MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 832 You have a knife

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Nothing is the first thing that is afraid of Shao Xuan. The second fear is not the leader, but the Ganci.

Looking at Ganche, who had blocked the door, he felt that his teeth were shaking. On the other side of the mainland, he was released by the Yanjiao for a long time. Although he did not dare to do anything brazenly on the site of Yanjiao, he also observed it because he had suffered from eating. So, no and want to know more about the Yanjiao tribe.

The more he observed, the more he discovered that there were many special things in the Yanjiao tribe, such as a wolf with three eyes. I heard that it was just an ordinary beast that could not be counted as a beast. For example, that only The mountain giant eagle, I heard that it was raised from an early age, that is the only mountain eagle that was raised by the tribe except the returning tribe. How difficult it is to deal with the mountain giant eagle, and the sum is very clear. There are also things like birds and birds, and there are many, many amazing things, but these are not enough to make the peace of mind.

Looking at the five steps away from the quiet station where Ganchee, there is no impulse to run, but I feel that some things should be clear, this time he did not participate.

Wuhe is preparing to justify it. He saw Ganzi slowly raise his hand. The hand is still holding a stone of the earth's eye. It was the one that was leaked when the people of Changle took it, but at that time, they rushed to evacuate. Did not go back to it.

The earth's eye stone is in the hands of Ganche, and the loose clods are generally turned into powder.

The atmosphere in the house is sluggish, especially in the hands of people who are playing with the stone of the earth. Although this stone is not too hard, it is not so easy to crush it, and, without any tools, Fingers can easily do this! Ganche’s fingers did not change, even a little print!

The face of Su Li is getting more and more ugly, and his eyes are more and more alert when he stares at him. He has a very dangerous feeling. When he turns into a pair of red eyes, his hair is a little hairy.

On the other side, the street where the gambling house is located.

The trend of the group frame spread over half of the street in a short period of time. When the people came over, the houses on both sides of the street were not intact. The stone tiles were everywhere and they were everywhere. In particular, when the short-skinned bearded men advertised that "Wangcheng people are going to steal things," the blood vessels are bursting. Dutma owes it!

"Give me a hand!"

The explosion that contained intense anger spread to the entire street.

At the same time, many people wearing golden armor appeared, almost the whole street was surrounded, especially in the center of the battlefield, the guards who lined the bow appeared on some roofs on the street, the indifferent eyes with those sharp The arrows are all facing the battle circle. Under the purple gas, the light reflected by the armor was a bit strange, and the people who wanted to play with it could not help but shudder.

The sound of the wooden whistle sounded with a specific rhythm, and the Yanjiao people scattered everywhere quickly gathered toward the whistle. The eyes of the Yanjiao are well-trained, but these people are different from their Wang Chengjun. These people are trained in hunting. It’s no wonder that these people who are mingling with Yan’s horns have not benefited. Most of the people lying on the ground are Wangcheng people, but there are quite a few lying on the ground in the corner of Yan. The only few are when they gather in the battle circle. Take it away, there should be people nearby to take care of the wounded in the war.

After Wei took over with the guards, he blew the whistle of the stop. He had no doubt that if he turned a deaf ear, these Wang Chengjun would directly put arrows. On the site of Wangcheng, they didn't want to really touch the guards here, no good.

The other people in the Yanhe River area are headed by the Yanjiao. When they look at Yanjiao, they stop doing it. They also do it. The people of the sub-tribes are not everywhere. They quickly hide behind the Yanjiao people and make them short. The body is as hidden as possible. They still prefer dark places, it is best not to see light, it is really dangerous to be exposed to the sun.

Not only the people on the side of Yanjiao, but other Wangcheng people saw it at first sight, and they immediately stopped to try to escape. But the surrounding area has been surrounded by the guards. If they escape, those guards will probably be merciless. They shot into hedgehogs.

Seeing the chaos on the street stopped, the unhappiness in the mind was slightly reduced, at least his prestige was still there. These people were still afraid of him and afraid of guarding the army.

However, the next moment, when you received it, you heard a loud bang, and the ground trembled. The sound was not on this street, but a little farther. However, after all, it happened again after he stopped calling, it was like a provocation.

Everyone on the street saw a sullen look and a storm, and the blue veins on the forehead jumped two times, a pair of people who wanted to eat, so that everyone who was already stunned, especially those gamblers. The heart is more and more uneasy, and does not dare to look directly at the collection, only use the afterglow to pay attention to the action of the collection.

With a slight side, no need to say a word, a small group of people after the close will quickly leave, and the place where the movement just came.

If you say that the happiest thing at this time is the people in the gambling house, they have suffered a lot of losses this time. They can even say that they are both rich and bad.

"General!" A small manager of the gambling house is like seeing a savior.

General? Some people in the Yanhe River said that they don't know what the "General" is, but it seems to be very powerful?

"The general is helping..." He ran to the little actor in front of the gambling house. After he had not finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp wind sweeping. The next moment, the abdomen was the pain of the heart, and the mouth was bleeding. The strong force made him whole body bent and flew out.

The people on the street shuddered, like the one who had just squatted on them and felt the same.

The muscles on the Bo Yi surface twitched, and the anger that came up was quickly pressed down when he watched it. The footsteps that he just wanted to move hard came back.

I didn’t even watch the person who was thrown out, as if I had just thrown out a junk, with cold light in my eyes, and the murderous air did not converge for a moment and broke out from the body.

The people on the street, especially on the side of the Yanjiao, suddenly tightened their nerves and watched for it.

Weihe Mai and other people's eyelids also jumped and jumped. This person is much stronger than the gambler. Moreover, it seems to be **** murderous, some like the hunting team when hunting, but the horn The hunting team is trained by hunting beasts, and this person, I am afraid that the target is all human. Wang Cheng’s strong, there are still many, such as this one.

The foot that was just picked up was almost completely murdered. The gambler did not make a scream, but it made people feel that there was a kind of inaudible screaming in the ear.

The collection did not pull out the sword on the waist, but the danger of giving people did not decrease at all. The indifferent sight swept a circle, and the foot lifted slowly forward, the speed was unpleasant, and it seemed to have no sound, but The people in Wangcheng who know the confiscation will not have any contemptuous attitude, even the people of the black bear caravan are nervous.

稷 Watching like a random walk into a messy street, the wood under the feet was slammed. Every time he took a step, the other people in Wangcheng, who were close to each other, stepped back and took a step back with fear.

Weiwei people did not take people back, seeing them in their hands, they said: "You want to do it to us? First, grab the things, but you Wangcheng people, can not afford to lose ..."

Wei’s words have not been finished yet, and the collection has already been laughed, with deep disdain on his face. “You should be glad that there is a Shaoxuan in the Yanjiao.” Otherwise, no matter what reason, no matter what happens in Wangcheng, all kill . If it is not the case today, he will wash the street.

It’s the irony of Yan’s side. If there is no Shao Xuan, Yan Yan and Yan River are nothing, and it’s even more impossible to walk safely on Wangcheng Street.

If the other tribes or organizations in the Wangcheng area hear this, they will be angry, and this is an insult to them!

However, standing in front of the collection is a group of Yanjiao people.

When I heard this, the Yanjiao people also looked "ah, we are very happy" and have a proud expression.

Accept: "..."

It feels like being fed a moldy millet, and I feel that I can't communicate with this group of tribes.

But the people in Yanjiao really think so. They don’t think that there is anything to be mad at this. Is it true that the tribe has a powerful person?

Taking a deep breath, he plans not to talk nonsense with this group of tribes, and then sweeps his eyes to other people on the street. He whispers: "If you shouldn’t take things, let go of yourself, otherwise, kill!"

Boom! Snapped!

I also planned to take a trip before, but at this time it was like holding a hot stone, and quickly threw it away. Compared with these interests, it is more important to have a small life.

Some people still have luck and want to get away with it. They feel that they will not find him, but they are hit by their companions. The other person’s eyes remind him not to die for this. The levy generally does not control the small struggles in the city, but once it is shot, it will be quite cruel, saying that blood wash can not be overemphasized, and even anger, they do not want to be implicated.

The squatting was standing there indifferently, as if you didn't know the struggles of the people in the crowd. A team of guards quickly walked on the streets, picking up the things that were thrown away and getting together.

"Look, what's missing."

The tribes who bet saw the Wei and Mai and others, and with their consent, began to look for their own things. They didn't take it anymore. They didn't look at the other gamblers in Wangcheng. They didn't have to steal it. It was enough to find their own.

"What about my crystal?!" Ah did not scream with dissatisfaction. Since I heard that Shao Xuan called "Crystal", Abu Li also changed his mouth.

A piece of crystal that Abu Li has seen has been seen by many people. It can't be faked, and many people who look at the gambling are looking at the gambling.

"We didn't take it!" Bo Yi gasped and defended. This black pot is awkward!

"Here." A voice that couldn't hear any emotions came, and at the same time, the thick crystal of the arm was thrown at Aless.

Hurry to catch the crystal, Abu Li is delighted to look at the Ganchee coming. "Gance you help me find it back? Thank you!"

The clothes of Gan Chee who came over were cut through many places. The most conspicuous one was the knife and arrow that passed through the body.

Seeing Ganqie and the appearance, the people in Yanjiao did not feel too unexpected. When they were on the street, they were premised on protecting their own lives. But when they were different, it was completely unscrupulous and desperate. The situation is much more.

"Ah! Ganche, you have a knife!" Able yelled, "Hurry!"

The Wangcheng people thought that this big-footed local tyrant would be called a witch doctor to treat him. He saw that Abu-Lei threw the crystal in his hand to the person next to him, and then grabbed the handle of the short knife that Gan Chee had exposed outside and pulled it out.

Pulled out...

The street was suddenly quiet again.

"Hey, there is an arrow!"

There are no first-aid scenes of blood, blood and blood, and life dying. Even the pain is not there. No, it should be said that the party that does not know how much it has been smashed, a voice has not been issued, and the expression on the face is not Change, as if I can't feel the injury on my body.

"Hey, you have a lot of things, but it's too small, it's not easy to pull out." Abu Li felt that Ganqi helped him find the crystal, he should help.

However, Gan Pei was impatient, and he turned aside, and the hidden weapon that pierced the body came out, and slammed down to the ground.

Accept: "..."

Guards: "..." Fortunately, they are strictly trained. Otherwise, if the hand shakes, the arrow on the bow will be shot. In this case, if they are accidentally shot, they will be slashed and cut.

Everyone in the city swallowed, and looking at Gansie’s eyes was like watching a horrible monster.

Therefore, in the hearts of Wang Cheng people, Gan Che has another name that is not dead.

Picking up the cheeks and seeing the tangential face of the body, and removing the blood from the body, and a stream of blood did not flow, a guardian rushed over and said a few words in the ear. They were the ones who had sent them before to see the bang.

Listening to the report of the subordinates, the pupils shrink and shrink, and the eyes change.

It was a stronghold of Changle that was just screaming.

Su Li was seriously injured. He was rescued by other Changle people who had just arrived in Wangcheng. The number of deaths and injuries in Changle was unknown. The entire stronghold was flattened. It turned into sand, and the original look was not seen. Other clues could not be found.

And what caused it all is the person who just came over.

In the end of Changle, there is only one word for the evaluation!

However, this group of people in Yanjiao does have quite dangerous people.


In addition to Shao Xuan of Yanjiao, the collection will remember the second dangerous person.

There were voices from other places in Wangcheng. However, it was not that some people made trouble, but the purple gas that shrouded the top of the king city began to change. It was gathering, as if the fog was gradually dissipating.

On the other side of the palace, the ceremony of the deeds on the heaven and earth deeds is almost over. (To be continued.)

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