MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 795 Eagle Mountain Spirit

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I don't want to answer, Shao Xuan also forced to ask.

From the Hui tribe, Shao Xuan knows that the mountain giant eagle has always kept many secrets, and even went to Yingshan without any people. It is very rare for Shao Xuan to follow the eagle mountain, and it is still being taken down by Shao Xuan from childhood. Big, and for the first time in my life, I went to Eagle Mountain. Otherwise, changing to other hawks may not allow humans to follow.

Even if someone finds Yingshan here, it is not always possible to climb the ice sheet at the highest mountain level. Even if you climb the ice sheet, you can't fly to the real Eagle Mountain with the mountain giant eagle, just like Shao Xuan's situation. This high and long mountain range is only a heavy barrier. The real Eagle Mountain is the place where the eagle flies to the place after Shao Xuan’s icy fog disappears. The real eagle mountain is more than this mountain. To be high, not to see the top, not to the bottom, no one knows what is under the Eagle Mountain.

However, if you explore from the level of spiritual consciousness and seek through that special dark world, distance and barriers are no longer a problem.

After a little rest, the physical strength recovered a little. After eating something, Shao Xuan looked at Yi Qi and Yi Yi and found that the Yi Jia totem, which was lit by the two people, was brighter, but also Only such differences, no more obvious changes.

Taking back the line of sight, Shao Xuan decided to go and see the figures suspected of the ancestors of the giant eagle.

With the previous success, this time Shao Xuan entered the dark world faster, and went directly to the many figures composed of blue flames, carefully counted, and the number is amazing.


Too much!

Thousands, even over 10,000, maybe more.

Although the figure composed of blue flames still carries vitality, the kind of vitality is not the same as the real living life. It is closer to the bone-beast used by the Yi family. Of course, it is only a similarity in nature. They are exactly the same, and those huge figures and the bones of the Yi family are still very different in terms of the strength of the vitality. The figure composed of these blue flames has more vitality, just like the scattered fires piled up. If the Yi family guards the battle, it will be one of the best. Here, I don’t know how many giant beasts are stacked together, as if A huge fire consisting of a firewood, with an ancient, vicissitudes of fire.

The soul of the Eagle Mountain!

The word suddenly appeared in Shao Xuan’s mind.

Then carefully distinguish the shape of a single behemoth, the stack is too tight, still can not be clearly distinguished, but the general form Shao Xuan has understood.

It is indeed different from the shape of the current giant eagle, but it is somewhat similar to the little pterosaur that he got out of the ice.

I don't want to tell any secret about Yingshan, but the speculation in Shao Xuan's heart is already 80%. These giant beasts may be the secret of Yingshan, the ancestor of the mountain giant eagle, the real ancient behemoth! It is also one of the overlords who once ruled the world!

Perhaps, the time they existed was the age familiar to the pterosaur that survived the ice.

A long time ago, the Yanjiao tribe was still trapped in the infinite river. When it was isolated from the world, Shao Xuan heard the witch said that the mountain giant eagle family had their own beliefs, it was difficult to be domesticated, and it was impossible to accept other tribes. The power of the fire, and now these may be the "faith" of the mountain giant eagle, which will enable generations of generations of mountain giant eagle to fly here, whether it is the young eagle who came here for the first time, or The old, dying eagle, after the arrival of the eagle, will undergo a radical change, get a new life, similar to the power of the totem warrior totem, or upgrade level. A lot of changes may be the effect of the blue figure that these stacks are stacked up.

These blue figures form the "fire pit" of the mountain giant eagle, which is the real core of the entire Eagle Mountain!

When I first saw the frozen pterosaurs, Shao Xuan thought about where the giant beasts who once ruled the world and stepped on the bottom of the food chain went there.

The ancestors' handwriting, which records history and preserves ancient history, is available in many tribes, but in the farther years, the records are extremely limited, but many long-standing tribes have the same thing, just standing in the tribal fire. angle. Legend has it that a long time ago, human beings were still hunted by beasts, and their abilities were insufficient. It was the kind of fire that gave people strength, fire, and brought humanity to the present level.

No matter what happened in ancient times, no one knows, but until now the evidence found, Shao Xuan can be sure that the fire has changed the world is right, but the change is not only people, but other creatures in the world have also been transformed. However, human beings may be the smartest ones, taking the lead in grasping the usefulness of fire.

The soul of the Eagle Mountain is one of the evidence. And in this world, in a similar place in Yingshan, it is definitely more than this!

As for the other hidden places that are not known to everyone, it is still unknown. The world is so big, even this mountain forest is just a corner. Only more and more places have not been explored by humans, but Shao Xuan has a feeling that will definitely be met in the future.

Just an intuition.

Feeling that the brain started to ache and the physical exertion was excessive, Shao Xuan quit this dark world.

Just opened his eyes, Shao Xuan noticed the fluctuation of the fire power. Looking at the past, the two sides of the Chaoyi ,, the totem fire that had already been brightened, is fluctuating, suddenly weakened a little, and suddenly turned bright again.

it has started!

It is certain that both sides have already fought!

While Shao Xuan rested, he observed the totem fire on the side of Yi Yi. When the totem of the two people was weak, the war on the other side should be nearing the end. Shao Xuan could also see how the battle was going. .

The darkness of the Yi family is in the void world.

After Shao Xuan disappeared again, Yi Xiang, who was originally staring at the Yi family camp, was slightly sideways, facing Shao Xuan’s position of leaving. After staring at the other side, Yi Xiang had an action. The hand that has been holding the wooden ornaments has started to move, and the movement is not big. If it is not careful, it will be ignored.

I have been vigilantly watching Yi Xiang's Yi Yi, and I am quite surprised when I see it. Others can't see it, but he knows what Yi Xiang is doing at the moment.

Yi Xiang is in the divination!

This time is actually in the divination? ! And the goal of the divination may be the disappearing Yanjiao!

Regardless of who is the target of Yi Xiang Bu at this moment, and for what reason, Yi Yi did not have time to go deeper, he decided to seize this gap. All things can be left behind. The only thing they want to do at this time is to find an opportunity to solve the big trouble of Yi Xiang.

Needless to say, it’s easy to say aloud: “Out!”

At about the same time, three Yijia old people, including Yisong, shot at the same time, and each person flew four bright spots. Like the previous bone beast, these bright spots were transformed into the flames flying in front. A giant beast, a body or slender, or heavy, or with a carapace, and even a ball of fire like a meteorite, the ball is the image of the stone used for divination.

Before that, they were also well prepared. The timing of the three shots and the momentum of the manufacturing can be seen. Under the momentum of the three people's joint efforts, it gives people a great feeling of flowing into the sea.

The beasts and stones that were mapped out by the twelve bones, the armor, or the stone were shot toward Yi Xiang. The three men joined forces and the power displayed was quite amazing. Even in this dark void, it brought a gust of wind. Among the people who guarded the battle, the strength was slightly weaker. At this moment, the breath was disrupted, the chest was suppressed, and only the feet were shaken under the feet. A moment of numbness, the chest is oppressed, the air is not breathing enough.

For the sudden attack of Yi Yi, Yi Xiang did not panic, did not move, did not turn, one hand continued to hold the string of wood ornaments, and facing the Yi family camp, close to the totem in the arc The other arm on the side of the fireway lifted up, like shaking the dust on the sleeves at random, waving diagonally downwards, and finally the point pointed by the finger was just the location of the arc-shaped fireway not far away.

At the moment when Yi Xiang’s arm was swung, the arc-shaped fireway on the totem that Yi Xiang got out, as if the fire was poured in the fire, suddenly rolled up, and the flame body soared dozens of times!

At this time, the Bu bone beast had already rushed, and the fire wall formed by the fire channel facing the high flame body did not slow down, but directly hit it.

At the moment of the collision between the two sides, a huge power fluctuation suddenly broke out. In the arc-shaped fireway in front of Yixiang, the fire wall composed of flames seemed to be splattered by the volcanic magma. The flame gas was under pressure. diffusion.

With the attack of these Bu-beasts and Bu-Shi, the sound of the banging sounds incessantly, the curved fire tunnel stretches the flame wall composed of the flame body, as if a strong wall, blocking this intensive attack, the flame The beating is no longer the scream of the ordinary fire piled by the wind, more like the roar of the beastly hysterical, the heat wave of the blooms splattered around the blasted sparks, and flew to the end of the line of sight.

If you can see the facial expressions of everyone at this time, you will definitely find the change of the eyes of the three people. The burning sight of the moment they launch the raid, the eyes are full of expectations, expecting this raid to work, even if it can not be re-created Xiang, as long as it can bring a lot of harm to Yi Xiang, it is enough for them to be excited.

But soon, the expectations in their eyes and the fire of a strong desire in their hearts were destroyed, and replaced by shock, strong disappointment, and the sorrow of beginning to spread. Only, no one knows this.

The first large-scale collision between the two sides of the power, there is no flying sand, but people are like being in the storm, the body must be blown away. The bones and beasts are also attacking wildly. They must also break the wall with the head and break the blood. When the impact is the strongest, even a big beast with a big mouth open, but Yi Xiang is not a good arm. From the distance, it can be seen that the attack is fierce and crazy!

However, unlike the side where the fire is attacked, the other side of the fire road, where Yi Xiang is located, is calm and calm, with no sparks splashing towards it, even if the bone beast is only one arm away from him. At that time, there was no extra movement. After waving, it seemed to be unaware of the movements around and continued the previous thing.

It’s just a defensive end. Even if I don’t even look at Yi Yi’s side, Yi Xiang still maintains a slight sideways posture. It’s as if Yi Yi’s three-person strike is not important.


The contempt of the red fruit capsules!

The previous sentence, "Your generation can't do it," has already made Yi Yi people angry. Now this kind of real behavior is to prove to the Yi family that the previous sentence is not a false statement.

This is Yi Xiang, when the entire Yi family failed to leave him behind.


On the other hand, after Shao Xuan discovered that the totem flames of Yi Yi’s body began to change, they did not distract themselves to do other things, but they kept watching.

The totem flames of the two people's body week also increased a few points at the beginning, followed by fierce fluctuations. The two people seemed to be under great pressure, and the bones of the whole body even made a creaking sound. The roots of the blue veins that were originally hidden under the skin were bounced.

"It seems that the situation of Yijia people is not very good." Shao Xuan Xindao.

This situation lasted for three days, and the fluctuations in the totem flames of the two people's body weeks finally slowed down.

"End?" Shao Xuan secretly guessed, and then denied, it should not be so fast, he waited here for three days, but put it there, not how long it took, the current situation, perhaps the collision between the two sides is only I will come to an end.

Why not look at the battle situation in the past? Seeing that the Yi family's camp dominates, or the mysterious "ominous" in the legend dominates.

These days, Shao Xuan is waiting, always maintaining sufficient physical strength and good condition, ready to enter the dark world again.

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