As soon as the tester stunned, he almost put his hand up, and then he looked scared and said, "Big, King, what's wrong?"

King Yi rolled his eyes.

Ren Zhu, who had a toothache next to him, translated to his partner: "He asked you for the card of that power."

"Oh oh oh! I'll give it right away, right away! This king, if your test data is not wrong, then the person with the greatest strength and speed in Geely can enjoy a lot of preferential treatment. That, but We may report the news to the leader, are you okay? "I'm so afraid that the king would kill him if he didn't agree.

King Yi snorted and pulled Ren Zhu away.

Xiao Mao and Xiao Gou followed in the dream.

"I feel like we followed a particularly powerful boss!"

"I don't think it is enough to describe it." It is already terrifying, okay!

Then, suddenly there was a burst of strength and speed in the base. The news of the terrible black man who really burst the watch was spread throughout the original city base like a storm.

"Well, be sure to meet this person!"

Big guys from all sides think so.

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read My Space-Time System
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2