MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 829 Deed!

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Shao Xuan can feel that there is a kind of fire power flowing in this mountain. It is just like a human being. The totem fighters in non-combat state on weekdays do not show their strength. Similarly, this mountain is also, if only look at the shape, this There is no other special thing except that there is no plant growth on the hill.

"Now the deed?" Shao Xuan asked.

"If you want to, you can do it now. You have already seen the content of the contract. If you don't object, you can make a deed."

In order to stabilize the Yanjiao side, the conditions given are still very good. Everyone will come and go smoothly, do not fight, obey the rules of the other party on the other side of the site, etc. The deadline is one hundred years. Wangcheng wants to expand here and must deal with internal and external matters. The same is true of Yanjiao. It takes time to develop, which is beneficial to both sides.

In a hundred years, it sounds a lot, but in fact, there are not many tribes who have lived for half of their lives. If they can control the kingship, it is not impossible to sit on the throne for a hundred years.

Besides, even if it is not released after a hundred years, the contract is still in force, and the successor Wang continues to obey. Just like the contract signed by the predecessors of the Black Bear Caravan with Wang Cheng, it is still valid. Regardless of who takes over the leader of the Black Bear Caravan, the contract will be obeyed until the contract expires.

Shao Xuan looked at a few people and saw that they had no objections and nodded. "That is the right now."

The scroll that was prepared by writing a piece of animal skin that had been prepared for the contract was handed to Shao Xuan for a few people. After confirming that it was correct, he took the scroll and walked to the front of the mountain wall and walked back and forth. Looked, stopped at the mountain wall pointing at that place, to Shaoxuandao: "The empty area here is relatively large, and it is here to make a deed."

When Shao Xuan nodded, he looked calm and solemn, raised his right palm and shocked his palm. The palm suddenly broke a hole and the blood flowed out of the crack. Waiting for the blood to drip, the sputum has already attached the bleeding palm to the mountain wall. At the same time, some stem-like lines appear on the body, and those lines Shao Xuan have seen it in the shack.

The fire power belonging to the family is emitted from the body. At the same time, the flames of the palms of the mountain wall emerged. At the same time, the contents of the contract began to be read, and each time a word was placed on the palm of the mountain wall, the totem pattern would be partially completed.

When the totem pattern of nearly one meter long is formed, the content of the contract is also finished.

"...for a hundred years!"

As the last word fell, a circle of red light suddenly appeared around the totem of the family, which is the flame of the fire belonging to this mountain. This circle of flames will circle the totem mark left behind.

The cockroach retracted the hand, and the totem mark left on the mountain wall was still there, and the red flame of the circle remained there.

Stepping back two steps, he made a gesture and gestured to Shao Xuan to go forward. "You just need to keep aside it."

Shao Xuan nodded, lifted his foot and walked forward, reaching out to the mountain wall, just beside the totem of the house.

At the moment when Shao Xuan’s palm was attached, the red flame of the totem of the house was circled and extended toward this side.

Shao Xuan closed his eyes. He could perceive the flow of power inside the mountain. He could also perceive the kind of fire in the center of the mountain. Perhaps others feel that the fire in this mountain is very strange, even if it does not show strong rejection, but it will still give people some pressure. The closer the pressure is, the more unbearable the pressure. But Shao Xuan does not. He does not feel the pressure from the mountain fire. He feels that the fire inside has a familiar feeling and is similar to the white flame in his body.

In addition, the so-called deeds are also a rule based on the power of fire, and the flow of each force, Shao Xuan can feel from the palm.

Suddenly opened his eyes, a black light appeared in Shao Xuan's eyes, and the totem of the body quickly spread to the whole body. The power from the flaming fire in the blood rushed toward the palm, and the breath of the flaming horn instantly shook outward. open.

Outside the palace.

The gambler received news from several big aristocrats that Yan Yan might have to sign a contract with Wang Cheng immediately, so the people gathered there did not leave. In order to prevent someone from sneaking on the table, Bo Yi adjusted a lot of people to come over, and the gambling table was surrounded by three floors. Everyone was staring at the thief, and the person who bet was past the only gap left. Bet, come one.

When they feel the kind of fire change from the palace, they know that the in-law agreement has begun.

"It is the breath of the fire of the Yanjiao." Ah did not force.

"You guess, who is the person responsible for the deed in the corner of Yanzhou?" someone asked.

"That still asks?" The people around him looked at the person who had just asked questions with the look of a fool.

Yeah, what about asking? Yan Guan, who is in charge of the deed of the corner, must be Shao Xuan, their great elder.

The whole Wangcheng was astonished by this sudden change. Quietly, the people around the gambling square stared at the position of the palace and carefully perceive the changes in the power of the fire. Although they can't see the situation there, they can also speculate on the changes in the power of the fire.

Not far from the gambling house, in a house, Su Li took dozens of Changle people who came to see the fun, and also paid attention to the movement of the palace, but at the same time, they also stared at the gambling side. . Look at the excitement and the excitement. When necessary, they will still have some fun, and they will be happy to find things that are fun.

In the palace, the garden where the heaven and earth deeds are located.

The sputum perceives the scent of the fire from the Xuan Xuan body, and frowns. The fire of Shao Xuan’s body began to become weird. It seems that there are still some other things, not just the smell of Yanjiao.

what exactly is it?

I put my eyes on the bead and moved, look at the mountain wall, and look at Shao Xuan, doubt in my heart.

According to the usual practice, the totem mark of Yan Yan should appear. However, why did Shao Xuan’s palms not see the double-angle pattern of Yanjiao?

I was puzzled, and suddenly I heard a loud bang, like the sound of a boulder rolling, and the thunder that suddenly came from the sky, and the people in the garden were shocked.

The white flame emerged from Shao Xuan's palm. Then, a line of white flames extended from his palm until the middle of the mountain wall. The trend of extending upwards remained unchanged, but at the same time, there was another flame in the horizontal direction. The line appears and extends toward both sides. The vertical and horizontal white flames extend in a "ten" shape.

The mountain is shaking, and some tiny stones like sand are rolling off the mountain. However, these tiny stones, which look like sand, are deafening, as if the stone is sweeping down, and the thunder is loud.

The red flame spurted out from all over the mountain, and the flame began to rise. The more the flames, the more fierce the mountain trembled, as if a dormant volcano finally woke up.

The beautiful flame splashes, and the flame gas continues to rise from the mountain.

The rising flame from the mountain reflects a little red light in the hole of Shao Xuan's scorpion. However, this red light is in the flame of white, such as a drop in the pan.

Looking back at a few people, looking at the side with shock, is the movement of the original deed so big?

If a few people in the hospital know their thoughts, they will definitely be more shocked and scream: No, you think too much!

When they had a deed with others, this was not the case at all!

In the past, no matter which tribe, which organization’s leader was in a deed, even when there was a big movement, it was within a limited scope, not so intense, giving the impression that everything is under the control of the mountain. . However, at this moment, the situation in front of me is more like the mountain can not control!

Not to mention control, slap and even feel, the mountain is more like laissez-faire!

I feel that things seem to be beyond his control.

In the garden, as the roaring sound became more and more fierce, the wind sprinted away, the tiny dust was blown up, and the leaves of flowers and plants were rolled up in the air, as if to usher in a storm.

Seeing this situation, the Mujia family stunned and took a breath, but because of the dust in the air, it was suddenly violently coughing, like coughing up a blood in his heart.

Others did not pay attention to the Mu family, who was coughing, but looked at the mountain in the center of the hospital. The old man of Yijia is even more shocked.

Isn't that a deed? How could this be? !

Outside the palace, people who have been paying attention to the movements have also heard the thunder of the royal palace. If they are not looking at the sunshine, they will think that they are thundering.

"Send... what happened?" The timid person trembled and groaned.

Some people quickly returned to God and laughed at those people who made a fuss. "Normally, the deeds on the land contract will naturally be a bit big, no need to worry."

"Really..." Many people doubt. Do not blame them for being timid, it is because of the catastrophe in the past, they scared out phobia. When you hear this sound and the movement, you are not right.

"Of course it's true!" Those who don't have to worry about trying to maintain a calm expression and stick to their own opinions. If you wear your own, you have to wear it.

Bo Yi has repeatedly noticed the surroundings, don't be staggered and stole things.

A few of them did not look at the strange look, and continued to sigh: "It turns out that the deed is like this!"

In the house not far away, a stand up and stand up, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and the people around Changle said: "There is nothing wrong with it!" He is the one who likes to join in the fun. Interested in the gems, he just wants to see when those people lose their belongings, they are so angry that they can't wait to kill their Changle people, but they have no expression.

"Staring at the gambling table, once you see the opportunity, you can start doing it..."

Su Li’s words have not finished yet, and he shakes his head with no strength. "I don't do it! I want to go to you, I don't participate anyway!" (To be continued.)


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