MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 84 Return journey

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It took a lot of time to collect those insects and insects. When the mountain went down, the sun began to appear, and the most violent period of the beasts in the mountains passed. [?([network

After landing, Shao Xuan first found a place to put things on the mountain, and felt the surroundings. The two people of Yijia did not move their positions. There was no change when Shao Xuan went up the mountain. However, Yi Qi had already woken up. It seems that there is a discussion, there is a low-profile dispute, accompanied by some coughing. Although it is OK, but its state is not very good, listening to the sound Shao Xuan can be inferred to be easy to its physical condition, so he is not in a hurry to look at it.

Ganche is very anxious. After landing, the surrounding air warms up and the influence of the pressure on the mountain is greatly reduced. It is much more comfortable. Of course, what excites him is the liquid collected in the insect bag.

"These should be something like a clam shell, but it is not the same as an ordinary clam shell." Shao Xuan said.

"It's blood." In Ganche's view, those "ice water" gave him the feeling of blood, because, besides blood, he does not have much interest in other things. It is definitely blood that can lead him to such excitement.

The blood of the insects is handy, and it is natural to taste.

Ganche unwrapped the insect skin bag on his hand, then poured the liquid directly out of the small mouth and poured it into his mouth.

Shao Xuan looked at Ganche to drink those two liquids, and then put the insect belt on the belt and handed it to Shao Xuan.

Ganchee was so scary that the whole white was scared in the mountains because of the blood of the blood of the beasts. Now it has all disappeared. It’s pale and pale, and the face muscles that have always had no expression are twitching and watching some distortions. The hand holding the insect bag is also shaking, like suppressing great pain.

Shao Xuan took the insect skin bag, not waiting for more questions, Gan Qi will take a moment to leave the place, the wind generally rushed toward the woods.

Looked at the disappearing figure, Shao Xuan took a look at the bag that Gan cut handed over. Although Gan cuts two big mouths, each mouth has more than one person's mouth. The two mouths directly make the liquid in the insect bag less. Nearly one-third of the collection was collected after collecting more than a dozen nests.

"Drink so much, really nothing?" Shao Xuan whispered. He can't try it. He can feel that these liquids are not suitable for citation. Any casual drink will cause damage to his body. Just like the blood of the green face, it will hurt people and protect the clam shell of the butterfly larvae. Protecting people, even the destructive power is greater than the blood of the beak.

This kind of cognition is more intense when collecting these mysterious liquids, so Shao Xuan does not dare to treat these as ordinary animal blood. Originally, I wanted to tell him about his views. I didn’t think about it. I turned my head and saw it, and now I don’t know what it is.

Shao Xuan let the cricket look at the past, but he flew in the past and returned.

Ganci’s location is some distance from the foot of the mountain range. There are more beasts there, and in the past full moon night, the fierceness of many fierce beasts has not been reduced. What is strange is that those seemingly mad. The beasts are not close to where Gancher is, and many still detour.

Even he is not willing to stay there to observe.

After waiting for a while, a scream came from there, and the murderous murder suddenly burst out. The wind screamed and the dense foliage of the trees was blown and severely deformed. The violently blowing wind is like a dancing blade, with a chill and murderousness in the whistling.

There are some beasts in the forest that are looking for the brain. They are still looking for prey. They are going to raid, but under this scream, they are scared by this sudden and fierce murder, and they turn to the woods in the farther away. .

After the screaming, there were several screams of beasts, and the smell of blood in the wind. The frightened birds swiftly moved away from there, and the herd was also retreating, but for a moment, the woods that had been violent because of the full moon suddenly became quiet, and only the **** and murderous breath that continued to blow in the wind seemed to be hidden in the woods. A dangerous demons.

The feathers on the neck were blown up and flew directly into the sky. When it feels unsafe, it will fly high, which is an instinct.

The eight slaves who were on the other side of Yi Yi were also alert and nervously staring around. Two of them were similar to the greens around Yi Shi. The spines of the spine were scared and panicked. Pop up.

what happened?

This is what everyone thinks.

Shao Xuan can recognize that the breath that comes from there is sweet, but the smell of animal blood in the blood brought by the wind, and definitely more than a few beasts can bring blood, there is such a strong blood, killed The beast is no less than ten.

Why did Ganche suddenly kill so many beasts? Supplementary food? It’s not right, if it’s just because it’s going to be eaten, it won’t kill so much at once, so is it the impact of blood?

When Shao Xuan planned to look at it in the past, the wind over there gradually stopped, and even the pungent blood was gradually dispersed. In fact, it is not bloody, but the wind is small, and many **** smells are no longer taken here.

Perceived that Ganqi is coming over here, Shao Xuan also stopped and looked over there.

Not so much, Gan cut out of the woods, splashing a lot of animal blood, like climbing out of the battlefield. The footsteps were a bit heavy and I looked like I was hurt.

On the way to Ganqie, the killing temper that caused the beast to tremble was gradually converging. When he looked up at Shaoxuan, he looked bloody, with **** Yuwei, but because of the convergence of momentum. The suffocation has faded a lot.

"What happened?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No problem, just a little change." Ganche replied.

Shao Xuan looked at it carefully. Gan Pei looked at the spirit although it was a little wilting, but the pathological paleness was gone, but it was more rosy than the coming, more like a normal person. After the red light in the eyes completely converges, if it does not look The fresh blood on his body is no different from ordinary people.

However, Shao Xuan believes that Gan Chee should have made a great change. This kind of change should be positive for Gan Pei, or he will not be so obsessed with those mysterious blood.

"Don't you drink?" Shao Xuan handed over the insect skin bag that Ganche had drunk. It has already been said when going down the mountain. The liquid collected by Gan cut will take one-third of the inflammatory horn. Therefore, one third of the amount is sweet and can be drunk.

Ganche did not speak. After taking the animal skin bag, he took another sip, but this mouth was much smaller than the two big mouths that started, and the movements were not so urgent, like casual tasting.

After drinking, Gan Cheeton paused and handed the leather bag to Shao Xuan. "The rest are for you."

"You don't drink?" Shao Xuan's surprised sight swept the slash, and Gancai could still walk out of the woods after drinking the liquid. While he was waiting, he had tried a little bit with his fingers, and he also judged that these liquids were liquids that the Yanjiao people could never use.

But Gan Cheben is a different kind of thing that others can't bear, he can hold on.

"These things, perhaps the ones you guessed that are of great use to casting. I can feel that it has similarities with the green blood of your tribe." Ganche rarely made a detailed explanation.

For the blood, Gan Chei's ability to distinguish is stronger than Shao Xuan. Since he said so, the possibility of Shao Xuan's original speculation is greatly improved.

"Is that really what?" Shao Xuan did not care, and the leather bag was retracted. Mu cuisine came with the people of Wangcheng, just to find the blood of the foundry that the ancestors of the armored family had mentioned. Unfortunately, if the food was not found, it was attacked by the giant eagle of the mountain. I don’t know how the food is now. However, perhaps more things can be learned from the two people of Yijia.

The team that deliberately went far to find the blood of the insects, nowadays lost a lot, did not know where to go, but let Shao Xuan find it.

According to Shao Xuan’s plan, he intends to bring Yi and Yi to the tribe. He wants to get more useful information from the Yi family. The use of the blood may be more detailed from their mouth. The method, unfortunately, one of them is afraid to stick to that time.

Yi Qi’s injury is heavier than Yi Yi. Although the slaves have tried their best to cure, the results have been minimal, and Yi Qi does not want to continue to live. Not only that, he wants to die directly here. Because he is alive, he will be taken to the Yanjiao tribe by Shao Xuan.

Yi Qi’s hatred of Shao Xuan is very deep. In his view, Shao Xuan and Yi Xiang are both harmful characters and pose a great threat to Yi Jia. Even because of Shao Xuan’s reason, they were able to escape from the ruptured enchantment, but Shao Xuan finally dragged the scene of the giant tortoise’s enchantment, or let a blood stalk in the throat and see Shao Xuan. Hemates the blood.

When Shao Xuan used to be in the past, Yi Qi was lying on the ground, Yi Yi was on his side, and eight slaves were around.

Seeing Shao Xuan, Yi Qi was a blood spurting out, his eyes staring at Shao Xuan, Zhang Zhang opened his mouth, or turned his head to look at Yi Yi, raised his hand and clung to Yi Yi’s arm, as if to His arm is pinched off, his eyes are easy to see, and he has exhausted all his strength. One word: "You promise me, you must do it! Certainly!"

Yi Yi nodded silently.

Upon seeing it, Yi Qicai screamed at the sky and used the only remaining strength to vent his unwillingness. He is also a very high-ranking figure in Yijia. He is also a respected "master" in Wangcheng. But who knows, will it fall into such a situation?

The appearance of Yi Xiang did have a great blow to Yi Qi. He also clearly remembered the weakness and despair of Yi Xiang when he was dying. Even if he was only one of the 100 people, he felt strongly.

What is the end of the Yijia headquarters, Yiqi is also very clear in his heart, because of this, he is even more reconciled, and even a little timid in his heart, he is worried that the glory of Yijia will pass, and gradually with those in time Like the disappearing tribe.

Not to mention Yi Xiang, even these small children of the Yanjiao tribe have even given them such a big blow! Even, they can escape from Yi Xiang's enchantment, thanks to Shao Xuan. The vitality in desperation was created by the tribes he had never seen, and his heart was so happy.

If Shao Xuan knows Yi Qi’s thoughts, he will definitely sneer.

The people of Yijia are highly accustomed to thinking that everyone is lower than them. As for Yi Qi’s blame for Shao Xuan’s oracle bones that squandered them, and borrowed the giant tortoise to break the enchantment, Shao Xuan would have ignored it.

Isn't this a nonsense, don't borrow your tortoise shells, is it hard to break the enchantment with bare hands? How much hurt? More laborious?

Supporting the flame giant is already laborious. Of course, he has to choose the most labor-saving method to get a chance to get out of trouble.

What are the two skills that the tribes recognize and the ancestors mastered first?

One is fire and the other is a tool.

There are ready-made tools that don't have to be silly.

Also lost Shao Xuan did not know Yi Qi's thoughts, did not say this, if Yi Yi heard Shao Xuan's answer, will definitely vomit a blood before dying.

Yi Qi did not breathe.

The Yijia people have the tradition of choosing their own cemetery, and they will not ask to go back to the Yijia headquarters to bury them. Moreover, Wangcheng is not the ancestral home of the Yijia tribe. On the feelings, the Yi family’s feelings for Wangcheng are far more than People who don't go to the family, after all, there are still a lot of people in the family, but the people of Yijia, as long as they bring their own divination equipment, the sense of belonging to Wangcheng is not strong.

Yi Qi felt that he had not been able to support it for a long time. He had already negotiated conditions with Yi Yi. Two of his slaves would have two slaves to accompany him, and the other two slaves followed Yi.

Yi Yi will find it easy to find a place near the mountain. The other two funeral slaves don't have to be easy to use. After digging the grave, they are finished.

The slaves that can be brought here by them are all domesticated slaves. The imprints of slaves have long been deeply imprinted into their minds. They will never be mutinized and let them die. Even if there are other ideas, they will be executed.

Shao Xuan did not interfere with the burial of Yi Qi, Yi Yi asked him to talk about the conditions, so Shao Xuan was surprised that Yi Qining died unwilling to be taken back to the Yanjiao tribe by Shao Xuan, even let Yi Yi promise him before he died. It is absolutely not going to let the Yanjiao people take his corpse to the Yanjiao tribe, but on the contrary, Yizheng is not excluded from being taken as a captive to the Yanjiao tribe.

The idea is true or false, Shao Xuan is not sure, but there are also seven or eight points of credibility. Yi Yi may have been voluntarily arrested. However, there are other ideas behind this. Yi Yi did not say it for the time being, but he also assured Shao Xuan that he would not do anything harmful to Yanjiao and swear by Yijia Totem.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Shao Xuan left Yishan and his six slaves to leave the mountains after returning to Yiyan.

Twenty pieces of worms, a large bundle of worms, and the mysterious "ice water" left by the two small bags of stars and butterflies were also taken away. (To be continued.) 8

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