MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 797 You have oracle bones, I have ancestors

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When the upper and lower flames closed the area, Shao Xuan suddenly felt that there was a chill out of the bones. It was a flame that closed all of this, but it felt like being in the ice, the blood of the body. The flow is slowing down, all the power in the body is flowing, all are decreasing!

In particular, the power and circulation required to leave this area is “frozen” most obviously! If the power in the body cannot complete this flow rule, then it will not be able to leave this dark world.

Shao Xuan looked at the flames like the floor under his feet. This sealed the opportunity for them to flee. He clearly realized that Yi Xiang was going to seal him together with the hundred people from the Yi family camp. ! Shao Xuan himself, as well as everyone in the Yi family camp, is like a dish stuffed in a pot, and Yi Xiang is a person who adds fire to the pot.

Thinking of this, Shao Xuan could not help but shudder. He couldn't understand why Yi Xiang was so hostile to himself. Even in the face of such hostility, Yi Xiang did not go to see Yi Yi.

To get yourself into this situation, Shao Xuan said that it is impossible to regret, but at this time, there is no time to regret it. Instead of thinking about it at this time, it is better to take the time to think about how to get out of this dilemma.

Shao Xuan looked at the Yijia camp. He didn't understand it. He couldn't think of a way to escape effectively in a short time. However, everyone in Yijia should be quite familiar with this place. So, this kind of Under the circumstances, what will Yijia people do?

If Yi Jia can come up with an effective method, Shao Xuan can not know the ability of Yi family, but also know where to go.

Of course, Shao Xuan will not pin all his hopes on the Yi family. He is also thinking about how to solve the dilemma.

In the enclosed area, it is divided into two parts. Yixiang is standing there with the fire wall in front of Yixiang, and Shao Xuan and Yi Jia are here.

However, Shao Xuan has only one person, and there is no such strong sense of existence as Yi Xiang. Therefore, at first glance, only two parties are in the right place.

Yi Jia’s reaction is also fast. Even though the Yi family’s inexperience is less than good, but Yi Yi’s mind has already thought about it, he made several judgments on the current situation, but no matter which one, he feels that he has no bottom. But in the end, Yi Yi chose the most conservative way. He did not intend to use these hundred people to fight with Yi Xiang, but decided to leave first. This is the first time they have a clear understanding of Yi Xiang’s strength. After the evacuation, they need to think about other methods. Can not let the goal of Yi Xiang "killing the family"!

Yi Xiang has already started to move. It was originally like a wall of fire. It is no longer in a defensive posture. With Yi Xiang lifting his palm forward, the flame wall is a kind of beast. The fierce momentum rushed over here, and it was so vast that it seemed that any obstacles in front could not block their pace, and they wanted to rush everything and level!

Not one, two bones, but a whole wall of fire! In such a closed space, there is no chance to escape!

Even if it is not an entity that appears here, Shao Xuan has a feeling of sweating in the back. He looks at the fire wall approaching here, and there is no gap to let him escape. Turning around and looking at the Yijia camp, sure enough, the person standing in the forefront began to move.

This time, Yi Yi did not use their Bugs, Yi Yi raised a hand, holding a thing in his hand, looking at the shape, like a turtle shell.


A burst of dense sounds, like the movement of bones and hard objects in the collision.

Yi Yi screamed, and the hand holding the turtle shell slammed forward. The next moment, the turtle shell in his hand gave a dazzling light, not the kind of light like a bone beast, but a group !

This group of bright light rushed forward like a meteor. On the way to the front, this group of light also changed rapidly.


At this moment, Shao Xuan felt that there was a big mountain down, and the pressure on the body was rising in an amazing degree.

The sound of the sound of the wind slamming the flames seems to spread to every area in the world, and even the pressure from the raging fire wall pushed by Yi Xiang is pushed out.


The sound of the wind and fire changed and became a thunderous roar.

All the areas around the body are shaking, and Shao Xuan is shaking. In the field of vision, endless fires sprang from the bright light, and the flames were intertwined, and in this piece of fire, a huge figure rushed out of it.

Shao Xuan suddenly looked at the sudden appearance of a huge monster.

That is... turtle?

Unlike the turtle that Shao Xuanping saw, the turtle appeared in front of the body, the body is slimmer, the neck and tail are much longer than the turtles familiar to Shao Xuan, and there are some spiny things behind the neck, the tail. There are also many raised ribs, and there are undulations on the back shell, such as hills. Unlike the crocodile turtle in the Yanjiao tribe, the pointed tip is like a jagged back, but with a thick feeling like a mountain.

The form is only second, so Shao Xuan is shocked by its size.

too big!

Actually, the size of the giant beasts that Shao Xuan saw before Yingshan was almost the same!

The bone-bone beasts that Yi Yi had recruited before were not as good as the giant tortoise.

Ancient behemoth!

This is the first thought of Shao Xuan. There are such things in the hands of Yi Jia people!

In fact, in the hands of today's Yi family, this kind of divination tools made from the oracle bones of ancient monsters is not much, even rare.

The divination tools used by the Yijia people are all made by themselves or by others, and only a few are uploaded by the ancestors. The one that Yi Yi used at this time is one of the rare oracles that the ancestors passed down. There used to be some ancestral oracle bones, but most of them were used in some incidents and destroyed. This oracle bone is the most precious one among the oracle bones that has been handed down.

The tribes without fire pits are dedicated to burying the tribes, that is, the cemetery of their tribes. Among the six tribes of Wangcheng, the other five tribes have their own tribal cemeteries, and Yijia is an exception, although they also have Graveyard, but many people tend to find their own cemetery, and the more capable people, the more they will find their own cemetery. When they think that the deadline will come, they will leave the tribe, and the oracle bone in their hands. They will also leave with them as a funerary. Just as the family members prepare the grain in their graves, the necessary funerary objects for the Yi family are their own objects for divination.

The ability to find the grave of a ancestor of Yijia, and dare to sacred graves, as well as the power to control the funerary items that have lost their masters, such people are even rare.

This is also why the Yi family does not have many ancestral oracles. Yi Xiang said that their generation is not good, and it is also true, because the instruments they use for divination are indeed inferior to the ancestors. This is also a manifestation of strength.

Even at this time, Yi Zi’s position is extremely high. At this time, he can only give up his own bones and take out the oracle bones left by his ancestors.

Yi Xiang does not seem to be a strong body, but it brings great power, and it is forced to take out the oracle bones left by the ancestors. It seems that only the tortoise shell is big, only at this time, people will see it really look.

The giant tortoise opened its mouth and stretched its neck, and the throat moved. An old, vigorous Shao Xuan’s screaming sound has never been heard from its mouth, with a domineering domineering, as if crossing the endless time and space, shuttled. This scene that I have actually seen is more shocking than what is recorded in the ancestors' handbooks that have been handed down by any tribe!

In the snoring, countless pressures seem to spurt out. Shao Xuan feels that the pressure on the whole body has skyrocketed again, and the huge power has come straight. Under such power, Shao Xuan feels like a grasshopper that can't be pedaled, and will be crushed in the next moment. .

Shao Xuanqiang looked up at the head and saw that the giant tortoise propped up his limbs, and ran again with the inertia of the front, then lifted the two forelimbs and blocked them in front of the fire wall. That fire wall.


Two giant tortoises stepping on the ground and stepping down heavily, the body of the giant tortoise trembled fiercely, and the flames that made up the tortoise were splashed. And on the fire wall, it is exploding countless fires.

The flame that is closed under the foot, with the strong vibration caused by the stepping of the giant tortoise, is like boiling water, and it is rushing upwards.

In the enclosed section, the flame bursting on the fire wall, the fire on the ground under the feet splashed with the fire, the horizontally intertwined fire with the sun-shaking, the roar of the giant tortoise, as if bringing people into the strange Ancient battlefield!

Under the pressure of the collision between the two sides, Shao Xuan’s entire body suddenly fell short and struggled a little bit.

In front, one side is a strangely powerful freak, and the other side is a large-scale ancient beast that has been released. Under the collision of the two males, all other foreign objects will become cannon fodder!

Shao Xuan is the cannon fodder that will soon become under the endless flame roar.

Shao Xuan seems to have heard the bones in the body, and the sound of squeaking under heavy pressure.

Even if Shao Xuan is not close to the center battlefield, it is just a huge momentum and pressure, and the shock wave caused by the collision of the two males can easily crush people!

The sound of the wind and the fire, such as the drums in the ears, keep moving, the top of the head, the feet, the whole body, are the huge pressure and the shock wave that wants to tear people apart. The flames in the field of view are all spattered, dense and dense. I can't see the giant turtle on the other side.

He felt as if he was standing in the magma of the crater, surrounded by burning hot waves, and the wind whistling, like a red-hot knife hanging on a person, every breath was like a fire burning in the nose. It seems that the pores of the whole body are greatly open, and steam is ejected from it.

The pressure on the body is still increasing, and the pressure that the body can withstand is already over the limit. If this continues, Shao Xuan’s end will only die! Unless, under such a huge pressure and power fluctuations, he can make a living!

Must find a way!

Yi family's response strategy is to use the giant turtle to fight Yi Xiang's flame wall, and Shao Xuan now, do not say to leave, what he must do now is how to live!

Like the Yi family, also use the bones to stop?

Bu bone beast, Shao Xuan himself does not have, but he has ancestors. (To be continued.) 8

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