MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 786 Real behemoth

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Mu Cai stared at Shao Xuan with a horrible look. It was not suspected that Shao Xuan said that it was the place of the giant eagle’s belief. Instead, he knew that Shao Xuan was different from their position and had had contradictions before the Yanjiao crossed the sea. Was chased by Wang Cheng’s army, and most of their teams have participated in the pursuit. Others have not participated directly in the pursuit of killing. In addition, they have not followed the climb and are also direct participants. one.

Shao Xuan has a good attitude towards them. It is precisely because of this that the vigilance of Mu’s heart has risen again and again.

The Yijia people have not been able to stop the tracking of this tribe. What is this tribe chasing for? Just just warn them?

Look at the surrounding environment and terrain. It is on a steep hillside with many mountain walls that are almost perpendicular to the ground. If you don't pay attention, you may roll straight down the mountain.

Looking at the eyes of the people who guarded the dishes, Shao Xuan smiled. "You should be guarded against me."

Mu cuisine did not speak, the heart secretly: Do you have to guard against who you can guard against? Your boy must hope that we all die!

In the place of change, Mu cuisine is definitely the same idea. Therefore, he not only did not relax his vigilance because of Shao Xuan’s words, but instead stared at Shao Xuan’s line of sight, the vigilance meant more.

"To start." Shao Xuan looked up and looked at the sky, said.

There was no resentment, and there was no strong killing in the eyes. Even Shao Xuan’s tone of speech was still very flat, but it caused a feeling of creepy feelings in the food, and there was no fear in the heart.

Looking up and looking up, Mu cuisine only saw the clouds above it at your fingertips. The cold feeling in your breath infiltrated into the lungs, causing a cold current from the inside out, a colder than before. It’s icy, it’s like something terrible, it’s going to happen on the top!

When Shaoxuan’s beggar came from here, he didn’t pay too much attention to the people’s body. He looked up at the top. Because I came to Yingshan twice in succession, I don’t have to go anymore now, but this does not hinder its yearning for it. Even when it feels about what is going to happen, there is excitement and excitement in it. voice.

The sun in the sky is actually very strong. If it is not here, in other places in the forest, you can feel the direct sunlight. Even if there is cloud cover on the mountain, there is light that illuminates the clouds. It seems that by pulling these thick layers of clouds, you can see the sun in the sky.

The more the workers noticed, the larvae of the above-mentioned climbers who had climbed up the mountain had changed. He could not see clearly when he climbed far, but he kept staring at the fat worm that fell behind the insects. If not, It is not easy to notice the white worms in the snow layer on the mountain.

At this point, those star worms stopped climbing, and some changes occurred at a speed visible to the naked eye. The body shortened and flattened. The white worms in the snow layer gradually merged with the snow layer. It is a group of snow around it.

Under a raised stone on the mountain wall, a star butterfly insect is attached to it like a group of ice and snow. If you don't think about the logic of snow under the stone, the change is still amazing.

That is the nature of the star worms rooted in the blood, like the creatures in the mountains that have undergone camouflage changes when they encounter threats. These star worms are the same. They feel dangerous.

Even if it is a workman who does not understand the insects, it feels cool in the back. The fear of uncertainty is like pushing the heart to the eyes of the blind.

There was a dead silence around, and the whole mountain seemed to be silent. The breathing of the people became cautious, and there was only the whistling sound of the mountain wind blowing in the ear.

Suddenly, the clouds above began to roll, as if there was something blowing them.

It sounded like an eagle from outside the world, and it sounded above.

Later, more eagle rumors came out, seemingly far away, but it was like the next moment.

That is the cheer from the giant eagle.

The clouds above are more powerful, as if there is a strong wind that rises above and spreads around, trying to blow away the thick layers of clouds that block the line of sight.

A singer is getting closer and closer, just above the head!

I have been staring nervously at the people above, and my eyes are rounded, my mouth has been opened inadvertently, because I was shocked by the scene I saw, but I dare not make a little bit of sound.

Above the top of their heads, the thick clouds that are illuminated by the sun are blocking the line of sight, and large, large shadows are moving.

The airflow above the air finally blows a part of the cloud layer, and the sun releases the long-lasting golden light, such as a sharp sword breaking through the clouds, throwing a place that has been blocked by the clouds for a long time, opening a brighter world.

But very quickly, these lights were blocked, but this time, the sun is no longer the thick clouds, but a huge figure.

Unlike the old-fashioned eagle that I saw before, the figure above, like a newly awakened predator, is eager to pick up the **** hunting rules. Mu Shiben thought that the eagle he had seen before was already a huge giant eagle, but now he finally understands what the meaning of the "giant" of Shao Xuan said. The former eagle, even in the upper eagle group, is just an "ordinary" stream.


Real behemoth!

According to legend, in the farther era, the behemoths ruled the world, but for some reason, the giant beasts who once ruled the world and crowded humans at the bottom of the food chain disappeared, and the human beings living in the dark slits greeted. A new year has come.

Regardless of strength, just talking about body shape, this is the real giant beast!

Once, he thought that the beasts in the forest that he had seen were already huge, but now, compared to what they saw, it is not worth mentioning.

For the first time, Mu cuisine saw the real behemoth, or a group!

It seems to be ridiculing the singularity of the Muslims, the huge figures, the powerful wings, and the easy movement of large clouds, soaring in the air, as if they were born in the wind. Look down on everything! Despise everything!

That is the source of all the panic that makes Muss in their hearts!

What did the tribe say? Here is the land of the giant eagle's faith?

What else did you say? "You should be guarding me not?"

When I think of it, I’ll have a glimpse of it. There is only one thought in my heart: I can't let those giant eagle find them!

Just thinking about it, Mu cuisine listened to the sound of something swirling in the air.

A number of shadows flew from above, crossed an arc in the air, and slammed on the mountain wall of the mountain where they rested. I didn’t burst the rocks on the mountain wall, and I didn’t do much damage to the dishes. I just made some noise.

Hey! Hey! despair!

A scream is louder than one.

Mu cuisine: "..." He wants to deeply greet the ancestors of Yanjiao!

Looking up again, in the clouds that have not been completely blown away, a small eagle with a small body is worn out, and the high-definition line of sight sweeps the mountain wall and flies over the place where the sound is emitted. Later, more eagle followed the clouds that had dissipated a lot and flew over here.

The younger eagle, the curiosity is also heavier, they are now excited when there is nowhere to vent, and when they hear the sound below, they follow the sound.

Behind those little giant eagle, there are gradually more eagle-sized eagle, and then some hawks with strong mentality follow.

"Insidious! Blackmail! Shameless!" The things that made the sound just now are thrown out by Shao Xuan. If you are not busy with your life, you will have to retreat with strength and you will have more food.

For those flying eagle, Mu cuisine and others took out the sword in their hands.

The sharp blade was cut on the talons, and the sound of the gold interlaced squeaking, as the mutton thought, the eagle that flew out was completely different from the eagle he had encountered before, and the claws were covered with a The layers of carefully cast hard armor, even if they are cut, can not easily do a sword to break the toes, not to mention, Mu is not a weapon in their hands, the situation is more unfavorable to them.

When the other side used weapons, the flying eagle suddenly became more fierce. It shuttled through the air, with sharp shackles and sharp claws, constantly attacking those who held the weapons. Some people are also directly taken away by the giant eagle, or eaten, or thrown away from the sky midway, can not be lucky to live, it depends on everyone's luck.

Shao Xuan quietly looked at those who were attacked by the giant eagle and fled.

sinister? cunning? Shameless?

When did these people in Wangcheng deal with Yanjiao?

Shao Xuan has no intention of shooting again. Not every eagle is the same as the eagle that he once met or the tribes he once met. Some giant eagle also hate humans. Shao Xuan does not want to go out and pull hatred to attract attention at this time. . Therefore, even if he saw someone escape the attack of the giant eagle, he did not go out, but still hidden behind the rock.

Below, at the foot of the mountain.

"This is actually the place where the eagle is." Yi Yi said, looking up.

"The tribe is retaliating." Yi Qi stared at the sky, although it was not clear because the distance was too far, and the divination was not useful here, but he could guess what was happening above.

Those giant eagle are too conspicuous, and they will appear small.

"Then you have to be careful, in the team that chased the Yanjiao people, you are in front of the team. The tribes are very vengeful, they can't hide, you can't hide." Yi Qi's face is expressionless Said. I didn't have fun because of this, and I didn't worry about it. It was like just chatting. It doesn't matter what he cares about.

Yi Yi had no choice but to smile. "There will always come, no one can hide."

This sentence seems to refer to the things at hand, but it seems to metaphorize others. After hearing it, it is rare that there is no rebuttal. It just sighs heavily, wants to feel emotion, wants to be awkward, but does not know what to say, but Soon, the tangled eyes became firm and agreed with a soft sigh. "It is true that if it is too late, it will come, no one can hide, not us, but also our descendants. It is better for us to squat."

During the speech, a stone fell on the mountain wall. Then, after a figure rolled down from the mountain wall and fell to the ground, it was too late to check the injury. One turned and climbed, and ran out from the foot of the mountain, beyond the mountain. Others, "Quickly withdraw!"

He still remembers the eagle who cut his two toes. He is still planning to leave first. The giant eagle here is too much. If the eagle who had had a hatred with him came out with support troops, he What should I do? Waiting to die?

As long as you know that this is the place where the star larvae are worms, this time it will fail. The next time you can come back again, the important thing is that there is a life, and there is a possibility of coming again.

Shao Xuan did not tell Mu cuisine. Although it is the land of the giant eagle's beliefs, it is not the nest of all the giant eagle. The eagle entering the Yingshan Mountain will have to wait for a long time before it will come out. Even some eagle will not be able to enter it. appear.

When Mu was passed by Yi Qi and Yi Yi, they saw that the two people did not move at all. They also shouted: "You are stupid? Don't run?!"

"Let's go, we won't leave." Yi said.

Mulu’s footsteps stopped and he couldn’t believe it. “What do you say?!”

"We will stay here for the time being, and we will not leave." Yi Yi said quietly.

Mu cuisine wants to pull his own ears and tells himself that he has got it wrong, and he can't wait to open his head and see if he has a bird in his head!

Mu cuisine looks at Yi Qi, "You don't leave?!" Just now Yi Yi said "we".

"Yeah." Yi Qi did not intend to talk nonsense, the sleeves glimpse, turned to the place where he had just been sitting. I am so angry that I want to kill them with a sword.

Yi family is a neuropathy!

If you don't leave, don't leave, he doesn't want to wait here to accompany the two people to die!

“Retreat!” Mu yelled and hurriedly fled with someone who could keep up with him. When he came, there were nearly five hundred people. When he left, he didn’t even have one tenth. There were also those who had stayed at the foot of the mountain, and those who followed the ups and downs of the mountains were almost completely destroyed. Mu was also caught by a giant eagle, but he was thrown out at the time of crisis. Blocked that paw for him. At that time, no master, no weapon, no matter what, no matter what his life is.

In the air, from the top to the ground, there are many hawks squatting, looking for hiding humans, hiding in the woods and looking at the Yi and Yi, and also fortunate that the hawks do not like to eat on the ground. Even if you want to eat, the giant eagle is also grabbing prey to go to the mountains to find a high place.

Listening to those screams, the slaves around Yi Yi and Yi Qi were pale, and their muscles were tight. The movement of the leaves made them scared and stood up.

In contrast, Yi Yi and Yi Qi are very calm, as if they did not hear the voices of those who were thrown by the giant eagle on the ground, and did not hear the screams and cry for help, just staring seriously. The square plate in his own hands, outside of things, seems to have nothing to distract them, until everything around them gradually subsided, the eagle's cry is getting farther and farther, and the screams of people are no longer ringing.


The sound of the grass being swept away, as the footsteps approached.

I have been staring at the square plate of Yi Yi and Yi Qi, only to remove the attention from the square plate, to see the people, the sight of the other side of the animal skin soft armor and the color of the other big knife, "Yanjiao Shao Xuan?"

The cold light flashing over the blade, as if with the cold air that the metal crossed, made the slaves around Yi Yi and Yi Qi tightened their nerves, guarded the two people's body, and watched Shao Xuan who came towards them with vigilance.

"In the year, those who chased the Yanjiao migration team, have you?" Shao Xuan looked at Yi. Although the tone is an inquiry, it has a positive meaning.

Yi Yan took a deep breath and pulled out the two slaves in front of him. "Give me three days, three days later, dispose of you." (~^~)

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