MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 775 Gather

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Yanjiao first publicly issued a convening order. The tribes facing this time did not include other tribes in the central part. Unlike the feast when the Yanhe trading area was just established, the significance of this convening order was published for the Yanhe River Basin. Has a major impact.

All the tribes living in the Yanhe River Basin, regardless of whether you are willing to join the major leagues, will not change the upcoming situation. The Yanhe River Basin will undergo tremendous changes, and people with a little eyesight can see it.

Some people are happy that some people are jealous, and everyone in Yanjiao, especially a few high-level people, has not slept for a few days, and there is no way, the pressure is great!

If there is not a few tribes who are willing to join if the call is issued, isn’t it very faceless?

Therefore, people including blame are very worried, but Shao Xuan is still the cognac.

"Head, how many tribes do you say?" Dokang stood at the top of the Yanhe Building on the highest point of the trading floor, standing under the banner with the totem of the Yanjiao, watching the trading area with a lot less people, discourse There is a cover that can’t be concealed.

The sigh sighed and glanced at the outside of the trading area, and took a glance at the farther place. "I don't know."

"Do you have ten in total?" Dokang started to index, and the four tribes, the rain tribe, the Taihe tribe, the tribe, and the Lu tribe, who are now close, will certainly not refuse to join the major league. , 濮 tribes, 疐 tribes, sub-tribes, 罟 tribes, etc., do not understand, he can not know the ideas of those tribes.

There are other tribes farther away, and the tribes who came to Yanjiao for the first time because they were forced to help. Some of them are unwilling, and there are one or two tribes who are willing to join the big league.

"Ten, there should be some." Dokang cheered himself in his heart, self-convincing, and confidence was enough. When they first learned about Gui Qi and Shao Xuan’s plan, they were quite surprised. The scenes described by Shao Xuan are also what they are willing to see. It is conceivable that they are just illusions that have not yet occurred. What will happen, they can only wait. Read it.

"I haven't heard the horn yet." Zheng Luo looked at the sunset that had fallen, and sighed.

"It’s still early, in a few days, it should be ringing.” Dokang said with some hesitation.

From the Yanhe Building, the sign went outside the trading area.

There are three gates in the trading zone, and when the call is issued, one of the gates has been rebuilt to become the largest of the three gates in the trading zone.

The sides of the doorway were built with boulder and then carved to form two huge beast heads, almost built in a ratio of one to one.

These two beasts, one is a giant beast of carnivores, the other is a giant beast of herbivores, the former has sharp sharp teeth of carnivorous beasts, and the latter has some huge hard corners, both of which are two The species of beasts in the upper layers of the food chain are not good enough to hunt. Every beast like hunting needs to be hunt in a planned way. Teamwork can do it.

This time, when the gate of the trading area was rebuilt, the design of the double animal head was made. Although the hand was carved with stone, the inlaid beasts and beasts on the statue of the beast head were all genuine. Things, the tribe's collection after the previous hunting, this time the wall was taken out.

The carvings of the two beasts are not very fine. Many places are not smooth and have a rough feeling, but they can also make people see the outline of the two beasts. And, because they are not fine enough, those rough, It adds a rough, wild mystery to the statue of the beast.

The stone used in the animal head is also in the upper-class level. This time, the angle of the fire is really invested a lot. It is no wonder that they will be embarrassed and feel the pressure.

Because this door is the largest door in the trading area, it is also the door that Yanjiao has invested the most. Therefore, Yanjiao called this door "the head of the beast."

The horn sound mentioned before the sign is the horn placed in the two animal heads. If a person who is here is found to have a tribe to call for a command, it will blow the horn.

Unfortunately, I have not heard a horn until now.

The surrounding tribes, Taihe tribes, rain tribes and Lu tribes did not come immediately because they were very close. Yan Yan said when the feast could begin, they came directly, so now the Yanjiao tribes are waiting. The main ones are those who are far away.

I looked at the door of the beast and asked the person who was there to stay. "Did you see the elders?"

"It seems to be over there." A soldier who was guarding the door pointed to a position.

The levy went over there. There was a place where the worms had been active. The flaming corners crossed the ground, but they had not really started construction. The original plan was to expand the trading area and connect with it. Because people are not enough, the place in the trading area is enough to accommodate the people who come here, and there is no need to use it.

When Zheng Luo saw Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan was sitting in the stone forest, holding a roll of animal skin in his hand and painting on it.

Zheng Luo looked at it in the past and didn't understand it.

"What are you painting?" asked Luo.

"Design drawings." Shao Xuan stopped the pen in his hand and moved some stiff neck. He had been sitting here for a day.

"Design drawings? Are you planning to start expanding the trading area?" If it is not for expansion, what is the use of drawing design drawings?

"Maybe, when it is time to expand." Shao Xuan stood up from a stone and said.

"But you said it before, we don't have many people, we don't need it for the time being."

"It will be much soon." Shao Xuandao.

When you take a turn in your heart, you will understand what Shao Xuan said is "more soon."

"So optimistic about this call?"


Looking at Shao Xuan's calm look, there is a little confidence in the heart of the sign. Originally, looking for Shao Xuan was to let Shao Xuan use the method of knotting the ropes, but now it seems that it is not necessary. Shao Xuan has already indicated his attitude.

I want to understand, Zheng Luo also feels that the pressure on his body is also much lighter. Since Shao Xuan is so confident, then wait.

In fact, the reason why Shao Xuan is optimistic about this call, one is intuition. In addition, he has already let the people of the sub-tribes pass on some news.

Most of the tribes in the Yanhe area are relatively different from the tribes, but they do not have enough strength. The reason why they have not responded to them is that the news lag is an important aspect.

Shao Xuan let the Asian tribes pass on more than just news. They also conveyed an idea that made those people realize that the foreigners who came here this time are more powerful and more ambitious, and the number is not small. Only small tribes can unite to have more opportunities to survive. The Yanjiao tribe is like a core, and other tribes gather around this core.

If there is no such maturity, and the threat posed by outsiders today, Shao Xuan does not know how the tribes that have not been on the road will react.

The work has already been done, and the rest is only waiting.

On the other side of the trading floor, after the departure of the levy, the Yanjiao warrior who is at the head of the beast is also discussing, guessing how many people will come. The horn sounds once, it is a tribe, so even if their rotation is not here, you can know the situation as long as you hear the horn.

"Guess how many tribes will come over?"


"Fat, count the tribes that have long since come around, there are already four, definitely more than five!"



"I guess ten!"

"I guess twenty!"

"Twenty certainly not, I guess fifteen."


Not only the people in Yanjiao are talking about themselves, but those far-reaching teams who came to the Yanhe trading area also discussed at the inn. Many of them had already completed the transaction, and it is long time to leave here. Who knows that they came across Yanjiao. The matter of summoning orders, but also what major alliances should be established. When they hear them, curiosity is lifted up. I plan to stay here for a few more days. Watching the call of Yan Yan has a big effect, and many of them have a look. a joke.

"Bet bet! There are a few tribes who guessed the call."

"I pressure ten or less!"

"I also pressed ten or less!"

"I am optimistic about Yanjiao, press it below fifteen."

"I press twenty!"

"Twenty? Are you crazy?!"

"I think the Yanjiao tribe is so strong, there will be many tribes calling in!" The twenty-six people put on a serious face and vowed to be authentic.

Flattering! The hearts of others around me are dark. Ming knows that people around the corner of the horn are staring, deliberately saying this! Otherwise, bet only one animal tooth? So confident, how can you not press ten animal skins?

The outsiders who stayed in the trading area, as well as the people inside Yan Yan, kept their ears every day, waiting for the horn, but unfortunately, the horn did not ring for several days.

However, some are not far behind, and they are far away. It will not be so fast, let alone this matter is a big event, and it has to be discussed. However, as the day passed, the horn remained silent.

Until the seventh day, when the tribe came over, the horn sounded for the first time.

Then, on the tenth day, the Asian tribe first stalked a hundred Asian tribes from the underground tunnel and entered the trading zone. The horn sounded for the second time.

On the fifteenth day, the tribe and the tribe arrived in the trading zone. The horn of the double-headed beast was ringing twice.

On the fifteenth day, the next day, the horn sounded more and more frequently. Every day, it sounded louder and louder. After all, there were some connections between the small tribes. Safety.

In the Yanhe River Basin, the tribes that exist are not just these. The tribes who are willing to follow the new order to join the major leagues are also increasing. Perhaps some people are still watching, and some people have already begun to act.

On this day, Shao Xuan went out from the Shilin area.

The excavated artificial river channel encloses the stone forest and the trading area. This river channel not only solves the problem that the Yanhe Bridge can not pass the river, but also forms a line of defense.

The bridge will be put away before dark every day, so there is something that needs to cross the river.

When Shao Xuan walked across the river from the suspension bridge, he saw some black and white figures on the river, and with some raised bone plates. The surging water lines swayed with the movement of those figures.

That was the fish that Shaoshan tribe gave to Shaoxuan. After Shao Xuan poured them into the river, they did not manage it. They left the trading area and went to the Lu tribe. When they came back, the fish were close to one arm and growing at a speed. It’s amazing, it’s amazing. According to the patrolling soldiers, the pterosaur has been feeding these fish, and this behavior continues to this day.

Shao Xuan didn't know what the pterosaur wanted to do, but as long as it didn't directly eat the meaning of the fish, it just helped to raise the fish.


The low horn sounded straight into the clouds and echoed on the woodland.

Shao Xuan looked over the trading area, and another tribe arrived at the trading area. Without going from the suspension bridge, it should be directly from the Yanhe through the boat cutting.

The tribes brought in these days have become more and more, and they have more peace of mind. The number of tribes that have arrived has exceeded ten. They are higher than their expectations. Now they are waiting for the tribes that are far away, and perhaps they need a few more. Days can arrive.

I didn't go to see the trading area. After Shao Xuan went out of the river, he walked outside. He observed the terrain and saw if he needed to add some defensive things.

"The woods should be cut, and they will block the sight of the people on the other side of the river." Just thinking, Shao Xuan suddenly stopped his feet and looked at the woods not far away.

Someone over there, a lot.


The sound of the body rubbing the branches of the grass is not big, and it is obvious that the other party deliberately converges on the action.

Let's go!

Some hard objects hit the sound. It sounds like a bone-like thing.

Shao Xuan stood there and did not move. He did not deliberately hide his figure. The other party should have discovered him, so the person who walked in the front had a pause for a while.

Soon, the people in the woods came out. The clothes on them are mainly made of animal skins, and there are a lot of bones, especially the lead people. The decorations of the beasts and bones are hanging from head to toe. According to the habits of most tribes, this should be regarded as dressing. Dressed up.

Shao Xuan looked at the people in this team. They are all young and old, all of them are totem fighters. No matter men and women, they are full of sharpness like a blade.

This is a war-torn tribe.

"Who are you?!" One of the team stepped forward in two steps, alerting to Shao Xuan.

The headed person was only slightly sideways, and the sharp eyes swept through the team at random, which prevented other people who were about to open their mouths. The arms seemed to be lifted at random, but they were like a wall, and the team was just going forward. The person stopped.

"The traveler? Or the tribe who is called?" the man asked quietly.

Shao Xuanzheng wants to answer, his brow wrinkles and turns his head to look in the other direction. Someone is coming.


The person who had just asked the question, stepping on the ground, the momentum rose sharply, and the animal skin was blown by the wind that suddenly picked up.

The clothes that originally appeared loose, with the appearance of the totem pattern and the rising totem power, the body swelled, the animal skin clothing has been tightened by the looseness, and the airflow swept between the arms squeaked like It is the whistling of the winter cold wind, oh, full of chilling gas.

After that person, the rest of the team also mobilized the power of the totem to look at one direction.

Soon there was a group of people in that direction. The leader of the team looked at the team that couldn’t wait in the distance, and laughed, "Leishan tribe? I didn't expect you to come!"

"Hey tribe?! What are you doing?" The leader of the Leishan tribe was very poor. Obviously the relationship between the two sides is not very harmonious.

"Of course it is the same as you." The tribal leader flashed in the eyes.

The two sides confronted each other, and Shao Xuan, who stood there, was directly ignored by the two parties. (~^~)

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