MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 3054 Extra Story Finale (57)

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   Chapter 3054 Fanwai Finale (57)

  Su Su smiled and said, "I think so too. If he chops bones with a dagger, then I'll be completely convinced."

  Quietly joked: "If that's the case, I'll serve him too.

The two mentioned    laughed together.

   Anyway, the two of them couldn't imagine the scene where King's Landing chopped bones with a dagger.

  Su Changyi saw his daughter-in-law and granddaughter smiling so happily, and the corners of his mouth naturally curved more.


  Three days later, the braised crucian carp made by King's Landing finally felt that he could get it, at least he could eat it.

   As soon as he felt that he could take a shot, Jun Lin didn't bring it to An Jing and Su Changyi, but to Su Su.

  Su Su smiled when he saw him like this: "You should go and give it to my grandparents. You want to pass their test, not me."

  Jun Lindao: "Your grandparents asked me to learn this. The ultimate goal is not that I can cook for you in the future. Naturally, it is more important that you like to eat."

  Su Su smiled and said, "So, don't you plan to give it to my grandparents?"

  Jun's Landing said: "When you try it first, if you think it is delicious, I will make another one for them to taste."

   Anyway, just take care of her first.

  Su Su was so sweet in his heart, and the smile on his face naturally became larger: "If my grandparents knew that you did this, they would definitely be quite satisfied."

  Because, indeed, her grandparents asked him to learn cooking and it was the last thing she cooked for her. Naturally, it was the most important thing for her to taste it.

   And her grandparents think it's good or not, it's of secondary importance.

  Jun Lin gave her a pair of chopsticks and was a little dissatisfied: "Sometimes I really feel that you treat me as Jun Ling's idiot."

Su Su laughed: "Where is Junling stupid?" After a while, she realized that something was wrong: "No, you usually don't mention him if you can't mention him, why do you mention him today, he's offending you ?"

  Jun Lindao: "Of course he messed with me. I happened to meet him an hour ago, and he advised me not to be with you."

  Su Su frowned immediately.

  Jun Ling persuaded him not to be with her, which had already made her very disgusted, but still?

   Therefore, she was not very happy to ask: "He also persuaded you like this before?"

   "Well." After a pause, "As long as he talks to me now, he persuades me not to be with you."

   "Will you listen to him?"

   "I don't know how to listen, but if I listen too much, I'll find him annoying."


   "I gave him a hold."

   "...Where's it going?"

   "I don't remember where to order."


   "But I remember that after twelve hours, the acupoints will be automatically released, and he will be able to move."

   "In these twelve hours, Min'er will be worried to death!"

   "Then you can send someone to talk to her."

   "What do you want me to say?"

   "Just tell the truth." After a pause, "I won't worry about my life." After another pause, "He always persuades me that way, so you're not angry at all?"

  Su Su didn't say that he was angry or not, but immediately ordered someone to tell Su Min about Junling.

  Jun Lin smiled when he saw Su Su like this.

   After giving the order, Su Su said to Jun Lin: "He is really not as good as you, you have never done anything to make him not be with Min'er, but look at what he has done."

  Jun Landing said: "That's what I don't care about. And he does."

  Su Su laughed immediately: "Are you talking for him?"

  Jun's Landing said: "No, I'm telling the truth. Well, you can taste it and see how the fish I made is. Anyway, I feel okay when I eat it."

   (end of this chapter)