MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 816 Chief bone error

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For Shao Xuan's request, the leader of the slave master did not immediately agree, but carefully looked at the stupid, sickly old slave to look at the eyes, I really did not feel that this slave has anything special.

As the largest slave organization, the slave owners in the organization have developed a pair of good eyes, which slaves can sell high prices, and which slaves can not be used, can be seen. Especially when the position is high, the eyesight is of course more powerful. However, as a leader, there are more slaves sold than a tribe. However, he does not see any abnormalities in the slave. There are so many slaves, and more than half of the strong slaves who are suitable for hard work. Why did this Yanjiao choose a special old slave?

"Know?" asked the leading slave owner.

"An old acquaintance." Shao Xuan did not deny.

The leader of the slave owner looked suspiciously at Shao Xuan and looked at the slave. There are indeed many people who will know the people who bought them. However, this is always wrong on the Yanjiao. Even if you really know, this "old acquaintance" is definitely not a friendly relationship. Enemy?

I want to think about it, I can’t figure out the weirdness of this, but the leader still agrees. They are the professional slave traders in the slave owners. They want to buy and sell slaves. Since someone wants to buy slaves, he sells them, but this price, It is higher.

Wood fell over and bargained with the other side. He went to the autumn city more times, and he also understood the market of slave trade. What kind of slave value is clear is very clear.

Finally, Shao Xuan bought the slave with a not too bright water moonstone.

When the sale is reached, the leader of the slave will take off a gold-shaped slap in the neck.

This kind of thing is called 觿(i), a tool used to solve knots.

In the absence of gold locks, the knot is a simple and convenient low-cost lock. Even if the lock is later, the knot is still the mainstream. Sometimes, for the safety of property, there will be complicated knots when knotting. Some knots can produce a nine-ring effect. If you don't use tools, you have to solve it for at least half a day, but if you use this tool, maybe the time of two breaths can be solved.

If the knot is the earliest lock, then 觿 is the earliest key.

The former slave owners will carry them with them, and at the same time, they will also inform others: "But there are slaves!"

Sometimes a person will wear several shackles at the same time, just like the shackles worn by the slave owners who are escorting slaves in front of them. Some are short, some are slender, some are straight, some are more curved, some are more curved, some are shaped. Simple, some more complicated, and even a lot of hollow patterns.

Shao Xuan still knows more about the knot, so at a glance, there are nearly a hundred kinds of knots on the ropes that bind these slaves. More than half of them are not seen by Shao Xuan. Although some knots seem simple, Shao Xuan knows that the knot is not easy to unravel.

It's really amazing.

Different shapes of enamel for solving different types of knots. Wearing more, naturally gives the impression that "I have more slaves, so there are more knots and more shackles."

Slave is also a kind of wealth. This kind of behavior of slave owners is also a manifestation of showing off wealth.

With the emergence of the brains of the craftsmen, the talented craftsmen of the skill explosions appeared one by one, and some more complicated and strong locks came along, but the production was difficult, the cost was high, and it was very expensive. . The nobility who used the gold locks to realize the benefits of these new locks gradually reduced the frequency of the knots. In addition to the nature of use, the more gorgeous gold locks can also decorate the facade, showing the noble status of the aristocratic slaves, which is very popular among the nobility.

With a strong lock replacement, the knots in daily life no longer need to be tied, so the shackles used to solve the ropes are gradually used less, but the cockroaches have not disappeared. Nowadays, I continue to inherit, but the function is constantly diminishing, and I am going in the direction of accessories.

The nobility has continued their habit of wearing and showing their noble slave status. Since it is no longer used to solve the ropes, it does not need to be more durable, and the beautiful gems are good. Accessories, more forceful. Some female slave owners will also use the scorpion for the fixed head as a decoration. The production of enamel is also more inclined to a gorgeous appearance, rather than functional utility.

Therefore, in many slave owners, there is still a tradition of wearing shackles, but Dai Dai’s people may not really use it to solve the ropes.

But among the slave owners, there is a special group.

The people who have been organized by the "畀" have always had a soft spot for the cockroaches. The cockroaches they wear are still used to solve the knots. When they are escorted to the slaves, they are still mostly tied with ropes. The ropes are also relatively strong ropes that have been specially treated.

The sly people are all playing well, and if they don’t borrow tools, they want to solve them very hard. Of course, with a hard weapon to cut, naturally it can be cut off, but whoever will risk offending "畀" The danger, to grab the slaves of "畀"?

Most of the slaves who have tried their best to break the rope and escape, the majority will still be found by the "squatting" people in various ways, in a more cruel way, and some will be sold as food to the cannibal after the labor tribe.

The slaves who are in the hands of the shackles rarely escape safely.

The slave leader of the team, with a scimitar-like shackle, untied a knot connected to the slave team, took the untied rope and handed it to Shao Xuan, and the other end of the rope was tied to the old one. slave.

"This slave is yours."

The other slave owners who escorted the slaves saw the deal reached, and they were full of joy. They felt that the deal was worthwhile. They made a lot of money. The moonstone is less like this, and it can be illuminated. It is worth more than the average gem. There is not much labor. Old slaves, it is not bad to change one of these gems.

However, the leader's slaves did not have much joy on the main face, but the more doubts in his heart, he did not regret doing this transaction, it was a loss, earning himself, he did it himself, but he still had a strange feeling in his heart. I also looked back at the old slave who was carrying the back, but unfortunately still could not see anything.

When the slave team left, they went far away and couldn't see it. Shao Xuancai looked at the old slave who stood there with his head down.

"Reload? When I don't know who you are?"

Other people have been made even more surprised by Shao Xuan’s words. Look at the right and left, this person has never seen them.

"I... I don't know... what are you talking about." The old slave's hoarse voice, shuddering and talking about the native dialect, even the Changzhou tribe who came here, has learned this. , said that there is no standard.

It is even more confusing to blame a few people. Who is this? Could it be that Shao Xuan came to know this? Those who have been on the other side will definitely not know this.

Just thinking, blame Shao Xuandao: "Don't pretend, steal seven."

Pirates seven? ! !

Thousands of double-knife-like sights swept over.

To say that Yanjiao people's views on "theft" are like seeing nausea. Since the people who know "theft" come here, Yanjiao is still excited and gloating. Now, they actually saw "theft" again! Really an old acquaintance!

When stealing cabbage from the farmland where he stole seven to Yanjiao was arrested, Shao Xuan took him down. Later, this person had other thieves. He wanted to steal the green face and fangs. He was chased by Shao Xuan and finally could only be relegated. The result was whistling for help. Now, I have come across it again.

Knowing that I can't hide, the thieves on the seven sides are all twisted.

Before mixing in this team of escorting slaves, he still thought that he was a genius. When he was mixed into the Asahi Castle, he could find a chance to sneak out, suffocating people, la la la la~

The heart continually circulates the "stolen" organization's victory song, and the thief is very proud. As a result, before he arrived in the autumn city, he encountered the Xu Xing this nemesis. He is pretending to be like this, Shao Xuan can still recognize it!

Every time I meet Yan Yan people, there is no good thing!

Pirates of Seven felt that he was so unlucky that he must have not worshipped his ancestors before this action.

Under the eyes of the public, the old slaves were originally full of wind and frost, look weak, and the appearance of weakness, gradually began to change, no longer squatting, the back of the spine rises, the dry body is also like inflatable, and there is a squeaky bone. Misplaced sound.

Guiding a few people to look at the eyes of the slave, from the beginning of the surprise, to the doubts, then to the anger, the heart also came up with a sentence: the trough, really this goods!

"Pirates seven!"

Yan Yan’s people squatted on their shoulders and sneaked around in the middle. They sneered again and again, and the eyes seemed to say, “Look at Laozi’s death!”

The thief seems to be scared. He stands there and his eyes are sluggish, but Shao Xuan knows that this guy must have been thinking about ways to escape.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is very difficult to determine the escaping of the Seven Pirates. Shao Xuan asked again, "Let's say, what did you steal this time?"

"Pirates" people can not hide after stealing things. Others steal things because they are afraid of being known, but they are afraid that others will not know, and even show off, the more precious things, the more crazy they are, the more they can’t wait. Everyone knows.

However, in order to protect their own achievements, Pirates does not necessarily tell the truth.

Sure enough, for Shao Xuan’s question, the Pirates did not say anything.

Shao Xuan did not remind, but said, "We will go to Wangcheng this time, and we will bring a message."

Pirates 7 still hangs his head and does not move, but Shao Xuan knows that he is listening, and continues: "We will tell the people of Wangcheng, the thief who walked the seven, and tried hard to steal the trousers of the pilgrimage. ”

The Pirates suddenly looked up at Shao Xuan. "This is simply insulting my piracy!" Don't talk about the pilgrimage of the pilgrimage, and the pants of those people in the Wangcheng Palace can be easily stolen! This kind of low-level approach is something that some new talents do. How can he do it when he steals seven? ! He is going to be a thief!

Wangcheng comes and came with large caravans and long-distance teams. Such an entertainment news will probably be spread widely. Perhaps some people who have already been hacked will be more enthusiastic about the Pirates’ Seven. "Results", with some additional materials to make the news more interesting.

Obviously, Pirates has already thought a lot.

"Oh, do you think others will believe?" Pirates seven unintentional look.

"You can try." Shao Xuan's tone is gentle and authentic.

Pirates are not spoken. If the Yanjiao people threaten by force, he will make up various lie to Mengyanjiao, but Shao Xuan mentioned this, that is the reputation. This is simply a sewage that is forced to fall on his reputation!

Moreover, this said that the lethality is not great, but this is what Yanjiao said. Theft of the Seven is much more noticeable. He is afraid that Yanjiao will give him more pots. He is now preparing for the rankings, but he does not want to be affected by this.

After thinking about it, the Pirates said aloud, and said: "Hey. It’s a slap, and the swearer calls him ‘Leading wrong.’

After saying that Pirates Seven couldn't help but smug, this was stolen from the collar of the organization. He also intended to use this to steal the ranks. (To be continued.) 8

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