MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 86 Ancestor Wuyin

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Shao Xuan will be able to bring them back to the tribe and encounter a hunting team. Therefore, many people know that Shao Xuan brought back the prisoners. It is not difficult for Yi Si to know these things. However, in the weekdays, Yi Shi will not care about things. Now, take the initiative to come to Shao Xuan, I must have guessed it.

In this regard, Shao Xuan did not lie, "It is easy for you to change your family."

“Is it easy? Is he?” There is not much surprise on the face of Yi Shi. More is doubts. The description he learned from the people in the hunting team has already guessed the possible identity of the other party. However, it’s really from Shao Xuan. It is determined here, but it is still somewhat puzzled.

It is possible to say that the marginal figures of Yijia are possible, but with Yi’s understanding of Yi’s, no, it should be said that with his understanding of Yi’s family, most of the main supporters would rather die than become captives, especially Here are the captives of these tribes. This is also the place where he is puzzled.

Who is Yi? That is the most outstanding figure of their generation. Yi Shi has heard from a young age that if they are able to reach the level of Yi Yi in the future, it is definitely Yi Yi.

For Yi Shi, who is also a master of the main branch, but a "wastewood", Yi Yi is the "children of other people's family" in the mouth of the elders. It is because of the excellentness of Yi Yu, now I listen to Shao Xuan, and I am in the heart of Yi Shi. There are many puzzles.

"Can I go to see Yi Yi?" asked Yi Si.

See Shao Xuan look over, Yi Si rushed, "I promise, absolutely will not make things that are bad for Yanjiao, after all, I have left Yijia."

Shao Xuan silently saw Yi Si and he nodded, "No."

Anyway, Shao Xuan is not in a hurry to go to the construction site to see the situation, then turned to bring the Secretary to the past.

The half-orc slaves who followed the Yi Si’s slaves followed the past, and Yi Shi looked at the young and looked at Shao Xuan. “Can you take him with you?”

"Yes." Shao Xuandao.

The site of the Yanjiao headquarters is very large. After re-migrating from the old place, it has expanded. There are many hills in the site. Some hills live with tourists. Some hills are used to train or dig stones, while some hills are used for detention. Human.

The six slaves that Yi Yi took with him were all held in a cave in a hill. The prison door made of new bronze in the cave, unless these people can penetrate the cave directly, it is very difficult to escape.

When Yi Yi saw Yi Shi, the face just moved a little, not much surprise, but a little smile. This makes the doubts in Yi Si's mind even worse.

"You talk slowly." After Shao Xuan brought in the company, he closed the door again and went out of the hole.

When Shao Xuan’s figure left, Yi Shi looked at Yi’s situation. Yi Yi and his six slaves were not in the same cell. The other six slaves were in the other six cells, so this time In this cell, there are only Yi Shi, Yi Yi, and the young people behind the company.

"Come on?" Yi Yu said calmly, looked at Yi Shi, and swept from the green.

It was swept away by Yi Xing's line of sight. The thorns behind the tension were coming out. The servility inscribed in the bones made him lose his waist when facing the Yi family. He was particularly nervous. What's more, Yi Yi is also a person who has a good position in Yijia.

People say that slaves have a direct connection with slave owners. When I was in Yijia, I used to be a slave to those excellent children. Of course, life is much better, at least not hungry. On the contrary, the slaves who follow the marginal figures are not much better off, and even when they encounter difficulties, they will be sold for property.

Qingyi followed Yisi. Although he used to live in Yijia, he was not a good person. However, because Yishi is a "wasteful" person, he knows how to operate, and he will not starve to death. Even so, the barley is thinner than other half-orc slaves.

But now...

Compare the look of the green in the memory, and then look at the green eyes in front of you. When Yi Xing’s line of sight is like a searchlight, the green eyes are beginning to tremble, and then he said quietly, "A lot of strong."

Although I don't want to admit it, the facts before me tell Yi Yi, Yi Si slave and servant, the life in Yanjiao is indeed much better than when I was at Yijia. Even the half-orc slaves of the six slaves he brought with him were far less than the green ones.

When Qing Yi came along with Yi Si, the slaves in other cells were full of surprises: this kid was still fat after following the embarrassment of Yi Shi!

In this regard, Yi Shi smiled lightly, "Life is good."

It is ironic that an easy family member is better off outside than in his own tribe.

Didn't care about Yi Yan's face, Yi Si asked: "How come you come here?"

"The people in the armored family are looking for a star-stemworm to cast a sword, but unfortunately, it was finally obtained by Shao Xuan of Yanjiao."

Yi Yi said the purpose of their trip.

"You have already played against Yi Xiang?" Although curious about the blood of the star butterfly, Yi Si is more concerned about Yi Jia's mention of Yi Xiang.

Looked at the end of Yi Yi today, and then think of Yi Qi, who is already in the body, it is not difficult to see the result of this battle.

"For a long time in the future, I am afraid that Yi Jia will not be calm." Yi Sidao.

"It is true. This time, if Shao Xuan, who is not a Yanjiao, is a hundred people, I am afraid that one cannot live."

"What?! What is the connection with Shao Xuan?" Yi Shi rarely revealed the color of surprise, Yi Jia used hundreds of people to deal with Yi Xiang, and in such a battlefield, Yi Si could not be divorced, and could not enter such a realm. But he knows that, according to reason, Yi Jia’s battlefield, outsiders can’t get involved, and Yi Yi actually said that Shao Xuan saved them in disguise.

It's incredible!

" can it..." Yi Si can count a lot of things, but Yi Yi said that this thing was unexpected, and he didn't even think about it.

"Why not? Even the oracle bones left by the ancestors are cracked." Yi Yi said that Shao Xuan finally broke the enchantment scene.

"The oracle bones left by the ancestors?!" Yi Si opened his mouth and looked at the "You Tamar is teasing me" look. The turtle shell with the bone piece is so powerful that Yisi knows it, but the oracle bones that are so powerful are actually cracked by the hard! Yi Xiang, and Shao Xuan of Yanjiao, both of them are beyond what he imagined! He knows that Shao Xuan is very powerful, but he has never placed Shao Xuan at the same height as Yi Xiang!

Yi Yi sat on the wall of the cave, and his face seemed to be emotional. It seemed to be embarrassing. Even Yi Shi also saw a trace of happiness from Yi Yan’s eyes.

Yi Shi is good at observation, and the observation is very detailed. Because of this, he can see a lot of things that are not right from the easy expression, which makes him more confused.

Silence for a long while, Yi Yi finally said four words, "The ancestor Wuyin."

The sound is not big, like a low-pitched self-talk, but in this cave, other slaves are afraid to come out, and there is silence around. Even if Yi Shi’s hearing is not good, he can listen to the four that Yi Yi said. Words. And these four words made Essie stunned and shocked.

"The ancestor of the ancestor? Is it the ancestor of the ancestor?! You are not mistaken?!" Yisi felt like a knife stuck in his throat, and it was hard to make a little noise, and every word was shaking.

Can be called the ancestor, it goes back to a long time ago, when the human tribes were just formed, there are a group of people, called the "first ancestor", they mastered the power of fire, they built a Personal tribes, and also from their beginning, humans began to get rid of the predicament of the bottom of the food chain, prospered, and gradually developed to the present.

There are countless versions of the legend of the "first ancestor". Each tribe says that its tribe is a descendant of the "first ancestor". Otherwise, there is no "first ancestor". Where does the tribe's fire come from?

However, in the record of Yi Jia, what is truly called the "first ancestor" is not the first person who created the tribe, but the first person who mastered the fire.

Many tribes believe that the people who created the tribe are the first to grasp the power of fire, but according to the Yi family, this is not the case. The "first ancestor" is still in the front. It is the "first ancestor" who imparted the method of mastering the fire to more people. Later, the person who was taught will use the power of fire to create the tribe.

"The first ancestor" may not even belong to any tribe!

If you compare many tribes to the branches and leaves of the tree, then the "first ancestor" is the trunk, the only backbone! Other branches are based on trunk growth!

In the records of Yi Jia's inheritance, the information that can be recorded and passed down is limited. This is because Yi Jia has many special methods of inheritance, and the preservation of "history" has more results. In the records of the limited inheritance, what kind of "first ancestor" looks like, how many people, how to discover and master the power of fire, these are not mentioned, the most obvious in the remaining pictures, The cross "work" pattern is also the ancestor of the Yi family.

Rumors, the emergence of the ancestor Wuyin, accompanied by the emergence of witches, so the ancestor Wuyin is the representative of the ancestor witch, every person who knows the ancestor of the ancestor, with awe in the pattern.

This is why, at that time, when Shao Xuan’s position appeared, there was a reason why Yi Xiang was difficult to calm down.

When Yi Si’s heart was stunned, Yi Yi asked again, “You said, the ancestor witch, is still alive?”

This "living" does not necessarily refer to the "living" that ordinary people understand. In the eyes of the Yi family, even if the body does not exist, it is not completely dead.

Yijia is recognized for the existence of "soul". The ancestors of Yijia said that the sun and the moon have no soul and no ignorance. Birds and beasts, mountains and rocks, water and wood, and ****, all things have "souls", but some are strong, strong even if ordinary people are hard to ignore, such as fire crystal. And some are very weak, so weak that even people with a keen sense are hard to find. The Bu bone beast was created by the Yi family using the power of “soul”.

Yi Shi understands what Yi Yi refers to, the ancestor witch is too mysterious, and because the time is too long, no one can know the truth. Then, the ancestor witch, even if the flesh is gone, is there still a "soul"?

Yi Shi can't answer, it is beyond the scope of his calculations.

After tangled for a while, Yi Sicai asked: "You and Shao Xuan, have not talked about it?"

Have a good talk?

Easy to smile.

If you know early, why is it so lonely?

When he thought that he would follow the army of Wang Cheng to kill the Yanjiao tribe, Yi Yi felt that his life had been folded for decades. When I think about the time when I was fighting against Yi Xiang, Yi Yi wanted to use Shao Xuan as a bait and sacrificed Shao Xuan to give them the opportunity to escape. As a result, Shao Xuan took their oracle bones. Although the end result is beneficial to both parties, every time I think of it, I am helpless. Enmity has long existed, so I want to resolve this hatred and let Yanjiao promise to stay alive. He needs to pay more.

Without waiting for the answer, Yi Shi asked, "Would you like to come as a prisoner, also because of this?"

Yi Xiao laughs without saying, but Yi Si has inferred his choice from the look of Yi Yan.

If Shao Xuan is just an ordinary tribe, Yi Yi will choose to be the same as Yi Qi, find a place to dig a pit to bury himself, rather than to be a prisoner.

At this time, Yi Xiao suddenly looked at a position, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. "The people I have waited for have arrived." (To be continued.)