MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 824 a fire

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Looking back at the Wangcheng in front, if you think about it.

Wang Cheng, is not a king city.

If an ancient behemoth lies there, even if it does not emit a trace of sound, it can make people feel the powerful momentum of majesty. It seems that the next moment will engulf all the people and things that come here, and the air will carry them. Repress all the urgency. The first time people come here, they can't help but have a timidity.

Although because of the slave owners and the description of them, blame has not been very good for people here, especially the people of Wangcheng, can be considered disgusting. But I have to admit that Wang Cheng is indeed very big, far from what the cities through which they pass. There is always a reason for it to be strong, and intellectually, the leader who is a tribe must learn from it.

"This is the king city."

There are still many people who have the same mind as blame. Many people thought that the Yanhe trading area was big enough to surpass their imagination. It was the biggest trading area they had ever seen, but it was only now that they knew it. I don’t know how big the world is.

Guilty now finally knows why Shao Xuan let them come to Wangcheng to take a trip. Without coming here, many Yanjiao people who have begun to self-inflate will not recognize the reality, and say that it is better to let them see for themselves. A large part of these people who came here this time are born and raised on the mainland. There is still a gap between them and the group of them. This trip has benefited a lot.

Yanjiao, walking too fast, so many people's ambitions can not keep up with the will. After waking up, they still have a long way to go.

"In the future, can we reach such a scale in our Yanhe trading area?" asked.

"Let our elders say, can." Tuo is very confident. In the expansion of the trading zone, in the future, with the continued expansion of the Yanhe River Basin, the trading zone will continue to expand. Although they also want to expand to the size of the king city once, but they will form a feeling of exaggeration. It is still solid and stable. Several witches have said that force, population, and people's hearts are all things that must be considered. Even if he can't see the day, he believes that the day of Yanjiao will always come.

Guiqi raised his mouth and said, "Exactly, I think so." After finishing his face, he raised his arm and waved it vigorously.

Oh la la la

In front of the Wangcheng, on the open plain, the six-sided totem flag was slammed forward and lined up in a row, waving in the wind.

Why is the six-sided totem banner?

At that time, there were only three sides in Chaoqiucheng: the double-angle totem flag of Yanjiao, the Longqi of the Yanhe Alliance, and the totem flag of the Changzhou tribe. But on the way to Wangcheng, the tribes, the tribes, and the eight tribes, the three tribes came together to make a total, and they felt that they were losing money, even though they did not come here. But such a good opportunity to brush a sense of existence through the momentum of Yan, giving up too bad.

The totem flag is not ready to come out. Finally, they think of a compromise method. Instead of drawing the totem flag in the name of the tribe, they draw it in the name of a small group of people. This is the production of the totem flag. There will be differences, but the slave owners and tribes on this side do not understand the rules of the tribes on the other side of the sea. Just let others see the flag with the totem and know that people who have had this tribe come over. And they don’t want to go with Yan Yan.

The tower holds the totem flag of the Yanjiao, and the flagpole pokes toward the ground. With a bang, a lot of dust and grass clippings on the ground fly, releasing the hand, and the totem flag stands quietly on the ground.

After a moment of activity, the tower looked silent and communicated with each other. As a big leader who led the team to the mountain forest hunting all the year round, the tower could clearly feel the hostility from the city gate. They wanted to enter the gate of the king city, I am afraid it would not so easy.


of course not!

After the bones were moved, the tower hand grabbed the flagpole of the totem flag again and pulled it out from the ground.

The sound of the totem flag poked on the ground just now will be recalled to the people who were shocked by the sight of Wang Cheng. However, at this moment, watching the moment when the 啪啦啦 totem flag flutters, they have no worries in their hearts.

Is Wangcheng more terrible than the beastly mountain? They are not afraid of the beasts and mountains. What can Wangcheng make them timid? Moreover, they all believe that one day, the Yanhe trading area will surpass Wangcheng. The two corners are facing, no disadvantage!

Perhaps because of the changes in the mentality of the people in Yanjiao, the assimilation of morale around them, the people of other tribes have gradually adjusted their mentality.

Indeed, what are you afraid of? Besides, what happened to the people with Yanjiao is blocking the head.

The horn from the city gate rang after a long wolverine, and there was already an action on the side of the gate. The armor of the Wangcheng guard was golden.

Upon seeing this, many people in the team walked forward with their own heads, while they were working on their hands and feet. The sword and axe in their hands seemed to be hungry and thirsty. Some people in the front row screamed with excitement and screamed at the posture. I know that I really want to attack the city.

In fact, not only the people on the tribe were shocked by the king city, but the guards of Wangcheng were also surprised by the people who came over. Looking at the close team, they could not afford a goose bump. Even if there are many people in this team, the force may not be able to compare them, but at this time, in this place, these people seem to be twisted into a momentum of sweeping the army in an instant! Today, on the mainland here, perhaps only trained troops, or a handful of tribes far from the mountains can do this. This is the advantage of these tribes who have just merged with the fire. The heart is full and the influence of the original fire is still there.

Among the people who stood in the gate, Yu Ming looked at the nearby team and swallowed.

so many people? !

Where else are those other? Doesn't it mean only Yan Yan? How can I see several totem flags? If you don't rely on the power of Wang Cheng, people who rely on their family and the fox will not be able to win easily.

The people of the family are still hesitating, and the people of the foxes have already resigned. Although those Yanjiao people who came over, they only knew one Shaoxuan, but they were familiar with the fire and the style of the Yanjiao people. Therefore, as soon as they saw the number, the fox people who had always been stunned did not want to work hard. The arduous task of giving Yan Yan people the opportunity to let Ma Wei still let the people of the family go.

The young armor standing on the tower, he looked at the team, hesitated, and did not greet him. Not that he didn't dare, but he wanted to look at the situation first. Thinking of what his brother said, the armor youth looked for it in the nearby team and did not find the person to be found.

Shao Xuan of Yanjiao?

This time, it is said to talk with Yanjiao. The most important person is only Shao Xuan of Yan Yan. If there is no Shao Xuan, this person will not be afraid of Yan Yan.

Just thinking, there was an eagle in the air.

Not the ones that flew in the air before, but an eagle flying in the other direction, swooping forward toward the team heading for the gate.

A figure jumped from the back of the eagle and fell to the front of the team.

The armor youth on the tower found that when the man appeared, the team that came to the king city was obviously quiet, and the screams stopped at the same time. The leaders of the group also looked at the man and seemed to be waiting for anything.

"That is the Yanjiao Shaoxuan?" asked the armor youth.

"It's him." The person who was next to the armor youth whispered.

The appearance of Shao Xuan clearly made the pressure in Guiqi and others less.

After sweeping the eye, Shao Xuan Cai looked at the gate not far away and raised his hand to make a stop gesture.

Not only the people of Yanjiao, but also other tribes, including the long boat, the tribe, and the eagle flying in the air, also stopped. None of these people objected, and there was no dissatisfaction on the face. This is not pretending!

This discovery made the young man's armor of the tower of the city stunned and looked at Shao Xuan, thinking in his heart.

Shao Xuan swept his eyes near the gate of Wangcheng City, and finally his eyes stayed on his body.

Although Yan’s team exceeded their expectations, he didn’t care. His goal was only Shao Xuan, who just appeared here. A pair of eyes stared at Shao Xuan with hate, and the muscles of his face were twisted and squeezed. Together, it looks awkward. On the same day, Shao Xuan took his hammer under the eyes of the public, and chased him to fight, so that he was lost in the famous genius of Wangcheng. Today, he is with a revenge mentality, no matter other people. What is the idea, the purpose of 麓弼 is very clear, is revenge!

With such a strong line of sight, Shao Xuan naturally noticed, did not speak, and walked straight toward the place where several people were.

There is no big noise, no gas field is wide open, and there is no change in the ground under the foot. Only a few dust particles flying in each step are not like a very dangerous beast, but more like a Ordinary people walk normally on the ground.

However, facing Shao Xuan’s embarrassment, he felt as if there was a mountain that did not peak. He was pressing over to him. He wanted to explode and wanted to explode the most powerful force. He wanted to fight all the snow. Former shame, however, he found helplessly, no use!

Just like a torch that is ready to burn, suddenly it was blocked by all the air around it, and there was no way to vent it, so it went back!

Holding the sledgehammer standing there and sheltering from the rain, the original sigh of breath, the hard breath was suppressed. He wants to mobilize the fire power that fuses in the blood, but finds that those forces are like strikes, and they seem to be deliberately avoiding something, and they are reluctant to move.

" could you..." The eyes were full of unbelievable, and the copper hammer clenched in his hand was bigger than the one that Shao Xuan had taken at the door of Gongjia’s house, but now it is only In the hands of the cockroaches, due to the shaking of the arm, a burst of powerless screams.

What can you do if you can't swing the hammer?

Many people don't understand why they will suddenly behave like this. Isn't it a good idea to let Shaoxuan of Yanjiao look good in the past few days? Why are people standing in front of you now, but you can't even move the hammer?

No one knows the feeling that the scalp is about to explode at this time, the back is sweating, and the bottom of the heart has generated fear and even escaped.

He saw a fire in Shao Xuan's eyes, a white fire. (To be continued.)


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